Wegh - An Overhaul / Pile of Stuff [BETA]
sarumanthecursed 8 hours ago 
With chaos invasion disabled, starting as skarbrand if you try to attack the starting top-knots enemy army, you crash to desktop
sarumanthecursed 22 Jul @ 5:20pm 
Is this compatible with the Crisis on the campaign, supply, pop and mercenary mod?
sarumanthecursed 21 Jul @ 4:24pm 
I was referring more so to vampires.
Lucerne 21 Jul @ 3:15pm 
Settra exploded into a swarm of scarabs to eat a norscan alive once, then respawned in his pyramid ten years later.
Tomb kings are very much immortal. At least as long as their tombs are intact afaik.
That would actually be interesting, letting the tks be immortal in the mod as long as they have their starting city.
sarumanthecursed 21 Jul @ 2:44pm 
They are not in lore, if theyre exploded to pieces beyond in recovery they are gone for good. Demons actually rematerialize
Lucerne 21 Jul @ 2:18pm 
Why is chance of death greatly lowered for undeads instead of just letting them be immortal? They are in lore. The whole permadeath thing just feels like walking on eggshells instead of playing the game
Catteus Of Mars 21 Jul @ 5:46am 
The skill that increases enemy reinforcement time is kinda game breaking when end events starts, as every lord is lvl 50 and has it. watching AI allies get destroyed for 20+ mins waiting for your garrison to sally out is not fun.
Tzeentch 21 Jul @ 3:16am 
Ranged units will carry ammo over from battle to campaign. It replenishes at the start of the turn if you're in friendly territory (WoC and Beastmen regen a flat 40% per turn).

wish we could get a mod that just have this, it really would make for a better campage, beace range units now have a weakness after a battle, insteed off allways having 100 % ammo back (unless some units died)
sarumanthecursed 19 Jul @ 7:23am 
I agree, tomb kings are unplayable as of right now
Mini Kawakami Judging You 18 Jul @ 9:41am 
Maybe giving Undead Lord to all Tomb King Lords (even if only Caster Heroes have it, as it is right now) by default would be a good band aid to the current situation? RIght now Tomb King armies are super fragile unless they have a Liche Priest and although players are (supposedly) smart enough to put Liche Priests in their armies, AI isn´t aware of this problem so their armies are crumbling super fast. Would be a decent band aid until a better solution is found.
e 16 Jul @ 1:03pm 
why tower have slow and damage(like vanilla)
Catteus Of Mars 15 Jul @ 10:37am 
So franz has been stuck in marieborg for 12 turns now... cant leave not enough men left to survive and cant reinforce cause the town was trashed.... this is not great when you have only one army :D not sure this is what you had in mind im stuck hitting next turn until they fix the town and its taking a while.
Mini Kawakami Judging You 11 Jul @ 10:49pm 
@illdrawer95 a related aspect is that Bonus vs Infantry/Large is much more valuable in this mod. As the base damage of units has been lowered, but those bonuses stay the same, it means that an unit fighting against the correct kind of unit might literally be multiplying the damage it is doing, while the effect in vanilla is much lower.
illdrawer95 10 Jul @ 8:45pm 
Noticed an interesting aspect. Because you twitched damage numbers, but don`t charge numbers, that mean that chasing routing troops is mega profitable in this mod. Like cause every attack against routing unit, automaticly adding the whole charge bonus, you can imagine how devastating are cavs at chasing heroes (like +80 dmg every hit from elite cav in the back. It hurts.) or even doggos are devestating. Few buffs, and they are eating a routing troop in 5 secs. I don`t know if it is worth "repairing" cause it gives you a nice flavor. But still a detail worth mentioning for the balancing purposes.
sarumanthecursed 10 Jul @ 12:14pm 
@Taoist, it is intentional the ability is a debuff, you get super huge aura but if the unit with the buff dies, your army basically insta routs with -50 leadership. Could use better tooltip explanation
Taoist Ascendant 10 Jul @ 10:02am 
Pure of heart trait for High Elves seems to cost 0 points.
Epic Gamer 9 Jul @ 5:38am 
Some feedback:
- Consider moving the visibility range boost from the research building to the undercity detection / intel building. I feel it might make more sense there, considering that one is supposed to be a scholarly building while the other is recon / intel. It would also make the intel building more useful.
- It seems that you can't use intel on armies in vassal territory. Perhaps you should be able to.
- Consider allowing the use of intel to reduce enemy army movement in adjacent regions. I haven't found myself using this option very much. Due to how much movement range there is in this game, it's likely that the AI will capture the region's settlement before you manage to use the ability. If the AI starts the turn in your territory, the movement reduction is usually insufficient to prevent them from capturing the region's settlement.
Lorghul  [author] 7 Jul @ 6:16am 
@Mini Kawakami Judging You
Thanks, I've tried replicating the same situation with those units and reloading a save but it doesn't want to bug out. Always a pain when that happens. That ammo code is pretty old too, I just copypasted it from an older mod, and there hasn't been any complaints about it. I'm gonna guess it's a weird incompatibility with some other mod, but I'm not sure how/why.
Mini Kawakami Judging You 6 Jul @ 12:53pm 
Checking, my files says this


