Arma 3
Weapon Slinging
146 Kommentare
Bax Vor 10 Stunden 
Right now, I have no clue how to change the position. Would be lovely to have a custom field in the addOn options for x, y, z and rotations. Else where is the config and how do I change the positions. Love the mod, thanks!
Bud Liteyear 7. Sep. um 19:42 
You mention it is possible to alter the cling location via config file. Is it possible to use this mod to sling a Rocket Launcher?
Graves 1. Sep. um 11:47 
The sling can sometimes be buggy, like for example I slung my weapon, changed the gun and the same weapon that i slung is still there, even if I try to get the same weapon back it stays there
SLIPKNOT 22. Juli um 8:08 
как включить?
Silence  [Autor] 13. Mai um 12:56 
If you can figure out a way, let me know
As far as I know, pretty much all the other mods that do something similar have the same problem
DG 13. Mai um 3:59 
is it possible to change the 'object' to something else? or shrink its size? or put it somewhere else?
i don't know if this has something to do with lambs danger or not but when my weapon is slung, i'm basically invisible to AI. my guess is the game thinks that i was behind a wall so AI stops reacting to my actions. so i hopped on zeus and noticed my slung weapon created an 'object' which i guess this is how you made weapon sling possible, but it's blocking AI detection
Stfan_Clarck 25. Feb. um 12:28 
My experience so far has been that it doesn't work very well with the ACE 3, when switching equipment to the AA they don't lock the aim on the vehicles, to work you have to take the main weapon out of the inventory for the AA to be able to lock onto the targets. It took me a while to figure it out, but I'll keep the detail to see if I can fix it
GhostJB 8. Dez. 2023 um 9:14 
It's fairly straightforward, as arma-related scripting goes. Picture directories are stored in the weapons config, and then you just need to figure out the IDC (control ID #) for the weapon image part of the inventory UI, and then use ctrlSetText to change it to the directory of the weapon's picture. (The text of a picture element is the directory of the image)
Silence  [Autor] 8. Dez. 2023 um 5:44 
Might work, can't say i've dabbled in that though
GhostJB 8. Dez. 2023 um 2:43 
I put some thought on this months back, and while I haven't ever tested it, it should be fairly simple to just change the relevant control (interface element) to have the picture of the "slung" weapon. Trickiest part is probably attaching the script so that it runs each time you open the inventory, and I don't *think* that'd be too hard
nanner 7. Dez. 2023 um 19:22 
Is there anyway to make the slinged weapon still appear in the primary weapon slot in the inventory menu?
Musclebust 15. Okt. 2023 um 6:12 
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply.
Great mod btw i love it! <3
Silence  [Autor] 14. Okt. 2023 um 9:19 
link is fine
Musclebust 14. Okt. 2023 um 8:22 
Hey @Silence, i want to repack this mod into my units mod. Is it enough to link this modpage or do you want me to credit the original Authors more precisely?
TheCombatCorgi 9. Aug. 2023 um 12:58 
@GRIM you might want to look into Two Primary Weapons by WebKnight for that
Silence  [Autor] 30. Juli 2023 um 15:08 
yeah, you just can't swap between both
GRIM 30. Juli 2023 um 15:07 
Does slinging your weapon allow you to pickup a rifle off the ground with your other rifle slung?
Silence  [Autor] 24. Juli 2023 um 8:38 
not as far as I know, I think you'd have to make a new animation for it
Cuban 24. Juli 2023 um 8:34 
Is there any way to speed up the animation to make drawing a secondary faster?
Silence  [Autor] 17. Juli 2023 um 12:52 
That's what auto slinging is for
Torres 17. Juli 2023 um 12:48 
Could you add functionality to make it autoswap to your pistol? That would be dope aswell, or have a bind to sling and pull out your sidearm?
$hitDemon 17. Mai 2023 um 8:34 
Ahh i gotcha.
Silence  [Autor] 16. Mai 2023 um 23:34 
The auto sling feature has no way to check if the command menu is open, so it'll still cause the sling to occur
$hitDemon 16. Mai 2023 um 9:24 
Only problem i have is when giving ai orders.
For some reason when command menu is open & if its 2 or 3 you need & have a weapon in that slot it will still change weapon when selecting order.
Unless i remember to just scroll & click.
$hitDemon 9. Mai 2023 um 9:21 
For me have to use auto sling enabled, Switch to pistol like normal but use "retrieve" key to go back to primary.
Or yes does switch fire mode up 1.
Silence  [Autor] 7. Mai 2023 um 13:26 
I get where you're coming from, but I don't have all the time in the world to dedicate to this mod. Without solid steps to reproduce the bugs, and narrow down where they occur, it becomes practically impossible to fix them

Like "it still switches your fire mod in bino and holster" - doesn't make much sense, because regardless of what you sling to, it calls on the exact same function

