Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Ride for Ruin: A Lord of the Rings mod
TravisScott>>> 13 Aug @ 11:40am 
Amazing mod, I would love to see a Lothlorien focus tree!:steamhappy:
prosadox 3 Aug @ 2:26pm 
Salsa H-R  [author] 30 Jul @ 6:22pm 
@prosadax Rohan is incredibly out of date both design & programming wise; it is riddled with bugs that I don't feel like fixing because I'm gonna completely redo the whole country anyway
prosadox 30 Jul @ 5:23pm 
Is it normal that when i start the rohan civil war i instantly crash?
CondeDeBarca 9 Jul @ 6:52am 
This is awesome, been playing this for six months now. I get that life gets in the way and that modding at this level is a lot of work, but I and many other people will be waiting for your next update. Good luck!
Salsa H-R  [author] 1 Jul @ 4:54pm 
@Cute Ratboi genuinely no idea. I'm in a very intense job for the next few weeks, and when I get out I'm not sure if I'll finish Dorwinion or continue work on another important project.
Cute Ratboi 1 Jul @ 2:53am 
whens the next road map update
Salsa H-R  [author] 23 Jun @ 12:14pm 
@ragnarÖk Rohan is super buggy & in need of a complete rework. The historical path is to side with Grima, prevent the civil war, and then wait for Gandalf to cure Theoden
ragnarÖk 23 Jun @ 12:09pm 
I wanted to play rohan and said with Eomer but when it comes to last focus and civil war game crashes (when i click event)
Salsa H-R  [author] 9 Jun @ 10:10am 
@Baumholder Rohan was the first thing I designed & implemented, so it's all kinds of fucked & desperately in need of a complete rework now that I know what I'm doing; the civil war, in particular, has a ton of bugs. The historical path is to side with Wormtongue, imprison Eomer, and then wait for Gandalf to arrive and cure Theoden.
Baumholder 8 Jun @ 6:20pm 
Want to say, really love the mod idea. Yall really went all out. But when I try and play as Rohan the good route seems kind of impossible. I can't think of a way to not get the civil war as Wormtongue will always go down the path to lower war support. When I start the war I start with no troops and the system that is suppose to spawn troops does not do anything. Is rohan incomplete or am I just messing up somewhere? I hope this path wasn't broken by a update or anything
Salsa H-R  [author] 3 Jun @ 12:25pm 
@The Caruso Diplomat they are entirely different mods, so everything except the source material.
-RfR has a more lore accurate map & FAR more detailed map
-RfR has fewer focus trees, but the ones it does have are larger & more dynamic
-RfR starts several years before the war rather than the year it lorefully breaks out
-RfR is generally less memey, including getting rid of airforce & using completely custom ideologies rather than re-skinned vanilla ones
-Both mods have completely separate reworks of technology
-Both mods have completely separate ring systems
-The other mod has a custom advisor/council system

Really the only way to get a sense of the total differences is to play both. I obviously believe that RfR is better, but you're free to make your own decision.
The Caruso Diplomat 3 Jun @ 9:18am 
what are the main differences between this and the other lotr mod?
Salsa H-R  [author] 14 May @ 10:10am 
@David_Dabo1 That would require a lot of time, which I have in very short supply; I would much rather focus on adding more content to the mod. If any of the vanilla toolpacks ever get updated, they should work for RfR
Salsa H-R  [author] 13 May @ 5:54am 
@David_Dabo1 I'm afraid I don't know what a toolpack is, would you care to enlighten me?
David_Dabo1 11 May @ 3:47am 
hello, i have a suggestion, can you make a toolpack for the mod?
Salsa H-R  [author] 1 May @ 1:02pm 
@c_moreau_76 I have considered many times dividing the manpower requirements & population of the mod by 10. It would be a large task, but it might happen for update 1.3
c_moreau_76 1 May @ 8:58am 
Good morning,

Thanks for this MOD.

For the immersion of the game would it be possible to do as for the MOD "Old World Blue" (Fallout) which reduced the number of battalions?

The army of Gondor starts at the beginning with 131 battalions therefore 131.000 soldiers which must represent 6 times its strength at the time of the war.

