Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Custom Trader Inventory
123 kommentarer
GenZmeY  [skaper] 8. juni kl. 10.26 
You are welcome :steamthumbsup:
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 8. juni kl. 10.17 
you were right, it seems that the unofficial patch is not completely compatible with one of the weapons and CTI. I have deactivated the patch for now and am now at 200 custom weapons without crashes. If I ever get bored and have a lot of time I will go through all the weapons one by one with the patch to find the problem. thanks for the help:steamthumbsup:
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 6. juni kl. 21.26 
Thanks I will test all these things and see if I can find the problem
GenZmeY  [skaper] 6. juni kl. 14.19 
P.S.: If you use an unofficial patch, it will be better to receive the log without it, because it hides a lot of information from the log

P.S.S: I also cannot guarantee the compatibility of my mods with the unofficial patch. I have never tested them together (well, maybe except SML). And besides, the unofficial patch seriously affects the game and only Forrest knows how it works
GenZmeY  [skaper] 6. juni kl. 14.19 
Unfortunately, this is useless for understanding the problem, just a message that a shutdown was triggered after an error
Perhaps there is something interesting there before these lines? I might take a look if you give me the log

I think it makes sense to try two things: first, turn off the preload and see if there is a problem. Secondly, test all the added weapons and see if there are any broken ones - buy all the weapons one by one, use them a little and see if it crashes the server. If you find a broken weapon, this should be excluded from the config

Regarding bApplyPatch - this replaces the byte type with int in the functions of some classes, allowing you to correctly process lists of more than 255 items. That's all, so don't expect anything more here
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 6. juni kl. 13.35 
Additionally, I remove 65 of the vanilla weapons and am now at 203 trader items. I know that I don't need bApplyPatch=True, but I also tried it with the patch and it doesn't seem to have any effect on the crashes
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 6. juni kl. 13.22 
I have tried it on several custom but also vanilla maps, server does not crash without CTI, with CTI server crashes regularly but not every time I change maps
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 6. juni kl. 12.43 
hi, my server crashes with CTI sometimes on the second or third map change after a game ends. It's probably not your mod but one of the 139 weapons that I added. Strangely, all 139 seem to preload without any problems and I can use all the new weapons without errors and without the server crashing mid game. The server only crashes when changing maps after a game ends and the logs end with: Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Any ideas?
PappaSwaggins 28. mai kl. 4.34 
I cannot get this mod to work

I add Version=0 to the ini file but it doesn't create anymore text in this ini file.

I have gone over your server instructions 4 times doing EXACTLY as you say and it will not work. Any ideas of anything else I can try?
Fryd4lyfe 25. mai kl. 23.45 
figured how to change map and all that but how when i load in change the waves, diff and shit
Fryd4lyfe 25. mai kl. 13.25 
is there a youtube video for this. i cant figure it out at all. like where and how do i put this in the file [CTI.CTI]
GenZmeY  [skaper] 22. mai kl. 12.25 
If you're talking about the number of actions in "Usage", then thank TWI for breaking the initialization of config variables. This list was much shorter before when initialization worked as expected
GenZmeY  [skaper] 22. mai kl. 12.20 
to do what?
zp2k9x 22. mai kl. 8.32 
is this the simplest way to do this lmao?
GenZmeY  [skaper] 21. mai kl. 12.34 
got it, thanks
DealerOfShame 21. mai kl. 12.16 
It's similar it just includes the OneDrive between the username and documents:

C:\Users\<username>\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config
GenZmeY  [skaper] 21. mai kl. 11.48 
it's ok, glad it was resolved

Which config path turned out to be correct for Windows 11? I think this might help other people running kf2 on windows 11

I have not used win11 and I'm very surprised that the paths may differ in this case. These are things that haven't changed for a long time after all
DealerOfShame 21. mai kl. 11.20 
It is. Sorry for the confusion!
GenZmeY  [skaper] 21. mai kl. 11.12 
omg O_o
is this windows 11?
DealerOfShame 21. mai kl. 11.07 
I found it. The correct file location is in the "OneDrive" version of my Documents folder. God I hate how Windows does that sh*t. Thanks for your help!
GenZmeY  [skaper] 21. mai kl. 9.39 

Everything seems to be correct. Maybe besides the fact that you don’t need the file in steamapps, it won’t be used anyway (however, it won’t interfere)

The only thing that comes to my mind now is that during startup you still don’t have the downloaded mutator for some reason

I can suggest the following:
1. Check again that you are subscribed to this mutator.
2. Check that the mutator has been downloaded (you should have a CTI.u file in one of the subfolders here: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Cache\2830826239\)
3. If you have CTI.u, it’s also worth looking if there’s anything interesting in the log after trying to start the game with a mutator, it’s here: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Logs\ . Perhaps it will become clearer what is going wrong. If the contents of the log look unclear, you can show it to me and I will help you figure it out
DealerOfShame 21. mai kl. 8.30 
Hello. I am trying to get this to work in Single Player mode and for some reason the default KFCTI.ini content will not generate.

I created two .ini files:
C:\Users\<my_username>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config\KFCTI.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\KFGame\Config\KFCTI.ini

The only thing these include are:


I have opened the game and inputted the following command:
open KF-BioticsLab?Mutator=CTI.Mut

I have begun the round, then exited to desktop.

