Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Translations for mods: UPC Language Project
SharleBu 18 Jul @ 4:05pm 
Hello, I want to translate a few mods, I tried the RPFM translating tool but didn't worked at all. Do u have a Discord or some guide, or maybe can explain me how do u got success doing translations for mods? I can't figure it out :( Greetings
Harambaša 21 May @ 6:26am 
Hello, some of the translations to polish sound incorrect or just cheesy, If you are still looking for a translator pls hmu.
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 25 Apr @ 6:01am 
All modders can fully use my base UPC on TWC to use it for their own mod. I was a long time not anymore on TWC or modded.
Malata Societa' Official 23 Apr @ 8:30pm 
@Swiss Halberdier ok i understand anyway looks vorks almoust good whit rome 2 and attila
However you see that the author of the Absolute Dominium mod for total war empire had attempted to contact you on the Total War Forum, where you talk about your UPC mod.
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 22 Apr @ 5:38am 
Yes I know it's complicated and fortunately CA did solve this whole problem for newer TW games.

Sadly all modders for the older games suffer from this big language problem. So my UPC is fully free and all modders can use it as base and modify it to their needs.

Basically if we modders create custom content like units, then the game doesn't recognize the unit name automatically. It does not matter on which language too.

Therefore I created the UPC mods which include the basic vanilla localization and on top of it are the copied unit names from different mods. And some of them are also translated and if not, then they are at least in English displayed. But if a unit mod isn't included in the UPC, then the unit name won't show up. Regardless from which language the mod is or with which language we play.

These days unit modders do have their own versions of the UPC as mine is quite old.
Malata Societa' Official 21 Apr @ 8:02pm 
@Swiss Halberdier Sorry your basic mod shouldn't automatically for those mods that are different from English still allow viewing in English?? or does the modder still have to interface with your mod to create some sort of compatibility??? I still haven't understood this! as far as I understood your mod however basically it displayed the mods in the worst case scenario in English and in the best case scenario if translated into Italian (in my case) but apparently that's not the case! and they continue to come out together with no writing
can you clarify this once and for all?
Malata Societa' Official 21 Apr @ 8:02pm 
@Swiss Halberdier Hi, I'm writing to you again because I want to clarify a problem once and for all. Since your mod allows you to view the units of the other mods translated, in my case in the Italian language or whatever happens if the mods are not translated it displays not areas without writings but at least with writings in English, I would then like to understand why with some mods on Rome 2, Attila, Shogun and Empire, despite your mod, are still seen together with no writing?
mirkotkd1998 26 Mar @ 1:54pm 
Buonasera, chi mi può spiegare come funziona questa mod e con cosa utilizzarla, grazie 💪
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 13 Oct, 2023 @ 1:25am 
Yes the project is over. I don't mod any TW Games at the moment.
Malata Societa' Official 17 Sep, 2023 @ 1:11am 
@Swiss Halberdier will be new update for this and attila for new mods? or the project its definitly over???
Eversor 11 Sep, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
Could you make this compatible with Devide Et Impera?
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 14 Feb, 2023 @ 9:28am 
Yes this is the latest file.
Malata Societa' Official 27 Jan, 2023 @ 10:49am
this is most updated file for rome 2?
Malata Societa' Official 27 Jan, 2023 @ 3:27am 
ok finally thanks!!
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 2:46am 
If you leave the UPC in there, then it could cause conflicts and the big gameplay mods don't show the unit names. I recommed to delete it or rename the extension .pack to .packx or something. If the extension is not called .pack, then the file doesn't get loaded.
Malata Societa' Official 27 Jan, 2023 @ 2:31am 
if i dont delete what can be happen?? maybe not appear some test? some description?
Malata Societa' Official 27 Jan, 2023 @ 2:29am 
so when i use this 2 mod's i must delete that file i downloaded from youre mod????
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 2:27am 
Yes I would do it like this too. Removing the UPC mod while playing big gameplay mods.
Malata Societa' Official 26 Jan, 2023 @ 5:40am 
@Swiss Halberdier
Malata Societa' Official 26 Jan, 2023 @ 5:39am 
Then maybe you don't understand what I meant. If I use your file and in the meantime I use the medieval1212 mod or the medieval1100 mod and set the English language because it is mandatory for these two mods, I have to delete your file or your file can remain where it is in the folder and does it cause any problems? because if it doesn't cause any problems it's convenient because when I finish playing at 1100 or 1212 I deactivate the two mods and activate all the others and your mod goes back to acting where it should act, that is, translating the military unit mods. So good heavens can you confirm me? thank you
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 21 Jan, 2023 @ 1:42am 
Yes that is correct if a mod isn't included, then the names don't appear at all. Like you wouldn't use the mod. Great overhaul mods have normally own files like the UPC or must be played in English that the names appear. You have to read their description and normally don't use the UPC for great overhaul mods.
Malata Societa' Official 12 Jan, 2023 @ 4:54am 
but feel so using these mods for both attila and rome if the translation mod is not updated for a specific mod what happens?? does the name of the units or the descriptions not appear? or is the name and info of the units displayed in English???? because for example for rome I use this mod "Spartan King Guard" but the name of the units and the description don't appear! just like before when I didn't use the translation mod and set the game in Italian.
Second question, but.. using your mod if active for attila or for rome the respective mods "medieval 1212" and "medieval 1100" setting English since it is mandatory for those two mods, the file I downloaded for the translation could give some conflict?
thank you
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 7 Jan, 2023 @ 3:32am 
Thanks Malata. Because there are so many versions of the UPC, I don't put it on Steam.
Malata Societa' Official 2 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05am 
@Swiss Halberdier thanks so much but why you not put this file normally downloadable from steam workshop?
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 1 Jan, 2023 @ 10:50am 
Yes this project is available for several older TW games. But they aren't hosted on Steam.

