

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod合集
Collection by leafzxg
所有支持简&繁中文的Mod都可以在此找到 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 合集内容说明: 由于一个合集限制最多只能收入1000个Mod,所本合集不再能囊括所有已知中文Mod; 本合集精心挑选最适合大众口味的精品中文Mod收入,你能想到的所有知名Mod均已收录,如果大家还想探索更多小
边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 大型综合
Collection by leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「大型综合」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「大型综合」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 有大型独立世界观; 内容多样、涉及面较广; 有一整套独立运行的机制; 由同一作者开发的一系列相同主题的Mod; 您的
Immersion+ (1.2)
Collection by NECEROS
I'm no longer updating this collection RimWorld, but as a simulation, not a harsh survival story. I love vanilla gameplay and add to that with these mods, striving to keep the core gameplay in place. Self sustainability is important, but requires a lot of
Rimworld: Archoseed (1.2 - Not Supported)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
This is a 1.2 mod pack and is no longer supported. Load orders and save games have been removed to avoid confusion and complaints from people loading into the wrong game version. I would only recommend using this pack if you're experienced and capable of c
Dubs Mods
Collection by Dubwise
A collection of all my mods for vanilla rimworld, mostly ports from my MarsX mod
Collection by Charlotte
Mods I'm playing with, multiplayer! Current status: Almost stable - 2024 January If you desync nonstop, try rehosting. Important Configuration - Without this you will desync FAQ - Can I disable some mods? Cosmetic mods? Yeah. The others? You'll have to try
Collection by 螺旋胖达
Collection by hhhhhhh
390+个mod全兼容(持续更新),本体加dlc,包括汉化包mod。 贴吧地址:http s : // tieba . baidu . com / p / 6524042102 mod配置&排序文件(持续更新):链接(神秘代码):s/1QwgI0hEXdM_c93zjRmkfRg 提取码:30id mod配置&排序文件使用教程:等待steam创意工坊更新完成→打开游戏→游戏主界面→选项→打开存档文件夹(20200414版本前)→找到Config文件夹→先关闭游戏→将此排序文件放入→启动游戏/(2020041
$1,000,000 ModList
Collection by AA
Modlist for the $1,000,000 Playthrough
Collection by 小蓝
小蓝的自用合集 包含萌新及大佬所需基本mod和拓展mod 内含种族 文化 肢体 基因 动植物 气候 以及宠物和部分工业拓展mod 全部已汉化 亲测无任何红字报错以及缺失纹理 目前已兼容性能鱼 本合集内容非常多 电脑配置差不建议全部订阅!!!!!!! 可以挑选自己想要的进行订阅 如果帧率过低可以尝试删除 Facial Animation - WIP 动态面部表情 可以大幅提高tps和游戏整体帧率 打开游戏需要先把rimsaves添加进去 保存后会有存档界面 打开就可以看到存档文件夹 之后安视频内容操作就可以使
Rimworld: Catharsis (Updated 19th April 2023!)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
READ ME Please bring any technical issues to my Discord: https://discord.gg/fkreDYG This allows us to look at technical logs, give clear instructions on fixes, and link to relevant other mods/files! 0: Contents 1. Introduction 2. Necessary Files 3. Install
Age of the Rim 1.3
Collection by Alexandru72733
The concept of the modpack "In a distant world where civilizations rise and fall, empires fight for land, people are born and die, progress is what kept you alive. You wake up as a tribesman in a distant unknown world, full of mysteries and strange creatur
The Masterlist (Empire + SoS2) for 1.2
Collection by Raptor
The Masterlist Please VOTE for this collection! Only so it rise in the steam preview - there are to much lazy collections on top. I builded this collection for me because i tried out several others which had nearly all big flaws and bugs. I tried to addres
Rimtopia 2.0
Collection by Yuu
A bigger and more ""balanced"" kitchen sink My most stable and "balanced" collection so far sorted by the right mod order from top to bottom! I haven't found any conflicts so far and some of the balancing should be done in mod settings for a fair game. If
Rimworld Soviet Video
Collection by Rarr
trmplays December Modpack
Collection by trmplays
A list of mods I am using for my current playthrough mainly using the new Rim War and Empire mods (December 2020)
Rimworld: Desert Doom
Collection by Decoherent
Mod collection for the Rimworld: Desert Doom series
Сальный KopoBAN
Collection by 🐙💛デニスター💜🐜
