Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Proper Vehicle Injuries for MP
Mang 21 Mar @ 11:10am 
Fluffy89  [author] 20 Mar @ 12:00pm 
You are very welcome Mang, if you need anything else then comment here, or if it's something more in depth don't hesitate to open a discussion post :)
Mang 20 Mar @ 10:42am 
Thanks for the detailed response
Fluffy89  [author] 15 Mar @ 6:48pm 
Mang, it depends how close to realistic you want to get, and how much liberty you want given it's a game. It's really a lot of personal preference/what experience you're going for, but here's my current config.

PVI - Main []
PVI - Debug []
PVI - Low []
PVI - Medium []
PVI - High []
PVI - Fatal []

For the numbers you see in these screenshots, do the following to get the injury min and max times in hours:

Scratch time = (Scratch Min or Max) * 0.934
Laceration time = (Laceration Min or Max) * 0.34
Fracture time = (Fracture Min or Max) * 1.943
Fluffy89  [author] 15 Mar @ 6:48pm 

The injury times scale really weirdly and don't heal at the same rates but over different durations. I'm uploading an update now so you just need to put the actual injury time in hours into the respective sandbox option, as writing a tooltip that makes sense for each of these was a pain.

I recommend users of PVI revisit their sandbox options and adjust their sandbox options accordingly.[/b]
Mang 15 Mar @ 12:41am 
Recommended sandbox settings for realism?
Fluffy89  [author] 25 Jan @ 10:18pm 
All White G Fazos, you're very welcome!

I did a good bit of testing, both by myself and with the help of a friend for this update. It's good to hear that PVI's working as expected, especially after a fairly large update like v3.3.

If you do run into any bugs/issues/crashes, do let me know either in a discussion thread or in a comment.
All White G Fazos 25 Jan @ 7:47pm 
Appreciate the update everything seem to be working. good work
Fluffy89  [author] 21 Jan @ 10:13am 
Equa1ity, I actually have no idea. I'm not sure how vehicles interact with players if at all in general.

I wouldn't rule it out but I won't make any guarantees. I know there is a sandbox option for this but I have no idea how well or if at all this works in MP.
Equa1ity 21 Jan @ 7:57am 
Question: what about cars colliding with other players? Is there a possibility of future release including global car injuries inside and outside of vehicle if hit?

oh snap this look awesome we are voting on adding it to our server now.
All White G Fazos 18 Jan @ 7:43am 
@Fluffy89 Yeah, figured it was the base damage applied on impact that Real Knockout was depending on. Noticed when crashing with your mod enabled, ive never seen my health go below 90% on the initial crash (all the injuries will cause it to go down though). Usually the base damage is always "Slight Damage" no matter how fast youre going.
Fluffy89  [author] 16 Jan @ 6:31pm 
All White G Fazos, I imagined, the mod author for Real Knockout is the same for Working Seatbelt and that mod is also listening for a specific damage type from vehicle collisions (the flat damage that gets applied).

I'll have to check the mods code itself to see if theres a way for me to call Real Knockout to happen, or if the mod author could implement a trigger I can call to have PVI determine when it should happen, but Real Knockout handle the knocking out part.
All White G Fazos 16 Jan @ 5:38pm 
@Fluffy89, Yea I did some testing and came to that conclusion. It looks like Real Knockout does depend on the "Player Damaged from Crash" sandbox setting. Would love for PVI, Real Knockout. and Working Seatbelts to all be compatible with each other they since are all great mods. Good work on PVI
Fluffy89  [author] 16 Jan @ 5:23pm 
All White G Fazos, at the moment, no. Most likely because PVI forces the vanilla crash damage system off to avoid potentially dealing double damage/injuries.

Next time I look at PVI again (it's been a hot minute) I'll look into how Real Knockout handles knockouts, and see about adding compatibility.
All White G Fazos 16 Jan @ 12:37pm 
Is this compatible with Real Knockout? Ive been crashing into everything trying to knock my character unconscious but I only get damaged from this mod
Fluffy89  [author] 6 Dec, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
Agitatio, currently it is not. I was debating whether or not I should've in the last update but decided against it at the time.

