

SeedsPlease: Lite Redux
o.s.c.y.p. 23 Jul @ 2:12pm 
My pawns seem to behave smarter as of lately, and don't walk back and forth as much as hey did, but please listen to the other folks' reports too.

Also, could you please adjust the prices of raw plant products, or at least give players an option to do so? As of now, raw cotton is worth 2.50 per unit, whereas cloth is worth only 1.50 a piece - meaning you lose wealth by processing cotton into, arguably more valuable, cloth. Same goes for herbal medicine - 5 units of healroot leaves cost 13 silver (2.80 per unit), but herbal medicine is worth only 10 silver.
Radiosity 22 Jul @ 3:50pm 
Was going to mention the issue with pawns cutting grass and continually putting the seeds away, but others already did, so I'll just confirm that I'm getting the same problem.
o.s.c.y.p. 22 Jul @ 6:20am 
@mr.j.j.borreli, I have the same problem with planters planting seeds all the way until grass needs to be cut. Then they just put the seeds away at the closest stockpile, cut one piece of grass, then pick up the seeds again, plant, put the seeds away, cut grass...

If it helps, I think it might be a conflict with the many farming and AI mods I have: common sense, pick up and haul, smart farming, crop rotation...
RealGranit 16 Jul @ 11:42am 
i have this mod installed with alpha bioms, so i get many diverent seeds but i can only plant the vanilla seed, how can i fix it? thanks for the advice
Sgt Toast 15 Jul @ 2:00am 
@t0m4s1t0 nope that's exactly what is not work properly. I've reinstalled the mod just proof what you mentioned. For example if I harvest the Wildberrybushes, I just get Berries and theres is no way to refine that. I don't get any Strawberries nor I get any Seeds from that. Strawberries are only obtainable through Strawberrybushes. The next step would be to use the "extract seed" option which just give you "Wild-Berries". The Refine option is pretty equivalent and only works on Strawberries, although it also gives just the "Wild-Berries". The only way to obtain Seeds is through trade or luck while harvesting strawberries.
If don't believe me just do it yourself and test it via Dev-Mode. I hope you can now understand what the problem is and why I rewrote it locally
mr.j.j.borreli 14 Jul @ 7:52pm 
Exciting! Thanks tomasito! Will have to try in my next run. I absolutely love using this with a naked brutality start!
t0m4s1t0 11 Jul @ 10:42pm 
@mr.j.j.borreli I'm not experiencing that problem, they pick the stack of seeds and plant in one go.
t0m4s1t0 11 Jul @ 10:11pm 
@Sgt Toast

I don't get your problem, you have to harvest the map berry bushes to get berries, and then you extract seeds from those berries to get "cultivated raspberry seeds". You plant those to get raspberry bushes from which you harvest berries, from which you extract "cultivated raspberry seeds" and restart the loop.
mr.j.j.borreli 10 Jul @ 7:24am 
Does this mod still have the problem older versions did where pawns will plant one seed, return to the seed stockpile, walk back and plant 1 more seed, then walk back to the stockpile on loop?
Sgt Toast 8 Jul @ 5:30am 
kay, I have partly rewritten the function. Although the Intention were "RawStrawberries -> RawBerries-> Seeds", now it works with "RawBerries -> RawStrawberries-> Seeds" which I consider it should work. For those who want to test it, I'll open a discussion with the rewritten Code
Sgt Toast 8 Jul @ 3:16am 
anyone know how to fix strawberries? if i want to extract seeds i just get raw berries but i can't extract these to get seeds. as Tribe it's near impossible to start agriculture without buying seeds from trader.
Dizzy Ioeuy 6 Jul @ 1:59pm 
maybe add this:
Dizzy Ioeuy 6 Jul @ 1:58pm 
also while there add:
<workSkill>Plants</workSkill> not cooking...
Dizzy Ioeuy 6 Jul @ 1:58pm 
also use:


Dizzy Ioeuy 6 Jul @ 1:55pm 



zyzyhasl 28 Jun @ 7:36pm 
Seeds that are automatically generated by the mod.
Can you provide a translation key for the suffix "xxx seeds"
tanyfilina 20 Jun @ 6:18am 
I cannot imagine what can be the reason, but I've got strawberries texture (raw food one) upside down :)
JollilyJime 11 Jun @ 11:35pm 
Not sure if worth posting, but:
Don't rely on autogenerated seeds, share the generated XML for proper support.
<!-- [Seeds Please: Lite Redux] RRP_TreeAcacia(zvq.realisticplanetscontinued)Autogenerated as Seed_RRP_TreeAcacia-->
<ThingDef ParentName="SeedBase">
<label>acacia tree seeds</label>
<li Class="SeedsPleaseLite.Seed">

<!-- [Seeds Please: Lite Redux] Date_tree(tanypredator.bedouin.faction.expanded)Autogenerated as Seed_Date_tree-->
<ThingDef ParentName="SeedBase">
<label>date palm seeds</label>
<li Class="SeedsPleaseLite.Seed">
AUV 11 Jun @ 1:13pm 
at HarmonyLib.Harmony.GetOriginalMethodFromStackframe (System.Diagnostics.StackFrame frame)
at HarmonyMod.ExceptionTools.AddHarmonyFrames (System.Text.StringBuilder sb, System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace)
at HarmonyMod.ExceptionTools.ExtractHarmonyEnhancedStackTrace (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace, System.Boolean forceRefresh, System.Int32& hash)
at HarmonyMod.Environment_GetStackTrace_Patch.Prefix (System.Exception e, System.Boolean needFileInfo, System.String& __result)

HarmonyMod.Environment_GetStackTrace_Patch was patched by:
AUV 11 Jun @ 1:13pm 
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility.ProcessSeed (Verse.ThingDef thingDef, SeedsPleaseLite.Seed seedEx, System.Boolean resolveBase)
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility.GetSeedsAndPlants (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.ThingDef]& seedCache, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.ValueTuple`2[Verse.ThingDef,SeedsPleaseLite.Seed]]& butcheryToResolve)
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility.Setup (System.Boolean rerun)
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility..cctor ()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
[Ref CF6A66]
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(intptr)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer ()
at HarmonyLib.HarmonySharedState.GetRealMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Boolean useReplacement)
at HarmonyLib.HarmonySharedState.GetStackFrameMethod (System.Diagnostics.StackFrame frame, System.Boolean useReplacement)
AUV 11 Jun @ 1:12pm 
Maybe I have a lot of plants?

Error in static constructor of SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility' threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility+<>c. <UpdateDescriptions>b__10_2 (Verse.DefHyperlink x)
at System.Linq.Lookup`2[TKey,TElement].Create (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[T] comparer)
at System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`2[TSource,TKey].GetEnumerator ()
at System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList ()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source)
at SeedsPleaseLite.SeedsPleaseUtility.UpdateDescriptions (Verse.ThingDef seedDef, Verse.ThingDef plantDef)
Svela 10 Jun @ 8:37pm 
Is there a way to make the seed spot work on tables? I'm playing a no research run and I'm unable to use the seed spot because I have neither stoves nor a butcher spot. If it's not possible, then just being able to use it on the floor like other spots would be a great compromise.

To clarify, I tried to adjust the xml myself, but I couldn't figure out how to make the spot not be redistricted to stoves.
Kevin_M2 2 Jun @ 1:26am 
I have no seeds, nor do I have anything in the mod settings lists. Is this something you have seen before?
Jet 31 May @ 6:05pm 
seeds spot and the seeds bench have the same work efficiency making there be no point in using the latter no?
KingsMan_ 30 May @ 1:11am 
there is something wrong with Berries. pleas check
Wolfslieder 21 May @ 5:04am 
Hey I dont know why but after harvesting Berries, I cant turn them into seeds nor can I use the berry changing task
GeneralTso 18 May @ 9:14pm 
Thank you!!!
Flamangos 17 May @ 9:36am 
I can't seem to plant nutrifungus in any growing zone whilst using this mod. Using seeds please
TeH_Dav 16 May @ 6:01am 
So they're not explicitly errors or bugs, but I'm getting this huge list of seeds that the mod is auto-generating and its telling me to report them so official support can be added for them. Se here's the log file w/ the information:

