Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Jockey Truck
jkcrmptn #FixTF2  [author] 13 May @ 10:45am 
While I never experienced this glitch myself, the recording embedded was on a tats top 5 and used the scare me lol
LazyPotentiality 13 May @ 6:42am 
This was an interesting glitch, it occasionally happened on the Xbox-360.. when the physical disk had severe scratches. It would also not only effect the jockeys textures, and place it at a random object. But also do such with survivors as well. and of course any of the infected such as the boomer from actual experience I remember.

Anyhoo, I was looking too see if there was a mod of this. quite recently, But to no avail. Until this was created. Weirdly, yet ammusing to see this recreated now. Nostalgic piece finally unlocked! :spyro:
Freddy The Flamingo 11 May @ 10:35pm 
Cursed, guess that's okay
New Reno Wiseguy 11 May @ 9:46pm 
Postal 2 Vibes
Dog⛧[ve/ver] 10 May @ 1:54pm 
ive seen this before
Codiak 8 May @ 3:26pm 
New Halloween addon found
-CherryGoth- 8 May @ 1:56am 
just got a blast from the past with this. i used to show the original video this was based off of to my friends and we'd just sit on our asses and go "woahhhhhhhh, spooooooky" in Xbox 360 party chat because we were mouth drooling babies. good mod! :AviciiThumbsUp: :PolygonHeart:
❤ Geo_Mod ❤ 7 May @ 5:00pm 
Spicy_Jam 7 May @ 1:47am 
uh oh
Meex Gasmoxian 6 May @ 11:40pm 
Jockey Face!