Space Engineers

Space Engineers

"Dawn" Xenon Engine — variable thrust now in SE!
115 kommenttia
cgw 7.7.2023 klo 13.37 
MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: "Dawn" Xenon Engine — variable thrust now in SE!, in file: Unknown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Load only 1 "Dawn" Xenon Engine.
(\ brony.mlg /) 18.6.2022 klo 15.08 
i have a problem my engines are invisible
Fogrender 10.1.2022 klo 2.31 
any update on the horizon?
Shroom 24.12.2020 klo 15.59 
Hey Cheetah, long time no talk, give me a shout some time please :-)
Revok Farthis 5.4.2020 klo 15.36 
according to the author, this seems to be a fairly low priority mod, and while the idea is certainly something I want, I don't mind not using it, so I don't mind the wait.
McCloud Jr 5.4.2020 klo 13.21 
then we will be waiting for awhile
Revok Farthis 5.4.2020 klo 13.14 
After the Exploration Enhancement Mod is finished.
wettree59 5.4.2020 klo 12.51 
Will the mod be updated to dx11?
Danceswith5heep 25.8.2019 klo 17.33 
im having an issue where the engines ate making my ship drift up if on modes 2 or 3
Cheetah  [tekijä] 10.7.2019 klo 23.42 
I know it's been a long time, but I'm looking to rewriting this mod after I polish Laser Welders.
Danceswith5heep 7.7.2019 klo 15.25 
is the large scoop supposed to be small grid only
fishsta12 13.4.2019 klo 19.50 
Nvm, read through comments and figured it out, 100% at 100-200 m/s, faster doesn't help after that.
fishsta12 13.4.2019 klo 19.46 
What is the collection rate with a infinite speed mod?
Kam Solastor 7.7.2018 klo 9.10 
@Kraezon if the Xenon gas tanks work like normal gas tanks, you can have one ship (we'll call it the 'Source' - that's where your primary stockpile is). You dock a ship to your Source ship/station, and on that ship, set all of it's Xenon gas tanks to 'Stockpile' - this will cause those tanks to pull gas into them until fill, or until you are out of available gas, from any non-stockpiled gas tanks.
Kraezon 22.2.2018 klo 2.07 
hey, I love this mod, but i have a question... I want to build a fleet that only uses your xenon engines, how would I get the xenon gas to all those ships? Im not sure how to transfer Xenon to other ships so I had a thought what if you could make a module that effectively compresses xenon into a solid 'ice' form and another that turns it back into gas, so that we can build a ship for xenon collection and use that to transport the xenon 'ice' to the rest of the fleet?
Revok Farthis 6.11.2017 klo 19.59 
@FloppyDolphins, "idk why this is not updated."
Well, if you had looked at the comments:

From Cheetah (the Author);
"@Everyone: This mod is pending a complete revamp, including thorough bug-fixing all around (and a serious redesign of xenon gathering process). Don't expect it to be fast, though; I'm pretty busy atm and also dedicated my SE time to fixing the Exploration Enhancement mod, 'cause without it working I'm not very motivated to play SE at all. Stay tuned, though: as soon as EEM is rolled out with fixes, I will go to fixing Xenon Engines."
Orange Space Chicken 6.11.2017 klo 17.05 
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Vicizlat 6.11.2017 klo 14.47 
I have messaged Cheetah, but it seems he hasn't been online since then. Hopefully he will see it soon. :)
anon3127356 5.11.2017 klo 11.53 
just tested the mod and i aint crashed and the thrusters DO work (in creative) and the engine modes do work too (it was only a small test)
Orange Space Chicken 30.10.2017 klo 15.42 
@Vicizlat Can you directly DM them about it please?
Vicizlat 30.10.2017 klo 4.13 
@ FloppyDolphins,
If you posted to me about this mod, please know that I only did the models for the engine and the tanks. All the script stuff that makes it work are done by Cheetah and the Ramscoops are made by Phoenix.
Also as a contributor and not the author of the mod, I can't upload any updates to it. So even if I knew how to fix whatever is broken, I wouldn't be able to upload it.