alecmzhu 13 May @ 9:08pm 
It seems that this mod isn't compatible with Realistic Planets Continued. The issue I'm currently running into is specifically with acacia tree seeds and bamboo seeds. The seed variants from VGP still exist in the files, but it seems they are being overwritten by the RPC variants, which are untyped and can't be planted.
ComradeKai 11 May @ 2:38pm 
Having a strange bug with all the seeds from the ReGrowth series. The texture for the seeds is not transparent and is therefore surrounded by a black square. All seeds from vanilla and vanilla expanded are fine.
tanyfilina 9 May @ 11:58pm 
I'm getting several yellow errors connected to Biomes! Caverns due to the fact that many different mushrooms produce either MushroomLogs or RawFungus, and there is some problem in extraction of seeds.
SkylineOdeum 9 May @ 11:34am 
Having a little issue with Smokeleaf Industry Reborn [Adopted]. Seems like seeds dropped from the base smokeleaf plant aren't actually for that plant but one of the variants in the game...
-=GoW=-Dennis 3 May @ 2:24am 
I've been using Dandelions so far, but VPE's grass is vastly superior :)
awesomeadam217 2 May @ 9:58am 
@-=GoW=-Dennis I think dandelions have more nutrition as well!
-=GoW=-Dennis 2 May @ 9:28am 
Thank you so much, now it actually appears and my cattle have stuff to feed on as the mod intended :D
HTxL  [author] 2 May @ 1:50am 
@-=GoW=-Dennis fixed, you should be able to plant grass and tall grass from VPE mod
HTxL  [author] 2 May @ 1:30am 
@-=GoW=-Dennis will check that
@Malaras I can plant it, do you have the seeds and research for it?
Malaras 1 May @ 2:04pm 
How to plant devilstrand? not getting option?
-=GoW=-Dennis 28 Apr @ 2:20am 
Mh, seems while the grass and tall grass are automatically without seeds as they have no yield, they still cannot be planted without a seed - they don't appear in the growing zones.
-=GoW=-Dennis 28 Apr @ 1:07am 
Ah, thanks for mentioning that - seems the grasses are indeed without seeds by default now - super cool!

Have you considered giving the Cocoa Bush from Vanilla Expanded Ideology Memes the cocoa beans as output? It's Seed's Please Lite afaik that makes the vanilla cocoa tree have those beans instead of directly dropping chocolate, so it would be very fitting if those cocoa bushes would also drop beans instead of directly chocolate :)
SkylineOdeum 27 Apr @ 6:44pm 
@Cariboul I think I remember a bunch of folks and I encountered that issue before this current fork with another version Seeds Please. I don't know if anyone ever found what caused the conflict, just that folks recommended using Achtung! as a workaround cuz it overrides a lot of pawn behaviors. Maybe it could help.

If you look on the Reddit, there's some posts from 3 years ago talking about this very thing.
HTxL  [author] 27 Apr @ 3:42pm 
@-=GoW=-Dennis in the mod settings you can turn plants seedless

@Cariboul I don't have this issue, maybe a mod in your mod list causes the way pawns plant to change and cause this conflict

@SounLee that's weird! at least good to know it's solved
SounLee 27 Apr @ 1:01pm 
@HTxL fixed i redowloaded the mod SIX times, now the vanilla stockpiles and shelves are working too.... those workshop downloads/updates are just hella broken -.- [noticed due to different file sizes on each download while having wireshark open]
Cariboul 27 Apr @ 8:20am 
Hi guys ! thanks for the mod !

I have a weird/ annoying behavior, if there is already grass/moss on the planting zone, my pawn will cut just 1 grass, then grab the seed, plant, and repeat every time for juste 1 seed :/

Anyone know a way around this ? ty!
-=GoW=-Dennis 27 Apr @ 6:34am 
Just a question: Is grass still requiring seeds to be planted (from Vanilla Expanded Plants), given the seeds can be barely gotten and grass doesn't drop any material or seed, as its used by animals?
HTxL  [author] 27 Apr @ 6:18am 
@SoundLee I checked it specifically with auto-generated seeds from [LTS]Biosphere, let me know which mods you're using that don't work for stockpiles/storage-buildings
SounLee 27 Apr @ 1:20am 
ok nice^^ does not work 100% but atleast it works on the seed crates addon from adaptive storage mod... vanilla stockpiles and shelves still don´t have an option for autogenerated seeds.
SkylineOdeum 26 Apr @ 8:01pm 
Awesome possums! :lunar2019grinningpig:
HTxL  [author] 26 Apr @ 6:09pm 
@SounLee fixed it now for storage buildings