Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

杀潴匠 12 hours ago 
@Varrgas 2.0 Sorry, I've already deleted it.
Varrgas 2.0 22 Jun @ 8:52pm 
@杀潴匠 ok, so you have 0 respsect in fact... it's so easy to act like this, players will already have DL the mod, too late to apologyse if he said no.
You just steam the work of someone.... disgusting
Varrgas 2.0 20 Jun @ 10:09pm 
@白起43 the mod author isn't active since a year now.

And by the way, asking something like this should be done somewhere else than in the commentary section... at least start a new topic, because it isn't interesting for anyone else than you and him.

PS: asking things like this with a private profil will not help you to have answers... just saying
白起43 20 Jun @ 8:58pm 
Dear author,

I am a player of DST and also a mod developer and sharer on the WeGame platform. Recently, I came across your mod on Steam and was deeply impressed by its creativity and functionality. I believe it would be well-received in the WeGame community.

Therefore, I am writing to request your authorization to transfer your mod to the WeGame platform. To ensure your rights and respect your original work, I will retain your name and provide detailed credit to you as the original author in the mod description. Additionally, I would like to integrate some of your mod's features and content into my own mod to enhance the overall gaming experience.

If you agree to grant permission, please let me know if you have any special requirements or considerations.

Thank you very much for considering this proposal, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards
EgoZA_Video 14 Jun @ 10:44am 
anyway, I found out that there is a way to turn the viewing side on the map, then the points change their position relative to where I originally put them. So it's not that critical.
EgoZA_Video 14 Jun @ 10:05am 
when logging in to the server, the points are shifted to another location
PRKREST 1 May @ 3:09am 
Как убрать поставленную ранее метку?
Varrgas 2.0 27 Apr @ 5:44pm 
@Spooks, Sorry but you are wrong, the mod still work well, you did something wrong if it didn't or use an other mod who conflict with it
Spooks 29 Feb @ 8:21pm 
this mod does not work anymore. the menu pops up but i cannot click anything
Вот он лучший мод
Xiivait 26 Dec, 2023 @ 3:19am 
pls make the mod compatible with hamlet characters reporked
I beg you
DucGround 9 Nov, 2023 @ 9:47am 
ТО ЧТО НАДА:star13:
癒之勇者 27 Oct, 2023 @ 4:06am 
I thing it's very good
Tea 22 Jul, 2023 @ 8:58am 
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
Thanks to the author/secondary creator for the creation, I compiled a collection, welcome to download
There are also detailed tutorials on how to use the mod
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
⭐茶海空的DST超實用新手萌新必備【客戶端】模組推薦合集MOD (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)⭐
luntyk_ 13 May, 2023 @ 11:50am 
Entropy Emissary 4 Mar, 2023 @ 11:07am 
Attempting to delete a waypoint on my main world crashes the game, but on other worlds beforehand it worked just fine. How odd.
Hashari 1 Mar, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
Thanks for this mod <3 <3
Is it possible to move the waypoint menu?
thanks a lot again !
GODDESS 25 Jan, 2023 @ 8:38am 
I absolutely love this mod and have been using it for the longest time. It helps me see places on map and easily get to them. However, I wish it was easier to add a waypoint with a waypoint key directly instead of having to toggle GUI and click the little flag. I wish I could just use X for directly making a keypoint at my location which would give me an empty slot to write in instead of having to click to rewrite. Another thing is that now the mod makes me crash when used on monkey island, near stage and other places.
Raishou 31 Dec, 2022 @ 7:04am 
Is there an easier way to delete the waypoints? Very nice mod!
can u add a option to delete all waypoints at once, i added too many and now i need to delete all of them individually and it is painful lol
the j 11 Dec, 2022 @ 6:52am 
crashes with the hamlet charactered fix and reporked mod if you try open the map
乔目诗酒 1 Dec, 2022 @ 3:51am 
"../mods/workshop-714735102/scripts/mainwp.l.."]:382:attempt to concatenate field '?"(a nil value)
#LUA ERROR stack traceback:
@scripts/widgets/imagebutton.lua:206 in (method)OnControl (Lua)<166-213>
image_ normal = flag.tex
shown = true
tertfocuscolour = table:00000000E7E4C680
imagefocascolour = table: 00000000E7E51310
selected = false
乔目诗酒 1 Dec, 2022 @ 3:50am 
I'm just like downstairs.
aart 27 Oct, 2022 @ 4:28am 
when i press create waypoint on island adventures it crashes
Your Protector 6 Aug, 2022 @ 8:09am 
Crashes my game
AsianTurtle 23 Jul, 2022 @ 11:50am 
Love the mod! However, the issue I have with it is that waypoints from other servers spread onto new servers. So, I either have to deal with it, or delete other waypoints from another world. Is there a way to fix this or troubleshoot this? I really don't want to have to delete waypoints, but I will if there's no other way. /:
Stellar Harbour 12 Jul, 2022 @ 8:50pm 
Getting Lua Errors on waypoint creation
PrincessMurderz 5 Feb, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
my game crashes when I try and delete a waypoint :DSTghost:
HoodMyName 30 Jan, 2022 @ 1:52am 
탄산수󰀈(KR) 29 Jan, 2022 @ 4:45pm 
it dosn't work
Stale Popcorn from Last Night 13 Jan, 2022 @ 10:11am 
With me and my awful ping, this mod is a lifesaver just because I have trouble traveling. Even without the movement thing, it's still really useful!
ElvarMiky 5 Jan, 2022 @ 8:55pm 
if I have the controller attached I cannot click the flag even if I click with the mouse
Peanut Brain 24 Nov, 2021 @ 7:15am 
It's nice mod but I don't need auto move if it forces me to enable predictive lag compensation. An option to disable auto-move completely would be good. I really only want to mark my map. @.@

