Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Space Marine Superheavy Pack
HungryTGUY  [author] 17 Jun @ 3:51pm 
@燕园飞雪 great to hear it's been resolved :)
燕园飞雪 16 Jun @ 6:39am 
@HungryTGUY, Thanks for your reply! I have checked all my mods and find that the reason is a mod conflict with yours. I have solved it well :steammocking:
HungryTGUY  [author] 31 May @ 8:53pm 
Hi @燕园飞雪, I am unable to replicate the issue you are having via console. One possible source of confusion is that the Reliquary building uses the same icon as Reclusium (I don't know how to modify the icon well, so I had to re-use it from Reclusium as that's one of the less produced buildings), so read the tooltip carefully. Also, perhaps it's a mod conflict? If there is a mod that modifies a SM's construction.xml file instead of adding them as .ext, I can see a possible issue happening.
燕园飞雪 27 May @ 9:24pm 
Hello I have just tried your mod and there is no building after I researched all Tier-10 techs. When I tried to add a reliquary using the console, the game just crashed.
Firebringer4 14 Apr @ 4:30am 
Hey I made a compatibility patch with your mod and the mod Iron Hands, ill link it here if you want to throw it in description or someone else wants to use it.
fullmetalobiwan 15 Jan @ 6:04pm 
Doesn't seem to work with chapters of the imperium
HungryTGUY  [author] 10 Oct, 2023 @ 11:59pm 
@Smitty unfortunately i am uber busy with school rn so i dont think that'll happen soon, but when I get back ill def. look into it!
Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen 6 Oct, 2023 @ 9:38am 
just subbed to a bunch of your mods. I think if you could make primaris marines that would be cool. I would love units like inceptors, aggressors, hellblasters, a redemptor dread, infiltrators, a redemptor dreadnought, heavy intercessors, eradicators, alot of cool options.
HungryTGUY  [author] 4 Aug, 2023 @ 3:44am 
Unteresting, do u have a codex sheet for that? Would love to take a loot to see if I could find valance inspiration
HungryTGUY  [author] 4 Aug, 2023 @ 3:43am 
Actually, I already released that a while ago, check out my past workshop items;

Minimalist Deer 2 Aug, 2023 @ 2:46am 
i wonder if you can add the land raider teminius ultra
basicly a landraider that sacrfices its transport to replace with a titan killing turret
fog99uk 28 Jul, 2023 @ 12:03pm 
@HungryTGUY @destwaker

There was an Ultramarines vehicle hero called Brother-Sergeant Antaro Chronus. In 40k he increased the BS of the vehicle he commanded to a 2+ and gave it regeneration. Given the choice, I would stick him in a predator so that the hero could be unlocked mid-game, maybe the tier above the normal predator.
HungryTGUY  [author] 10 Jul, 2023 @ 10:24am 
Great to hear, thanks for the feedback!
OniiSean 10 Jul, 2023 @ 9:36am 
@HungryTGUY Just tested it, so for everyone who wants to know, the mod works without the reinforcement dlc. I spawned in everything and its fine. But I didn't have acess to the Mastadon. So if you are fine with not having the Mastadon then the mod is great! Thanks for the help again.
OniiSean 10 Jul, 2023 @ 8:54am 
@HungryTGUY Thanks for the advice! When I have time I will do it later today and let you know. I would consider getting the dlcs but I already bought most of the faction dlcs and I'm a little bit tight on money! But thanks anyways!
HungryTGUY  [author] 10 Jul, 2023 @ 4:50am 
Hi OniIsean, im not too sure but you can sure try- at the very least i think you might have an "access violation error" if you try to use the mastodon because of the land raider skin but everything else SHOULD be fine. Give it a try in devmode (control+D ingame) to see if you get an error spawning these units in. Also, do consider the dlcs as they are all pretty sick
OniiSean 9 Jul, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
Hey! I sadly don't have the reinforcement pack, is this mod still usable without any of the dlcs? Thanks and cool mod!
HungryTGUY  [author] 9 Jul, 2023 @ 3:50am 
Heres the LR Excelsior codex btw, ill consider making it a hero once i figure out how to make it balanced/fun

HungryTGUY  [author] 9 Jul, 2023 @ 3:46am 
@primarch u welcome my guy

@destwaker I could but honestly,

a) there isnt anything in the codex that resembles tank commander hero for SM; closest I did was damocles command rhino, but tbqh it isnt my best work and its a "support hero". I suppose i can make something like excelsior pattern land raider, which leads to my second problem;

b) what would be the place in the game for it? Tank commander has a place as a hero that buffs armor combared to commissar buffing infantry, so both has a place as hero units in AM roster. SM meanwhile has excellent vehicle-infantry synergy with transports and all that, and its hero buffs also liberally apply to all units. I COULD make SM hero land raider unit that excells at pure combat like necron destroyer lord that comes out l8 game, but i havent thought of methods to balance and make it fun/unique yet
destwaker 9 Jul, 2023 @ 1:14am 
Can you make a Space Marine tank commander hero?
☞ PrimarcH ☚ 8 Jul, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
Great Ideaaa!! burst troop with class Reliquary
I want test this!!!
thks for your work!!:dxmupvote: