Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

2,729 ratings
File Size
1.014 MB
1 Jul, 2016 @ 1:21am
9 Sep, 2023 @ 4:18am
20 Change Notes ( view )

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This mod supports Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together.
Also available on the Klei Forums[]

- Fixed nil ground name error causing crash

- Fixed issue with waypoints shared on online servers due to DST update (Thank you Dragon O' Chaos for pointing at the core issue in bug report)
- You can choose 'None' as a keybind option
- Keybind for toggle indicators and markers set to None, you can rebind it in config or otherwise you can now use Shift + X (keybind for toggle GUI) instead
- Additional config to disable auto travel
- Additional config to show player and waypoint coordinate information (by default set to false)
- Thanks to all who are still using the mod when I'm not active anymore :X

The ability to add a waypoint at your position and bring up a list of waypoints to travel towards.
- Can toggle GUI that displays a list of waypoints (default key is X)
- Can toggle waypoint indicators and markers (default key is Shift + X)
- Waypoints are persistent and also separate for each world and caves
- Interactable waypoint markers are displayed on the map!

Partially supports controllers.
- Scoreboard screen & Left Trigger: Toggle waypoint indicators
- Scoreboard screen & Right Trigger: Add waypoint
- Scoreboard screen & Right Shoulder: Remove nearest waypoint (must be next to waypoint)
- Unfortunately can not edit waypoints name/color with controllers

Q: Why does my character not travel to the waypoint correctly?
A: Waypoint mod uses the in-game's move to function to travel to a destination. If the route is too complex, it will make your character travel simply move straight towards destination ignoring any obstacles.

Q: Can other players see my waypoints/markers?
A: No, this is a client-only mod which means only you will be able to see your waypoints and markers (therefore it is not shared in any way).

Q: How can I add a waypoint?
A: This mod is an interface and does not require you to craft anything to use it. The default key is X to bring up the waypoint manager. To add a waypoint, click the flag on the upper right corner of the interface.

Q: How can I delete a waypoint?
A: To delete a waypoint you need to directly modify the waypoint by bringing up the dialog and you should see the trash icon at the top right corner. To be able to modify any waypoint, you need to toggle edit mode by clicking on the wrench icon on the interface.

Translation contributions
Credits to Чapли for the Russian translation!
Чтобы изменить настройки языка, в конфигурации мода измените параметр 'Localization' на Pусский

- Credits to rezecib (Global Positions) for showing it's possible to augment the minimap with text hover. Mod now implements custom interactable waypoint markers displayed on the minimap.
- Now works with Global Positions
Popular Discussions View All (2)
26 Nov, 2023 @ 11:48am
PINNED: Bug Reports
23 Mar, 2017 @ 11:26am
Berry bushes > Juicy berry bushes
PRKREST 1 May @ 3:09am 
Как убрать поставленную ранее метку?
Varrgas 2.0 27 Apr @ 5:44pm 
@Spooks, Sorry but you are wrong, the mod still work well, you did something wrong if it didn't or use an other mod who conflict with it
Spooks 29 Feb @ 8:21pm 
this mod does not work anymore. the menu pops up but i cannot click anything
Вот он лучший мод
Xiivait 26 Dec, 2023 @ 3:19am 
pls make the mod compatible with hamlet characters reporked
I beg you
Анальная мазь 9 Nov, 2023 @ 9:47am 
ТО ЧТО НАДА:star13:
癒之勇者 27 Oct, 2023 @ 4:06am 
I thing it's very good
Tea 22 Jul, 2023 @ 8:58am 
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
Thanks to the author/secondary creator for the creation, I compiled a collection, welcome to download
There are also detailed tutorials on how to use the mod
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
⭐茶海空的DST超實用新手萌新必備【客戶端】模組推薦合集MOD (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)⭐
luntyk_ 13 May, 2023 @ 11:50am 
Entropy Emissary 4 Mar, 2023 @ 11:07am 
Attempting to delete a waypoint on my main world crashes the game, but on other worlds beforehand it worked just fine. How odd.