My grudge throwers clearly had ammo after the battle finished, here it says 0,75 but when I started the battle the game started them with no ammo at all. May be because I loaded the save just before the battle (as I stopped playing and then came back) and as such the script bugged?
Lorghul  [author] 6 Jul @ 12:29pm 
@Mini Kawakami Judging You
That's a weird one, I haven't seen that happen before and I played dwarfs semi-recently. My mod saves the ammo of each unit on the campaign to a text file inside your warhammer 3 folder called "wegh_svr.txt". It would have to specifically record that every unit had 0 ammo for that to happen. There would be a line in there that said something like


The "wh_main_dwf_art_grudge_thrower:0" part means grudge thrower has no ammo. If it was "wh_main_dwf_art_grudge_thrower:0.5" it would mean the grudge thrower has 50% ammo remaining. Do you have a line like that in there despite the campaign saying those units had ammo remaining?
Mini Kawakami Judging You 6 Jul @ 1:37am 
A bug I have found repeatedly is going to battle with ammunition in my units, starting the battle, and then no unit has ammunition at all. I have noticed that all the times it has happened to me I was playing Dwarves so it seems it is some bug related to them?
sarumanthecursed 4 Jul @ 6:33pm 
Chaos warriors seem really weak, the ai barely gets any kills with them
Lorghul  [author] 4 Jul @ 3:32pm 
Erm, I generally play on L/VH but I've played the game so much that I waste time making mods for it. Cop-out answer - whichever difficult is fun for you!

I'll take a look at the ocean attrition, I think it might be possible to change that for AI only? I think..?

I kinda wanted to overhaul research trees entirely, give fewer choices but impactful stuff only like new abilities or unlocking units rather than +10 growth or +4 melee attack or whatever. But it's so much work I don't know when I'll get around to it.

End game scenario slider changes how many armies spawn. CA didn't tie it to campaign difficulty so neither did I.
Aldebaran 3 Jul @ 9:17am 

I forgot one thing. The AI ​​seems unable to follow a safe route at sea and is experiencing a lot of attrition (High Elves and Lizarmen on my Teclis campaign), maybe disable AI attrition at sea only? or reduce it by 50/75%?

One last question, is there a recommended end game scenario to play with this mod (apart from Chaos Invasion) and what value to choose in the difficulty slider. I don't understand what these values ​​correspond to because it does not seem to adapt automatically with the chosen campaign difficulty. I suppose the default value of 100 is adapted for normal Campaign... So on hard 125/150 very hard 150/175 and legendary 200 ?
Aldebaran 3 Jul @ 6:09am 

A suggestion, maybe slightly increase the percentage of the building research rate (scholar for kislev in my previous campaign) to +15/25/35 instead of +10/20/30% and also slightly increase the view distance of the colony? In my last campaign with Teclis I saw no point in the first 70 turns doing a single building accelerating research (which generally brings fairly minor bonuses (+5%, +1/2 rank etc.).