Here is the link to the UPC-ATT
Malata Societa' Official 30 Dec, 2022 @ 2:55am 
there is also this project for attila?????
veemoth 6 Mar, 2022 @ 10:16am 
@champloo i had a issue about the UPC_french.pack.when i was put it in the data that was not working. i have put it in the program/steam/steamapps/workshop/content/325610(where the radious Mod is) and that work this should can help some other player with the same issue than i had.(you need put it alone in the 3256610 ``without`` put it in the same folder than the mod Radious)
Malata Societa' Official 19 Dec, 2020 @ 8:56am 
wolphyx 19 Dec, 2020 @ 8:37am 
@destiny1985: No, you need to use this forum link to download the UPC for your language:
This modpage is only for visibility, as I understand it.
Malata Societa' Official 19 Dec, 2020 @ 7:38am 
man i dont understan..! if i use youre mod (my language is italian) all my mods that have no description and no name will appear in english or in italian in the best case?
i just need subscribe this mod???
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 20 Nov, 2020 @ 10:56am 

This is my official forum link where you can download the latest version:
Vontanius 18 Nov, 2020 @ 11:13am 
This is really cofusing here with the not-working-links. Do we need to download something separately or is it fine to go just with the sub-button?! :-)
santyk-lerano 27 Sep, 2020 @ 5:26pm 
Please help, I'm looking for the version for emperor edition and I can't find it, sorry if I seem very clumsy but I know very little English and I'm looking for the translator.
Method 9 Jul, 2020 @ 1:34pm 
Please update mod.
Inquisitor Zeketer 18 Jun, 2020 @ 4:14am 
Do you need a Polish translator? I'm not fluent with modding but I sure can translate texts well from English to Polish
Sebastian de Castilla 25 May, 2020 @ 1:49am 
Hey, I remember using a program to add some translations myself, but I cant manage to found it again, as well as found some tutorials taht may help me, it's possible for you to tell me how?
Chazz 23 Apr, 2020 @ 2:19am 
I'd love to be a French translator ! I speak english fluently and i'm french so for the language part it's ok, however i'm a total ignorant on the coding and modding scene, do I need to know about modding to work with you ?
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 24 Mar, 2020 @ 2:02am 
The modder has already made own UPC translation mods which can be found within his description. ;-)
Username 14 Mar, 2020 @ 6:19am 
I love your mod. I know it´s a lot of work but is there any possibility you´ll translate this mod?
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 13 Mar, 2020 @ 3:53am 
Basically the UPC files don't need to be activated through the Mod Manager itself. They will load automatically if you put them into the RTW2 data folder.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\data

Yes this mod "Translations for mods: UPC Language Project" by champloo is only a place-holder and not the UPC file itself. You don't need to activate this mod in the Mod Manager.
[KENOBI] M@ster_OkramZ 23 Feb, 2020 @ 6:43am 
Same here no names and descriptions of units in Radious Aniversary mod, I play RTW2 in French. BTW when I want to launch the game with UPC, it notify that the mod is outdated
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 13 Feb, 2020 @ 10:25pm 
Yes exactly that is true. If a mod is included into the UPC, but not yet translated, then the game shows at least the English unit names and if available the descriptions.
If a mod is not included in the UPC, then the game shows an empty box.
Bishop-Six 1 Feb, 2020 @ 3:06am 
Do i understand it correctly that even if a mod is not translated with UPC the english descriptions show up ingame instead of an empty box?

Nevertheless magnificient work, you guys are heroes!
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 30 Oct, 2019 @ 9:46am 
Ok I can check it, but I included all units whom have an unit description. But I know some units don't have unit descriptions in the base mod, so there are some without descriptions.
HEEROCKSS 30 Oct, 2019 @ 9:35am 
@Swiss Halberdier German
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 30 Oct, 2019 @ 9:23am 
Which language do you use?
HEEROCKSS 29 Sep, 2019 @ 3:38am 
Radious Units have missing descriptions.
Swiss Halberdier  [author] 12 Sep, 2019 @ 9:06am 
Thanks for your decent help here and suggestions. Yes I would also recommend these steps while using two PFM. Just one thing, if you want to edit vanilla texts, then simply change the related text in the wanted row with your new text. That's the easiest way. As if you put a new row at the bottom of the localisation.loc which uses the same first-column-text-ID, then the game always takes the existing vanilla row which is placed above. And your changes wouldn't be recognized. I for my part always export and import the localisation.loc as a .TSV file (can be selected in the PFM options) and then I use the free text tool Notepad ++ to edit these huge files. As the internal Windows Text Editor can't handle these big files that good. And Word/Excel corrupts sometimes these files. So export, then changing with Notepad ++, then import the localisation.loc again.
SnusHead 12 Sep, 2019 @ 8:33am 
You open UPC and your mod both seperately.
Then you press "Add new row" in UPC a couple of times, depending on how many descriptions you want to add.
Then you go to your mod and to the text files in there and mark the entries in the list and copy them (you can mark multiple at a time by pressing shift/ctrl + left click).
Then you mark all "dummy entries" you added into the UPC localisation.loc and paste.
Then you do "save under" and overwrite your UPC file.
Mikhail Kohlhaas 12 Sep, 2019 @ 7:58am 
Hey, thanks for the reply. Tbh I still can't figure out how to specifically copy the tags to the list in localisation.loc. I thought that I had to add the pack through 'Files > Add > From Pack' and add it under localisation.loc, but it seems it doesn't work that way. If it isn't much to ask, could you tell me the steps needed to add the tags to the UPC list? Thanks.