By disable I mean, they gone from the interface. The default view is not navigate but edit, then always hide toggle movement prediction button.
Boon 17 Sep, 2021 @ 5:53pm 
if there was a server verson then i would get it
mÔng 26 Jun, 2021 @ 9:40pm 
Nice mod btw. Now i can see clearly where to head, there is just a tiny bug that my char won't move when i click on the destination icon :(
Tanner Tacket 11 Jun, 2021 @ 9:49pm 
It would be sensible of you if you can solve the problem that the movement doesn't work when the route is a little complex.
Wurt 27 May, 2021 @ 12:29am 
How to have movement prediction button all the time?
MayaraJum 10 Apr, 2021 @ 6:34pm 
Still, Working? I'm Having a Mood Issue But couldn't find which one is crashing yet =/
太阳. 13 Mar, 2021 @ 11:29am 
Jack'lul 14 Feb, 2021 @ 2:20am 
Figured it out, it would be great if you could add it :)

keysList[27] = {description = "None", data = ""}

if KEY_INDICATORS ~= "" then

Jack'lul 13 Feb, 2021 @ 8:40am 
Any chance to have option to set key for "toggle indicators" to NONE?
You can already toggle this through the main UI so this key should be optional!
Flip 26 Jan, 2021 @ 2:16pm 
Oh thanks, @Tristin. I was wondering why it showed on some worlds and not on others.

@Nc5xb3 do you plan on fixing this small compatibility issue with Global Positions?
Marynia Miccayla 27 Dec, 2020 @ 1:49pm 
Hii! Can i help with a Brazilian translation?
Tristin 22 Nov, 2020 @ 5:02am 
Nice mod. But for those who use 'Global Positions' mod, this mod will be overriden, not being able to see waypoints view on map.
DynaLight 1 Oct, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
Just today (was working fine yesterday), the mod stopped working. I can't move while the window is open.
[SSN] You know what you Said 24 Aug, 2020 @ 6:30am 
Hey, bro, this doesn't seem to be working. Since the game was updated, I couldn't automatically get to my destination by clicking on the markers on the map.
SplitSec 18 Mar, 2020 @ 7:26am 
how to show waypoint on map?
Bean 26 Feb, 2020 @ 2:02pm 
I absolutely love this mod, never had any issues with it and makes finding resources and remembering where they are so much easier <3
RUINION 22 Jan, 2020 @ 12:03pm 
doesn't work
Jürgen 7 Jan, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
It crashes the game even if launched separately from other mods.