If you can get a concise, clear bug report made then it may make it easier to fix
R3tro- 7. Mai 2023 um 13:13 
sorry i keep bothering you about stuff my unit just keeps asking me about it
R3tro- 5. Mai 2023 um 16:49 
that fixed it but it still switches your fire mod in bino and holster
Silence  [Autor] 4. Mai 2023 um 4:07 
I've added the firemode preservation an actual thing in the code, hopefully that fixes it
R3tro- 3. Mai 2023 um 23:30 
im still experiencing the issue in which my gun switches to full auto
R3tro- 19. Apr. 2023 um 12:46 
ok i see
Silence  [Autor] 19. Apr. 2023 um 3:55 
None of my recent updates have remotely touched the actual slinging script, so it might have been an issue a while but nobody noticed

Basically what ghost said. It's the same reason no other modder will attempt it and if they do it's always the same method used (weapon holder).
GhostJB 18. Apr. 2023 um 19:11 
@R3tro- The holster location is technically determined by animations. To change where the holster is, you'd have to remake *all* of the animations for moving, standing, crouching, crawling.... This is another case of Arma being easier to make wonky workarounds for than sensible fixes.
DG 18. Apr. 2023 um 18:43 
same issue with changing fire mode after swap back to primary, never had this issue before. maybe your recent update broke something.
tried again in BIS VA with only CBA_A3 and Weapon Slinging loaded, naked guy with MX and .45, do nothing, swap to .45 and then swap back, MX turned to full auto with an empty mag.
R3tro- 18. Apr. 2023 um 17:04 
i dont understand why you cant just change the location of the holster instead of making a custom script just wondering
Silence  [Autor] 18. Apr. 2023 um 4:48 
I don't think that was ever supported, at least not intentionally
R3tro- 17. Apr. 2023 um 16:32 
im having a issue where when i switch out of my rifle then back to it it changes the fire mode
mfrisch100 17. Apr. 2023 um 9:32 
I have set switch gun/handgun to "F". Auto sling selected in CBA and "Default Low" but the rifle always goes to the back. Latest version from Steam workshop.
Silence  [Autor] 16. Apr. 2023 um 6:37 
I don't know, are you using the most up to date version (not a reupload)?
Have you tried repairing the mod?
Have you changed the vanilla keybind to swap weapons?
mfrisch100 16. Apr. 2023 um 0:36 
I mean with the key und which I set in the vanilla controls and CBA set to auto sling. But it does not work for me. What am I doing wrong?
Silence  [Autor] 14. Apr. 2023 um 6:18 
If you mean the action, no
If you mean the keybind, yes
mfrisch100 14. Apr. 2023 um 4:08 
It does not work with the vanilla Switch Gun/Handgun key, does it?
Silence  [Autor] 13. Apr. 2023 um 15:24 
no problem
Hugh Mungus 13. Apr. 2023 um 13:12 
@Silence Worked like a charm! Thanks again!
Hugh Mungus 13. Apr. 2023 um 11:59 
@Silence I'll take another look and let you know if I can replicate it on my end. Thank you for following up!
Silence  [Autor] 13. Apr. 2023 um 6:05 
I've updated so it should now remove the sling when you get in a vehicle, I can't recreate the vehicle bugs so I can't confirm if it did anything
Silence  [Autor] 13. Apr. 2023 um 5:38 
I can probably add a handler for when getting in a vehicle, but i'm not quite sure with the arsenal.
Presuming you last used this mod before the most recent update it's entirely possible that the weapon bug was due to a faulty script rather than the arsenal, though if this can be replicated in the most recent version i'll look into it further
Hugh Mungus 13. Apr. 2023 um 0:56 
@R3tro Thanks for the tip. I figured this was likely the root cause, but didn't take the time to test /verify this myself since we decided to remove this mod. I never encountered the issue myself, so that explains it. Others must have carelessly save their kits after making modifications with the weapon still in the slung state. Maybe a similar fix could be implemented where the state of the weapon sling is changed back to unslung if the arsenal is accessed. Just a thought.
R3tro- 12. Apr. 2023 um 21:13 
@hugh mungus if you load a loadout with a slung weapon on your chest it will always duplicate before loading put the weapon back into your hands
Hugh Mungus 12. Apr. 2023 um 16:56 
@Silence. I believe that is indeed what he means (I don't want to speak for him).
My unit has had to stop using this mod due to the issue @Vagrant describes. Slung weapons would cause the camera to spaz out in 3rd person when in a moving vehicle and there was a high risk of rotor strikes. There were multiple occasions where our main rotor was taken out by a slung weapon. Returning the weapon to an unslung state could help mitigate this issue.

There was also an unrelated duplication glitch in which the primary weapon would get duplicated to the sling position. In other words, the individual would be carrying a copy of their weapon (minus any attachments) on their chest. I am not sure how to replicate this issue, but it might have had something to do with saving/loading kits. Thanks for your hard work on this lovely mod!