Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Real amount of tanks - complete
50 件のコメント
Book 📚 3月16日 6時55分 
Update please!! Now shows: "Equipment Description" in the names of all equipment :(
Riekopo 1月29日 5時52分 
compatible with 1.13.6?
Maros15  [作成者] 2023年10月12日 11時39分 
@Riekopo: Hi, right now everything should be compatible with new DLC.
Riekopo 2023年10月11日 15時09分 
works with the new AAT DLC?
Riekopo 2023年8月18日 22時12分 
There's a great mod that fixes the 1939 startdate here by KubiG. Could you advise him on correct Tank numbers? https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616704614
Riekopo 2023年8月8日 13時57分 
Riekopo 2023年8月5日 14時11分 
All of the naval OOB and design template research has actually been done already by the community. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/wrong-and-missing-ships-guide-to-improve-them.1363273/
Maros15  [作成者] 2023年6月15日 8時27分 
@Apalm: hi, right now I don't plan it. First I need to finish this mod.
In the future I could do it, but I would need somebody who will do the research instead of me, because coding is not so much difficult, research for amounts and the best variant is much more time-consuming.
Apalm [SWE] 2023年6月14日 8時21分 
Do you have planes to do the same thing for planes and ships to? It would be a great addition
Riekopo 2023年4月8日 20時58分 
New beta patch released.
Riekopo 2023年3月25日 16時31分 
So you need to subscribe to every single mod even though there is a complete version? I don't understand.
Major~Morrozov 2023年3月16日 13時36分 
do this for aircraft
Maros15  [作成者] 2023年2月27日 11時34分 
@Riekopo: Hi, once I finally finish this mods (they're still in progress), I will do it. Complete is it only because it connects all independent mods into one (requirement)
Riekopo 2023年2月26日 20時30分 
So this isn't the complete mod? Why does it say complete? Can't they be combined?
ClaudeJ 2022年10月5日 13時59分 
Ok, to clarify something that was probably lost in translation.

We MUST download all required items marked as such by Steam.

ClaudeJ 2022年10月2日 5時48分 
Thanks for the quick answer Maros
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年10月2日 5時46分 
@Mikró Póny: for this mod, it's recommended historical tanks because some variants use modules which are in there. But if you don't want it, it'll work even without it, but with no added modules.
ClaudeJ 2022年10月2日 4時41分 
Are your other mods required ?
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年8月20日 15時55分 
@UNITED-STATES-EMPIRE!!!: Hi, I ain't so sure how it really works, but I think you really need to download every each of mods, it doesn't mean you can download just one file. Only difference is that you don't need to open every page, you can do it in one window...
I can take a look once again on the mod after I'll have finished all nations, but for now I don't work on it. After new expansion I will continue.
UNITED-STATES-EMPIRE!!! 2022年8月19日 17時49分 
im a bit confussed it says

This item requires all of the following other items
Real amount British tanks
Real amount Chinese tanks
Real amount French tanks
Real amount German tanks
Real amount Italian tanks
Real amount Japanese tanks
Real amount Soviet tanks
Real amount Polish tanks
Real amount US tanks
Real amount Czechoslovakian tanks

but then you put on this,

This mod connects all of the independent mod sou you don't have to download one by one.

not a big issue just saying
king regards
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年6月13日 8時46分 
@mister.mois: no problem, use it freely
mister.mois 2022年6月12日 12時28分 
@Maros15 Need More Tanks
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年6月12日 12時25分 
@mister.mois: which mod?
mister.mois 2022年6月12日 11時02分 
Greetings, tell me please if I can ask your permission to incorporate your mod into my mod? I think it would be great
pavzen 2022年3月31日 10時46分 
@maros15 oh i was thinking they had more... like 20
Summer Sale Girl Fan 2022年3月15日 9時47分 
Thanks for making this
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年3月5日 0時39分 
MUCH_1995: I don't plan it... I can check your work, but probably will be better to wait to another bigger expansion where will be aircraft rework...
MUCH_INATOR 2022年3月4日 23時30分 
Great mod!

You have any intentions on expanding this mod in regards to aircraft?
I've already done a lot of the work with majors, GER, ENG, FRA, USA, POL, ITA, JAP, SOV
DevilDog 2022年2月27日 17時30分 
Would love to see this for guns in and it be compatable with r56 :D
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月27日 15時58分 
IbriJira: Ofcourse use it as you wish... I thing without DLC it'll cause crash because I didn't use syntaxes for has_dlc = "No Step Back" so it'll don't know what to do... In better cases it'll do nothing, in worse it'll crash... I haven't test it yet

