Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

EBF Super Heavy Wrecks
sirmichaelcoughlan 12 Jun @ 7:39am 
No apology necessary, thanks for the help! I had last played on Sunday, 6/9/24.
Kurziel  [author] 11 Jun @ 9:38pm 
@sirmichaelcoughlan I apologize for the inconvenience. I just realized some of the version options for the mod are not visible to other people. If you can provide me with the last date you last played I should be able to provide the correct version for you.
sirmichaelcoughlan 11 Jun @ 9:07pm 
I might be incorrect, but a save file I have just started crashing today and says "faction/eldar/guardians/salvage" does not exist, which leads me to believe it is this mod. I have no other ebf mods, though I might add in the future. You obviously have no obligation to help, but I thought you might be curious. Let me know if you want the full text of the error window. I tried launching the file w/o the mod enabled, but it did not help. Is there a way to download the old version of the mod? I am on turn 234, so am somewhat keen on finishing the game.
Kurziel  [author] 11 Jun @ 7:54pm 
@Khaine #1 and #2 have been addressed. I'll think on #3 and give the current iteration some play testing. Thank you for the constructive feedback, I do appreciate feedback and experiences from other players.
Khaine 11 Jun @ 2:54pm 
No need to apologize, it's totally understandable given how many units you've changed this time.

About #2: haven't playtested this enough to see what effect it would do on AI - if any at all.
That was main concern, we all know that in Gladius AI's aren't very smart. Could've led to some very dumb decisions.. or not. Don't know for sure.
From player's perspective - I could restrain myself from clicking everything everywhere, so no big deal here. As for those who can not: universe of "40000 ways to die" is harsh at it's heart, your mistake = your doom :)

About #3: leave it be for now, I guess? More feedback needed.
I'm just a single voice in the warp, shouldn't listen to me too much or else.. :psi:
Reasoning for choosing any option over another is too big for comments, anyway.
Besides, I can do it myself, no big deal again.
Kurziel  [author] 11 Jun @ 7:34am 
@Khaine Thank you for the detailed feedback. I will correct #1 this evening after work. I apologize for the oversight.

#2 was an intentional change, but you raise some good points. I will put the targeting conditions back in.

#3 It is intended that normal Imperial ruins can be cleared, but not receive extra item/salvage from them. Are you suggesting I should remove Imperial Ruins from the list of features to be cleared, or they should get salvage rewards too? Salvage was removed from the normal ruins because it was overpowering in the early game. I could add it back in now with Salvaing Ruins locked behind CityTier2.
Khaine 11 Jun @ 6:53am 
I can (and will do) modify needed things myself, but that's for myself )
Any SM/SoB player with no coding/modding skills and understanding would suffer 'till you fix point 1 :steammocking:
Point 2 may lead to some suffering, too... a little missclick here or there, some units spending AP with zero gains, frustration builds up.. and I'm totally unaware how it would affect AI, or even if it would affect AI since your last change.
Point 3 is personal preferences mostly, something to think over again maybe. Any way suits you - you do it. If it doesn't suit me - I'll change it for what I want personally.

And again: great work overall. I really enjoy immersion and minor (or not so minor) gameplay variation EBF mods bring to surface of Gladius :steamthumbsup:
Khaine 11 Jun @ 6:36am 
Too long for comments >_<
Continued from previous..

