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En 2 colecciones creadas por Neronix17
Outpost 21 Mods
50 artículos
Outer Rim
17 artículos
After several human sacrifices and a pact made with a crossroads demon I bring to you a foundation mod. Not a framework but a foundation, frameworks have no content built into it, this does, so it's a foundation to build on. No more having half a dozen different batteries/power cells/chargepacks or charging platforms/ports/sockets/plugs to fuel your varied autonomous worker collective from several mods, now just one set usable by any and all that opt to do so. The only cost is a small fragment of your soul and maybe a moment of time configuring it. If you don't need any of that content though, it won't be visible on the player end outside of messing with DevMode tools. The primary purpose of this is for the creation of Automatons (autonomous working "animals" and non-living pawns like robots, golems, zombies, etc).

To be clear, since people would ask and probably will anyway, this does not include any Automatons, it is a tool for modders to create them without having to create an entire energy need and functionality for them. These Automatons are typically just simple robots tasked with one or two jobs, like Biotech mechanoids in a way, unlike those however the player has control over the jobs they can currently do with a simple set of toggles, and they don't have any of the Mechanitor mechanics involved.

User Features:
You will not see these in-game if there is nothing capable of using them installed. If you have a mod using this foundation just to create golems without an energy need then these things will not be enabled, it's that simple.
- Chargepads - Floor mounted ports where Automatons can charge directly from, they'll take a moment just like you fleshy meatsacks do when eating but without the mess and disgusting sounds.
- Wireless Power - There are both mid and late game methods for wireless power, Automatons will not seek it out however so you'll just have to be strategic with your placement.
- Chargepacks - Food packets for Automatons essentially. They'll leave behind empty chargepacks which can be recharged in a Chargepack Recharger.
- Recharger - Recharges chargepacks, automated so does not require pawns to work at the building, just needs empty packs brought to it and it'll dispense charged ones over time. Simple and cost effective.

Modder Features:
- Easy creation of new Automatons that can function fully on their own.
- Automatons can be drafted, but only if set up to be able to do so, they can even equip weapons if set up to be able to do so.
- Individual colour mask selections, repaint Automatons whatever colour you want and individually, and use two different colours for even more visual customisation.
- Control over which charging methods they can use.
- Can also be used to handle animals/golems/zombies/etc capable of doing jobs too, the energy need is not a mandatory component and associated buildings/items are hidden when not needed!
- Lightweight race framework for handling non-human pawns, nowhere near as flexible as Humanoid Alien Races as it's mostly just to have pawns not be treated as 'living' but if you only need some small changes and explicitly no gene mechanics on the race, this does the job!

The Wiki for how to use this is being worked on now, till that's done however you can refer to these mods as an example...

Mods using Asimov

I am not aware of any incompatibilities.

While this has spent almost 3 months in testing before release, issues may still slip through so...

If you have an issue to report you MUST include a HugsLib log (Ctrl+F12) or I can't help in most cases.

  • Why does a framework have CONTENT?
    If you install this and nothing else, you should not be able to SEE that content outside of developer options. If a building isn't able to be used by any Automatons loaded, it will be hidden from the Architect menu, same goes for Chargepack recipes and charger, they'll all be disabled if you do not need them.
  • Why use this?
    If you don't want to you don't have to. Unless you want to use a mod that needs it to function, in which case I guess you do have to.
  • Does this alter how Biotech mechanoids work?
    Not without a patch mod specifically for doing so, no. I actively avoided even looking at Biotech's mechanoids so it would not require the DLC, even though you definitely should get the Biotech DLC regardless, it's good.
  • Why "Asimov"?
    After Isaac Asimov, the famous writer that came up with the three laws of robotics. I'm not creative at coming up with good names for things so I thought that was as good as anything else and more unique than "Robot Framework".
  • Why not use Humanoid Alien Races for races?
    No particular reason not to, in fact for anyone else I'd freely encourage them to if it suits their needs better. If you want to know details why as a modder, I suggest examining the differences yourself, you know what you want to make and I don't, so you'll know better which is more useful to you.

- Neronix17 - Art, XML & C#.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

60 comentarios
Neronix17  [autor] 19 DIC 2024 a las 15:42 
Unsure, that’s one part I haven’t had to use myself yet so hasn’t had full testing, I’ll take a look tomorrow and see.
Truchinsky 19 DIC 2024 a las 14:06 
Is it possible to change the size of a pawn, to draw it bigger, and still be colourable?
Joselito 15 DIC 2024 a las 9:01 
That´s okay, thanks.
Neronix17  [autor] 15 DIC 2024 a las 8:40 
Nope, sorry. There's plenty of robot mods that add brainless drones that you can use.
Joselito 15 DIC 2024 a las 8:17 
I´m sorry, I just wanted to desactivate the mood for the mechanodroids to make them more vanilla xD.
Neronix17  [autor] 15 DIC 2024 a las 8:07 
What is “their”? This is a framework, nothing has a mood in it.
Joselito 15 DIC 2024 a las 7:51 
Is there a way to disable their mood?
Randy Vandal 6 DIC 2024 a las 14:10 
Having an issue with my outer rim droids. After a big fight in which all of them were downed, they don't charge any more, and will work until they run out of power and die. I have to keep an eye on their energy levels and manually send them to hibernate.
Neronix17  [autor] 19 NOV 2024 a las 10:23 
Machining bench or fabricator.
andyhubbell 19 NOV 2024 a las 10:15 
How do you make chargepacks when only using subpersona shells and/or mechadroids without any outer rim mods? I can't find the bill on anything.