Here we go... Try it and if you spot any mistake inform me :)
TheEpicLJ 2022年2月27日 13時24分 
@Maros15 Thank you for doing this.
Ibri 2022年2月27日 7時13分 
Could I use this in my mod? Credits will be given, thank you :)
Plus, should it effect the number of tanks without the DLC?
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月27日 2時45分 
@TheEpicLJ: Great, thanks for your proposals and research... I looked on sources you put in here and decided folowing:
Mark VIII I won't add because I didn't add it to other nations, too. Anyway they weren't used in WW2 either so adding them is irrelevant...
M1917 I'll create variant and add to US stockpile... But in limited amounts than you suggested... Probably less than half...
Ford 3-ton I won't add
T1 prototype I'll create as variant
M1 is allready in game as variant. I'll add very limited amount as prototypes = no more than 30
M2 variant is also in the game and wikipedia tells that in 1935 17 were built. I'll add around 10 to stockpile as single turret version and twin turret version is in the game
Medium Tank T5 I'll add as variant
TheEpicLJ 2022年2月26日 19時31分 
@Maros15 aside from Wikipedia there isn't much but according to it there were (as far as I can tell):
100 US-made (and kept) Mark VIII tanks
1150 M1917s and FTs of which "950 M1917s. 374 had cannons, 526 had machine guns, and 50 were signal (wireless) tanks. These were delivered to the Tank Corps, to complement about 200 Renault FTs brought back from France."
15 Ford 3-ton M1918s, (these were probably scrapped)
1 T1 Prototype

Comment split in half to deal with steam character limit
TheEpicLJ 2022年2月26日 19時30分 
113 M1 Combat Cars (M1 lights)
239 M2 Lights (as of the game's start 375 upgraded ones were delivered as late as 1942), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M2_light_tank
The M2 Medium was designed around 1935-36 this point in time as the T5 so if you just give a tank design as the M2/T5 as well that would be great.

This was Waaaay more than I thought and I am thoroughly surprised to find it out over an hour and a half of research.
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月26日 16時11分 
@pavzen: I though the same (that they had tanks and variants in 1936) and I was looking for some relevant sources but in fact I haven't find something useful yet. It looks like Czechoslovakia were making only prototypes and testing vehicles and mass production started right in 1936. All I can do with them is adds few Vickers tankettes and Kolohousenka but in very limited numbers (5 max.).
Lasariko 2022年2月26日 7時08分 
@pavzen what are you saying? it was not and they already have more tanks than they had
pavzen 2022年2月26日 6時49分 
add czech republic pls it was first attacked country
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月26日 1時58分 
@TheEpicLJ : post me a direct link to source, i'll check it and than add it to US stockpile :)
TheEpicLJ 2022年2月25日 20時52分 
Oh and also ~950 M1917 Light tanks (ripped off renalut FTs) and other various tankettes (thats tanks with a machine gun for a turret for the browsing folks)
TheEpicLJ 2022年2月25日 20時50分 
US had T1 lights, T2 mediums, M1 lights (M1 combat car [Produced: 1935–?
No. built: 113]), M2 lights (M2 Combat Car [Produced: 1935–42, No. built: 698]), M2 mediums and i'm probably forgetting a few. but the us had around 5 armored regiments in the inter war period (numbers are taken from Wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt )
RoyalAirHorse 2022年2月25日 16時01分 
the fact the US isnt on that graph bothers me as now I have to go google how many they made lol
Good work on the mod tho :)
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月25日 13時52分 
yossarian: If the mod exists, I won't create another. Only I can do is to contact author of existing mod and try to update it myself. But it require to be co-autor
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月25日 13時50分 
@ UNITED-STATES-EMPIRE!!!: I didn't find any reliable informations about US armor in 1936. They probably had only prototypes in 36'
Zamalek 2022年2月25日 2時14分 
Awesome, thanks for the info!

Regarding the impassable states, it's totally up to you about what you think is sensible to add, and how much you want to do. There are pictures in the No Mans Land mod page where you can see the regions and why they make sense to be impassable.


I've copied this from the No Mans Land description:

Added the following:

Caucasus Mountains
Burma area
Gobi Desert
Small changes in Norway and Sweden

Updated version of YellowMoonshine's No Mans Land mod - all credit goes to him. Thank you YellowMoonshine for your mod!

Impassable Northern Canada
Impassable Amazon
Impassable Congo
Impassable Central Norway
Impassable Sweden Lapland
Impassable Siberia
Impassable Central Australia
Impassable Central Borneo
Impassable Central New Guinea
Impassable Southern Sahara
Impassable Rub al-Khali desert in Saudi Arabia
UNITED-STATES-EMPIRE!!! 2022年2月24日 17時28分 
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月24日 10時21分 
@Blu: I'm not sure but I think it isn't as it changes starting folders of nations
Blu 2022年2月24日 10時14分 
I take it this is not iron man compatible?
Maros15  [作成者] 2022年2月24日 3時31分 
1. You can't ignore it because this mod only complets all of the mods to one so for propper function you need all of this.
Change from file to file is only that this mod download them all in one, you don't need to download every mod separately.

2. I can add more impassable but for now I don't plan it. But, if you tell me areas which should be impassable for increase gameplay (esp. historically) I'm open to create it.
Zamalek 2022年2月24日 1時53分 
Awesome! Two questions:

1). when I subscribe, it says I do need all of the other mods. Can I ignore this?

2). do you have any plans to add more impassable areas, like in the classic No Mans Land mod? e.g. Swiss Alps, Norway etc. really helps with AI gameplay