3. Again, all Salvage abilities on all units still can clear base-game Imperial Ruins. No rewards, just clears ruins and spends AP. "ImperialRuin" instead of "ImperialEBFRuin" in conditions is the culprit here, I think.
Not sure if it's intended behaviour or something you've missed in this update. Lore-wise, it shouldn't be like that (at least if you're not an Ork). Game-wise, I loved gameplay variability in previous versions: clear a ruin and gain some resources, don't clear and maybe gain a tactical advantage but lose on resources, or even get a disadvantage because ruins block LoS to the enemy horde two steps away from your capital. Either way, decision is up to you.
Khaine 11 Jun @ 6:34am 
First of all - great work with this mod and EBF series overall.
Now, some quick feedback:
1. SoB and SM Salvage abilities again use Ore instead of Requisitions . Both abilities, on each unit, as far as I've looked. Maybe have something to do with all that orky boyz horde now plundering planet as true orkz do, probably too much ctrl-c/ctrl-v in latest update, eh?
2. All Salvage abilities (every unit, every faction) can now target any tile, no matter what in contains. Empty (base tile with no features at all, etc.), terrain features (rivers/rocks/etc.), special resources, you got the idea.
Spends AP and gives nothing, of course. Probably missing some conditions, as previous version of Salvage (or ClearRuin or what is was named) ability was not usable with "no targets in range" (or something like that), if there were nothing salvageable in adjacent tiles.
Lord_Draconis 10 Jun @ 8:49pm 
Kurziel  [author] 10 Jun @ 8:40pm 
@Lord_Draconis I found a way to prevent the wreck from appearing when the obelisk is upgraded into the tesseract. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
Kurziel  [author] 10 Jun @ 10:48am 
@Lord_Draconis Upgrading the tesseract must destroy the old unit and then create a new upgraded unit. That is definitely a scenario I haven't accounted for. I'll see if I can find a work around. As for the number of remains appearing, that's kind of the function and the point of the mod, there isn't really anything that can be done to reduce the number and keep the mod functionality.
Lord_Draconis 10 Jun @ 5:58am 
I've been playing this mod for a long time, but it was buggy. For example, if you upgrade to a Tesseract crypt, then the remains of the crypt appear at the place of improvement. There are also too many remains appearing on the battlefield.
Kurziel  [author] 2 Jun @ 10:24am 
@Grotzel Thank you! Yah, had a bunch of half finished projects I've finally gotten around to wrapping up.
Grotzel 2 Jun @ 10:04am 
Wow! Great update! You have really been busy! :D
Kurziel  [author] 20 May @ 11:13am 
@BaronHan[TH] Sorry, it took so long, but here you go: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=3250916333
Kurziel  [author] 13 Jan @ 12:52pm 
@[RGDT]Baron.Han I can do that. I may not be able to have it done for a couple of weeks, I will be travelling. I will let you know when I have it published.
BaronHan[TH] 7 Jan @ 6:23am 
Translated by Google.
Could you please make EBF Super Heavy Wrecks and EBF Super Heavys Block Sight compatible with Banblade in the Faction: Iron Hands mod?
ohnbrink 10 Sep, 2023 @ 10:40am 
Hey guys. I'm running the following mods: Armoured sentinel, Astra militarum medics, Maraurder destroyer for AM, EBF super heavy wrecks, EBF city ruins.
And with the latest DLC the new Rogal Dorn tank could not be produced. It can be researched, but the button to build one just isn't there. I haven't been able to figure out what mod breaks this, but you might want to check it out.
Orionox 24 Mar, 2023 @ 1:06am 
Specifically for cities, it gives gives a TON of basically free resource to clear every single city you come across.
Kurziel  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
@Orionox Thanks for bringing the incorrect skill cost to my attention. I've corrected it.

Initially I made the Salvage skill specifically to be able to clear the wrecks, otherwise there's no way to remove them. I think I may have a way to have them removed by Clear Tile without breaking any other functionality. I'll be revisiting this mod in the near future as I implement the new models I'm working on. I'm intending to review the Salvage skill at the same time. I'm keep your feedback in mind when I review it.
Orionox 20 Mar, 2023 @ 11:44pm 
it cost minerals, not req when trying to use salvage with the SM scouts. Also, and maybe this s a little out of scope, but it would be cool if salvaging cities "explored" them instead of removed them. Alternatively it might be cool to add SOME negative effects when salvaging cities. Maybe it does damage to the salvages or fills the space with poison or something.
Tilith 2 Feb, 2023 @ 11:23pm 
I understand perfectly, don't tell the TW:Warhammer community that I'm moding here... I have some unfinished mods there haha. (I'll go back eventually)

And I thinks it's better if you just merge the translations into the main mods, since Gladius' mod structure makes so that localisation doesn't conflict with eachother.
Kurziel  [author] 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:39pm 
Wow! Excellent, feel free to publish them if you'd like, or I can incorporate them in to my mod.

