ESCP - Spriggan
125 commentaires
Mr_Awesome88 23 avr. à 18h49 
Dr Jimothy 22 févr. à 13h57 
I absolutely love this mod. Fighting hordes of spriggans is very fun! However:
- Dear lord the size of the spriggan attacks. It only feels reasonable when the settings for likelihood of an attack are pushed way down, since there's nothing to control for the actual size of an attack.
- I also think it's causing a lack of raids from regular factions, as in gobbling up threat points.

That aside, I do have dumb ideas:
- Guaranlen-style spriggan. I guess they'd be butcherable for several guaranlen seeds, but also poop one out every few years, so player can pick between long-term or short term on whether or not to kill them.
- Toxic-style spriggans, corrupted by and dwelling in polluted, toxic wasteland type places. Maybe they eat wastepacks, being a way for spriggan kind to reclaim the wastelands.
Which would bring together a Royalty, Ideology, Biotech trio for the perfect RIB
Doomchibi 12 févr. à 9h16 
Is there some way I could make Dynamic Flooding not cause the spriggans to come at me like an angry horde? That mod is causing young plants to die when they get flooded, including saplings and it is making my game almost unplayable with how often spriggans are on the map now
TheSparrowOfRealms 30 déc. 2023 à 16h01 
I'm also experiencing Spriggan zerg rushing the colony, I've been attacked by hordes of spriggan back to back in the past hour four separate times and 17 times random spriggans spawning from trees
Lekoda 24 nov. 2023 à 19h37 
I feel like spriggans have aim bot.. No matter what situation, out of my hundreds of testing.. If a spriggan gets 1 to 1 tile of a pawn it is a hit...

And they hit haaaard!
McBeer89 31 oct. 2023 à 9h33 
lol no... its because i was slaying forest after forest. looked at the mod options and saw the ticker for them attacking when chopping trees down. i get it now.
McBeer89 31 oct. 2023 à 7h51 
since getting this mod most of my raids have been from spriggans... is this unluck or a bug? Very confused, i like the addition of them but not if they overwrite all my other raids.
IHateTheIRS 17 oct. 2023 à 12h04 
now i wanna burn down a forest
jennyloggins 11 sept. 2023 à 20h25 
Would you consider making a guaranlen dryad retexture with your spriggan art? I love them so much!
SaintRemington 20 aout 2023 à 2h42 
There is an option in the settings that disables Spriggan attacks during Toxic Fallout. But it doesn't work when the Toxin Atomizer spawns on the world map. Spriggans wake up endlessly and zerg rush the colony. Is this a bug or is it due to a conflict with other mods?
GUR 24 juin 2023 à 15h54 
can you play as the spriggands? like have them as colonists
uberjammer 9 juin 2023 à 2h56 
@(≡◉‿‿◉≡) Thanks, although honestly I don't have issues with any other raids, so it's simpler to uninstall.
uberjammer 9 juin 2023 à 2h52 
99 spriggans spawned, vs 12 colonists with crossbows. The reason? Woodcutting raid.
Miss Bonafide 8 juin 2023 à 17h21 
Does this work with MO's presser?
Senor Sprinkles 15 mai 2023 à 0h47 
Is there any way to have a gene for the spriggan body/head/hair? I'd really love to be able to use the models for my own tree people
(≡◉‿‿◉≡) 14 mai 2023 à 2h57 
@Lent @uberjammer use compressed raids. so you can set the number of raiders. Although this will also affect the other raiders from factions.
uberjammer 8 mars 2023 à 1h30 
Same issue as Lent - huge raid of about 40 spriggans - my colony was relatively new. Doesn't seem to be any way of reducing the size of attacks in the mod settings.
SirMashedPotato  [créateur] 7 mars 2023 à 10h34 
@(=◉‿‿◉=), seems fine on my end. There's an MVCF def already included in the mod that enables native ranged verbs. You may want to redownload this mod/verify game files.
(≡◉‿‿◉≡) 7 mars 2023 à 4h03 
@SirMashedPotato Hello, this suddenly popped out

[MVCF] Found pawn ESCP_Spriggan_Burnt486803 with native ranged verbs while that feature is not enabled. Enabling now. This is not recommended. Contact the author of ESCP - Spriggan and ask them to add a MVCF.ModDef.


CovertJaguar 18 déc. 2022 à 4h26 
I notice the code uses x3 raid points factor when spawning manhunter raids.... is that intentional?

The raids seem kind of excessive.
Lent 9 déc. 2022 à 18h51 
what determines the size of spriggan raids? i had relatively low wealth on a new colony, 4 pawns, when i was raided by a MASSIVE amount of spriggans. like, 30+. it was kind of funny but also i stood no chance. did i cut down too many trees and piss them off?
Bob Ross 4 déc. 2022 à 17h25 
This is exactly what I wanted in my rimworld. Very excited for what comes next!
Thanks for your creativity and hard work guys.
Terry the mushroom 19 nov. 2022 à 4h04 
All hail Mashed Potato, harbinger of the Elder-Rim times. : 3
NRFBToyStore 4 nov. 2022 à 10h27 
@SirMashedPotato Hmmmm... I got everything set on .1% and like every 30 trees, i get attacked by like 5-6! ... Weird. Maybe RNG just hates me? HEH.
SirMashedPotato  [créateur] 3 nov. 2022 à 17h41 
@NRFBToyStore, from a quick look at the stump defs it shouldn't apply to them.
NRFBToyStore 3 nov. 2022 à 17h35 
OH! So the reason I was here! @SirMashedPotato So, now, you cut TREES and it leaves STUMPS. When I cut these STUMPS, I think it's counting towards the total "tree attack" level cause i'm getting swamped twice as fast as usual.
NRFBToyStore 3 nov. 2022 à 17h34 
@Fae I had that on a previous playthru and... I can't remember WHICH mod did it! WAIT! I yelled at Miles about, lemme check. " [XND] Vanilla-Friendly Animal Surgery (Continued) " replaced "wood" with PEGLEGS. If it was with or without extended woodworking, it made all wood removed from stockpiles, and it you CLICKED on the wood (chop a tree real fast), click info, every data point said "LEG, LEG". ...