If it is not complicated, I recommend dividing the number of soldiers per battalion and therefore the manpower by 10.
Salsa H-R  [author] 17 Apr @ 12:36pm 
@William Marshal I'm not happy with the major's trees and will rework them at some point; check Dorwinion to see where I'm at as a developer, keeping in mind theres 2 more branches still to come. I want to replace the unit models, I just haven't had a chance to prioritize it.
Henry Paget, Earl of Uxbridge 17 Apr @ 11:40am 
Great work on this mod so far, the focus trees need a lot more expansion, especially the big powers like Mordor. Also, do you plan on changing all the unit models? Trying to Play as Dwarves or Mordor with WWII tanks and infantry is not it.
The Horrible KPL 15 Apr @ 1:40am 
Congrats for the update:cozybethesda: I'll test it soon
Salsa H-R  [author] 2 Apr @ 3:34pm 
@Venemous In 1.2, Rhun is composed of 4 Khanates paying tribute to the Khagan. I don't intend to break it further than you can see in the Beta branch, though it might have some releasables. Eriador will receive a complete map rework when it gets updated
Pesos Please 2 Apr @ 2:05pm 
In the future do you have plans to turn rhun and arnor into more than just a couple nations.
Salsa H-R  [author] 25 Mar @ 8:04am 
@Positive Fox yes! I'm actually working on the finishing touches for update 1.2, which I expect will release at the beginning of May depending on when I receive some final assets from other developers. Check out the discord server for updates on when that drops
Positive Fox 25 Mar @ 1:59am 
Is this mod still seeing some developement?
Ivanotis 22 Feb @ 2:34am 
Salsa H-R  [author] 16 Jan @ 9:14am 
@Bane this is most likely because of some of the MIO related changes introduced by 1.13 & Arms Against Tyranny. It might be fixed if you disabled AAT; I know I've fixed it on the Beta Branch submod. I don't have the time RN to invest in fixing main mod issue because I'm trying to get the Beta Branch to a state where I can port it all over to the main mod
Bane 14 Jan @ 12:02pm 
So idk if other people have run into this issue, but I'm having a problem where a good portion of the research tree is blocked because there is no research button. idk if this is just an early development issue but i thought it was worth mentioning. beyond that th mod is awesome.
Salsa H-R  [author] 6 Jan @ 12:43pm 
@Helion139 thanks for catching that; it'll be fixed in the next beta branch patch. If you use Discord, I'd appreciate you joining the server. It'd be much easier for us to communicate, since you clearly have a lot of thoughts
Helion139 2 Jan @ 4:55pm 
Oh nice thx would be nice if you added things outside of that one prestige thingy that actually lets you earn politcal power at decent rate...
Still a good step for the future.
And since we are talking about beta branch are pikes I suppose to cost like 0.09 prod and have 80% reliability as the only stat?
If yes then I'm using them as a garrison unit since well.. it's pretty cheap.
Salsa H-R  [author] 2 Jan @ 1:35pm 
@Helio139 based on this conversation, today's Beta Branch submod update lowed the annexation cost for puppets from 300 to 150
Salsa H-R  [author] 2 Jan @ 8:45am 
@Helion139 prestige from characters affects other country's willingness to swear blood oaths, but cannot be spent on decisions.
I could probably do what you want with subject annexation costs through a scripted GUI. I'll add it to the list of things I want to do but it's very low priority.
Helion139 2 Jan @ 2:21am 
But yeah I guess it should be in the range of 50-100 pp tbh.
Would be nice if 1 state nation would be 50pp, medium 100 and large 150pp but I doubt you can do it that way... well maybe decisions that let you annex subjects or focuses that lets you annex them could be an alternate replacer for puppet window.
Helion139 2 Jan @ 2:17am 
Also I think prestige as leader trait/advisor doesn't work.
Played that liberation lady with +2 prestige leader trait and got a +1 prestige advisor but didn't got that +3 prestige from it. just from like formable nation.
Helion139 2 Jan @ 2:16am 
Yeah do that either way please since there isn't that many countries either way and puppeting as liberator nation is kind of pointless cos it's supervised state either way.
Salsa H-R  [author] 1 Jan @ 7:01pm 
@Helion139 that is correct. Unfortunately, IIRC, there's no way to decrease the PP cost for just one type of subject; cheapening it for Blood Oaths would necessitate making it cheaper for all countries. Given the prominence of Blood Oaths, I might do this anyway
Helion139 1 Jan @ 3:26pm 
The concept of annexing your blood pact subjects and getting their advisory is quite good but the 300pp cost is attrocious for just like 1/2 states...
Or am I playing it wrong and there is some cheaper option through diplomacy and not puppet window?
Salsa H-R  [author] 2 Dec, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
@Positive Fox Rohan was the first content I designed & programmed; it is unfortunately very buggy and I'll probably rework the whole country once I'm finished with Dorwinion
Positive Fox 2 Dec, 2023 @ 4:11am 
the rohan civil war makes my game crash all the time :(
Salsa H-R  [author] 15 Nov, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
@Positive Fox, check out the Beta Branch submod for some new stuff not yet polished enough for the main mod. Haven't done much the past month because College has been a lot ,but I hope to at least update to AAT over Thanksgiving break next week.
Positive Fox 15 Nov, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
I really fucking love this mod. Id love to see this get more content evenrually :)
CondeDeBarca 14 Oct, 2023 @ 10:21am 
This is fucking awesome I would pay money for you to continue this, love to see this isn't abandoned
Salsa H-R  [author] 4 Oct, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
@smielly, I've unfortunately not had time to look into this. My best suggestion would be using the focus.nochecks console command to take the focus-- but be warned that this unlocks focuses for the AI as well, so enter the command again once you've finished the focus to deactivate it
Smielly 4 Oct, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
I was trying out the mod, looks great, I started as Rohan and go for Grima route, like Bromley said earlier this year, I wed eowyn with grima but he didn''t get the Heir Apparent so he is still second in the line and I cannot continue the road to crown the grima with Brew royal posion focus. Any idea?
Salsa H-R  [author] 17 Sep, 2023 @ 6:29am 
@DerKarlheinzotto Every country will eventually receive content, I'm just not sure where to slot some of them in yet. Rivendell would most likely either be in the Arnor update or 2.0
DerKarlheinzotto 17 Sep, 2023 @ 2:14am 
i have been playing this mod for a few days now and just cant stop, its very well made. i just saw the road map for future updates and wanted to know whether or not you plan on adding a rivendell focustree? i could not find it in the list
Salsa H-R  [author] 6 Sep, 2023 @ 7:12am 
@quickk I would love to! I'll, like, actually need your files before I can add them to the mod, of course. Please join the discord server so we can coordinate this better.
★ kr 𝟟 6 Sep, 2023 @ 1:33am 
hi, i made RUS translation of your mod, pls can u put my rus localisation in your mod desk?:mechanicalengineer:
Salsa H-R  [author] 5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
@Kéké I've not heard of this bug before and it does not happen on my version. Please join the discord server & submit a bug report so that we can get to the bottom of this