Wegh - An Overhaul / Pile of Stuff [BETA]
Showing 1-10 of 22 entries
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Update: 25 Jun @ 7:42am

-new selection of gods to pick from for empire characters (and teb get a few of them too)
-warrior priests and arch lectors get free god choice with different powers and a graphic change (verana and manaan don't have graphic changes yet as I am lazy)
-caravans automatically refill all ammo upon completing route

Update: 19 Jun @ 3:01am

-fix for chaos invasion factions summoning daemons when the chaos invasion was disabled
-fix for vilitch quest spawning in inaccessible location
-fix for dwarf lords being confederable even when properly dead

Update: 18 Jun @ 8:52am

-gave archaon and belakor have access to all 4 daemonic rewards
-gate regions and a select few important settlements no longer lose their garrisons upon getting 15+ stability
-lowered the amount of stability loss for killing faction leaders
-fixed a bug with daemonic rewards not granting daemonic trait
-fixed a bug with some mounts not getting their proper cost and defaulting to 25pts instead
-fixed valkia spear and sigvald sword quest battles spawning in inaccessible locations
-fixed mounts being selectable if the player doesn't own the appropriate dlc and then receiving nothing

Update: 13 Jun @ 6:37am

-fix for blue scribes (they have default access to all spell schools to randomly roll from and their random cataclysm spell)

Update: 11 Jun @ 12:24pm

-fix for warriors of chaos player factions not properly declaring war on the world at game start

Update: 9 Jun @ 4:37am

-rebalance of targeted damaging spells (like spirit leech, fate of bjuna, etc)
-fix for malus starting location buttons carrying over to other screens
-fix for malus start dilemma not firing if you take over a different settlement than black rock
-some malus balance changes (less slaanesh corruption, elixir costs more per use rather than increasing over time, possession can't be stopped by chilling in settlements)
-fix for dynamic movement being calculated incorrectly
-fix for deceivers not getting ammo because they don't technically own territory

Update: 7 Jun @ 11:56am

-characters now need 40% less xp to level up
-add choice of starting locations for Malus
-dynamic movement now accounts for light infantry and cavalry (units with strider or vanguard count less for slowing armies)
-fix for dungeons not having a down arrow between rooms
-fix for dungeons using nearby enemies of the player as reinforcements
-fix for dummy grudge on dwarf characters that wasn't supposed to be shown
-tomb king characters no longer receive water
-winter snow disabled on the Old World campaign until fix for invisible snow can be determined
-fix for daemons of chaos faction using greater daemons when summoned by warriors of chaos, now use heralds instead

Update: 4 Jun @ 11:53am

Update: 4 Jun @ 10:31am

-fix for Rally not being usable
-fix for the LCCP faction Exiles of Atylwyth softlocking the game when Chaos Invasion factions wardecced them

Update: 30 May @ 9:28am

-added skills for tomb kings
-added skills for captains of men (empire, cathay and kislev heroes who are not wizards, engineers or antimages - note kislev doesn't have any heroes like this yet except for golden knight)
-added bullet options for empire witch hunters
-armies that are besieging have -100% reinforcement range