Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

TFA-VOX Extra Callouts
105 kommenttia
Gameboi27 11.8. klo 14.19 
atlanticgamer89 2.8. klo 19.58 
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlebreath.lua:44: attempt to compare nil with number
1. b - lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlebreath.lua:44
2. unknown - RunString(Ex):8
3. unknown - lua/dlib/modules/hook.lua:904

[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/killstreak.lua:84: attempt to compare nil with number
1. b - lua/tfa_vox/modules/killstreak.lua:84
2. unknown - RunString(Ex):8
3. unknown - lua/dlib/modules/hook.lua:904

The Garry's mod update seems to have broken something, because now the mod spams these 2 errors in the console.
Ajiliffe 27.6. klo 4.18 
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/killstreak.lua:112: attempt to call method 'Disposition' (a nil value)
1. LambdaRunHook - lua/lambdaplayers/autorun_includes/shared/a_hookhandling.lua:16
2. LambdaOnKilled - lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/sh_hooks.lua:302
3. func - lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/sh_hooks.lua:1093
4. v - lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/sh_util.lua:115
5. Run - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
6. unknown - lua/lambdaplayers/autorun_includes/shared/gamemode_overrides.lua:397
7. FireBullets - [C]:-1
8. defaultfunc - lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/sv_weaponhandling.lua:217
9. UseWeapon - lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/sv_weaponhandling.lua:274
10. unknown - lua/entities/npc_lambdaplayer.lua:816

seems to be related to killstreaks function, whenever a lambda kills any living thing this error pops up
Raptor_Killer 01 7.6. klo 16.01 
Given the circumstances, this Quake 3 Thing could even be an entire new addon itself
Raptor_Killer 01 7.6. klo 15.44 

Recently i started playing with a mod called Gmod Quake 3...
It's so fun and really well done, but being a separate GAMEMODE from sandbox, some addons don't have all their functionalities or straight up don't work...

TFA-VOX and your custom modules work well enough, except the Damage callouts, both the base TFA-VOX ones and the custom ones from

So i was thinking about this suggestion, is it possible to implement a module that reliably detects the damage recived from the Quake Gamemode?
Respectively in the same way of how the original quake does...
Which has 4 stages of "Damage Severity"
100 HP
75 HP
50 HP
25 HP

This is just an idea tho, i'm not asking anything since i get how difficult it is to program in LUA and make things work.
Anyway thank you for maintaining your addons and for adding new stuff every so often.
And thank you for even reading this type of comments.
Ivan Gandon 7.6. klo 15.01 
Basically what I did was this:
local IsBreathingIn = true
if CurTime() < OutOfBreathDelay and sndtbl then
if IsBreathingIn then
TFAVOX_PlayVoicePriority(ply, sndtbl.outofbreath_in, -2)
IsBreathingIn = false
TFAVOX_PlayVoicePriority(ply, sndtbl.outofbreath_out, -2)
IsBreathingIn = true
I modified your existing outofbreath script and played around. This does to trick somewhat but it plays the in sounds or the out sounds multiple times in a row sometimes, guess it has something to do with how the delays and curtime arithmetic works, I'm not clever enough to figure it out.
Ivan Gandon 7.6. klo 14.58 
I've been trying to do a breathe in - breathe out out of breath system for a couple hours now and can't get it to work. I mean I got somehwere but it isn't consistent. I have a vox pack where instead of having just normal breath sounds with both the in and out in the same file, I have different files for breathe in and breathe out so I'm trying ot make it so it randomly picks a breathe in and then a random breathe out, basically creates like hundres of possible combinations. Could you do it?
dysentery 4.6. klo 15.07 
Got this lua error spam

[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlechatter.lua:88: attempt to compare nil with number
1. b - lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlechatter.lua:88
2. v - RunString(Ex):8
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96 (x19)

idk what it means but if i keep playing the number at the end is gonna get to the hundreds
Jonathan 8.5. klo 20.12 
Uhhh, can't get "Out of Breath" module to work.
Raptor_Killer 01 6.5. klo 15.20 
Got this error spamming every millisecond when a friend joined into my game...

