WeskerMo's Vanilla Psycasts Expanded Tweak
26 件のコメント
vvalucky7 8月26日 5時54分 
Alita 5月24日 4時53分 
heafm 2月23日 1時04分 
Verse.Root/<>c:<Start>b__6_1 ()
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action)
Verse.LongEventHandler/<>c:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>b__27_0 ()
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object)
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart ()
heafm 2月23日 1時03分 
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch6 (string)
XmlExtensions.ErrorManager:PrintErrors (string,Verse.ModContentPack)
XmlExtensions.PatchOperation_Patch:Postfix (Verse.PatchOperation,bool&,System.Xml.XmlDocument)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PatchOperation:Verse.PatchOperation.Apply_Patch2 (Verse.PatchOperation,System.Xml.XmlDocument)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.LoadedModManager:Verse.LoadedModManager.ApplyPatches_Patch7 (System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<System.Xml.XmlNode, Verse.LoadableXmlAsset>)
Verse.LoadedModManager:LoadAllActiveMods ()
Verse.PlayDataLoader:DoPlayLoad ()
Verse.PlayDataLoader:LoadAllPlayData (bool)
heafm 2月23日 1時03分 
[WeskerMo's Vanilla Psycasts Expanded Tweak - Start of stack trace]
Verse.PatchOperationRemove(xpath="/Defs/VanillaPsycastsExpanded.PsycasterPathDef[defName="VPE_Wildspeaker"]/requiredBackstoriesAny"): Failed to find a node with the given xpath
[End of stack trace]
The top operation is the one that failed, the ones below it are the parents
Source file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2845330083\Patches\Buildings_Misc.xml
DK 2023年11月21日 11時13分 
哥 血原祖 林语者 操偶师背景还是锁着的 球更新:steammocking:
kusoyang 2023年4月24日 3時21分 
[WeskerMo's Vanilla Psycasts Expanded Tweak] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationRemove(/Defs/VanillaPsycastsExpanded.PsycasterPathDef[defName="VPE_Wildspeaker"]/requiredBackstoriesAny) failed
file: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2845330083\Patches\Buildings_Misc.xml
WeskerMo  [作成者] 2023年1月17日 3時06分 
孕妇·米娅·SAMA 2023年1月16日 6時39分 
Shard 2022年11月28日 3時08分 
Should have checked here earlier, but I can confirm that this works just fine in 1.4, you can either add 1.4 to the version list in the about file, or just accept rimworld complaining it is the wrong version.
bujiu 2022年11月25日 5時05分 
bujiu 2022年11月6日 22時19分 
有人测试过吗 小人最多升多少次级
WeskerMo  [作成者] 2022年10月23日 19時11分 
if you get no red error, then you are ok to use it.
themdiddy 2022年10月23日 14時10分 
Blazerik 2022年9月14日 16時05分 
a min-max slider (that can go as low as 0) and nature foci would be great
Willaby_Neko 2022年8月28日 23時56分 
This is definitely gonna be very useful. I do second the idea of a min-max slider option as well, could maybe have it so you can toggle between using the guaranteed number of points and the min-max for people that would prefer one over the other. Either way, thanks for the mod.
Seanbeag 2022年8月20日 13時15分 
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
Cirdain 2022年8月15日 9時21分 
Could you possibly add the ability to unlock Natural meditation with points?
themdiddy 2022年8月12日 16時32分 
I love that you added the adjuster! Is there ANY way you could make it a min-max slider? I think that would be awesome, and make us users maybe not feel so.. cheat lol.
SO like, I put my slider to 1-3, then hope I get lucky.
WeskerMo  [作成者] 2022年8月7日 22時10分 
Glad you like it = )
Dietrich 2022年8月7日 16時31分 
I was hoping there would be an adjustable amount of points gained, thanks for the update friend!
WeskerMo  [作成者] 2022年8月7日 15時36分 
@The Right Knee
Done, wagggh!
The Right Knee 2022年8月7日 14時24分 
Will you add a config to change the amount of points gained? 5 feels op, but 1 feels like too little. Would like a middle ground around 2-3.
WeskerMo  [作成者] 2022年8月7日 4時41分 
bujiu 2022年8月6日 22時37分 
bujiu 2022年8月6日 22時36分 