Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Entrance Buildings #02
47 commentaires
thanks your grate work!
Can I use this mod to Underground Tram stations?
S333G 28 janv. 2023 à 3h01 
Thanks @Jeffrounet I finally found out.
clus  [créateur] 18 janv. 2023 à 0h27 
@ StayHungryStayFoolish; Jeffrounet Thanks for your help. :)
Jeffrounet 16 janv. 2023 à 4h27 
@S333G In ACME options, you can change the height of clipping for the ground. If it's negative you can see through.
S333G 14 janv. 2023 à 18h40 
I already tried. But I didn't discovered how to move the camera under the ground.
Any settings I should tried?
StayHungryStayFoolish 14 janv. 2023 à 10h54 
@S333G use ACME.
S333G 14 janv. 2023 à 10h44 
Thanks for yur answer but I meant, how you moved your camera underground.
clus  [créateur] 12 janv. 2023 à 23h35 
Thanks. These "buildings" here are only underground versions ... in order to create connections to 4he surface, you'd need any ped network with tunnels or my entrance buildings.
S333G 9 janv. 2023 à 17h15 
Great mods and stations!
I have a question about building in the paths underground:

How do clip through the ground?
clus  [créateur] 27 déc. 2022 à 9h17 
@JJoole Hi. That network isnt available atm ... it might come in the future ...
JJoole 22 déc. 2022 à 6h40 
@clus In the last picture, there is an elevated track that looks like it's supposed to go over a road. Is that asset available or in the works and not yet released? I'd love it for my city! :)
StayHungryStayFoolish 29 oct. 2022 à 19h01 
I made a very deep METRO station next to a canal. I pushed the double track station down to about 28 meters, and it seems that it works, cims are walking through the entrance buildings. Thx, clus.
clus  [créateur] 26 oct. 2022 à 3h00 
Well, as you might have noticed yourself, all the stuff in the workshop was (and is) a "ton of work" for the individual creators ... It doesn't work the way, "just to make" something ;) ... and as I've explained it numerous times already... I'll release such a station or any asset, when I am motivated to work on it and have enough (free) time to do it ...
dgrad598 20 oct. 2022 à 8h17 
@clus is mod tools in asset editor or is it a separate mode?
The Engineer Pop 20 oct. 2022 à 7h20 
How can I see whether it and station are attached? I don't know how to see it in the station tracks.
clus  [créateur] 19 oct. 2022 à 10h21 
@dgrad598 - You have to export the model(s) via mod tools and then Import them in blender.
@The Sleepwalking Poet - I've updated the buildings ... the issue should have been fixed now... fingers crossed ;)
The Engineer Pop 19 oct. 2022 à 3h35 
We've found where my error comes from. This asset needs Tram-related assets but you didn't notify that it needs Snowfall DLC. What made my error is my not having Snowfall DLC. Please notify it or modify this asset so that this asset doesn't need Tram-related assets.
The Engineer Pop 19 oct. 2022 à 0h18 
When I searched "Entrance Building" in my Content Manager but then I CAN'T find this assets...!
dgrad598 17 oct. 2022 à 16h37 
@Clus, how do I load the station CRP. file into blender so I can try to edit it and make and extra center platform??? Or do i change the CRP file to a blender file format? if so what file format?
The Engineer Pop 16 oct. 2022 à 5h16 
Ah... TT I informed it to kian.zarrin who is the author of AN too.
clus  [créateur] 16 oct. 2022 à 5h05 
@dgrad598 Sure, if you´re familiar with blender, then you could do almost everything with that 3d software... so yes, its possible.
clus  [créateur] 16 oct. 2022 à 5h03 
@ The Sleepwalking Poet
The buildings name should be "entrance building".

