

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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Immersion+ (1.2)
Collection by NECEROS
I'm no longer updating this collection RimWorld, but as a simulation, not a harsh survival story. I love vanilla gameplay and add to that with these mods, striving to keep the core gameplay in place. Self sustainability is important, but requires a lot of
边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 作战强化
Collection by leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「作战强化」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「作战强化」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 药物; 成瘾品; 仿生体; 新特性; 新技能; 附魔强化; 作战武器; 功能武器; 防御建筑; 战斗机制修改; 防御
Collection by Diamond.J
注意,这个合集是1.2版本,1.3版本的合集请看链接:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2566439344 关于:不想白嫖的好兄弟怎么支持我 Mod交流群已经建立,群号:786428265 欢迎各位小伙伴们加入 如果有好兄弟不想白嫖的话可以到我的个人界面为我的工坊内容进行点赞,分享等,万分感谢!因为我做这个又不是为了盈利,所以就不要给我发红包或者赞助啥的了!我是真心喜欢这个游戏才做的合集! 合集里面魅狐没有脸的问题已经解决了,然后我多加
Vanilla+ (1.1)
Collection by NECEROS
When you want to begin getting into mods you should check this collection out. 95% of the mods in this pack are used by almost everybody, and include quality of life, UI, system depth, and visual improvements. This collection is for people who have played
The NECEROS Collection
Collection by NECEROS
It's all of my mods. Some are cool, some are stinky. Now they can stink for youuu
在环世界寻求机械飞升是否搞错了什么(Is It Wrong to Seeking Mechanical Ascent in RimWorld?)
Collection by atom
更新: 2023/1/28 该合集在1.3版本无法保证正常工作!如果不能成功运行请尝试使用1.2版本的游戏和mod。 2021/5/11 添加边缘遗传学(Genetic Rim)一系列mod,尽情去改造有机体们吧! 合集封面及背景图片来自日本画师えすてぃお的插画作品 500+mod目前只有一个红字(VFE 中世纪扩展和菜园子的葡萄冲突,不种葡萄应该没有影响,实际未测试) 大幅增加了机械族种类并强化了机械族(Mechanoids)! 主打机械族扩展和强化+机器人(Android_Tiers)种族+机器人制造(
Collection by 冷峻诗人
玩着玩着又想加点mod,就新增了一些mod 还是无红字带排序文件 包含皇权dlc 和文化dlc的相关mod 都是从其他优秀合集中收集的,比较符合个人口味 另外,几乎所有的mod都是被汉化大佬们汉化过的,可以放心食用 如果觉得模组太多,可以拖到最下面链接 有我之前弄的158模组的合集 如果觉得模组太少,可以自行添加一些 一次少加一点,备份好config文件后,测试是否有报错即可 非常感谢汉化组大佬和个人汉化大佬 以及非常感谢社区辛勤整理合集的大佬 最后,附上排序文件: 之前199个模组的蓝奏云 http请s:
Collection by 捞琴手
没有你找不到,只有你找不到 这可能是家人们能找到的最大能用的中文mod包之一了 食用方法:开袋即食 订阅后下载安装,游戏内直接一键排序即可游玩简单粗暴 (不过好像有几个冲突的mod,冲突里头二选一即可) 我的电脑四倍全速大概在20帧左右 1.2.3倍速大概在30-50帧左右 (小声bb:CPU:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz) 虽然会爆红字但是对游戏几乎无影响,放心游玩 有啥改进建议欢迎在评论区留言!!!
Pachy's Rimworld Pack 1.1 (Currently Broken)
Collection by Goblin-like Tendencies
Pachy's Rimworld Pack This pack is currently broken AF. It went from running smoothly to completely fucked with the lasted Rimworld update. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I may revamp this list at a later date What The Pack Is So basically this is a large
1.4 Big Rimworld Collection
Collection by Nellaren
Lots of mods
Collection by 󠀡󠀡᠌ ⁧󠀡ev0n
[RU,ENG]Rimworld own collection
Collection by Miyuki
Моя личная сборка в Rimworld c расами,космическими кораблями,детьми(всех расс) а остальное вы узнаете сами поиграв с этой сборкой(кому интересно) Баги: Save our ship 2 при путешествии на другую планету а на ней уже осматривая область при помощи сканера мож
Collection by 密麻麻石蜡
报黄貌似是因为Pawnmorpher这个mod汉化的问题 总体来说还是比较正义的 mod排序:链接:https://pan删.baidu.com/s/1掉Cr7JWq4udKt-i9pLmU我kjVg 提取码:6666
Collection of shit load of mods (adding more) Rimworld 1.1
Collection by Ruby
Dont enable the yellow mods they are there just so i can know when they get updated Paste bin of mod load order - (Will try to keep it updated and improve this mod list so its more compatible if anybody wants to help just add me) https://pastebin.com/GsK8D
Collection by YiRen
这是我直播所常使用的mod 排序合集 我会在游戏结档之后就会提供一套那个档的mod排序 如果有兴趣可以来斗鱼看我直播哦!(房间号7453300) 这套排序是没有红字的,你可以在这之上进行添加,前提是你知道要把mod放在什么位置 ------2021/9/19 11:20:42
My Personal Collection
Collection by A.Vexing.Hexing
My Personal Collection (intended for personal use only)
Overwhelming Power
Collection by infernalistgamer
The mods I use. They obliterate challenge.
Collection by Milanor
Bloat! A Stupidly Large Mod Collection, Part 1
Collection by Jaymach Ral'Tir
A stupidly large collection of mods that somehow play quite nicely on my machine. Do I recommend anyone use all of these mods? Honestly, not really. It takes about half an hour to load my game, and uses up far too much RAM. So why have you posted it? I fig
Scarlet Devils (2021-10-17)
Collection by Zen
Collection by Delirious Darker
Collection by 六根清净贫铀弹
Mildly Modded.
Collection by BIGDORD
It's a "small" list of mods that make the vanilla version of the Rimworld unplayable. You may find that some of the mods on this list are a bit redundant together, For instances Vanilla Brewing Expanded and the VGP mod both add their own version of tea lea
Tox's Quality of Life Overhaul
Collection by Tox
I want to create my own quality of life mod because there are about 500 mods that do little things when they could just be all in one. Also want to make modular segments of this mod for people to pick and choose from, if they'd rather. The mods in this col
Zu wild HRRRRR
Collection by MC Kneipenkrieger
Jaja is so SkAvi out
Collection by Praxdra
Collection by Mr.7706
hihihiihih :3
Collection by miami ultras
Custom CE
Collection by Armoire Z
Use for my CE Collection
Yellyvi's collection
Collection by Yellyvi
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