Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Battle Cannon and Turrets (DX11)
Počet komentářů: 799
Vas 22. čvn. v 10.01 
Doc Smith, the lack of description when selecting block is actually base game issues too. Thats why Build Info was invented. This mod wasn't poor, it was a favorite for a long time. At over 130k subscribers still, thats no way a poor mod.
FlareFluffsune 24. kvě. v 0.03 
This mod hasn't been updated for 6 years. Find another mod.
Doc Smith 8. led. v 18.33 
Don't bother. Very poor mod. No description of range and ammo when selecting block. No info at all in that section.
Ulrich_Von_Jungingen 27. lis. 2023 v 3.37 
@ SolarFlare1234 too true. Whiplash has a fantastic script to allow multiple elevation rotors with the custom turret controllers except it doesnt work with weapondogcoil.
Cobe 22. zář. 2023 v 16.30 
is this roblox????
Sworn 10. srp. 2023 v 18.52 
Would be nice if someone could update this
Abisius 20. čvc. 2023 v 1.48 
would be interesting to know why you think so
SolarFlare1234 20. čvc. 2023 v 1.45 
relic of a better era, RIP good weapon mods now everything is buggy weaponcore shovelware
人族狙击手 5. čvc. 2023 v 11.51 
I only used models of some weapons.

The new MOD will not have compatibility issues with any other version.

The new MOD has modified some bugs caused by updates.
人族狙击手 5. čvc. 2023 v 5.42 
Hello. I want to create a new MOD using the turret model in your MOD.
I have applied to add you as a friend.
I can add you to the co producers.
Altaree 27. kvě. 2023 v 6.57 
@leviathanstream there is a mod by the same name that is WC compatible.
Bazil T Yat 24. bře. 2023 v 6.01 
It's dead, Jim.
leviathan 23. bře. 2023 v 16.05 
Is this compatible with WeaponCore?
TresspassersWillBeViolated 28. úno. 2023 v 18.05 
Hi @Rider,
Is it possible I can tweak the mod a little so a friend and I can use it on our MP server? The server is just us, and I can definitely publish as either Unlisted or Friends Only, whichever works best for you. Thanks,
Shampoothespider 29. led. 2023 v 12.30 
this mod is outdated because this mod i used was no longer supported,this needs to be updated
titanius anglesmith 23. pro. 2022 v 23.43 
to the people saying it dosnt work. its almost like this most is years old and hasnt been updated in many years. dduuduhh
Abisius 29. čvn. 2022 v 21.13 
sounds a lot like steam failed to download the files correctly. delete all folders with the modid inside the workshop folder of the steam library i nwich oy udid isntall se as well as form the main and world specific storage folder which yo ucan find under %appdata%/spaceengineers and %appdata%/spaceengineers/saves/yoursteamid64/yourworldname before resubbing and then downloading without interruptinmg the donwload i nany way and a speed between 1mb/s and 100mb/s.
if it sitl ldoens load after that repeat and also delete the appworkshop_gameid.acf fro mthe workshop folder in the steam library in which you did install se and also let steam check the games file integrety.
if it then still doesnt work you would probably need to provide some logs and make a full blown bug report.
Perryax 29. čvn. 2022 v 15.29 
The mod does not seem to be loading in, as when i activate the mod and load the world, the mod, nor its blocks, will actually show up.
Mulley 8. dub. 2022 v 17.11 
None of the missile turrets or mini vulcans seem to accept ammo in survival mode
Палач Рока 3. dub. 2022 v 8.06 
Not working :(
thecrazy13 3. bře. 2022 v 5.42 
It would be nice to have standalone versions for things like the Adens and Vulcans, some people don't use most of the bigger guns
Freedom16789 8. úno. 2022 v 8.29 
Is the ammo for this mod broken at min assemblers not making any of them
389864223 27. led. 2022 v 8.32 
Why can't BigBertha be controlled?:steamfacepalm:
QuiSSpace❤🇺🇦 24. lis. 2021 v 5.48 
@Abisius Thank you for help:steamthumbsup:
QuiSSpace❤🇺🇦 23. lis. 2021 v 16.20 
Or i am need to use weaponCore for both of mods?
QuiSSpace❤🇺🇦 23. lis. 2021 v 16.16 
Hi, this mod still working? Or i need to use newest version? Because i don't assured that i need the waponCore
rusmig29 14. lis. 2021 v 14.59 
Would like permission to use this mod for a private server. It would have miner adjustments done to gun reloading, fire power, and fix bugs encountered along the way. The mod would be set to unlisted and give credit to you with link to the original mod. This would be incorporating into a mod pack, for the server. Hoping to bring players more options as well as excitement as your weapons work great.
Bazil T Yat 13. říj. 2021 v 6.36 
Can I just second AndroidVein's request? It's been slowly driving me insane.
NameVoid 13. říj. 2021 v 4.02 
This is a really dumb complaint but could you put the quotation marks around the nickname of the gun instead of its measurement in the block title?
Nism 27. kvě. 2021 v 6.54 
Does this still work? Hasn't been updated for 3 years?
Knuckle farmer 8. kvě. 2021 v 19.29 
wtf is the dps for these
sugarle666 17. bře. 2021 v 23.03 
someone else got a critical error?

MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: Battle Cannon and Turrets (DX11)
2021-03-18 06:47:50.151 - Thread: 1 -> in file: /spaceeng_profile/content/244850/543635673/934931962085258419_legacy.bin/Data/Weapons_300.sbc
2021-03-18 06:47:50.151 - Thread: 1 -> MOD PARTIALLY SKIPPED, LOADED ONLY 3/6 PHASES, Following Error occured:
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Sandbox.Definitions.MyWeaponDefinition.Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)
at Sandbox.Definitions.MyDefinitionManager.InitDefinition[T](MyModContext context,
Abisius 17. úno. 2021 v 1.30 
this mod here is a weaponmod, weaponcore is a weapon framework that is a difference.
a weapon framework just lays a foundation for weaponmods on that they can build on while a wepaonmod itself has the weapons that use the framework
in weaponcores moddescription is also a list of wepaons linked and i would recommend using only weaponcore based weapons when using weaponcore
WesternDevil 17. úno. 2021 v 0.47 
@Abisius Thank you so much! I haven't used any weapon mods yet so this will work fine.
Abisius 17. úno. 2021 v 0.41 
there is a working version as long as you dont mind using weaponcore. for case you are already using another weaponframework you need to decide which one you want to use because multiple weaponframeworks will fight with another
WesternDevil 16. úno. 2021 v 23.06 
Is there an updated version of this anywhere, or a similar mod that works still? I would love to get some new turrets.
Hull Breach 14. úno. 2021 v 5.54 
I guess, you are inactive but I would like to modify and fix this mod for my fleet and I don't want to do this whitout at least having asked for permission. :-)
FurryJack 12. úno. 2021 v 10.29 
ai doesn't work
Dr. David Livesey 21. led. 2021 v 9.28 
welcome to the cum zone
Express T0 HELL 1. pro. 2020 v 2.59 
its crashing my Server :steamsad: make a Update!
Gemini Sierra 15. říj. 2020 v 9.48 
is there a specific load order for this mod. we had it working then changed the order of mods and now 1) the weapons all disappeared and 2) when we try to replace we get disconnected. It's a repeatable thing
Sf! 7. říj. 2020 v 13.14 
Ok, we can zoom with camera.

I saw little david nerf in range, aboutr 2000m, not 20.000.

Can we change it?
Sf! 3. říj. 2020 v 2.40 
How to zoom with a canon plz?
Pitch 25. zář. 2020 v 2.18 
Big bertha and little david don't seem to work.
IcY93 22. srp. 2020 v 20.43 
Mini Vulcan uses Vulcan ammo, but the vulcan ammo can't pass through small grid conveyors, therefore the Mini vulcan can't be armed.
Eaus 7. srp. 2020 v 18.48 
I'd like to use part of this mod in my modpack. can I reuse it please?
Daniel "Nero" Drake 3. srp. 2020 v 10.33 
hello i want to ask can i use some of the models for my pack pls
Puccilillo 30. čvn. 2020 v 8.01 
@Rider Hi there, I'd like take this to a new level with your permission.
Your original work is majestic, I'd like to update the models you used keeping all the other stuff as it is.
Is it possible for you to share or send me the original models for my team to work on them and have a new visual update?
The resulting models will be sent back to you and you could use them as you like (in case you do like them).
Please contact me ;)