Tzeentch's Bane Towers
Son Gohan 18 Jul @ 4:40am 
Is it possible?
Son Gohan 17 Jul @ 9:56am 
Please make it fly higher if possible ;)
Knigga 6 Jul @ 1:44am 
how to change limit from 3?
Necroplex 2 Jul @ 1:03pm 
Can we get this for changeling please?
GreyGhost14 1 Jul @ 11:42am 
can you make this so belakor can get this please
M3ran 30 Jun @ 10:56am 
would be nice if they could fly abit higher up in the sky, love the mod.
War 25 Jun @ 6:59pm 
I personally feel as though the cost isn't really a good balance for these units. It definitely helps but if you run a single army and have three of these(four with the RoR), you can demolish absolutely anything in the way. Without even using the rest of my army, I melted four enemy armies of lizardmen in one battle. I feel like they could use a much lower amount of ammo or less damage. The AI is never smart enough to counter these so these things just end anything and everything.
Necrokek 22 Jun @ 9:40am 

Okay after some generous testing there are a lot of things wrong with this mod EXTERNALLY to the other factions other than Tzeetches own faction.

- Villitch from WoC cannot recruit the unit at all, it does not appear under the port option, not only that, Villitch can't really get a port unless they are a dark fortress, which only exist on the other side of the map. It should be moved to TIER 5 building or as one of the advanced millitary building options (or new)
Necrokek 22 Jun @ 9:40am 

- For Daniel, it's wonky as hell.
Firstly you have to reach the required amount of Tzeetch glory, and then you also have to find a tier 3 port? which again is quite difficult for him to do at his location, but apparantly, the port does't require him at all to have any glory because it doesn't have the associated resource attached.
(wh3_main_dae_tzeentch_points) So he can just march west, ignore his glory and get tier 3 ports instead, making his entire glory mechanic redundant.

I think if this is going to be fixed, for Daemons of Chaos it should be attached to the TIER 5 building slot and for Villitch, he should have his OWN SPECIAL building that unlocks it as a tier 5 variant, so that other WOC factions can't use the unit (or assign it to grand altar of tzeetch).
Bishamonten 17 Jun @ 3:01am 
Script might be broken, logs show the following:

Loading mod file [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua]
Failed to load mod file [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua], error is: cannot open gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground: No such file or directory. Will attempt to require() this file to generate a more meaningful error message:
error loading module gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground from file gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground:[string "script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua"]:8: unexpected symbol near '['
Failed to load mod: [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua]
Hexmorr 28 May @ 7:12am 
@DamnedThrice because the limit is 3 for the regular one and 1 RoR
DamnedThrice 27 May @ 3:17pm 
Even with building more of the prerequisite buildings, I'm limited to a total of 3 of the regular towers and 1 RoR for the whole campaign. I have 9 Tier 5 Forges of Change and there hasn't been an increase in unit capacity at all.
Gorilla General 21 May @ 6:20pm 
This mod still works :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
ターボאיידס 2 May @ 11:59am 
Love this mod, but it would be great if there was a way to recruit this as the changling since he doesn't have ports. Also whats the unit key for this unit?
RubADuck 2 May @ 6:23am 
They are magnificent! But maybe let them fly a bit higher so they don't glitch through the ground.
ToastyTeagan 1 May @ 6:27pm 
pleeeeease make this avaliable as a mount! I love it and think it would be so fun to have sorcerer lords to be able to use them!
socks 20 Apr @ 11:29am 
Playing as Vilitch, I seem to only have access to the RoR, for some reason. The unit isn't listed anywhere else.
Muzzleflipmckracken 16 Apr @ 8:34pm 
I love both using and fighting this. Legit, think it's surprisingly balanced.
Storm代捞 13 Apr @ 4:24am 
Awesome mod!!!
But I have a question: I don`t find this unit in Changeling build, did I have something wrong ?
xyzcrysis 12 Apr @ 5:54pm 
awesome mod, but waaaaay too OP
Karasis 10 Apr @ 6:46am 
its a great model but its way too strong imo.
CALiGeR190 10 Apr @ 6:25am 
Really awesome and beautiful mod, but these things really need to be toned down a bit, they do far too much damage and they're quite tanky.
DASSBEAR 31 Mar @ 8:15pm 
dont change a thing creating a video and dubbing this the most OP mod in total war warhammer 3
Avadon 31 Mar @ 3:37pm 
Still has the battle cry SFX from the female Canthay warriors...

As King of Clubs stated...great mod but needs to be balanced...
AFGHAN PSYCHO 30 Mar @ 6:19pm 
Could you make this compatible with Dilaguna's original mod?
Ash, Housewares 30 Mar @ 3:39pm 
they look great. beautiful model designs.

but theyre too big, their model looks awkward how it drags along the ground

wayy too strong. even the base bane tower annihilates everything.

