EK Utilities Remastered(EK Utilities 重製版)
114 comentarios
Lucifinel  [autor] hace 5 horas 
@哈索爾 雷射武器的電池並不是真正意義上的電池,而是武器,中型SSL高爆彈藥也是武器,既然是武器就需要安全官的那個技能,自氧化燃料罐則是雙屬性,雙屬性都要達標

Zeraphy hace 7 horas 
哈索爾 hace 15 horas 
Blu 4 NOV a las 14:33 
I think the grappling hook is still broken? It doesn't pull :(
ambatron 25 OCT a las 8:33 
Does this still work with the new update?
Corvus 8 OCT a las 9:06 
I don't know if it works this way outside of the editor, but when I was testing it, the Cargo Transport Mule's 5th slot was able to hold up to 50 material crates alongside the 4 normal crate slots
Lucifinel  [autor] 4 OCT a las 1:42 
@Sanctuary emmm...這有點尷尬,我猜是因為燃料棒裝卸車有核反應爐的TAG,但這很難改,硬改的話這物品也就廢了
Sanctuary 3 OCT a las 21:06 
Lucifinel  [autor] 30 SEP a las 7:34 
@The Lord of Ebola This MOD modifies the battery's TAG. You need to make sure that your other MODs do not modify the battery, or increase the priority of this MOD.
The Lord of Ebola 29 SEP a las 7:02 
I also had an issue where bots wont use arc welders :( they just complain about lack of welding fuel.
Azure 26 SEP a las 4:23 
Havel L. Krik 20 SEP a las 12:16 
I don't know if This is classed as a bug, but Mechanics will not use the Arc Welder when ordered to repair the Hull.
菜鸟快递,想寄就寄 20 SEP a las 11:54 
Lucifinel  [autor] 10 SEP a las 2:32 
@Azure 这是本来的设计欧,一箱物品本就是生成在地面的,如果担心物品掉地上捡的很麻烦,也可以用解构仪分解
Lucifinel  [autor] 10 SEP a las 2:30 
@Rayzen 檢查一下你的電池是否有被其他MOD的物品覆蓋(本MOD修改了電池,讓AI可以識別電池為一種焊接燃料)
Azure 9 SEP a las 21:18 
Rayzen 7 SEP a las 10:57 

存在一個問題,人類 NPC 不認為電弧焊接機是焊接工具的變種,即使庫存中有電池也拒絕修理船體
Killer Tamashi 6 SEP a las 19:03 
The mule disappears when dropped in a wreck
Lucifinel  [autor] 12 AGO a las 10:32 
@Vault 弄好了:bloodstain2:
Vault 12 AGO a las 3:29 
不错,期待 :) :steamthumbsup:
Lucifinel  [autor] 11 AGO a las 11:36 
@Vault 可以,但要稍微等我一下 ( 我英文很差
Vault 11 AGO a las 4:32 
Shiroe 31 JUL a las 2:24 
This mod causes the radio range to be reduced doesn't it? If a character does not have the radio pack.
苦力怕大使 14 JUL a las 7:10 
Lucifinel  [autor] 12 JUL a las 22:02 
@苦力怕大使 9成以上就是Performance Fix了,因為我開了lua
Performance Fix非常大的問題就是會影響很多模組或是船體的功能,他的優化方式其實挺暴力的(我都是開lua但Performance Fix不開)
苦力怕大使 12 JUL a las 10:17 
如果是優化類mod應該就Performance Fix和lua吧,其他mod有沒有影響我不清楚,我之後再找個時間測試看看
Lucifinel  [autor] 10 JUL a las 22:27 
@苦力怕大使 怪了,這種情況我沒遇過

苦力怕大使 9 JUL a las 7:10 
苦力怕大使 9 JUL a las 4:52 
Lucifinel  [autor] 8 JUL a las 23:36 
@苦力怕大使 修好了,你可以測試看看
苦力怕大使 8 JUL a las 19:13 
苦力怕大使 8 JUL a las 19:02 
Lucifinel  [autor] 26 JUN a las 2:34 
@遙遠的貓 你說的是採礦激光核心?那個是給採礦激光用的彈藥箱
promeow 25 JUN a las 4:35 
MonsterKillers1973 22 JUN a las 11:44 
could we have a description in english as well as chinese please? (I don't understand Chinese) :stress:
SlobSlore 20 JUN a las 10:20 
Lucifinel  [autor] 25 MAY a las 5:09 
@青草勿心 拿手上按使用鍵 (PS:使用鍵的默認應該是按E)
青草勿心 23 MAY a las 19:10 
Kyrios 25 ABR a las 22:01 
also the rebreather seems to be acting weird , seems to happen if I try to fill it at an oxygen station of any kind after which it will no longer fill via battery
Kyrios 25 ABR a las 20:43 
any chance you'll add the nuclear battery cells from the other mod back in?
jphogan8 1 ABR a las 4:14 
i cant find the crate rack in the shop enywhere but i can find it in the editor. if this is normal were am i suppost to get the rack in game cuz i dont wanna place it in the sub with the editor
THLIZI 16 FEB a las 23:25 
Azure Nocte 15 FEB a las 6:59 
@Lucifinel 可以连接了!太感谢了:steamhappy:
Lucifinel  [autor] 15 FEB a las 6:01 
@Azure Nocte OK,我會加上這一段,但能不能達到你想要的效果也許你得再看看(你應該是想連接小架子、架子、材料儲存箱這類東西對八)
Azure Nocte 15 FEB a las 6:00 
@Lucifinel 好哦,感谢!
Azure Nocte 14 FEB a las 19:56 
你好!请问一下能给ekutility_containers.xml下面的储存容器都加上 linkable="true" 的属性吗?因为我同时也用Lua linker(很好用的mod,可以在游戏内连接两个物体,比如加工台和柜子),但是尝试连接加工台和制作出来的柜子时一直失败…… 我查看了Lua linker的代码,推测是因为做出来的柜子缺乏原版柜子的linkable="true"这一条属性
KeNLam 26 ENE a las 2:01 
@Lucifinel 感謝
Lucifinel  [autor] 26 ENE a las 0:24 
@KeNLam 瞄準後按E(使用鍵)
KeNLam 25 ENE a las 13:26 
Lucifinel  [autor] 23 ENE a las 23:57 
@鹰沟船长 很高興你能喜歡:er_wave: