

Medieval Overhaul
老玩家400 7 minutes ago 
Chinese translation?
Jacob Rothschild 1 hour ago 
is this compatible with biotech reproduction
Moon Child 22 hours ago 
Hello! I think there's a mistake with the Fighter trait? I think it should only reduce the mental break threshold by 10% and not 90% considering the Veteran trait only reduces mental break by 15%?.
If that's how it's supposed to be or otherwise, thank you and have a good day!
zhaozheng98 25 Jul @ 10:22am 
Very nice mod, but could you please replace the components from the original game with the basic component plz ? I want to play a game that progresses from medieval to advanced tech, but there are a lot of things I can't build due to the unavailability of original component, thanks for your help!
Ever since the last update to the Vanilla Expanded Framework, this mod causes my game to crash while starting.
It's only with this specific mod and only since the update to the Framework a few days ago, so I'm guessing it has to be caused by something the code of this mod that relies on something in the framework that must have been change with that update.
Katana Sado 25 Jul @ 7:57am 
Nevermind I found them in the alchemy workbench.
Didn't think to look there before.
Katana Sado 24 Jul @ 9:49pm 
I feel like I am going mad.
Where are the bear and wolf hoods made? I can't find them at the workbench, anvil, or tailor's bench.
I have the leather tanning research, is there other research I need as well before I can craft them?
London WNKR 24 Jul @ 4:24pm 
So this mod specifically (I've double checked by trying with only this mod) CTDs me on start up even launching through Rimpy and ive got no idea why. Is there a patch or can i use official 1.4?
Lekoda 24 Jul @ 2:15pm 
What is rune sigil?
Valarion 24 Jul @ 3:13am 
@The Dutchman
Guess I was worried over nothing then
the Placeholder description is on the Unhold, and those new healroot variants like fleawort and poppy (if I remember those names correctly)
so I check just to be sure
ghksl123123 23 Jul @ 3:23pm 
Does the stun immunity ring work normally? If you use the stunning superpower on a Lim wearing this ring, he will be stunned like other Lims.
The Dutchman 23 Jul @ 8:25am 
@Dreamer19 By buying it, making it from water, or scooping it off the ground
The Dutchman 23 Jul @ 8:25am 
@Valarion its a placeholder bc they havent made descriptions yet. In no way would a mod incompatibility cause that...
Valarion 23 Jul @ 7:30am 
some plants and animals description is only a bolded "PLACEHOLDER"
is this placeholder from the unoffical patch?
just want to confirm because if so, I have some other mod that incompatible
Dreamer19 23 Jul @ 5:08am 
The discord link is outdated, can you guys create a new one please?

And a question concerning temperatura/preserving food, there are some sort of ice chests, but how to obtain cice? (Without using ICE addon/ICE expanded mod)

Thanks !
Huehuecóyotl 22 Jul @ 10:27pm 
Is it normal that the whole leather tanning process produces ONE leather at a time? When most clothing recipes require 50-150 textile units???

Are you meant to have a full air conditioned warehouse running 24/7 with an entire lumber farm making tanning liquor just to make enough clothing for a few people?
The Dutchman 22 Jul @ 8:34am 
@Combaticus Maybe use your brain next time
SoLow 22 Jul @ 4:45am 
Doesn't work with CE
Obersturm 22 Jul @ 4:18am 
hey guys anyone have a good medieval overhaul modlist?
Squire lord 21 Jul @ 11:21pm 
Hey, what are the conditions for deathstinger nests to go dormant? Im trying to farm them.

USER BEWARE if you are trying to play multiplayer this will torpedo you.