Yah, there's some missing labels yet I think, I keep meaning to go back and clean it up, then get distracted by new projects.
Tilith 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
Here are the mods, the msg was too long.






Regarding the cleaning of trenches and the hardcode of the ClearTile, the EBF Super Heavy Wrecks is your only mod where you didn't explain it, and it's the last one I consulted before going to sleep, just my luck. :D
But I agree, it would be better under the Clear Ruins ability, or both with a thematic very low gain for searching what the guardsmen have left in the trenches for the Salvage skill, I'll think about it later I moded enough for today haha.
Tilith 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:27pm 
Damn, I'm just seeing your message and I swear I wanted to do it before seeing it, but I've not only translated all of your EBF mods, but I've also completd your EBF Super Heavy Wrecks by continuing the structure you had started with the Baneblade, if you don't see what I'm talking about, just check the Features and Traits .xml under >Languages.:)

Hope you'll like it, I also did something similar for the City Ruins but I had not seen your way of doing it at the time so I just wrote them myself, in french, I then google traded them back to english haha, if you check it out to spot mistakes, mostly regarding the translations of lore matter, I think it should be alright tho, but I'll understand perfectly if you rewrote them eventually.

Haha I don't know if were wearing this avatar like I do, regardless I hope you are in a good place. :)
Kurziel  [author] 2 Feb, 2023 @ 7:59pm 
Thank you very much, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Yes, I did look into "clearTile." From what I could tell, there's quite a bit of hardcoded behaviour around "clearTile." I was able to make it work but it dramatically reduced mod compatibility. Units with the modded "clearTile" could only be modded by using full xml replacement files, not just xml.ext's.

I'd be more than happy to make a compatibility patch to have Salvage clear trenches. Have you looked at my City Ruins mod? The Clear Ruins ability I give to units there might be slight more thematically consistent with clearing Trenches. I can easily do a patch for either or both.

Wow, I would be honored if you translated my mod. If you do, let me know, and I will make sure to link it in my description.

FYI, love your profile pic. I've often used the same pic in other platforms.
Tilith 2 Feb, 2023 @ 12:29am 
Hey, great mod !

I don't know if you are familiar with the "Trenches" mod, but I was searching for a way to add the removal of trenches to the "ClearTile" ability, but I couldn't find any string for this action, I don't know if you have looked into it or if you directly went for the new skil, but if you did, maybe you can provide me some infos about it ?

Regardless I think tyour mod could be a staple for Gladius and adding the removal of trenches to your Salvage skill could be an acceptable work around.

I also do french translations, I'll do your mod tomorow I'm going to sleep now. ^^
mordecai 15 Jan, 2023 @ 12:50am 
thx alote
Kurziel  [author] 15 Jan, 2023 @ 12:24am 
There's more polish and improvements to come, but the functionality is there for Sisters of Battle now!
Kurziel  [author] 14 Jan, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
Thanks for the concern, but no worries. I enjoy modding. You got me thinking about things I still want to mod in the game and got me remotivated for modding Gladius.
mordecai 14 Jan, 2023 @ 12:53pm 
It's nice to hear, but just don't stress. The other factions have your mod. So enough for me to play until you're done.
Kurziel  [author] 14 Jan, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
You got me thinking about modding Gladius again, so there's been a change of plans. I bought the DLC this morning. It'll take me a bit to refamialiarize myself with the mod structure but updates should be coming in the near future.
Kurziel  [author] 13 Jan, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
There will be an update, but it will likely be another month or two. I haven't picked up the DLC yet. Is it broken and not working at all or just needs to be updated to account for the Sororitas units?
mordecai 13 Jan, 2023 @ 10:36am 
Nice Mod
any idea if a update for the adepta sororitas comes?

Shin 16 Dec, 2022 @ 12:06am 
That's a pretty interesting idea.
Grotzel 10 Nov, 2022 @ 7:34pm 
Understandable - I can only imagine that this is all a pretty tricky project (creating squiggonaut wrecks or dead tyranids even more so, I imagine). In any case thanks for your reply and your mod. :)

Oh - and I meant standard scale. In reference to your 'planned improvement' point regarding Gladius+. I'm sceptical about Gladius+ unit dimensions and imagine that they are a bit cumbersome to play with (and would need to be updated for every single new DLC unit).
Kurziel  [author] 10 Nov, 2022 @ 6:34pm 
The ruins approach is where I started conceptually, and had feature creep took over from there.

Basic looting does happen by any unit moving onto the wreck. The salvage skill gives a secondary chance for reduced looting. As part of balancing for the AI, I am looking at how I might be able to give different loot tables for different unit types that move onto the wreck and removing the salvage skill.

At this time I don't have intentions to add additional super heavy units. But I do intend make a compatibility patch for any super heavy units added by other mods.

Are you looking for a version that is closer to standard or Gladius+ scale?
Grotzel 10 Nov, 2022 @ 11:23am 
Silly me - just noticed that the wrecks are not supposed to block movement - which was my primary concern and the reason why I wanted to wait before trying this mod. So no giant AI traffic jams.

I suppose there still is a small question of how balanced this is. Is the AI able to use salvage? A less atmospheric but easier option might be to basically turn the wrecks into ruins that get automatically explored by any ground unit moving onto them. It would also remove the tiny Tyranid disadvantage.

Are you planning to integrate more super heavy units - e.g. for Orks and Tyranids? I'd also appreciate it if a Gladius+ compatible version would be optional. :)
Grotzel 29 Sep, 2022 @ 2:46pm 
The concept is -without a doubt - great, but although I prefer your original version, if it turns out to be problematic, maybe wrecks should be either a destructible object - the AI could handle those - or passive like ruins. Otherwise the AI might get stuck in a giant traffic jam.

Anyway, I really hope your idea works. Gladius Prime could use an atmospheric touch like that.
Kurziel  [author] 29 Sep, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
Thanks for the feedback!

My thinking was that the wreck is completely stationary, making it easier for units to hide behind it. The overall goal with my mods has been to have the battlefield terrain evolve and change as the battle goes on. Maybe I'll look at making the nonflying super heavies block LOS too.

You raise a good point about the AI potentially not making good use of the salvage/clear skills. I'll do some testing with that when I get back to modding Gladius, see what I can get the AI to do.
Grotzel 29 Sep, 2022 @ 11:42am 
Very cool idea!
Since Dawn of War I would have wished for such a mechanic. However, it could lead to severe problems for the AI. I doubt that they will be able to clear those tiles.

Tiny thematic criticism: While blocking the line of sight sounds great and atmospheric ... one might ask why a wrecked super heavy does this ... but a fully functioning one doesn't. Okay ... perhaps smoke clouds billowing from the burning wreck. :)
Erik Taurus 24 Sep, 2022 @ 3:46pm 
Cool concept! You further developed your city ruins idea! :) :D
I have some ideas along these lines too, seeing you're farther with adding meshes than I am maybe you'd be interested?
Perhaps you thought of this as well, I dunno.
Add me as a Steam friend so we can have a chat.
Kurziel  [author] 12 Jun, 2022 @ 1:16pm 
Thank you, glad you like it!
☞ PrimarcH ☚ 12 Jun, 2022 @ 11:07am 
love:steamhappy: that mod thks man!!:wh: