Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

(4) 6-4 Uprising
David Peres 5 Jan @ 10:21am 
This might be the best mission I've played so far in this game, between official and workshop content. And the previous mission in the 6-4 series was just as good. Amazing mission design that seems to understand what works in this game sometimes even better than the devs themselves.
Only negative is that at the very end of this mission the game was crawling at about 15 fps average... never had such a performance hit on any other mission so far.
Still amazing.
Scuba Cat  [author] 2 Jun, 2023 @ 12:58am 
I made 8 and 9 first as a story then decided to turn it into a larger campaign of 10 missions.
It's been in development since last November and my personal life is getting in the way at the minute :) worry
xXInsanitYXx 1 Jun, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
Either way, im rooting for the series to be completed. Pretty fun scenarios, forcing us to think a little differently in approaches for each one.
xXInsanitYXx 1 Jun, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
Just a thought, but one of three things happened, 1 reason as to why 5,6 and 7 are not currently available might be because scuba is still thinking of ways to make the story line work and needs more time to make it make sense, 2 being the way they are needing to set up the scenarios for the storyline are being... less then desirable to set up and work properly, or 3 being they might of forgot about them?
Jrtrue 31 May, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
wheres missions 5 6 7?
Trickle Rick 8 May, 2023 @ 11:11am 
All around these missions are very impressive and makes clearing hives much less repetitive than in the original campaign. I hope to see more!
OldManOrion 21 Apr, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
lol... figured it out... that last terminal that you capture near the construction site... you have to click on it.
OldManOrion 21 Apr, 2023 @ 9:07am 
I seem to be hung at the end. I may have missed a statement from the leader or something. I've cleared all insurgents, checked all the buildings, captured the terminal near the building under construction. All the secondary objectives disappear, then the primary objective show completed except the top on of "repel bug attacks." But they seem to keep coming with no end in site.

What did I miss?
Rooby 27 Mar, 2023 @ 6:21am 
ah, I figured the Fleet Liaison problem has something to do with the setting, so I think just add the snipers would be nice, because right now they are not available.

One last question, I assume it's intentional to leave a few units behind to defend the bugs right? They get progressively stronger and 3 turrets cant hold them along with civil Guard.
I ended up have to make a major choke point on 2 sides with 1 SAW and Mk2 at each point to consistently fend them off (The Civil Guards positioning are also a bit too far forward imo)

Despite all my whinings, I loved the new version. I'm looking forward to your next one. :steamthumbsup:
Scuba Cat  [author] 27 Mar, 2023 @ 1:03am 
@Rooby, The city is meant to be lived in and in perfect condition (Except the one building that's being demolished and the outskirts where there are bug attacks). It says in the opening cinematic that there's a lockdown, so all residents will be inside their houses as they aren't on the street.

Calling in airstrikes on civilian buildings feels too close to the entire reason you're killing the extremists; Because they were killing civilians.

So i'm sorry, I won't be adding the Fleet Liason to this mission. If you upgrade Power troopers to have the SAW, they make quick work of the turrets, and with the addition of snipers you should be able to outrange the turrets.
Rooby 26 Mar, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
Note: 1000 words
Fleet Liaison wouldn't be a free win either because:
- She has short default attack range and require attention, or she will run ahead and die.
- TAC Strike has a reasonable cooldown, and the calling range iirc is shorter than the firing range of Rifle/Mk2/any Turret, which require tactical forethoughts.
- She need to get to Elite Status to even able to call TAC, which isn't an easy task (Give her Elite upon rescued wouldn't be a bad idea).
- She has 1 single Model, a few stray bullets and she just dead. I noticed this when my Radio/Tactical Officer occasionally taking hit even when they are always behind my Suit Troopers.

Please give it a test if possible and let me know if there is a reason why you intentionally don't want Fleet Liaison for this mission.
Rooby 26 Mar, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
I loved the addition of the Tactical Officer, taking out enemies unit are better that way. The Early Part is set in my opinion.

Is there are way to add a Fleet Liaison? The latter part where I have to take care of enemies main outpost still feel like a slog to get through, and I think this is where the ability to call for TAC airstrike while snuck behind building is a very neat design. A side objective where you can liberate a captured airfield/Radar post to gain access to Fleet Liaison would be neat since Mk2 Troopers/Marauder/Grenade Turret still sometimes make my troop disappear too quick and it frustrate the hell out of me since I can't spot what I am walking into with the lack of Sniper (hence why I suggest giving access to sniper earlier)
Scuba Cat  [author] 25 Mar, 2023 @ 9:48pm 
@Magos, I made them say "Voting for Everyone" instead
Magos Hudson 25 Mar, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
Also wanted to say, a little thing I forgot, in the beginning of the mission the civilians are protesting conscription. The UCF does not under any circumstances practice conscription. It defeats the entire point of their society. It was started as a volunteer service that earns the right of citizenship that entails franchisement. Conscription is antithetical to the very existence of the United Citizens Federation
Magos Hudson 24 Mar, 2023 @ 3:08pm 
I love your missions but, and this isnt a criticism to just you, but I feel like a lot of people making maps on here, are really trying to force something that in my opinion goes against the very nature of the game.

This game is not built for human vs human combat, and its frankly uninteresting, iv seen and played it a thousand times before in games with much better humanvhuman mechanics. I dont quite get the appeal of SUDDENLY YOUR FIGHTING HUMAN ENEMIES! In a universe that is criminally under represented, that offers some of the coolest and most fun human vs alien action.