honestly still gonna use ramens' eidolons instead, until these receive some updating
Amibe Relique 626 30 Mar @ 2:27pm 
how we recrut this beautiful tower with vilich or for changeling ?
King of Clubs 30 Mar @ 12:26pm 
this is great mod, but op as f, (ROR and meat shield) can take on 2 full stacks too easy.
Baraka Obama 29 Mar @ 5:50pm 
Quality mod. They are expensive to recruit and maintain, but boy oh boy are they worth it.
manfuride 28 Mar @ 11:53pm 
great mod!Sir can I get the code so that I can use it in another clique?
CadeOfRoots 28 Mar @ 9:00pm 
To be honest the idea of having floating towers is extremely unique and fits Tzeentch perfectly. Just wish it could do a bit more then just be overpowered :l
Silver 28 Mar @ 5:30pm 
can Archeon get these towers? and how do you get them as villich?
BloodW0lf 28 Mar @ 4:51pm 
that would be sick if u could :D!! I do rec playign with TTC dude!
999999999999 28 Mar @ 2:53pm 
@Empiko btw i meant you can make the model go higher by adding a y value transform tag to the persistent meta animation
StrykerMagnus 28 Mar @ 2:50pm 
Any chance you'd make this unit available for Changeling's faction, The Deceivers? wh3_dlc24_tze_the_deceivers
Empiko  [author] 28 Mar @ 12:56pm 
@Fractum Not at all! Please feel free.
Empiko  [author] 28 Mar @ 12:56pm 
@BloodW0lf I've never done TTC, but I can certainly look into it
Fractum 28 Mar @ 2:31am 
Hello ! I've very recently started taking up sub-modding and was wondering if you had a problem with me trying to make a submod for SFO
BloodW0lf 27 Mar @ 4:20pm 
does this have built in TTC values? if not could you add it to this mod? you wont need to make it need TTC btw
Krakenous 27 Mar @ 3:08am 
For having the model float higher maybe you could look at "Heinrich Kemmler Can Fly!" Mods by Laff, seeing if they've donr anything different. I'm pretty sure there must be a value somewhere unless it would need to be script based.

Anyway I think that's a good method to take, keep the ROR insane but tweak the regular unit. Good luck!
skooma 26 Mar @ 6:07pm 
yea, you'd probably just have to slide the entire model up on whatever it's rigged to
i have never touched the 3d side total war games, so i'll leave that to someone else
Empiko  [author] 26 Mar @ 5:57pm 
As for everyone else below, I'm currently playing around with caps, as well as the damage/ammo/hp of the regular Bane Tower. The ROR, however, will remain ridiculous. I've at the very least used this pass to make sure Bane Tower remains strong in firepower but weak in the proper areas as to be reasonable, IE not having nigh-unlimited ammunition and decent HP.
Empiko  [author] 26 Mar @ 5:54pm 
@oppai If you find it, let me know :p I'm fairly sure it's to do with the actual animation, or possibly the model itself, or both
skooma 26 Mar @ 2:55pm 
all i want is for it to hover higher off the ground, is there a value i can edit for that?
Krakenous 26 Mar @ 10:39am 
Even with those changes they will still decimate anything besides Chorf/Empire/Dwarven/VC long range, high penetration artillery or cannons haha. BUT who cares? I play a heavily modded campaign as is and currently haven't reached anything that stands equal to it...600 units and an insane number of spells with Kairos LH Blue Scribes and all the buffs VS the ENTIRE "Sentinels" army of nearly 8000 units. I won. Too easily...which was a bit of a shock lol. They both got nearly 1000 kills each!

Fun though :D.
Krakenous 26 Mar @ 10:36am 
These are absolutely insane fun! If you have one assaulting a settlement major city lol good luck. I don't think they need +75% against buildings...I'd say, 0 if I'm honest! The ROR decimates a wall in 2-3 volleys and I'm playing with mods that double the TIER 5 settlements lol. As for gates...what are gates? It appears to 1 shot them haha.

They possibly need to be even more expensive, as Kairos is all about Grimoires, perhaps make them drain something like 100 a turn for the regular unit and 200 a turn for the ROR as by the end game this is easily affordable. The regular unit should be nerfed further in ammo and damage, but keep the elite version as is but potentially make them mutually exclusive in a single army? Either one, but not both. Make them capped at 2 factionwide for the regular and 1 factionwide for the ROR with no way to increase caps.
Richen 26 Mar @ 6:00am 
I would totally make them a capacity unit with capacity increased by tier 5 settlements (+1 for T5 settlement (basically dread saurian for Tzeench)). This being regular unit just expensive is probably incorrect balance decision. Also, probably cound make them like 1K hp unit with ton of barrier, but I dont know how this would interact with auto resolve and such so just a tought on my end.
Krakenous 26 Mar @ 3:51am 
I had this thing travel far across provinces to deliver to Kairos from home base in the south...when it finally got close as Kairos was assaulting a major settlement, I had the lord come in as re-enforcements to the battle.

When it finally arrived on the battlefield you could just...HEAR IT, AND SEE IT carving these massive boulders of sparkly energy boulders and Warpfire across the battlefield it was absolutely glorious, what a SIGHT FOR TZEENTCH!

It certainly was one hell of a backup unit even though I technically didn't need it lol it was beautiful overkill....and this was just the NORMAL unit xD! So fun.

I assume it gets redline buffs from war machines or anything else?
CadeOfRoots 25 Mar @ 7:52pm 
This genuiely looks unique and cool asf for a tzeench artliety. But Are you planning on maybe making a balance patch for it? It looks like an amazing unit to use but would rather not have a "auto win" unit for fights
Kimplin 25 Mar @ 7:31pm 
can these be added as a gifted unit for WoC?