

Combat Extended Armory
Pen4a 16 Jul @ 10:05pm 
muzzle flash is missing on some guns
Mur Derer 13 Jul @ 7:56am 
Can this be added mid-save? Also other addons for CE, excluding the core obviosly
mikuroshi 12 Jul @ 4:49pm 
Why do I get the ammo for the hand mortar from this mod when I haven't even downloaded it? (Will now though, hand mortar sounds fun.)
Boris_Volkov19 12 Jul @ 6:55am 
Does this add 'Ammo Crates'? The crate says its added by this mod. If so, they seem to be bugged or I'm just dumb. When placed they can only stock 14.5x114mm by default and I can't find a way to switch calibres.
TurpisRex 9 Jul @ 3:42pm 
No M1 Garand ping is devastating honestly, I'm in a lowish tech colony and I made a bunch but was disappointed when it's just all the same noises as other guns
greatorder 9 Jul @ 8:07am 
I was going to raise that point, seems that they're missing some wall coding or something so the game doesn't recognise it as a wall for the wall torches/lamps
Flopper 6 Jul @ 6:04am 
Same issue with reinforced walls. Tried to built my honestly ethical slave-refining facility, but i can't place anything to glow. Placing standart lamps is unreasonable due to 2x3 tiles they already living in.
gooner 2 Jul @ 12:11pm 
I think the reinforced wall is bugged or something. I can't place torches or wall lamps on them.
greatorder 1 Jul @ 12:07pm 
The M1917 Enfield has a minor typo, it should say "Sheer firepower" rather than "Shear firepower". Unless it's really really good at getting wool off of sheep, then it's all good.
Slavic_Squatch 1 Jul @ 4:07am 
Is this compatible with rimworld?
viniciusdantasvaz7 27 Jun @ 5:37pm 
寄寄寄寄,摆摆摆 1 Jun @ 3:30am 
Why can't the game be opened after I loaded mod into the mods folder and restarted it
Richard Mc Nutbuster 21 May @ 6:15am 
well the github has a 1.5 version, and this mod flat out works in 1.5
kolcio138 1 May @ 9:26am 
doesnt CE firstly need to be 1.5 for this mod to be 1.5 @Shalopay?
Shalopay 16 Apr @ 3:14am 
1.5 guys
MAx0N 12 Apr @ 4:13am 
Lucerne 23 Feb @ 10:11am 
What's with the weird 'shadows' under the wheels of organ guns and the 12 pounder cannon? Is there a way to remove them?
FoxoManiak 13 Feb @ 11:38am 
The game can't find the recipes for 60mm mortar shells, was the infantry mortar removed or something?
KitsuneQrow 17 Jan @ 7:54pm 
Has anyone else encountered issues where LMGs and snipers have INSANE aim times? One LMG my pawns picked up had an aim time of 3000 seconds. Any help with this would be fantastic.
Wesley9516 16 Jan @ 3:10pm 
#OneStepp Congratulations, you figured out how an organ gun works
OneStepp 3 Jan @ 4:31pm 
I can't figure out a way to properly reload an organ gun. Every time pawn loads only one round and if you want to load all the nine then you have to load it by clicking nine times...
mgiu7t 26 Dec, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
The AK-12 has an enlarged magazine for 60 rounds, even the texture shows an enlarged 6L31. But the description card only contains 30 rounds.
Nomad 4 Dec, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
I know we have the M1919 on a tripod but i think we need the M1919A6 as a man portable variant. Give it a 100 round belt of 30-06 for some mobile firepower.
Robo 16 Nov, 2023 @ 12:11am 
@Farbott There's cherrypicker
Farbott 3 Nov, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
A nice mod, would appreciate a version without the guns as a personal thing but great regardless!
60threin 2 Nov, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
I'm assuming this doesn't work with vanilla alone?
LoganMartin 31 Oct, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
Yall... it's a CE mod.
Sphincter Manipulator 30 Oct, 2023 @ 2:30am 
Is this compataable with ce????
bugrilyus 27 Oct, 2023 @ 10:12am 
CE Compatible™???
SIEYES 22 Oct, 2023 @ 10:53am 
Hi, this is compatible with a exisiting save?:DSTchester:
DwarfShenanigans 23 Aug, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
Add .50AE for the Deagle. Its a disgrace to only give it .44 magnum.
ShinUon 19 Aug, 2023 @ 6:30pm 
This has some but not all of the guns from the smaller mod "Combat Extended - Guns."

If both are used, will the duplicate weapons be removed?
Sexuel Chocolate 8 Aug, 2023 @ 7:23am 
Its desync when playing multiplayer.
Korvette88 6 Aug, 2023 @ 11:14am 
This mod throws errors when it and VFE - Settlers are both installed.
SharKron769 2 Aug, 2023 @ 8:58pm 
the aiming time is fix ?
Steve Harvey, Vampire Hunter 10 Jul, 2023 @ 10:23am 
@viniciusdantasvaz7 they address bug reports in the discord. You're more likely to get help if you go there and share your logs
viniciusdantasvaz7 28 Jun, 2023 @ 5:34am 
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
viniciusdantasvaz7 28 Jun, 2023 @ 5:34am 
Could not resolve cross-reference: No CombatExtended.AmmoCategoryDef named HollowPoint found to give to CombatExtended.AmmoDef Ammo_303British_HP
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForObject:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass16_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
viniciusdantasvaz7 28 Jun, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Please help
viniciusdantasvaz7 27 Jun, 2023 @ 4:29pm 
Has the mod been updated? Why did several errors appear out of nowhere ???
viniciusdantasvaz7 27 Jun, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
For the love of god, someone help me
viniciusdantasvaz7 27 Jun, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass16_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
Richard Mc Nutbuster 25 Jun, 2023 @ 7:24am 
there is no madsen?
Rio 24 Jun, 2023 @ 7:29pm 
Anyone else having issues coloring their heavy composite helmet?
chenpunk 23 May, 2023 @ 4:01am 
There's no way I can craft the ammo of these guns in game :( Anyone has idea about it?
Lord451 7 May, 2023 @ 11:18pm 
Exception ticking Turret_OrganGun237364 (at (220, 0, 58)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CombatExtended.Building_TurretGunCE.TryStartShootSomething (System.Boolean canBeginBurstImmediately) [0x0001f] in <92389964427a419a9ecb42c85a22c06d>:0
at CombatExtended.Building_TurretGunCE.Tick () [0x001b5] in <92389964427a419a9ecb42c85a22c06d>:0
at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x0015c] in <95de19971c5d40878d8742747904cdcd>:0
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch2 (string)
Verse.TickList:Tick ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickManager:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch3 (Verse.TickManager)
Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Game:Verse.Game.UpdatePlay_Patch1 (Verse.Game)
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()
Lord451 7 May, 2023 @ 11:18pm 
I'm getting this error popping up on my organ guns and gatling guns. No idea what mod might be interfering with this, but the 12 pounder and mortar work just fine. It also looks like the gatling/organ gun don't have a caliber/ammunition types on the info screen.
jybil178 30 Apr, 2023 @ 7:30am 
Could not resolve cross-reference: No CombatExtended.AmmoSetDef named AmmoSet_4570GovTrapdoor found to give to CombatExtended.CompProperties_AmmoUser CombatExtended.CompProperties_AmmoUser
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch5 (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForObject:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>cDisplayClass16_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>cDisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b0 (object)
jybil178 30 Apr, 2023 @ 7:30am 
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()

latest development snapshot conflicting with this mod it seems