Regarding you error - message. I think that I´ve already answered this ... Idk what that is, and without an output.log, nobody will be able to explain/figure out exactly what that is ...
The Engineer Pop 16 oct. 2022 à 2h25 
Isn't here anyone who suffers the same error to me?
The Engineer Pop 16 oct. 2022 à 1h40
And please see it.
This error stops to occur when I unsubscribed it!!!
The Engineer Pop 16 oct. 2022 à 1h34
What's this asset's name?! Despite I subscribed it but I can't find it in my asset lists!
dgrad598 15 oct. 2022 à 13h02 
Clus, is there a way for me to edit your asset in blender and then place it back into the game?? I want to put the 2 center platform stations together and take out the middle wall and replace with steal beams to make a double center platform station like the New York City subway does it.
The Engineer Pop 14 oct. 2022 à 22h30 
And please view your profile page and tell me why cims don't use metroes despite they can use it.
The Engineer Pop 14 oct. 2022 à 22h23 
Well. At first I suspected MOM because of the word "DepotAI" but even after I got rid of this mod this error still lasts.
That error message is shown *so repeatedly* when I select this asset and still shown repeatedly (but less than selecting this asset) when even I did nothing.
clus  [créateur] 14 oct. 2022 à 22h18 
Hi. Idk what that is ... nobody will be able to help you with this cryptic set of words/letters.
The one thing I can tell you is, that this issue seems to be somehow mod related... but I also do not know what mod is causing it. If you somehow figure out what mod is the causing one, then the mod creator will need your output.log /crash.log or mod.log etc. in order to provide help to you.
The Engineer Pop 14 oct. 2022 à 19h52 
I can't build it because of this error!

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DepotAI.CheckBuildPosition (uint16,UnityEngine.Vector3+,single+,single,single,ColossalFramework.Math.Segment3+,int+,int+) <0x00055>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) BuildingTool.BuildingTool.SimulationStep_Patch0 (BuildingTool) <0x04fd4>
at ToolManager.SimulationStepImpl (int) <0x00082>
dgrad598 14 oct. 2022 à 9h53 
Ohhh Blender is hard. When can you build these double center platform stations?? by the way, nice job on the double track release, I like how you can now adjust what the inside of the stations looks like. Wish you could do it with center stations too.
clus  [créateur] 14 oct. 2022 à 6h56 
@ LTC JAY no ... I replied to you ;) Long answer ... these buildings will be needed for the coming LRT - underground station tracks.
@dgrad598 Everything I release is created with blender.
dgrad598 10 oct. 2022 à 11h48 
Clus, what program do you use to create these stations? I would like to try to add the multi center platform stations to help speed things up on here.
LTC JAY 10 oct. 2022 à 8h41 
Clus think you replied to the wrong person. I was asking about the future release you mentioned and wanted to know more about this comment.
clus  [créateur] 9 oct. 2022 à 22h13 
@LTC JAY ... "LRT" ;)
@dgrad598 No, it doesn't work that way. As I've explained it before and as it is explained in the description of your linked asset ... you need BPs ETS mod for underground train stations (-tracks). You can't create underground train station tracks unless you also write a mod for them to work. The tracks in BPs mod are procedurally generated out of vanilla game materials ... hence you can't change them or use them without the mod. It simply isn t possible ...
Even if it were as simple as simply changing them... i wouldn do it, because I don't see the need for underground train stations. Its just not my thing ... sry.
dgrad598 9 oct. 2022 à 12h14 
Clus, all you would need to do is replace the track with yours and make it train station tracks with the same Interior look as your metro....
LTC JAY 9 oct. 2022 à 3h12 
Future release? What is this referring to?
clus  [créateur] 8 oct. 2022 à 7h40 
Many thanks guys ! :) Regarding underground train stations ... that wont happen. Thats not my "thing". ;)
TennesseeSymphony 6 oct. 2022 à 13h31 
bly4t 5 oct. 2022 à 1h48 
common clus W
dgrad598 4 oct. 2022 à 16h10 
how so? just like making metro stations
link_0610 4 oct. 2022 à 15h36 
@dgrad598 and @Splifsend, iirc it's not possible to make underground train stations
dgrad598 4 oct. 2022 à 8h37 
I think all he needs to do is make it optional to build the station for trains or metros... just like the sunken stations but has this one be truly underground like his current metros...
Splifsend 4 oct. 2022 à 8h15 
I need a NAR underground train station .. If you could do that it would awesome, like the rest of your assets
sebesams 4 oct. 2022 à 6h44 
<< = Jumping up and down my chair for pure joy!
dgrad598 3 oct. 2022 à 14h23 
Can you make an underground train station with the same style as metro???
Also, how about that double center platform metro for multi train lines?