I am sorry guys, you'll have to ask Cheetah to take a look and fix it.
Orange Space Chicken 29.10.2017 klo 13.55 
1. The mod author still posts so idk why this is not updated.
2. This is a KSP reference.
anon3127356 23.10.2017 klo 9.14 
dont bother commenting for ideas since the mod is DEAD (updated 23/11/2016)
Tyo Atrosa 4.9.2017 klo 22.13 
is there any way to make variable thrust work with tiered hydrogen thrusters? i use the tiered thrusters megapack and it's very hard to pilot a ship with t4 thrusters when it's not carrying anything.
Revok Farthis 21.8.2017 klo 22.09 
it's broken
Church.exe 21.8.2017 klo 14.30 
when i place the tank my game crashes (i am using an ARMS install in the properties)
Revok Farthis 22.5.2017 klo 22.46 
Read the comments, specifically the one from the author.
D3ATHCOM5 22.5.2017 klo 17.08 
Broken. Models don't show up and the thruster doesn't even work
Showdown Samurai Sam 6.5.2017 klo 10.27 
#KSP part
Kleadron 7.4.2017 klo 23.51 
this is funny, ima try it out :D
Dumpshock 17.3.2017 klo 11.17 
Yeah, the models not showing up has been an issue for some time now.
BigSquatch_420 17.3.2017 klo 10.56 
the ramscoop models are not showing up
illuminati_eric 5.2.2017 klo 12.30 
KSP YAAAAS!!! :steamhappy:
Cheetah  [tekijä] 16.1.2017 klo 22.52 
@Everyone: This mod is pending a complete revamp, including thorough bug-fixing all around (and a serious redesign of xenon gathering process). Don't expect it to be fast, though; I'm pretty busy atm and also dedicated my SE time to fixing the Exploration Enhancement mod, 'cause without it working I'm not very motivated to play SE at all. Stay tuned, though: as soon as EEM is rolled out with fixes, I will go to fixing Xenon Engines.
=WW= Rebel 16.1.2017 klo 10.51 
awesome you made this!

Overmind 16.1.2017 klo 8.40 
will ramscoops collect xenon when on rotating platform?
Th3Griffin66 15.1.2017 klo 15.44 
totally not inspired by KSP at all :Khappy:
ccs46 14.1.2017 klo 17.09 
So the script for the fuel isn't there anymore...
Turret problems 14.1.2017 klo 12.14 
just one can keep a drone in the air in the ATMOSPHERE!
Turret problems 14.1.2017 klo 12.14 
damn son these are OP AF
McCloud Jr 26.12.2016 klo 17.43 
slight problem:

The Large Grid Dawn Engine isnt showing. It did before. The Small Grid one shows up just fine.
QuartzDr4gon 22.12.2016 klo 14.39 
Awesome, great to hear the response of an author! Hearing that the engines were designed as KSP engines makes since, thank you for hitting that point!
Vicizlat 21.12.2016 klo 2.46 
@Jant0, I would prefer to wait for the devs to settle on the new looks. As far as I know they are still making some final touches to the new models. Ideally I would like to even change some textures here and there on my models to use some of the new vanilla textures.
I do however fear that if I change the engine model, for example, it will stray away from what it was originally concieved as (a Kerbal Space Program engine).

But there is still worrk that can be done on the models. I am just waiting for some free time. :)
Cheetah  [tekijä] 20.12.2016 klo 23.17 
As soon as we'll have free time, we will do a complete re-roll of this mod (perhaps as a different upload), which will introduce many new mechanics, including simultaneous xenon+energy consumption (expect that the thruster will end up being 1x2x1, and consisting of two adjacent blocks). I cannot say anything in place of Vicizlat (he's doing the modelling), but there's several new models coming, and perhaps there will be some tweaks to the engine itself.
QuartzDr4gon 20.12.2016 klo 19.26 
I do not mean to be rude in asking but, are the block models the final models? With the recent aesthetic changes to the game they seem a little.....bland. My only concern as they work great and I am happy with this mod in every way, great job.
Dumpshock 17.12.2016 klo 3.40 
Thanks for the reply. Certainly didn't expect one so quickly.
No worries, the real world does take precedence of course.

It is a bit weird.
I haven't seen anything in my logs pointing to anything specific. Been doing a bit of time in there as I'm trying to get my pre-update saves working. Seem to have a rogue mod that is causing a crash in SE while giving an incomplete crash log dump. So far, this is the only one where the model has just not shown up, but it's at least functioning.

If I find anything that I think might help, I'll try to pass it along.
Vicizlat 17.12.2016 klo 2.59 
I will try to devote some time into finding the problem in the coming week. Although I do fear it may be yet another bug like the pink mods from last week.
Cheetah  [tekijä] 17.12.2016 klo 2.49 
This is pretty strange. Unfortunately, Vicizlat is very, very busy at the work and cannot devote much time to SE.

Meanwhile, a revamp (or let's call it V2) is on it's slow way. I've finally figured out how to implement both energy and fuel requirement, but that will require an extra block to be placed behind the engine, so in fact it turns to be a 1x2x1 thruster, which will break many existing builds (and lots of mine, too). Furthermore, there will be considerable revamps and optimizations in the thrusters' code (because at the moment of the mod release the game was much less friendly to the mechanics we were bringing it, so it has several workarounds which were keeping all of this together, and they're mostly not needed with the latest fixes), and the fuel gathering system will be completely remade from zero as well. Expect that late-game planets (mostly their surfacial area) — especially those with harsher conditions — attain some real value, as well as strategical importance.
Dumpshock 17.12.2016 klo 0.13 
Hey Vicizlat & Cheetah,

Just wanted to let you know that it would appear that the latest update caused some issues with the finished build-state models for this mod. Everything still seems functional, but the models won't appear in game, just their build states.
Vicizlat 5.12.2016 klo 7.27 
It shouldn't be crashing on placing any of the blocks. Can I get those crash logs?