This was ok, in an experimental way, but if you take anything away from this, id suggest letting this being a one off. I understand people want to experiment and make missions that are more then KILL BUGS, but thats kind of against the very ethos of the SST setting and just doesnt play well mechanically.

A good showing non the less.
Scuba Cat  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
@rafacasper Those were some great suggestions. Thank you. I've released a patch with almost all of them in!

@DerSimpa It's in development as we speak, it will be (5) 6-4 Ghosts and should be done in a week or so
DerSimpa 22 Mar, 2023 @ 11:15am 
(5) 6-4 when?
rafacasper 21 Mar, 2023 @ 7:45pm 
post 1000 characters:


- Add a radio operative or 2, or edit the power armored squad abilities to be able to call

- Make the officer tell or/and a tip at the base after getting the power armor, you need a power armor engineer squad to make the turrets

- maybe some civil guard reinforcement to the turrets when you build them, or the officer telling they won´t be enough

Conclusion: Super fun, one of my favorite workshop missions, thank you for doing it and posting it <3
rafacasper 21 Mar, 2023 @ 7:45pm 
Mild Spoilers ahead:


- Power Armors - But I like power armors - personal opinion

- Don´t know if it is cheating or intended, but throwing grenades after walls to kill whole squads was fun like a puzzle

- So much enemies!

- Arachnids attacking the insurgents

- I thought it was super fun and unique mission

- No tanks or scorpions make it more fun - personal opinion

Bad (more inconvenience than bad):

- Constant retreating for reinforce

- I could not hold the points with only turrets, I had to leave a Power Armor Squad

- Took me some time and a face palm to realize the power armor squads could become engineers and construct things

- I thought holding the bugs was mandatory, took me some time to click the second time at the final console
Zeekerss 21 Mar, 2023 @ 6:58am 
hey scouba cat just wanna say what should we exspect from the next 6-4 mission?
Driskoll 21 Mar, 2023 @ 6:07am 
Honestly an enjoyable mission, given that the game isn't built for combat vs ranged enemies. My only complaint is with all the backtracking I had to do to reinforce my units. But that's a minor issue, all things considered. I'm looking forward to what you have planned next.
Scuba Cat  [author] 21 Mar, 2023 @ 12:42am 
Gonna throw it out there as this is probably my most controversial mission so far.

This was a very experimental test on whether or not a Scenario that focused on Humans v Humans was viable.

The game is not geared for this as Rooby pointed out. I will be revisiting this scenario, possibly re-design some areas and change the way the bugs interact with the scenario to make it less of a meat grinder.

Unfortunately my closed test for this yielded none of the comments I have currently, so; Thank you all for playing, and your candid feedback. Hopefully I can use your comments to shape this into a scenario that works well with HvH. Sorry if it wasn't enjoyable in it's current state.
Rooby 20 Mar, 2023 @ 11:07pm 
Clarify: Since 1000 words was the limit. I would like to add my comment was for the early part alone.
I rushed the factory to grab the power suit and things open up after clearing some base to get more unit types. But until that point the problem about throwing body and try to not get them wipe is an issue consider we need Elite Suit Trooper to alter their gear. I bumped into 1 Mk2 troop and half of my Suit trooper die ....
Rooby 20 Mar, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
I like the mission ideas, but I am not a big fan of the execution. Unlike W40k DoW2 where there are cover/heavy cover for troops to duck in and have advantage in a gun fight, this game lack it.
What this resulted in is I have to just .... throw units into meat grinders until things cleared, and I cant say I am a fan of this one. Am I missing something?

How I played: The mission gave nothing but Rifle, so I use Rifle to punch through enemies line, occasionally dive in to chuck grenade to make short work of HMG tower and groups ... but that doesnt change the fact that I have to run back to some base every now and then. Option for Snipers/Give an Elite squad of Sniper to start will make it much better. Idk if sniper bait work on humanoid enemies/tower, but they can at least safely take out enemies troops from afar, created a more genuine design instead of throwing bodies into meatgrinder ...
Enderminion 20 Mar, 2023 @ 10:59pm 
Very neat mission, could probably do with the ability to have radio operators because I spent a lot of the mission walking back and forth from control points, none of the parking lot cap points were super well positioned for what I was doing, especially in the early phase.
STALKER4732 20 Mar, 2023 @ 7:16pm 
Bro, this is a cool mission, the buildings were made very well, I see how each building was made with love, how some decorations were beaten, the plot is cool and unusual, but a little annoying as it seemed to me. At the end, it was necessary to add a hint that you need to activate the subway. Thumbs up for work
Shirow 20 Mar, 2023 @ 5:41am 
@scabs Cat, thx for the tip.. also remember to open the door at the site on top...
Scuba Cat  [author] 20 Mar, 2023 @ 5:01am 
@Shirow, you can unlock an engineer variant of the Power Suit Troopers and build turrets that way. I'll make this clearer in the mission. Thanks for pointing that out :steamthumbsup:
Shirow 20 Mar, 2023 @ 4:49am 
Love the Map. great work:steamthumbsup:, one question. How do i build turrets? do nog have engineers..
Omaha 19 Mar, 2023 @ 1:04am 
Keep up the amazing work man! :)
soulsnake 18 Mar, 2023 @ 10:37pm 
Keep up the great work!