Dunno with this /wood stockpile happening in a few mods, some kind of simple DEF messing them up? DUNNO!
Terry the mushroom 1 nov. 2022 à 7h45 
... These things are dangerous. x_x
SirMashedPotato  [créateur] 31 oct. 2022 à 10h45 
@Fae, good that you found out the cause. Interesting that that would cause issues with stockpiles, unless it's consolidating wood logs into a new leather def, which would be very bad.
Fae 31 oct. 2022 à 4h17 

Okay so it took awhile but I did finally narrow down to what mod was conflicting with Spriggan. It's Optimization: Leathers - C# Edition! Ultimately it took me being a ditz and basically removing every mod to get to that one to figure it out despite how obvious it should have been from your wording. lol
SirMashedPotato  [créateur] 30 oct. 2022 à 20h02 
@Fae, any chance you have a mod that changes how stockpiles work at all? Possibly something that bases these changes on whether the item is obtained by butchering an animal?
Fae 30 oct. 2022 à 19h44 
So after a bit of digging and uninstalling my mods it turns out this is the one that makes it so wood doesn't appear as an option for my stockpile menu which is confusing because that didn't use to happen way back in the day. Does this mod effect wood in any way?

Also just wanna pipe in that I agree a pollution variant would be super cool. This mod has always been an delight to play with. c:
(≡◉‿‿◉≡) 30 oct. 2022 à 12h46 
needs a pollution variant :)
Pitts 23 oct. 2022 à 14h05 
is a biotech pollution variant planned?
Dr Jimothy 3 oct. 2022 à 5h43 
So to clarify that means they'll attack the raiders too? >:)
Who 31 aout 2022 à 16h07 
lmao thank you for the reply
Ranger Rick  [créateur] 31 aout 2022 à 13h49 
I see, but I second myself and goofiness and lazyness, why would the spriggan care. Magic tree dont care if youre under attack, groots inbred step sis dont care what faction attacked, trees get chopped colonies get dropped.
Who 31 aout 2022 à 12h45 
Seconding @Sugarstar. Would it be possible to make the spriggans recognize which faction is causing the damage?
Sugarstar 22 aout 2022 à 22h47 
I wish there was a setting in the options like... "disable spriggan from attacking while you are already under attack." often the "deforestation" is from enemies dropping in on pods or blowing up trees with fire.... so they should be attacking *them* not *me.* lol. But they just show up and make everything 100x worse and it's really frustrating.
SirMashedPotato  [créateur] 20 aout 2022 à 13h19 
@apocalypsethemepark, sorry about that, the Medieval Overhaul patch had a mistake in it, which will hopefully be fixed soon.
apocalypsethemepark 20 aout 2022 à 13h07 
Not sure what happened with yesterday's update but I was unable to start the game with this mod active, which is a bummer because I managed to tame an army of spriggans as cannon fodder for raiders. I'm running over 600 mods but managed to track this one down as the culprit, probably incompatible with something else I'm using. Can post load order + hugslib log if interested.
PetLoverSpy 5 aout 2022 à 6h37 
goddamn I got 100 thorny spriggans swarming my colony of 10 whereas the last human raid was like 38 people so I thiiiiink I've got some sort of conflict there lol. I don't even cut down trees, not even accidentally, but this is the second time they've come after me for supposed deforestation. I may just need to turn that off in options
Daedalus 17 juil. 2022 à 16h13 
Wanted to report an oddity. I started a fresh map and because I didn't like the geysir positions, I used Map Reroll to reroll the geysir positions. It seems that the freshly generated geysirs have removed some trees, because it immediately spawned a spriggan attack (deforestation...). Note that the game was still paused, because I just landed. Would be cool, if that couldn't happen. I just crashlanded and in the same second I get attacked by 3 tree lovers^^
Ranger Rick  [créateur] 15 juil. 2022 à 21h35 
Also sprussy @pphhyy
Ranger Rick  [créateur] 15 juil. 2022 à 21h35 
Also @piercebuster sorry it's so late. Nothing should be blocked by dlc. Just need the required mods!
pphhyy  [créateur] 15 juil. 2022 à 21h23 
you sick bastard
Enroh 15 juil. 2022 à 13h30 
piercebuster 8 juin 2022 à 21h45 
Are the seeds and trees hidden behind DLC? I can't find a recipe to make the seeds in the crafting spot. I also can't find even them or their trees in DevMode.
Ranger Rick  [créateur] 2 juin 2022 à 10h17 
anime spriggan 10/10
FallinDred 2 juin 2022 à 8h39 
any way to make the anime or burnt spriggan taproot into a seed? or should i just sell those?