Neither files have generated any content. What am I doing wrong? Sorry this is all new to me.
GenZmeY  [skaper] 3. mai kl. 17.39 
The client and server must be using the same version of the mutator for this to work, you need to figure out why in your case they are different

I have no idea how your server is configured so I can't give you a ready-made solution, but the plan for you is something like this:
1. Make sure that when connecting to your server, the client downloads only one copy of CTI.u and this is the latest version
2. Make sure that your server is configured to receive and distribute CTI.u in only one way (only through workshop or only through redirect, but not both)
3. If your server uses workshop, make sure that its subscriptions have only one version of CTI.u (for example this one, id 2830826239)
4. Make sure that the server uses only one copy of CTI.u and this is the latest version (check the server cache folder, check the BrewedPC server folder)
三笠·阿克曼 2. mai kl. 8.34 
I made it clear to them that the cache files still cannot access my server. Could you please tell me how to solve it? Thank you
三笠·阿克曼 2. mai kl. 6.15 
I am a server set up on Windows, and when my friends join my server, they will be prompted with CTI version mismatch, but it is strange that I have no problem linking it myself. Thank you very much for answering my question! Thank you!
GenZmeY  [skaper] 2. mai kl. 6.09 
This error means that the CTI version on the client and on the server does not match. This may depend on your subscriptions and/or how the server is configured.
Clearing the cache on the client usually helps; it is located here:
C:\Users\<YOUR_USERNAME>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Cache\
If this does not help, contact the administrator of the server you are trying to connect to
三笠·阿克曼 2. mai kl. 5.44 
Why prompt CTI not matching version
GenZmeY  [skaper] 26. mars kl. 11.13 
already did it :)
The Renegadist 26. mars kl. 10.54 
That did it, since that isn't explicitly mentioned in the description I would add that in for people like me who think the entire thing should be filled at creation.
GenZmeY  [skaper] 25. mars kl. 18.06 

You should not combine config generation and configuration into one action

First, generate a config by placing the "Version=0" there and starting the game/server. Close the game/server. All settings will now appear in the config and the config version will change. Now set up the config as you need and run the game/server again, everything will work as it should
The Renegadist 25. mars kl. 18.01 
Hello, having issues getting this to run. I made the KFCTI.ini file and added these lines to it:



with the two weapon packs subscribed and they don't show in the trader list even after loading the mutator via console, is my syntax incorrect?
rexjackson 15. mars kl. 18.28 
when i come here, it empty
pls help
rexjackson 14. mars kl. 14.24 
single player and right at the start
GenZmeY  [skaper] 14. mars kl. 3.52 
Are you setting up a mutator for a server or for a single player game?
The necessary actions are described in the "Usage" section. At what step did you have problems?
rexjackson 13. mars kl. 20.32 
help i cant make this file somehow and cant find KFCTI.ini anywhere
GenZmeY  [skaper] 6. mars kl. 4.22 
What exactly do you not understand?
clever john 5. mars kl. 13.54 
i dindn´t understood how it works, can you make a detailed tutorial ?
GenZmeY  [skaper] 25. feb. kl. 6.40 
Mutator updated
GenZmeY  [skaper] 25. feb. kl. 4.26 
A bug was discovered in CTI v1.8.0 - v1.8.1: if bApplyPatch=True, after the death of a player, it becomes impossible to buy/sell weapons

I will fix this in the next patch (as soon as I can)

For now I recommend using bApplyPatch=False
GenZmeY  [skaper] 13. feb. kl. 4.44 
you are welcome
Memory 13. feb. kl. 4.33 
Ah okay I understand now, thank you for everything 🤝
GenZmeY  [skaper] 13. feb. kl. 3.43 
G36 Mod is not a skin, it is a new weapon. Using CTI, you remove the old G36 from the trader and add a new G36 - this simply can't work only on the client side

So if you want to have a new G36, you in any case need to either play on a server where this mod is configured or make your own server where this is configured
Memory 13. feb. kl. 2.39 
Thank you very much, I got it to work but only if I open a map with console and adding Mutator=CTI.Mut.

Does that mean the only way to replace the G36C default skin is by using mutator command?

I only play with server browser and of course I can't just put in the mutator command in a random server ;(
GenZmeY  [skaper] 13. feb. kl. 1.26 
you should not combine config generation and configuration into one action

First, generate a config by placing the version there and starting the game/server. Close the game/server. All settings will now appear in the config and the config version will change. Now set up the config as you need and run the game/server again, everything will work as it should
Memory 13. feb. kl. 0.17 
Please help, how do I install your mod alongside ?

The G36C mod I linked does not replace the gun when I buy from trader, it only shows when I open command and get it("giveweapon G36CV2.KFWeap_AssaultRifle_G36C_V2")

Here is my steps:
I subscribed to your mod and G36C mod, create KFCTI.ini and then copy and put in



GenZmeY  [skaper] 20. okt. 2023 kl. 14.39 
@J, обновил мутатор, теперь DLC клоны не добавляются для удаленного оружия
J 10. okt. 2023 kl. 6.01 
@GenZmeY, это то что нужно! Я думал о том что бы добавить только клоны из ReplaceWeapons, но самих кодов оружия не знал. Спасибо.
GenZmeY  [skaper] 10. okt. 2023 kl. 5.54 
@J, как временное решение сделай так:
Выключи анлок вообще: UnlockDLC=False
Удали все стандартное DLC оружие: bDLC=True
Добавь вручную клоны DLC оружия в [CTI.AddItems] (кроме которые тебе не нужны):

Пока только так. Потом исправлю это неочевидное поведение
GenZmeY  [skaper] 10. okt. 2023 kl. 5.48 
@VECTOR, yes, weapons should be in subscriptions
J 10. okt. 2023 kl. 4.03 
Да, я хотел добавить только некоторое оружие из длц и удалить например Термит пиро через RemoveItems=, но полная UKFP не дружит с CTI и дает длц только если используешь ReplaceWeapons и добавляет он ВЕСЬ длц арсенал без возможности его исключения. Разраб UKFP уже ответил в теме по поводу отображение длц и сделает комманду ?DisableTraderLocking=1 которая как я понимаю это исправит.