

ReSplice: Charmweavers
Doctor Worm 21 Jul @ 9:49am 
For some reason this mod keeps yeeting itself near the top of my mod load order lol... doesn't break anything just kind of funny
Tabu2684 20 Jul @ 11:13pm 
so you just added a succubus as a xenotype... Nice...
atp731 20 Jul @ 8:25pm 
Is there a special event for these to appear in your colony like with sanguophages? Or do you just kinda have to get lucky?
Bunuffin 12 Jul @ 4:13am 
Would it be possible for the enthralled pawns to switch to the charmweaver ideology?
Smersh 11 Jul @ 4:59pm 
If I initiate lovin (from VRE Highmates) with a highmate, the charmweaver will break up with everyone else (despite being set to unlimited spouses in ideo settings) anyone knows what causes this?
creatura.exe 9 Jul @ 8:46pm 
when loading into the modlist, charmweavers automatically shoots up to the top of the modlist to be riht under vanilla expanded framework. It isnt causing any errors, but it's kinda odd that it happens
Vorlon1307 9 Jul @ 8:34am 
Please fix the charmweavers's big eyes
Poised 28 Jun @ 1:45pm 
Can someone fully explain the multi pregnancy system to me?
Poised 28 Jun @ 12:29am 
Can a random event be decided around them?
Helixien  [author] 27 Jun @ 11:03pm 
@Jet: Yes, they are rare.
Jet 27 Jun @ 9:40pm 
havent seen one of these in 3 years
Vintage Misery 27 Jun @ 8:14pm 
Does anyone know what mod the hologram displays in the preview picture come from? I'm trying to recreate the club, but can't track down where they come from. Thanks.
Poised 25 Jun @ 11:30pm 
how do i get charm weavers?
Mistwood 23 Jun @ 8:03pm 
kinda annoying with the ideology integration, if you choose want pregnancy, colonists immediately get the debuffs for not being pregnant while still in labour or under the age of 16.
👁 20 Jun @ 6:04am 
Cool mod, though I'm not fond of the ideology meme requiring marriage to be abhorrent, Muh Charm Lord is something of a collector you see...
macleod82 18 Jun @ 11:32am 
Does this work without Ideology (DO have Biotech)? I'm getting errors on startup, and confirmed by removing all but Charmweavers and it's reqs. I also tagged in on an unanswered thread with the same issue/question in the Discord. New to modding RW, thanks.
BingoBungus 7 Jun @ 4:20am 
She just like me for real
Dr. Gottlieb 5 Jun @ 3:54am 
@ [FD] Tomatohead lol
Level 1 Beep 3 Jun @ 4:14pm 
I just got the Irresistible Proposition quest, but the quest giver was a 2 yo child from my colony who is apparently now also a father.
[FD] Tomatohead 3 Jun @ 8:05am 
@ashen What is RJW?
Ashen 30 May @ 4:25pm 
In case anybody was curious like me - you need to install RJW Genes (in the extra addons page of RJW) to have compatibility with Charmweavers & VRE Highmates
Foefaller 28 May @ 6:43pm 
Psychic Thrall has buggy behavior with the Unnatural Corpse from Anomaly. If it's mimicking one of the thralls, it will permanently take up a thrall slot, even if you butcher the corpse afterwards. Dev mode log mentioned it being attached to a "null person"
Bonesthe 26 May @ 5:38pm 
Rimjobworld swarthy that is what it
Swarthy 25 May @ 7:32pm 
What's RJW?
Jet 25 May @ 3:15am 
are these gender specific or either?
life is a cinamon roll 22 May @ 2:47pm 
Are thralls supposed to be unaffected by imprisoning their own masters? I enthralled a highmate to saver her from her psychic link thingy, and I had that highmate imprison the charmweaver who enthralled her (conversion purposes). Is this supposed to happen?
Harry 19 May @ 6:30am 

Two ways to remove the eyes. You could click the pawn, then click the Charmweaver icon near the top right of the info panel to bring up the xenotype, then click Devtool, then Remove gene. Devmode probably needs to be on.

