Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

NuclearGhost  [author] 1 Mar @ 9:28am 
I ate them
HellMouse 1 Mar @ 5:49am 
where all the marshmallows at???
The_enderdragon_destroyer 16 Nov, 2024 @ 3:18pm 
TeaFlavoredCoffee 23 Sep, 2024 @ 10:59pm 
missing textures and errors everywhere
NuclearGhost  [author] 5 Sep, 2024 @ 6:16pm 
GDSK09 5 Sep, 2024 @ 3:58pm 
isnt there a way to turn the lights on (or make them brighter) in the underground bunker?
NuclearGhost  [author] 9 Jul, 2024 @ 11:21am 
CHEESE 20 Apr, 2024 @ 10:23pm 
what is the song that on the radio when you turn it on that shit goes hard
JkMenttonet 3 Jan, 2024 @ 1:54am 
Is it just me, or has the fog gotten brighter and not darker than before
Dibs_on_Dwibs 3 Dec, 2023 @ 9:51am 
requires no content but theres missing textures on the lights near the bunker? like the tall lights near the bunker
NuclearGhost  [author] 8 Jun, 2023 @ 8:40pm 
Авторское решение, просьба отнестись с пониманием
Vitalya Zov 8 Jun, 2023 @ 8:35pm 
Хули 2 фпса?
inspiron1720 13 May, 2023 @ 4:18pm 
Очень крутая карта
kanye west 27 Apr, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
ima just call this shreks swamp since the other is just errors
Slitter 24 Apr, 2023 @ 10:13am 
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan here :)
Python1939™ 3 Oct, 2022 @ 1:17pm 
Check this:

Anyway, amazing map, probably one of the best of all times.
phoenixpnr 25 Sep, 2022 @ 1:40pm 
@ NuclearGhost

how come there aren't many accessible props you can spawn
Slenderman 5 Aug, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
SpartanZed 1 Aug, 2022 @ 12:24am 
Reminds me of a level from Far Cry Instincts.
Ragdoll Nation 17 Jul, 2022 @ 2:08am 
Can you pleasee make a night time version!
7H3_HuN73R 29 May, 2022 @ 1:51am 
If someone ever wonder the name of the song in the radio: the name is Dirge for the planet, from stalker
√•/[UnShu]\•√ 29 Apr, 2022 @ 12:49am 
Good thing this doesn't require CSS or hl2ep1 or hl2ep2 because I don't have either game just hl2ep2
NextKurome76TheSoldier 6 Apr, 2022 @ 10:57am 
ent_remove_all color_correction in console for anyone that bothers the darker screen
7H3_HuN73R 3 Apr, 2022 @ 4:43am 
Whats is the music name who plays on the radio
ßαsταrÐ 2 Mar, 2022 @ 3:55am 
i still love this map dearly. it fits right in between the aesthetic and atmosphere of hl2 and stalker.

there's loads to explore here, and while the atmosphere is quite unsettling at times, it's just that. unsettling. there's no jumpscares, no ghostly whispering or unexpected minefields to get blown up by, and i love that.

even more awesome, though, is how unexpectedly cozy it can be. try getting some friends to occupy the underground bunker with you, maybe put up some lights and install some appliances maybe, and suddenly it's not scary anymore. it's safe. it really feels like home.
Cheesus 17 Feb, 2022 @ 1:29am 
Charles Anonymous 4 Jan, 2022 @ 11:58am 
У меня одни эмо текстуры на деревьях, машинах и других пропах (контейнерах на научной базе, стволы некоторых деревьев)
The Name is Templar 31 Dec, 2021 @ 9:04pm 
"50,000 people used to live here now its a ghost town"
Slenderman 8 Oct, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
time to make the 7 hour war
DogeTheCake 18 Sep, 2021 @ 2:40am 
What is the Song on the radio in the base?
NewWrldDprsn 13 Sep, 2021 @ 8:35am 
This would be good for a skenderman mod but I'm a scare-dy cat so i ain't
Vasiloktonos 5 Sep, 2021 @ 12:22pm 
Okay, scratch what I said last, for some reason there's a barbed wire on the balcony, and the "figure" must have been a lighting bug, though I still don't know why the game bar didn't work.
Vasiloktonos 5 Sep, 2021 @ 12:14pm 
I was in the abandoned bunker place which had a tunnel that was blocked, and then I noclipped out to the balcony of the house above and something just damaged me to 70 HP, and I could have sworn I saw a black figure behind me, I tried to use the Xbox Bar to record the past 30 seconds but for some reason it didn't work
EasyMan! 12 Aug, 2021 @ 4:04pm 
This map very good! And atmosphere realistic!
xxFINxx 11 Apr, 2021 @ 9:32am 
ето очень крута
яйцехруст 7 Apr, 2021 @ 11:41am 
Это только карта или и карта и аномалии и НПС?
Jellyton 6 Mar, 2021 @ 1:11am 
Can you just push an update for this addon so it uses the new Steam API to run the update. It's faster and works better than the old one.
Μαρσ 29 Nov, 2020 @ 6:37pm 
Карта хорошая,но почему то у меня эроры на текстурах.
Eg. 21 Nov, 2020 @ 6:42pm 
This looks like Jurassic Park Site-B
REALPATRIOT 21 Nov, 2020 @ 5:20pm 
i knew some of the vehicles looked familiar
Fritzzz 17 Nov, 2020 @ 7:06pm 
Слушай можешь помочь,у меня когда с казармы выходишь у меня некоторые пропы ерор,У костра есть ероры,в некоторых ангарах
NuclearGhost  [author] 15 Nov, 2020 @ 1:47pm 
partuty 15 Nov, 2020 @ 1:18pm 
сделай чаэс если можно
po-op 10 Oct, 2020 @ 3:01am 
Amazing map great fps its giant and i hve been looking for a good apacalypse map
and this is perfect
Taggynn 25 Aug, 2020 @ 1:53am 
I greatly love this map but encountered a minor thing that really triggers my OCD. The ambiance rarely starts and sometimes will cut off. I have ways of fixing using mods like C.O.M.R.A.D.E and StormFox, but using the map included sounds feels better. This is a very high quality map and I do recommend it.
PeppyMoss 19 Aug, 2020 @ 6:32pm 
This is my favorite map on Gmod. Thank you for making this. Now get out of here, Stalker.
a vest 13 Aug, 2020 @ 1:09pm 
why do i see errors
FreeDeStonks 4 Aug, 2020 @ 12:32am 
Hey whenever I try and load this map my garrysmod freezes indefinitely. When launched in singleplayer it gets stuck on initializing and freezes again.

Attempted to validate files, extract via gmad and toss the bsp file into maps, unsubscribed and reinstalled, still wont work. I'll take any ideas.
Fdr1027 31 Jul, 2020 @ 8:47am 
When I subscribe to another map with the same grass textures, The grass on this map turns into errors