Наконец то игра в которой можно грабить корованы. Коллекция модов рассчитана в первую очередь на путешествие по миру в виде корована за ведроидов. С возможностью построить свой ведроидный город состоящий из механизированных единиц. Если не хочется вручную
Ambiguous Amphibian SOLO Android Progenitor [Unofficial]
Collection by sofus
To use modpack easily: 1. Subscribe to the collection and wait for the download to finish 2. Download SoloAndroidProgenitor.xml at https://pastebin.com/bz4MDp0i 3. Place the file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Stu
5-year rimworld veteran's mod list
Collection by PARSA TV
Compatible with 08.01.2022 1.3 update. I've played Rimworld for about 5 years by discussing with rimworld players and taking their advice, and I've shared my experiences below to help you as well. These modes are modes that do not change the course of the
Collection by 这不河里吗
回坑了更新一下 依旧是强迫症级别的1.4版本Mod合集,全部汉化且包涵前置mod和ce兼容补丁 根据个人理解排序整理,无爆红稳定运行 CE+CE拓展+CAI 5000+美少女种族(鼠鼠+鼠鼠各种拓展 茉约 半人马 绮罗 聆族 悠兰 魅狐 姬关人形 天轴)+各种优质拓展(卫生 核电 石油 工业 载具 原版拓展系列 机械师 灵能 钓鱼 骑乘 基因 芯片等) 还有虫娘猫娘兽耳娘+勤工拓展,访客 医院,还有各种城防基建,可改地形水域建房采石场矿洞,另外还有很多家具mod,非常适合种田建筑党 前置mod很重要!选择性
Rimworld Expanded 3.0
Collection by ID421
400 mods. Probably the largest and most stable collection of mods out there. In working load order, subscribe and go or use Mod Manager XML. Thoroughly tested, haven't had a crash yet. Still feels like Rimworld, just with the gameplay expanded in every are
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1
Collection by macklord222
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1 IMPORTANT : Must have the Royalty DLC. Because of "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" are required by the Royalty DLC. OPTIONAL : to make this collection without the DLC is by removing "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" CORRECT TO
Mods de BobLennon "This is MINE !"
Collection by Mister_Wolfgang
Fichier à placer dans - Sous Windows : C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config/ - Sous Linux : /home/<yourname>/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/prefs/ - Sous Mac : ./Users/<yourname>/Library/Application
Dwelling in the Wastes - A Rimworld Experience(21/9)
Collection by Arcanant
A feature rich and optimized modpack for 1.3 Rimworld with hundreds of QoL mods and a rusty wasteland theme atmosphere with potential though to expand to spacer comforts. Endorsed by some of the major contributors in the Rimworld modding scene Mlie Ranger
DyneDenethor's 1.1 Working Mod List
Collection by Dyne Denethor
All of the mods I've collected for Rimworld 1.1, red error free, and in the mod load order that I used to get no red errors. I load a new colony after finding an error free place with each mod, to make sure that there are no generation errors. PLEASE READ
1.4 Biotech Megapack (rev21-Feb 15th, '23)
Collection by CurrentlyFapping
Warning: Light NSFW Content! Are you looking for a Rimworld modpack with weight behind it? This is my curated experience from playing over the years which focuses on bug squashing, expanding game content, and avoiding crippling your PC. WARNING !! Humanoid
Project Realism
Collection by Paladin
Mod pack version: 1.0. This a first iteration of mod pack, after your feedback it may be changed! Report issues, balance tweaks, etc. Description: You are not welcome on this planet. Raids will become harder in time, they will not tell you about their plan
B站【火丁水库】 CE 机械风暴mod整合包
Collection by aliths
兼顾画面效果、平衡性、游戏性、性能、后期玩法多。 1、画面效果拉满 想建设成啥中世纪小镇都没问题,发型、服装、家具、都有非常漂亮的材质 2、平衡性完全ok 无双是可能的,但是需要付出很大的努力。 3、性能优化完全ok 在多线程加持下,后期360帧基本都能跑满。 4、玩法丰富多样 想玩魔法,想上宇宙、想玩工业自动化,想玩塔防玩核弹,统统满足你。在游戏的后期没有做不到只有想不到。 5、硬核高难度 在XEVA、机械族拓展、事件拓展、Dire Raids的加持下,中期威胁度拉满。不要被机械蜈蚣打哭哦~ 6、无红字,
Collection by awwwwsl
1.4版本更新预告已出,如果想继续玩合集的话,可以查看这个来保留在1.3版本https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8065924169?share=9105&fr=sharewise&see_lz=0&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version= 无法添加合集的MOD: htt
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