

Melon 6 hours ago 
Limb neogenesis on a crushed eye just turns it into a crushed eye that is now bleeding.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 21 Sep @ 3:44pm 
Hmm, have not done any changes to 1.4 (I figure that is what you mean) for base generation, so I am sure there is some mod that alters faction base spawning rules somehow.
Kateye 21 Sep @ 3:12pm 
When I add the nyankind or growlers faction, all factions only have a single base. I'm on 1.14. I have factions added by Vanilla Factions Expanded and Alpha Genes that work fine, it's only nyankind and growlers. It worked fine last week, any idea what might have happened?
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 16 Sep @ 8:01am 
- Added moth wings
- Added Snake tongue
- Added Slit eyes
- Added a new Xenotype Nexarii using some of the new genes.
- Mucorins and Hydragons use the Lagua language in LTS Systems for naming.
- Nyankind and Growlers now use the Wild language in LTS Systems for naming. (It's just renamed and some minor adjustments)
- Updated race and faction descriptions.
- Moth antenna use hair colour.
- Slightly lowered size of Moth Antenna
- Factions included in this mod are now "grouped" together when adding factions in the list on world generation. That is instead of being with their vanilla counterparts.
Davi 8 Sep @ 7:41am 
ah good to know thanks. Love the different races in my fantasy medieval play, would love to see small and sturdy duegar (dwarfs) and maybe trollkin who have very high hp and regeneration and are larger than others.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 7 Sep @ 12:02am 
If you have a mod that removes all factions of a higher tier, then it's what'll happen :D You can ofc change like that and that makes those factions tribals. It's not what I intended ofc but it wont break anything for you.
Davi 6 Sep @ 5:32pm 
I changed all of the factions faction def to <FactionDef ParentName="TribeBase"> and they all appear now. I dunno if that will break something though. Maybe you can come up with a better alternative.
Davi 6 Sep @ 5:24pm 
I think its 'Remove Industrial Stuff' mod. Is there something you can do to make it so that mod doesn't remove your factions? I think some don't appear because they have the factiondef from vanilla like OutlanderFactionBase.
Davi 6 Sep @ 4:49pm 
Hi, could you please help me figure out why only 3 of the factions (faun, nyankind, growler) are the only ones available when I create a new game? Here is my modlist: https://rentry.co/595sdrmz
'Zee Kat 1 Sep @ 5:00am 
Getting the below error when races add by this mod show up to trade, could you help me find the issue? https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/bd99d1b5a5b5bcc45253ae30f4d19188

Exception while ticking lord with job RimWorld.LordJob_TradeWithColony:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Ref E85DDCB8] Duplicate stacktrace, see ref for original
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch4 (string)
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.AI.Group.LordManager.LordManagerTick_Patch0 (Verse.AI.Group.LordManager)
(wrapper dynamic-method)
Alex6ix 25 Aug @ 6:26pm 
Does this work with face animations?
scalien_prime 19 Aug @ 11:15pm 
I am experiencing the same problem Tidurian and Azurekris have.

My problem is persistent and happens to any pawn with a gene that is supposed to regenerate limbs.

I can say this problem is not caused of this mod because other mods that have similar limb healing genes are also affected in the same way.

I'm at the point where I realize I have too many mods as the process of checking them a few at a time has been a multi-evening process already.

