Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Riding Mower
491 Kommentare
[✚] 🌧RAIN🌧 5. März um 3:05 
Please I beg of you, update this for B42.
DaLoneGuy 1. März um 23:44 
I really want to use this mod to get cut grass for animal feed in B42
memetheletrine 27. Feb. um 15:18 
any way we could get the map updated? its not showing it in steam, and when i click the link in the comment that Selly posted it goes no where.
dehwoodman 26. Feb. um 11:53 
I love this mod and I hope its updated for B42. Its so needed especially for the farmlands with big open fields and dirt roads.
sanderps.17 1. Feb. um 8:32 
Please update to version b42 this mod is GOOD BEAUTIFUL AND EXCELLENT, please :c
ryandogsling 19. Jan. um 1:51 
Just commenting to say I love this mod and can't wait to see it in B42. Thank you for creating my favorite mod!
achuma.puma 14. Jan. um 21:11 
@Skizot Was checking up on this, but that's understandable. Can't wait for a B42 Hank Hill run in irvington lol
Skizot  [Autor] 31. Dez. 2024 um 12:25 
I do plan to update them to B42. I am waiting for it to be closer to release though. don't wanna spend a ton of time on it and they make a major change that breaks it again. ;)
copyrighted_toast 24. Dez. 2024 um 14:26 
im trying so hard to find these things cant find anything. im using the map and still nothing maybe fix the map make the dots labeled and smaller. Like whats the red square? whats the blue circle? the star too? just confusing
Silver Star 24. Dez. 2024 um 0:08 
We need this in B42, this is crucial for maintaining lawns
Meatwad its a damn time machine! 21. Dez. 2024 um 18:03 
how does this work in b42?
Snek 16. Dez. 2024 um 14:38 
Trailer works fine you just have to do it a weird way, when you get the trailer and mower where you want disconnect it from the towing vehicle drive it away from the trailer then take the mower off the trailer.
NekoJess 15. Dez. 2024 um 9:29 
Also, I would highly recommend that no-one use the trailer! It was never fully realized and will cause weird issues that I don't even think a restart will fix. I've not messed with it in a while, but I don't believe Skizot ever got around to fixing it.

I could be wrong tho.
NekoJess 15. Dez. 2024 um 9:27 
Right.... I forgot to mention when I noticed it. As Selly has stated, the map image in the description is broken.
Selly 9. Dez. 2024 um 6:30 
It's not that they're rare, so much - they have set spawn locations. There's a broken image in the mod's description that displays a map of these spawns if you open it in a new tab:

They *can* be tough to spot with how big the icons are, but I've reliably found the mower itself at the big farm in Riverside - and the hunter's cottage west of that.
Glaceon (Evak) 30. Nov. 2024 um 3:16 
I'll be the one to say, it's way too rare. I recommend there should be at least a rarity column for this mower in the vehicles tab in sandbox settings. I maxed vehicles spawn rate to high, went to dev mode to go find them faster, and still cant find a mower in the below mentioned comments, like Kentucky either hasn't heard of mowing or they somehow evacuated with all of their lawn mowers. I found 7 garbage trucks from the other mod, and 4 riding mower trailers before I could find any of these mowers, still couldn't find one. Is this a farm spawn exclusive? Why wouldn't people of residential Kentucky mow their own lawns?
Skizot  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2024 um 9:54 
there is a map...
Dosboy 23. Nov. 2024 um 18:55 
On day 256, been through Rosewood, Muldraugh, Westside and maybe 1/6 of Louisville along with some other add on cities. Also checked out the entire parking lot of the add on map for the mall. Found the trailer but no riding lawnmower. Starting to wonder if this is a myth?
Selly 22. Nov. 2024 um 3:09 
Spent a good couple of hours checking spawn points before I finally found a mower on the Riverside farm; decided not to test my luck finding a hauling trailer and so instead drove said mower all the way down to Constown (so, opposite side of the map basically) in reverse.

Just so I wouldn't have to manage the lawn by hand. Worth it!
NekoJess 18. Nov. 2024 um 23:06 
That's vanilla behavior. Grass regrows, as do weeds and such.
DennyFrontier 3. Nov. 2024 um 6:32 
Hello. I subscribed to the mod and all of its dependencies however it wont show in my mod menu in the game. Does this require a new game? Thanks!
AlpacaBooty 2. Okt. 2024 um 14:33 
To add, I think it has something to do with the chunks deloading, when you get too far away it must be regenerating the grass and the game does not remember to keep it in the same state when it was cut? I don't know anything about modding but maybe that could help in fixing it? :)
AlpacaBooty 2. Okt. 2024 um 14:01 
Grass doesn't stayed mowed in my friends MP world. Very frustrating. Weeds and such all just showed back up.
HugePinball 2. Okt. 2024 um 6:29 
Oh, I think it's just a fun dev item, but also there seems to be an issue with the mini mower - it throws constant errors while the mechanics panel is open, and the upper box that would have the vehicle name and main stats is missing.
HugePinball 2. Okt. 2024 um 6:25 
I've tried a few of your mods - so far this one, the mower addons and Draad Pack - and I'm really impressed. Everything looks great and is really well thought out :steamthumbsup:

I just wanted to know if you're planning on doing any updates on these or other mods for bug fixes & stuff before the release of build 42. (If not I might look at trying to make some fixes myself.)