An alternative to not having to do this every time would be navigating to the mod's folder, for me it was:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\3131996691\1.5\Defs\GeneDefs

Edit XenotypeDefs and delete line 46
Edit the GendeDefs_Charmweavers (I use notepad++) and delete lines 412-456. The bottom of your file should look like this:


I would recommend copying the entire folder of this mod to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
MOD 19 May @ 2:10am 
what exactly does its rjw patch support do?
BattleBird 16 May @ 7:39am 
yeah, simultaneous labour seems to not function, repeated tests on the devtest option as well as normal game testing, just produce one child and end all pregnancies. Also, will there be any compatibility with VFE saurid's oviparous genes?
PHCGamer 14 May @ 10:27am 
Just tested the update. The fix doesn't work with simultaneous labor.
Darwin11021TTV 11 May @ 7:30pm 
same question as @Avarica is there anyway to make the eye gene optional
Avaricia 10 May @ 6:15am 
Is it possible to make the new eye gene optional? it causes issues with facial animation mod but the patch looks to be temporarily not-maintained
[FD] Tomatohead 9 May @ 4:19am 
Also to the dev again. I made a costum species with the Love Feeding Trait but no matter how low their hemogen goes they won't suck their loved ones off. Is there some other trait it needs for it to work?
[FD] Tomatohead 9 May @ 4:02am 
@PHCGamer ah, super to know! Thanks for sharing ;D
PHCGamer 7 May @ 12:42pm 
It tries to, but doesn't. You end up with 1 fertilized egg and 2 pregnancies that get reset each lovin.
[FD] Tomatohead 7 May @ 12:09pm 
Will the Multi Pregnancy Trait work with the Alpha Genes egg laying gene? I'd reckon not since the egg laying is probably defined differently then the pregnancy.
Morcalvin 6 May @ 7:52am 
Does this reauire resplice core?
wincentweynard 5 May @ 12:59am 
This is even better then the original Succubi from that forbidden mod.
Great idea.
PHCGamer 2 May @ 11:45am 
Multi-pregnancy gene doesn't seem to work right with alpha genes eggs. Not sure if it's supposed to work with alpha genes asexual budding or not, but it doesn't.
Veskaida 2 May @ 12:41am 
There's a minor typo in the Mods menu (Main Menu > Mods > ReSplice Charmweavers > Display Fulfilled Requirements ) which reads "Depends on: Boitech" which should instead read as "Biotech". Looks like it's actual doing the check correctly for Biotech to be installed/enabled, just is purely a typo.
Euterpe 30 Apr @ 2:13pm 
incredible mod, props for the rjw patch
PipeBombastic 27 Apr @ 4:49am 
sex slave operation is officially 2x more productive, would recommend getting
Catbot1310 25 Apr @ 10:07am 
I'm pretty sure these can be male.
Broken Butterfly 24 Apr @ 5:58am 
make a male version, i wont tell anyone about it... *slips you money*
FeralFerret 24 Apr @ 4:13am 
Would really love a male version of these! :2016watermelon:
Cagelight 23 Apr @ 2:21pm 
There seems to be a small oversight related to the "Love feed" gene. I feel like pawns with love feed should be able to feed from their sanguophage partners if they have the "Sanguofeeder" gene as well. But this does not occur currently.
JustSomeEggsInAPot 21 Apr @ 1:43pm 
I like that cat in a construction suit.
Kraehe 18 Apr @ 3:47pm 
is it normal that charmweavers have -6 metabolic efficiancy?
creatura.exe 17 Apr @ 9:54pm 
I tried to report this on the discord, but was unable to join to due the phone verification requirement, so I'm hoping there is a chance it might be seen here instead.

This is more of a visual bug than an error that pops up in the logs, so i'm not sure If i should send those. Essentially the problem is that Charmweaver eyes keep appearing out of scale on females, and they'll be considerably larger and closer together than I remember them last I played them in 1.4. I tested it without any other mods besides the required VEF and only the Biotech DLC, and the issue persisted. Not sure what could be causing this, but if you need any logs I can send them over too
BoxingBud 15 Apr @ 4:25pm 
It sounds like a male would be rare, does matrianic mean males can get pregnant? That would be neat!