Space Engineers

Space Engineers

ZPM Reciever WeaponCore Ready
Keltskiy 13 Aug, 2023 @ 2:02am 
Keep up the great work I love these stargate mods.
Zach Jepson 26 Sep, 2021 @ 2:58pm 
now this.... this is glorious! if it was more powerful id use it for powering my shield :)
Sherbert  [author] 26 Aug, 2021 @ 2:23pm 
possibly in the future but not for a long ways off.
phollste 26 Aug, 2021 @ 11:37am 
can you make a single ZPM hub for large ships ? the same like the Sigle ZPM hub from gerrys mod carters addon pack.
Bodyboarder2528 24 Jul, 2021 @ 8:34am 
having some issues with it. do you have discord?
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 6:14pm 
its all good and im really grateful to be allowed to use this
Sherbert  [author] 21 Jul, 2021 @ 6:10pm 
yeah missed that check. sorry, Glad you got it working
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 6:08pm 
so it can see the power and what not
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 6:08pm 
yea we got it working had to change the batteryblock to hydrogen engine MyObjectBuilder_HydrogenEngine
Sherbert  [author] 21 Jul, 2021 @ 6:06pm 
I think bads commenting on gwen warning people that it has a minimum output or something, I havent looked at his code so I dont know. the type of modblock shouldn't matter, all that matters is in the IsZPM() function the testname has to be compared to the subtypeid of the block your looking to check. To get the subtypeid you need to find your workshop folder and find the mod based on its mod number, which is that long number at the end of the link. it will be in the subfolder data as cubeblock.sbc or some variation of sbc file
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 5:24pm 
well i think gwin got it to work with hydrogen engine if u want to check it out
Bad_SCR  [author] 21 Jul, 2021 @ 5:22pm 
Our ZPM is classed as a Battery in a very well implemented way,
So that the Grid Power Time calculation is correct. And The Power is still stored in the Removable ZPMs.

From my limited understanding, A hydro engine is not able to, resulting in inaccurate power calculations.
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 5:02pm 
are yours classed as batteries or like a hydro engine?
Bodyboarder2528 21 Jul, 2021 @ 5:01pm 
ok so i made that change but its still not allowing me to turn on the dronebay with the zpm hub from this mod any ideas please
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:47pm 
cheers now i need to work out how to test it and upload it lol
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:42pm 
ok cheers and i want it to do the same as this where you need the zpm hub (from the original mod) to be on the same grid as the drone launcher for the drone launcher to work.
Bad_SCR  [author] 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:34pm 
what do you want it to do?
Sherbert  [author] 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:33pm 
for what your trying to do, in the function IsZPM line 101ish (my copies got some changes for an update im working on) you will see a check in an if statement

if(testname == "LargeZPMEngine" || testname == "SmallZPMEngine")

change the stuff in the "" to match the subtypeid of the block you want to require.
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:29pm 
now i just need to learn to code and work out what i need to swap to make it work lol
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:26pm 
Sherbert  [author] 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:24pm 
yeah as long as a link back to my stuff is their knock yourself out have fun with it
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:23pm 
the thing is it wont need your zero Point Energy System as i would like to make it so it needs the original one if that is ok but i can put this one in the description as to where i go it from
Sherbert  [author] 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:15pm 
yeah as stated above permission for reupload is granted, Since it needs to be customized im treating it like open source so just leave a link back to this or my required zpm mod in the discription of your reupload
Bodyboarder2528 19 Jul, 2021 @ 6:09pm 
hey do you mind if i can adapt this to work with the original stargate mod please?
Stardust 9 Jul, 2021 @ 8:46am 
Great job! Very interesting concept and I could see a lot of use out of something like this, very cool mechanic.