I'd just tested this mower mod quickly on a server, and I saw no problem with grass staying mowed that someone reported, but I did have the issues loading the mower on the trailer that you seem aware of (trailer worked fine in SP for me tho).
Sniper Bob 25. Sep. 2024 um 13:43 
Just a FYI, A bunch of your images are dead links.
Nobody 20. Sep. 2024 um 11:59 
Where? I've been searching for them for so long. Even last year when I was playing it, I never ran into one.
Skizot  [Autor] 20. Sep. 2024 um 6:19 
@Ryuu they are completely spawnable.
@Carecation they spawn but are rare.
Mr_Tea_Rexx 17. Sep. 2024 um 13:11 
when putting the mower onto the trailer it brakes and unloads it when loading it and if you get into it you become stuck. Audio just cuts out instead if gradually fading away based on distance. Also would it be possible to have the ability to disable and enable trailers and mowers as i only want riding mower and nothing else?
Nobody 15. Sep. 2024 um 11:52 
You know what'd be awesome? If you made it where spawning of these were possible.
Carecation 13. Sep. 2024 um 11:21 
i cant seem to find this mowner and the farm tools anywhere
Izo 6. Sep. 2024 um 15:05 
Idk if anyone else has this issue but for me the mower is constantly in reverse when not moving forward. Even if I turn it off and get off the mower, the tires are still slowly spinning in reverse. Originally I couldn't even get off the mower once I got on it, I had to back it up to a wall so that it couldn't go back anymore in order to get off.
Skizot  [Autor] 2. Sep. 2024 um 23:39 
i cannot get a zero point turn to work, i have tried many many times.
as for the trailers they did work but now they are causing issues.
LAPAULINA 2. Sep. 2024 um 14:10 
i am using this in an MP dedicated server and it works fine, the only thing that was not working but i did not try again (its been 6 months since i tried) is that the mower cant be put into a trailer in MP.
After that, the turn radius could have some tweaking, its horrendous and cant even turn around without a 5 point maneuver.
Jbone 1. Sep. 2024 um 0:35 
Love this mod a ton. Turn Radius could really use some tweaking. Multiplayer issues are tough for sure, I play solo atm and really like it as a utility vehicle! Thanks for creating!
Skizot  [Autor] 27. Aug. 2024 um 5:19 
there was an update along the line that changed it, i just can't find what i need to change to make it stay cut.
qbased 26. Aug. 2024 um 21:20 
I'm experiencing the same thing as Scimmia. On my side I seem to be cutting the grass but my fellow players just see me riding the mower not cutting anything. When I return later the grass I'd cut has reappeared.
Scimmia 7. Aug. 2024 um 5:34 
So, when you use the mower, it cuts the grass just client-side, if that makes sense. When you leave the area (not the chunk, just out of view), the grass reappears, and others see you just riding the mower, not cutting any grass at all. Hope it helps
Skizot  [Autor] 6. Aug. 2024 um 23:37 
"it don't work" is not helpful. what doesn't work specifically?
Scimmia 6. Aug. 2024 um 18:10 
Please can you fix it for the multiplayer? It's not working, I need my mower
zenotekgaming 22. Juli 2024 um 16:03 
doesn't work for multiplayer
KiloWatt 17. Juli 2024 um 23:40 
The pics in the mod description aren't working anymore. Could you update so we know where to look again?
Zwierzax 14. Juli 2024 um 11:08 
very poor turn radius
Guns399 11. Juli 2024 um 5:09 
Too bad I can't shoot while driving the mower. I woulda loved to become that redneck guy with the revolver. "Hell yeah! I have the power of god."
[NSG] JWACK22™ 9. Juli 2024 um 22:43 
Can this be added to a preexisting save?
first_initials_lastname 5. Juli 2024 um 19:54 
any thoughts on making the mower able to take out saplings while leaving nothing behind?
Skizot  [Autor] 3. Juli 2024 um 14:37 
is there another radial api that i could use?
Anach 1. Juli 2024 um 18:05 
Looks like there are some issues with the radial menu API, that folks may want to read the comments of, before installing, as that can break other mods, by blocking access to other radial menus.

Any plans to update this mod to remove that dependency?
theycallmeTANK 20. Juni 2024 um 19:59 
how do you get them on the trailer?
_PaZcAl_3K1_ 3. Juni 2024 um 12:15 
where do i find them. i have this mod for so long now and i havent found a lawn mower yet