Now that you've brought it up, I might do just that and force the option to off, since leaving it on may cause other people to get wildly different results that what they may have configured.
Agitatio 6 Dec, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
Player Damaged from Crash is not forced off by this yet, right?
Arendameth 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:29am 
Thank you! I appreciate it :)
Fluffy89  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:23am 
I'll make note of that and modify my logic slightly for the seatbelt to also account for airbag protection.

Also saw you included a mention & link to PVI's workshop page, so I've come up to par and set 'Working Seatbelt' under my features section to also link to your page. Much appreciated for that btw!
Arendameth 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:11am 
It's my pleasure!

Airbags operate in the same exact way as seatbelts, where if the airbag is to be deployed in a crash, it may apply damage reduction independently if the seatbelt is not buckled, or its effect may stack with the seatbelt if the seatbelt is buckled (seatbeltDamageReduction + airbagDamageReduction)
Fluffy89  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:03am 
Thanks for letting me know!

I'll have to get a patch out to fix that, multiplication by nil might brick PVI.

I saw you implemented airbags in your latest update too, are these meant to just be an upgraded seatbelt, or what injuries & body parts to they protect?
Arendameth 4 Dec, 2023 @ 9:59am 
Both have indeed changed, they are now:

Fluffy89  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 9:52am 
Hi Arendameth!

Appreciate the heads up, the only two sandbox options I'm hooking onto/looking for are:
- workingSeatbelt.damageReduction
- workingSeatbelt.fractureReduction

Have these changed, and if so, what to?
Arendameth 4 Dec, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Hello! I am the author of Working Seatbelt mod. I noticed that you've implemented compatibility with my mod thanks to a comment on my mod's page (really appreciate it!!)

I just wanted to notify you that I've just released a major update in the mod, with some names of SandboxVars being changed, in case your mod utilizes said SandboxVars!
Fluffy89  [author] 1 Dec, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
Maxwell, there does seem to have been a minor oversight on my end with the last update, but seatbelts do appear to be functioning correctly.

The logic was determining the injuryTime for each injury by:

injuryTime = injuryTime * seatbeltDamageReduction

instead of:

injuryTime = injuryTime * (1 - seatbeltDamageReduction)

Which would, if you have an injury time of 10 and a damage reduction of 40%, reduce the injury time to 4 (a 60% reduction) instead of to 6 (the 40% reduction the sandbox options specify).
Fluffy89  [author] 1 Dec, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
I also was reducing non-fracture injuries to the body by the fracture damage reduction, and reducing fractures by the general damage reduction.

Maybe this was what you were experiencing? It could also have been that PVI rolls the injuryChance for each individual injury, so you might just be getting lucky in testing, hence why some collisions are really bad, and some cause few injuries.

Just to clarify as well, the seatbelts help by reducing the severity of the injury, meaning the time it will last, it doesn't actually 'downgrade' the injury itself.

Let me know if this helps clarify/solve anything, if not, more detail on what you mean by the damage being reversed would be much appreciated.
Maxwell Wolfington The Wolf 1 Dec, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
I noticed that with this Mod, Proper Vehicle Injuries for MP mod and the Working Seatbelts mod enabled at the same time the seatbelt damage is reversed, with the seat belt off you basically don't get hurt and with it on it basically kills you. is this fixable?
Fluffy89  [author] 27 Nov, 2023 @ 8:01am 
Changed that link, I use the one by star, and I thought that was the one I linked but apparently not.

Should be updated!
Agitatio 27 Nov, 2023 @ 7:27am 
By the way, Change Sandbox Options (by Star) is a better option when it comes to changing sandbox options in an ongoing save.
Fluffy89  [author] 25 Nov, 2023 @ 1:15pm 
Agitatio, I was planning one for a while, been wanting to look into implementing seatbelts and someone came out with Working Seatbelts before I made an addon for PVI.

Ended up settling in the middle and just adding compatibility for Working Seatbelts, among a few other things.

If theres any issues with the new update, do let me know!
Agitatio 25 Nov, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
Well, wasn't expecting to see an update so soon.
Fluffy89  [author] 21 Nov, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
Agitatio, it might be. I havent experienced the 'cars start flying' bug in a long while so I have no clue how something that janky could interact with PVI, but other than that PVI should be ok.