I just wanted to get that out there. The constantly bleeding wound problem does not seem to be caused by this mod but by another mod messing with this one.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 19 Aug @ 2:40am 
Yeah my artist is working on adding more explanatory images as well, sorry for the inconvenience for now!
Meiriona 16 Aug @ 8:55am 
Gonna second a request for a list of the genes added, it would help a LOT in deciding if this is what I want or not
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 8 Aug @ 11:52am 
Search for LTS_HarshDemeanour, it's what it's called here. Since the trait itself is called harsh demeanour ^^
burritoexspress2006 8 Aug @ 11:42am 
I cant find the genes in cherry picker, there alpha gene VRE hussars and this mod all add the abrasive trait. (If I remember the mods right)
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 8 Aug @ 2:57am 
- Most ear and some horn graphics altered slightly inwards to better fit narrow heads.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 3 Aug @ 7:21am 
- Updated graphics with art made by talented Anthitei (ATH)
- Added Slug antenna and Moth Antenna
- Added Antlers
- Added doe ear
- Added more hip wings
- Fish tail and the new Slug Tail cancels mood debuff SoakingWet
- Renamed def name LTSRoundEar -> LTS_RoundEar to be better in line with how the rest are named, really sorry for the inconvenience. :(
- Growlers now can have round ears as well now.
- Increased combat power factor of Growlers from 1.35 -> 1.5. They are too damn dangerous.
- Updated and improved many descriptions.
- Gas/Smoke release no longer requires capability of violence.
- Added chameleon tail with the ability to go invisible.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 3 Aug @ 7:20am 
- Added twin cat tail which makes pawns more agile.
- Added scaled body overlay which gives pawn bodies a scaled look cosmetic.
- Sorted gene priority orders to group my genes better together.
- Lilime can now have feathery hip wings as well, ofc not at the same time.
- Lilime can now have frontal horns as well.
- Anthrea now have an ant gaster gene and poor artistic gene as well.
- Anthrae pirates are ideologically cannibals
- Added Fauns race
- Added a civil tribal faction of Fauns
- Added Mucorin, a slug race
- Added Hydragon a dragon fish race
- Added Seasurge Federation faction, a mix of Mucorin and Hydragons.
MrPablo11 14 Jul @ 5:15am 
Having this error with this mod and only DLCs, Harmony , Hugslibs y LTS Systems.

[[LTS]Xenotech] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationSequence(count=1, lastFailedOperation=Verse.PatchOperationAdd(Defs/PawnKindDef[@Name="RefugeeBase"]/xenotypeSet/xenotypeChances))
AzureKris 9 Jul @ 9:46pm 
I also have the same issue with missing limbs not healing and just constantly bleeding over and over again. exact same scenarios as MrDisem and Tidurian, EXCEPT, the character in question on my save is not a child, but an adult. I do use the Big and Small mods as well.
Tidurian 9 Jul @ 3:25am 
addition: Forgot to mention it was a child as well. also : applies to any bodypart not only limbs. tested it with a pawn missing its thumb. regenerates into Cut off (fresh) - tended to "cut off" -> regenerates into "Cut off (fresh)" ad infinitum.
Tidurian 9 Jul @ 2:21am 
I have the same issue as MrDisem. but it applies to the four armed humans from big and small genes and more. they "regrow limbs" into a "cut off (fresh)" state that is heavily bleeding. it gets tended into a "Cut off" however once the neogenesis strikes again it just replaces the hediff with "Cut off (fresh) once more. starting a never ending cycle.
Futstub 29 May @ 2:27am 
Any chance you could add a desciption of the genes in the workshop page?
I for one am too lazy to first download a mod, start the game and then check for balance...
G-Fiti 24 May @ 7:04am 
I was looking at the races your mods ads and was like wtf is an RK for a moment! XD
LordXamon 22 Apr @ 8:49am 
I found a typo. The description of the hip wings have a random line jump in there
MrDisem 22 Apr @ 3:29am 
Thank YOU.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 22 Apr @ 3:24am 
Yeah I recall that bug, thought I had fixed it but sounds like children might have a special case with this. Shall look into! Thank you for clarifying!
MrDisem 21 Apr @ 9:45pm 
And I just reload a save file a little bit before the attack, so I didn't resolve a problem with missing limbs.
MrDisem 21 Apr @ 9:42pm 
Well, so what happened exactly, my child was wandering around a fox which started attacking my child. Fox almost tore apart the child, he lost his leg, arm and ear. My pawns killed the fox and healed the wounds of a child. After a little bit, I got a message that the child regrew his arm. And in fact he didn't, his arm was still missing and started heavily bleeding (it said he had 3 hours to live with this kind of bleeding). And my pawns treated his bleeding again and after few seconds I got a message again that he grew his arm, but it was a bleeding again. If you're asking me to replicate this situation - I can't, I don't know how. And I have mods like alpha genes as well. And I don't have any mod that can regrow limbs, so I think I don't have a conflict mod with this.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 21 Apr @ 11:17am 
Shall try to replicate the issue and see if I can find a solution for this.
MrDisem 20 Apr @ 11:10am 
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 20 Apr @ 9:36am 
Are you using 1.4 version or 1.5? :O
MrDisem 18 Apr @ 5:02pm 
My child can't regenerate limbs. When he's trying, it's just making a bleeding on a hand (missing part) and doesn't regenerate.
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 17 Apr @ 11:54pm 
Hmm, the LargeStarMote should be in Biosphere I believe and not this mod. But it should be included in LTS_Systems. Can you try redownloading LTS_Systems? Are you using 1.5?
Alleyballey 15 Apr @ 12:00pm 
I got an error while playing with this!
"Cannot register drawable LTS_LargeStarMote While Drawing is in progress. Things shouldn't be spawned in Draw methods.
Root level exception in Update(): System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"
This repeats for the simple star mote and the small star mote!
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 31 Mar @ 2:03am 
Sounds legit, will fix that once I have some free time!
Futstub 31 Mar @ 1:33am 
It would be great if you find the time to put the description of the genes in the workshop page.