Otherwise excellent job, it's my favorite mod by far... and I've tried a bunch (Sfo is incredibly overrated, I prefer Radious with submods to make it harder but in the end its still too oriented towards "armies galore")
Aldebaran 3 Jul @ 6:08am 

Greetings. What is the recommended game difficulty (campaign and battle) to play with this mod?

I usually play in VH/VH (vanilla / Radious or with AI mods).

I would try to play a campaign in VH but I fear the AI will be too advantaged ​​(+2/3 recruitment slots I suppose + upkeep reduced + reconstitution bonus + public order bonus etc.) which would break the balance of this mod (slower progression, importance of battles, killing the legendary lord to put the enemy faction in difficulty... at least for a few turns).

Furthermore, I add that the Eltharion faction (Yvresse) seems super difficult to play if we decide to keep control of Yvresse when the choice is given to us from the first colony conquered. Loss of money from the start of the game (-600 I think) despite two poor armies.
Lorghul  [author] 3 Jul @ 2:38am 
I'll take another look at chaos invasion factions losing their original leader, that's been around for a while and I'm not sure what's doing it. I can't do anything about the voice lines, it's not moddable.

I checked and Advance Force effects all cavalry units for a given faction, it isn't high elf specific. You have some kind of mod conflict there.

I don't touch the conductor traits, that's vanilla.
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 7:52pm 
There are 2 conductor traits that give 2 different effects for HEs
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 7:33pm 
N’kari is also replaced as faction leader
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 7:32pm 
Poxmakers also loose kugath
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 7:31pm 
Also is there anyway to remove the dead lords voice in diplomacy dialogue? Perhaps just removing diplomacy voice dialogue altogether? (There are the text boxes anyways)
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 5:52pm 
Dark Elves can get the Advance Force skill which only benefits high elf cav
sarumanthecursed 2 Jul @ 5:46pm 
During the chaos invasion, the tallyman of pestilence seem to start off without epidemus
Mini Kawakami Judging You 1 Jul @ 11:07pm 
I have played it with the Dynamic Regiments mod, @sarumanthecursed and it works. The problem is about balance: in Wegh damage is much less important than morale, and units kill less soldiers in the average battle, specially if they are holding units without anti-infantry/large bonuses. As the requirements for unlocking the Dynamic RoR are based in how many entities do you kill, that becomes harder to do in this mod. Also bonuses are balanced around vanilla: +2 base and +2 armour piercing damage bonus for my handgunners shots would be a "Nice to have" thing in vanilla, here it was basically doubling their DPS (although it seems most effects are less drastic: percentages and passive and active skills. For example what my Reiksguard got was a passive that lowered armour and speed of enemies they hit, which would fit more into this mod´s balance)
sarumanthecursed 1 Jul @ 7:39pm 
Additionally, do you think the community bugfix mod would cause any conflicts?
sarumanthecursed 1 Jul @ 5:02pm 
Is it possible to make LL permanent death configurable via MCT?
sarumanthecursed 1 Jul @ 4:07pm 
Ah okay I see, and yes that one. Good to know!

Thanks for your work as always!
Lorghul  [author] 1 Jul @ 3:35pm 
Seer is from the tabletop, same place all the magic rules come from. I don't like how mandatory it can feel, especially on regular mages, but I don't mind the idea conceptually. Dynamic regiments of reknown - probably? Don't see why not.
sarumanthecursed 1 Jul @ 1:38pm 
is this compatible with Nanu's Dynamic Regiments of Renown (Beta)?
sarumanthecursed 30 Jun @ 8:56pm 
I feel like the Seer attribute for HE is unhealthy for the game balance, being able to pick your spells is kinda anti-what this mods main feature includes
Lorghul  [author] 30 Jun @ 3:36pm 
When settlements are traded they lose the replenishment debuff until the start of the next turn when it is recalculated. I'll take a look at fixing this, but when I last tried it was very finicky.