And thanks for downloading my mod :)
Agitatio 21 Nov, 2023 @ 11:34am 
Having death enabled by default is crazy, haha. Especially knowing how janky MP can get. Good thing it's configurable. Anyway, cool mod. Looking forward to seatbelts that work with it.
Fluffy89  [author] 2 Nov, 2023 @ 11:04am 
Matchutchuc, I would assume it does not, as PVI has it's own system for dealing out injuries, as opposed to hooking on top of the vanilla collision injury system as it's very inconsistent in MP. A patch for Working Seatbelts should be fairly easy to add, as I've had to add a patch to my other mod for Scrap Armor, and it seems to have gone pretty smoothly.

I've been wanting to add both seatbelts, helmets, and damage on top of injuries for a while, just never had the time to look into implementing TimedActions. I'll aim for the next update to PVI (which should be relatively soon as I'm going on break from uni) to include support for helmets reducing head injuries, a Working Seatbelt patch, and a flat amount of damage on top of injuries.
Matchutchuc 2 Nov, 2023 @ 10:34am 
Does Working Seatbelt work with this mod? If not, could it be possible to make a patch?
Fluffy89  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 7:23pm 
You're welcome balance!

One thing I'll note though, is I'm not entirely sure how the game handles knowing what the vehicles speed is. This is to say, if you experience rubberbanding while in a vehicle, the mod might be a bit janky with handing out injuries, but that's a whole seperate issue out of this mods control.
Balance 27 Sep, 2023 @ 10:55am 
Perfect, thank you for the prompt response! Also thank you for the mod, it's truly a god-send, co-op causes some wacky situations at time loading assets which make a random death to slamming into a late spawned car no fun at all. But with the mod option to remove fatality I can finally re-implement vehicle injuries. Immersion and balance restored, beautiful work.
Fluffy89  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 10:41am 
Balance, it's not an explicit requirement, the mod will function regardless if the vanilla vehicle injury setting is enabled or disabled, but injuries can stack if it's enabled.

The issue arrises when vanilla decides to give you injuries on top of what PVIMP will cause, stacking injuries. Vanilla collisions also add flat damage on top of causing scratches/lacerations/fractures/etc.

I recommend you disable it (I might try forcing it off in a future update instead of relying on the player doing so) as I intend on also adding this flat damage mechanic to make collisions have a bit more 'oomf' on the initial impact.
Balance 27 Sep, 2023 @ 6:52am 
Sorry if this is a dumb question or has already answered and my brain just ignored it reading the desc., do you need to enable/disable the vanilla vehicle injury setting or does this over-ride and implement collision injuries regardless of vanilla sandbox settings?
Fluffy89  [author] 2 Sep, 2023 @ 10:18am 
Appreciate it EastDawn!
EastDawn 2 Sep, 2023 @ 2:51am 
Great, I need this kind of mod to train my first aid skill instead of punching a glass window of a car or a house :steamthumbsup:
Fragrant Butthole 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:49pm 
Fluffy89  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
Kudoku, the patch has been shipped and it should be fixed!
Fluffy89  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
Kudoku, I thought I removed those when I sent the mod out for its workshop release, but it seems like I forgot to comment them out!

I'll push a patch right now to fix that, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
Fragrant Butthole 30 Aug, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
How can I remove the notification?
Fluffy89  [author] 31 Jul, 2023 @ 11:19pm 
Appreciate it!
Segaside 31 Jul, 2023 @ 2:58pm 
As long as it's in the cards. I am just super happy this mod exist's to finally make cars be an actual risk! Never thought I needed a mod like this until now for my server. Really appreciate it. :cozybethesda:

Hope you studies goes well and don't stress over them and the mod too much. :)
Fluffy89  [author] 31 Jul, 2023 @ 2:46pm 
Segaside, glad you like it!

Seatbelts/helmet protection are something I intend to add, no idea on an ETA though since I work full time at the moment and have university too, so my schedule is a bit tight for free time
Segaside 31 Jul, 2023 @ 2:31pm 

Fluffy89  [author] 28 Jul, 2023 @ 5:26pm 
Garry, for only 3 easy payments of broken limbs, it’s all yours!