[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/plybanter.lua:104: attempt to index field 'TFAVOX_Sounds' (a nil value)
1. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/plybanter.lua:104
2. v - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
Jonathan 2.5. klo 20.43 
I (or someone else) probably already suggested something like this but

You think you could add compatibility to LSCS?
FEX 26.4. klo 13.13 
any chance you can fix the random fps drops?
Sergeant Pan  [tekijä] 26.4. klo 13.07 

Unfortunately that's a random error that I can't really fix. I'm not sure what causes it, but the TFA_VOX_Pack_Reload console command should fix the issue.
Deltλ 26.4. klo 12.34 
Upon being close to another player in multiplayer the mod generates a whole bunch of script errors. In singleplayer it is fine, but as soon as there are at least 2 people in a server and they are close by to each-other the mod starts giving script errors.

[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/plybanter.lua:104: attempt to index field 'TFAVOX_Sounds' (a nil value)
1. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/plybanter.lua:104
2. fn - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
3. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
FEX 13.4. klo 13.16 
what error dumbass
KennyPlayz 12.4. klo 17.36 
whenever i have the mod enabled it keeps spamming lua errors
Purplexion 2.4. klo 1.55 
Alright thanks
Sergeant Pan  [tekijä] 2.4. klo 0.13 

The addon likes to bug out like that at random. I'm not sure why.

If it does happen just run the TFA_VOX_Pack_Reload console command and that should fix it (and TFA_VOX_Module_Reloadall if the first one doesn't work.)
Purplexion 1.4. klo 23.16 
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/barnaclegrab.lua:47: attempt to index field 'calloutsextra' (a nil value)
1. b - lua/tfa_vox/modules/barnaclegrab.lua:47
2. v - RunString(Ex):8
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96 (x1290)
大和人志 22.3. klo 14.01 
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/complimentkill.lua:105: attempt to call method 'Disposition' (a nil value)
1. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/complimentkill.lua:105
2. v - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
3. Call - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
4. unknown - gamemodes/base/entities/entities/base_nextbot/sv_nextbot.lua:160
5. TakeDamageInfo - [C]:-1
6. unknown - lua/autorun/bsmod_killmove.lua:838
Carlos Padro 18.3. klo 23.01 
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/spotitem.lua:166: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetPos - [C]:-1
2. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/spotitem.lua:166
3. fn - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
4. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
MadmannotFUNNY 17.3. klo 16.24 
can it be with zombie panic source voicelines?
CheckingAvailability 14.3. klo 17.44 
could we get tacRP grenade support
Carlos Padro 8.3. klo 19.38 
are you kidding me fix it grenadethrow.:steamfacepalm:
Jonathan 1.3. klo 19.10 
Thanks for the addition for support for the Hard Landing addon. But there's something I noticed:

Whenever I successfully perform a roll when there's a vox assigned for that, the whole TFA-VOX mod like stops delivering callouts altogether for a few seconds before it starts delivering callouts again as usual.

(Can't believe no one has left a comment here for like almost a whole month)
Jonathan 27.1. klo 13.04 
You don't suppose you could add support to Mercury's Hard Landing / Safety Roll addon.

Like if you manage to successfully perform a roll, it'll trigger a callout.
shadowtheheadch0g 18.1. klo 15.53 
nevermind, it turns out that i uninstalled a mod and that alone made everything start breaking and i simply needed to restart the game
shadowtheheadch0g 18.1. klo 14.18 
so for some reason i keep getting this error every time i use a playermodel with vox support and it just keeps going until i die, but then it will start up again when i respawn
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlebreath.lua:46: attempt to index field 'calloutsextra' (a nil value)
1. b - lua/tfa_vox/modules/idlebreath.lua:46
2. v - RunString(Ex):8
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
I'm not sure, but somehow the new update broke the work of "alt blood" (this addon adds dynamic pools of blood appearing next to a corpse).
Pools just don't appear anymore.
Raptor_Killer 01 5.1. klo 7.16 
Thank you Sergeant
Raptor_Killer 01 4.1. klo 17.37 
Hey! it's still me!

thank you so much for adding support to Apex hands SWEP, it really shows how much you care about keeping your addons alive...
I only have ONE insignificant complain...
It would be perfect if the sounds only triggered when punching instead of when i get the weapon... the reason for that being that whenever i switch to the fists, it cuts every voiceline that's playing in that moment.
And since that mod also make you spawn with the fists already in your inventory...
it basically nullifies every 'Spawn' voiceline from the base TFA-VOX modules...
Is this something i ca fix myself without bothering you too much?
Thank you for your patience
Raptor_Killer 01 3.1. klo 4.20 
Do you know about Apex Hands SWEP ?
I was wondering, can you add support for them by making them count as regular fists or by adding an entire separate module?

It's just an idea i wanted to share, obviously i don't demand anything.
As always, thank you for your consideration.
Leon 22.12.2023 klo 23.44 
sergeant pan I think im doing this wrong, i may be dumb
Enviyon 13.12.2023 klo 12.24 
when turret down this addon gives it to me
[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/complimentkill.lua:102: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetPos - [C]:-1
2. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/complimentkill.lua:102
3. fn - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
4. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
Sergeant Pan  [tekijä] 3.12.2023 klo 5.19 
@NexsX My other addon has exactly that.
ricky dicky doo dah grimes 3.12.2023 klo 3.53 
what about a callout when you revive someone using MWII Takedown's addon?
Ivan Gandon 10.11.2023 klo 12.13 
Ah I see, I downloadded yuor addon locally because of some errors I had so I fixed them. That also requires me to redownload and drag-drop new files in.
Sergeant Pan  [tekijä] 10.11.2023 klo 11.21 

I can't really help you with the first one.

As far as the errors go, if the files causing errors are as you labeled them then you have an outdated version of the addon. None of the files use those names anymore.
SλM 26.10.2023 klo 13.13 
are there any mods that conflict with mod?
Jonathan 18.9.2023 klo 15.16 
Man, so quick to take suggestions.
Sergeant Pan  [tekijä] 17.9.2023 klo 13.19 

The melee callouts only work with weapons that use a melee hold-type or trigger a certain animation event. It's a wonky as hell implementation but it's the only way I can think of doing it.

Nothing about the module has changed so it's probably not working because the melee weapons function in a way that doesn't trigger the module.
Craft_Pig 17.9.2023 klo 12.55 
Am pretty certain that smt is wrong with the melee trigger conditions. Many weapons (mainly from the ARC9 base) no longer trigger it in any way. This wasnt a thing before.
Jonathan 12.9.2023 klo 15.30 
I have a suggestion for a callout, if possible:

One for when you're breaching the water's surface, as if you're gasping for air.
Ситников Роман 11.9.2023 klo 3.56 
After that, you can use the mouse to select the phrase you need.
Ситников Роман 11.9.2023 klo 3.55 
If I remember correctly, then you need to bind this command "+tfa_vox_callout_radial"
jony23277 11.9.2023 klo 3.02 
how do i use he chat wheel?
Ситников Роман 9.9.2023 klo 3.22 
After healing (after a recent update). Your mod is awesome, don't stop for updates and bug fixes! :steamhappy:
Ситников Роман 9.9.2023 klo 3.19 
[TFA-VOX] lua/tfa_vox/modules/basics_healsounds.lua:61: attempt to compare nil with number
1. unknown - lua/tfa_vox/modules/basics_healsounds.lua:61

Timer Failed! [Simple][@lua/tfa_vox/modules/basics_healsounds.lua (line 60)]
Bently 8.9.2023 klo 6.35 
I keep getting this same error and it doesnt stop:

[TFA-VOX Extra Callouts] lua/tfa_vox/modules/specificnoammo.lua:111: attempt to index field 'TFAVOX_Sounds_Next' (a nil value)
1. callback - lua/tfa_vox/modules/specificnoammo.lua:111
2. fn - lua/tfa_vox/framework/tfa_vox_modules.lua:622
3. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109