The winter attrition will work at the start of winter immediately. Brauzeit is not a real word, it is a foreign word to everyone, invented by Warhammer.
☸𝕵𝖔☸ 30 Jun @ 11:26am 
Here is some feedback from my limited experience, I just conquered a settlement and loot and occupied it, then I gifted it to Gisoreux in exchange for a defensive alliance, which put me out of the settlement but now I was replenishing a lot since for some reason AI seem to have no settlement local effect despite the settlement being shown at 0 "hp".

Now unrelated but somewhat connected, I end the turn and winter happen and now my army didnt replenish and is in fact half dead because the winter kick in is brutal instantly.

Now its all good, a UI bug I guess and a new campaign feature, but my problem is more about the fact that its not easy to track when winter is about to hit, the little UI top left is in foreign language and tells me nothing IMO.

The turn before is written "brauzeit" which seem to refer to brewing season aka winter? so when I see it this turn it means next turn is winter?
Lorghul  [author] 30 Jun @ 6:05am 
You can get a random lore by not manually selecting one. I tried passing a few turns as Alarielle and didn't get that bug with spells, I'll keep an eye out for it. I don't know what could cause it, I need to replicate it to fix it. I don't (and mods can't) change anything to do with units ignoring orders, or else there would be a lot of mods that fix that. Mortal torment lacking a tooltip is a vanilla bug.

@Mini Kawakami Judging You
Huh I'm sure I added research to one of the horde buildings a while ago, but it isn't there. Maybe it got accidentally deleted at some point. I'll add that fix to the next update.
Mini Kawakami Judging You 30 Jun @ 5:22am 
I just noticed that Nakai doesn´t have a single building increasing tech rate. With tech rate being 10% of what it is in vanilla, it basically makes the technology system almost non existant for him, you need 50 turns to research a single one.
sarumanthecursed 29 Jun @ 9:12pm 
Ah i see, perhaps making the lores random? I.e instead of choosing which lore, every turn it can change between the ones available to said character.

Also I encountered the alarielle bug where i have the one defensive lore of light spell and 4 high magic spells. Took a screenshot.

Additionally, it seems Alarielle on horse has to be reordered to attack several times vs a dragon and even infantry sometimes, make her look stalled, but it’s inconsistant.

And not sure but mortal torment has no pop up text on the campaign ui, but it’s info is there in her details pannel
arabeschi.caleidoscopici 29 Jun @ 2:02pm 
Yeah i feel it it's difficult to add decisions but at the same time it's one of the aspects where WH is bad compared to previous TW
Lorghul  [author] 29 Jun @ 1:32pm 
For city management, I've though about it and it's possible, but a lot of work that probably won't pay off. I don't like empty complexity - such as mechanics that introduce new bars and buttons and stats but don't increase decision making. It's very hard to add decision making via mods, especially when the AI also won't be able to understand it.

Mixed lores is possible but I avoided it because all the spells would go on separate wheels due to a technical limitation. I find that really annoying so I stuck to one lore at a time. Also the tabletop and lore says you can only draw from one school at a time but that was a distant secondary consideration.

@Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Yeah I intend to expand dungeons in time, I consider the current version a bare foundation. It isn't a very important mechanic so I haven't dedicated much time to it yet.
sarumanthecursed 29 Jun @ 7:13am 
Yes, I was just using her as an example. It would be nice to have fully randomized mixed lores
I think that dungeons mechanic should and probably will be worked upon much more, cause it's perfect for TWW as a whole. Maybe more and better written scenarios? Or make some dungeons connect to some other faction? Though it's already amazing that such a mechanic exists, but giving dungeons some story narrative would be perfect. Maybe Wegh will also add Land Encounters mod to the Overhaul although it will probably destroy already crumbling compatibility of the mods within it.
@sarumanthecursed + it shouldn't be just for Alarielle, but for many mixed lore mage users, so it will randomize different lores alleged to the specific mixed lore user.