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I know you like my mods, and I know you want more. But I do these things when I wanna, so don't spam, thx.
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Miracle man 12 hours ago 
it might take long for the comic to come out because im trying to get better at drawing before doing it
jarrod.hood 19 May @ 3:01am 
when you make a remasterd nick can you give him a cowboy hat or a fedora
jkcrmptn 18 May @ 11:08am 
Yo just wanna say love your mods!
Spicy_Jam 17 May @ 2:15pm 
make sure to link me the comic when it's done, i'm kinda curious
Miracle man 17 May @ 2:14pm 
Spicy_Jam 17 May @ 2:03pm 
go for it pal