Unsub from both. Unload from game and restart. Resub to this one. Restart. Profit.
Rasta 20 Jul @ 2:49pm 
@The Dutchman, thank you. I forgot to read that.
Sisstra 19 Jul @ 3:42pm 
Why the smelter is in plasteel tech tree?
MiniKarma 19 Jul @ 2:11pm 
Hey, I love your mod so far, I just had a question for you. WE have for structure tent from hide or cloth but not matching door. Are we supposed to use the animal flap as a matching thing for the looks and such? Thank you in advance and sorry for the random question!
The Dutchman 19 Jul @ 1:31pm 
@Rasta Read the FAQ
Rasta 19 Jul @ 6:43am 
@Anyone, Hey guys, I'm trying to do a medieval only play through on 1.5. Should I use cherry picker and slowly scroll through everything to take industrial and spacer rewards out or are yall using another mod for that? I am using the medieval story teller as well with rimworld magic but I just had a quest reward me with a Vanometric Powercell and im a little nervous about future raids.
Aeylog 19 Jul @ 12:12am 
pleas CE compatible
Arkitekt Origins 17 Jul @ 5:46pm 
is there no way to mine for gems?
Also I'm using CE just fine. It seems to have errors but nothing that breaks the game or makes impairs its playability. It must be a different mod for you guys breaking things.
The Dutchman 17 Jul @ 3:20pm 
@MichalPl111 Take it up with CE and stop whining here. Its not MO's responsibility
MichalPl111+-gamehag.com 17 Jul @ 7:53am 
pleas CE compatible
SmellyFishNuggets 17 Jul @ 6:34am 
this goofy plain hide is -25750273258 plain hides so its there until it expires
Your_Local_Idiot 17 Jul @ 1:36am 
i cant access some of the tech tree because i cant scroll down, making the mod impossible to beat the game with
ЧВК ФЕМБОЙЧИК 16 Jul @ 5:11am 
how to craft heraldic armor?
GrynnReaper 15 Jul @ 11:12pm 
What are the broken weapons for? Can't find anything to do with em
MichalPl111+-gamehag.com 15 Jul @ 5:44pm 
for me crashes if i have CE , can you pleas MAke it work(not Bethesta stile)
Exosais 15 Jul @ 11:22am 
The setting for replacing tar with chemfuel doesn't work. Regardless of if you have it on or off, boomalopes produce tar.
Asar_Waroth 15 Jul @ 8:54am 
Is there any way to separate regular wood from other wood (Anima, Red, Dark) in a task bill? for example, to make a regular one up to 400 and an anima up to 100
gnome 15 Jul @ 2:08am 
is the noble house armor craftable
Unsunghero 14 Jul @ 8:32pm 
is there anyway to turn on JUST plasteel spawns, without touching the other vanilla stuff, since there are some mods that turn plasteel into mithril?
2ScoopsPlz 14 Jul @ 5:40pm 
Rox don't seem to give milk, only wool
GrynnReaper 14 Jul @ 9:55am 
Weirdly, if i try to move or build another advanced research bench the UI vanishes and i have have to kill the game in task manager and restart. Can't select anything, the blueprint outline is on the mouse cursor but you can't place it, escape does nothing.
Basik 13 Jul @ 2:47pm 
Did i heard, that someone said Battle Brothers?
Dorka 13 Jul @ 8:05am 
Does anyone know how the mending bench works? It has "none" for bills and i can't seem to do anthing with it. Is it just for show?
The Dutchman 13 Jul @ 7:31am 
@Disturbance The official one will be updated when they feel like it. Its been worked on the entire time
Arkitekt Origins 13 Jul @ 5:48am 
the "remove fuel req" doesn't work on candles
Disturbance 13 Jul @ 5:02am 
listen here aint trying to be a skid... but CE is incompatible in this patch. you gotta find a way to update the official one
Allesmere 12 Jul @ 9:57am 
@Exosais that seems to have been a bug for a bit, thankfully the tanning rack will still finish!
Joebobthe3rd 11 Jul @ 10:16pm 
I'm getting a cyclic dependency between this and CE. what does this mean and how do i fix it?
Disturbance 11 Jul @ 9:13pm 
can i use sos 2nwith this
The Dutchman 11 Jul @ 5:47pm 
@Exosais Then report the bug with a log in the discord