Impact Weaponry
102 件のコメント
loopi 7月3日 16時08分 
anyone know if this is still patched for CE?
Dai 6月21日 9時53分 
Would love a turret option too
Maltesefalcon 6月7日 21時19分 
Is there a way to improve the accuracy of these weapons (pawn stats seem to not effect them)
mythicarcher 5月24日 7時12分 
Probably already said a million times, but still, Turrets please!
jano.kovaczv 4月17日 8時03分 
you could ad in a impact revolver
Dragonknight951 4月16日 18時39分 
If I may make a request: Impact Det-Spear. Not the lunge mines like another mod has, a spear that has a shaped charge at the end that, upon contact, detonates with high AP damage in a small explosion like the rest of your weapons, but then needs to be "reloaded" to use the explosive again, or just use it like a normal, higher-tech spear.
Behemoth64 4月14日 13時23分 
Now we can introduce the mighty Impact shell to Cuthullu, truly a formidable mod
DetVisor  [作成者] 4月8日 14時23分 
Updated to 1.5.
Harrylad45 4月8日 14時05分 
You're a legend
DetVisor  [作成者] 4月8日 14時05分 
Yes, just give me a second.
Harrylad45 4月8日 14時03分 
Hey! Are you updating this mod to 1.5?
Space_Lettuce_OG 3月11日 17時25分 
Thanks for this mod. I don't like energy weapons, cuz they don't have any dakka, but with these impact guns, I can equip my colonists with end-game weapons without having to sacrifice the dakka.
Gork and Mork approved!
Excel.exe 2月8日 14時51分 
I fucking love these. Great Warhammer feel but still has a Rimworld charm
DetVisor  [作成者] 1月13日 5時01分 
DetVisor  [作成者] 1月13日 5時00分 
Mod updated, removed downedHitChange.
synister 2023年12月8日 17時24分 
Works fine with CE, there is ammo for each gun as well.
Padlock 2023年12月4日 9時18分 
From my testing they technically work if yo disable the ammo requirements, otherwise they don't as they don't have an assigned ammo, which is strange since there is Impact ammo, but I may be doing something wrong.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年12月4日 0時24分 
I've actually heard they're compatible with CE now, probably fully.
Padlock 2023年12月3日 16時33分 
Mod is more than worth dropping CE for, running this with your Stoneborn and it's a grand time. Probably gonna end up installing all your weapon mods from now on.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年11月15日 12時13分 
No worries, enjoy the mod!
whitegoat63 2023年11月15日 11時04分 
Ah my bad, I didn't recognize the side and back sprites for those helmets.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年11月14日 15時14分 
Which ones? All the helmets in the screenshots are from Royalty.
whitegoat63 2023年11月14日 7時53分 
Hi, what mod are those helmets from? Also I really like how your mods blend in perfectly with the vanilla art style.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年11月4日 18時44分 
I will also take the projectile speed complaint into consideration. I'll see if it's something I want to modify or keep as a downside.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年11月4日 18時43分 
Mod has been updated with compatibility for Extra Explosion Effectss, enjoy your fancy Micheal Bay bolters!
Teridax 2023年9月21日 18時18分 

Honestly i was confused at your feedback since the guns perform very well in my save until i remembered another mod in my mod list:

Gunplay has multiple settings including speeding up projectiles and i use it at 250% speed which make burst fire Impact Weapon reliable hit all or most shoots against faster targets like Scythers

Well, not really a solution to your issue but you might find it still useful
Teridax 2023年9月21日 18時14分 
I think this is my favourite late game weapon mod
WH40k inspired and yet fits perfectly into the game

And unlike most end game weapon mods, they don't under perform against mechanoids and their stupid resisting everything related to fire and poison theme, ruining many energy weapon mods in that regard but i suppose this is a vanilla issue

At the same still these impact weapon behave quite different compared to vanilla and vanilla expanded charge weapons or just "standard" sci fi weapons in general which just acts as comparable or superior charge weapons

These weapons just make things freaking explode, they are loud and they are glorious

For the Emperor!
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年8月23日 1時28分 
Good to know.
UltraEmailMan 2023年8月22日 20時53分 
Many thanks. New volume level is more in line with the rest of the game.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年8月20日 4時32分 
I've updated the mod, I've lowered the sounds of the guns and the explosions, tell me what you all think.
UltraEmailMan 2023年8月17日 10時53分 

Fr though, these are loud af. They're awesome, but they're so loud it hurts. Any chance for a volume slider in config?
sven 2023年8月2日 10時59分 
This mod IS NOT CE compatible, just so everyone knows.
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年7月30日 8時23分 
It's supposed to be but apparently the patch the CE devs made doesn't work.
Salami 2023年7月30日 8時20分 
Is this mod CE compatible?
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年7月30日 7時56分 
Do you use CE?
V.L.U.U.R. 2023年7月30日 7時45分 
Hello, I have a problem with this mod, the shots of some weapons (namely: impact rifle and impatc stusser) do not do damage, they shoot but the shots just stop on impact without damaging the environment, then these frozen in the air shots can only be removed by the console. how can i fix this problem?
DetVisor  [作成者] 2023年7月21日 12時12分 
Tell the CE devs, I didn't make the patch
Padlock 2023年7月20日 23時47分 
Been having issues with this mod and CE, bullets get stuck in the air and don't aggro or do any damage.
DisgracedDairy 2023年7月18日 11時21分 
Sick, Explosive Bolt Weapons but with warcasket support.
'Preciate it m8
Demosteres 2023年7月17日 14時38分 
An artillery battery version would be dope asf, a turret/howitzer too
Rainnd 2023年7月10日 14時10分 
Well more like completely ineffective against targets that move faster than weapons projectiles can reach it's target. In my current playthrough I've started with 3 guys, 1 with rifle, 1 with sniper and 1 with pistol, each around 10-15 in shooting, unless the target stays still, these weapons won't hit anything, so pretty much useless against all melee enemies.
Rainnd 2023年7月10日 12時03分 
They are very ineffective in 1 vs 1 situations. Tried to hunt megasloth with decent solder who has increased running speed and apart from the very first shot, I was missing all other shots as megasloth moved faster than bullets arrived to target.
Glacies 2023年7月7日 10時11分 
Love the aesthetics on this mod. Close to 40k but also blessedly separate.
2023年6月29日 12時11分 
These guns are pretty great! It's shame they're loud af tho
vandujr 2023年6月27日 19時05分 
That is DRG and 40k
(Drg because one of those looks like the driller's pistol, I forgot it's name.)
[CRSDR]Influx 2023年6月24日 21時55分 
for me the "make bolter" bill makes small ammo.
NeveHanter 2023年6月22日 10時23分 
CE issues should be patched with today's CE v5.3 release [github.com].
Halcyon 2023年5月28日 19時58分 
correction, some impact weapons work in CE but not all of them
Halcyon 2023年5月28日 19時56分 
For anyone else wondering, the CE patch doesn't work yet, bullets dont hit anything when fired.
LewdLemur 2023年5月28日 16時02分 
Is there any way to adjust the Audio for these guns, i have no clue if its an issue on my side but these guns are extremely loud. Like i can fire an antigrain warhead and these guns would still overshadow it by the noise they make