I personally am someone who is too lazy to first install the mod and then check for balance. :>
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 29 Mar @ 3:42pm 
Can you try deleting and reloading both Systems and Xenotech?
Arky 29 Mar @ 12:44pm 
Mod is breaking in 1.5 for anyone else?
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 29 Mar @ 9:36am 
- Updated to 1.5, 1.4 stays as it were.
- Added Female/Male only Gene (Yeah I know, there are others but I did not want any dependancy on theirs.)
- Added new all female Xenorace, Anthrae
- Added new Anthrae female supremacy pirate faction.
- Added the xeno icons to custom icons as well.
- Fixed Limb neogenesis, updated description
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 22 Feb @ 11:22pm 
Working on an update
LimeTreeSnake  [author] 22 Feb @ 11:21pm 
amazing, love it BreadAndYeast
BreadandYeast 22 Feb @ 3:34pm 
growler refers to a ladies wedding garden in british slang...
Maple38 29 Jan @ 11:14am 
Would this be safe to remove mid-save?
dingo 22 Jan @ 5:13pm 
Love the xenotech, wish the additional races were an additional mod you could add / delete. Don't like going through each play through and clicking through all the possibilities to disable the premade xenotypes.
8/10 love it.
Spanky_H 29 Dec, 2023 @ 12:02pm 
Having similar issues with neogenesis. Have a few colonists with Limb neogenesis and while it did regrow an arm (mostly), it's only restored the Humerus and Radius bones to 1 hp and won't heal them further. It also regrew a missing eye on both colonists to 1hp then stopped, which seems like it may be unintended behavior?
WabbaCat 16 Dec, 2023 @ 5:40pm 
Milkable pawns are not milkable if they are prisoners! Please fix, as my prison is not complete without the juicer ward.

Also, I had the same issue as Wyrd once...
I removed the xenogene and applied a different one. Only happened to one milkable slave, and the rest were fine. Found out due to starvation/rest levels plummenting while they just stood there.
bembe 17 Nov, 2023 @ 2:01am 
Im having problems with the complete neogenesis gene. It says it regenerated a limb of my pawn to a scar, but when I look in the health Tab, it's still completely missing
Bimsham 3 Nov, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
I am having the same problem as @Wyrd