

Anom's Outpost Overhaul
Ilthe 18 Jun @ 1:08pm 
I'm no expert, but in my understanding since outpost is an instance and generates every time you visin, it shouldn't break;
when I added shadow expansion, pixel equipment and arsenalbound nothing was broken for me
Jenno 18 Jun @ 12:48pm 
if i add a feature and a patch to an already generated outpost, will it be added retroactively or will it break everything?
TheChaosEwok 17 Jun @ 4:00pm 
well it doesnt break it but the maple 32 adds an room to the outpost which doesnt spawn on your variant
TheChaosEwok 16 Jun @ 3:55am 
did u make a patch that your outpost works with maple 32 ? cause last time i checked it was the mod that broke the outpost when i had both installed
DvynePetal 3 Jun @ 6:45pm 
Would anyone be willing to make a patch that removes the Santa Merchant from the Outpost?
DvynePetal 2 Jun @ 6:29am 
So for anyone curious about Maple32, this mod is suppose to be 100% compatible, if Maple32 outpost gets removed it is designed that way if you have the bookseller installed. If you do not have the bookseller installed and it is still disappearing definitely report it to the Maple32 mod author. All of this info can be found in the Maple32 discussion page.
Edith 14 May @ 1:23am 
also The Ark teleporter isnt automaticaly added to your teleport list meaning if you forget to register it and fly away you will lose access to the ark
Edith 14 May @ 1:21am 
the tutorial quest "visit the outpost" is unfinishable coz for some reason the sign shop cant be scaned correctly so you cant finish the quest
Kinsect 22 Apr @ 4:24pm 
yeah is there a patch for Maple32?
BRSaura 18 Mar @ 6:01pm 
What did you add to have that kind of lightning and radial illumination around light sources? I've seen it in a few screen captures, is it reshade or something?
🩸ℜ𝔲𝔦𝔫🩸 17 Mar @ 2:54pm 
Is there a patch for Maple32? Maple32 puts an npc in the outpost, and the npc is not located there anymore with this mod. Also, will the Vanta patch be updated? I've read that there is an issue with it.
B 0 0 B 1 S 10 Mar @ 7:36pm 
is this breaking the peacemaker quest?
[JdG] Pejman 12 Feb @ 4:03pm 
Found the issue it was because of "outpost visitor fix"
[JdG] Pejman 12 Feb @ 12:59pm 
All npcs in the outpost are dead (pixels on the ground, some penguin teleporting in die on arrival).

Any idea what could be the issue ??
Skystalker 13 Dec, 2023 @ 9:14pm 
Please add support to the pixel equipment rework (unless it works the same idk)
Bromo Sapien 8 Dec, 2023 @ 5:53pm 

Sorry for being short there. I understand your spot. Completely. I'm currently frustrated because of the abandonment and the way many mods are handled by modders.
They do not understand the patch process completely, including .lua files, or include other edits within a mod that are not related, often not needed, or described as in the mod.
Anom's is one of the best done (and only Outpost expanding) mod. It has been made with great care and thought in making it expandable and accessible to other modder's to avoid any conflict.
Unfortunately...most mods do not use the meta or other tools available to not only avoid crashes but also conflicts.
seems I did a bad job of it as well.
Sorry Azuli-Bluespots,
I think I have a plan for a project to help the whole community with these type issues.
Azuli-Bluespots 8 Dec, 2023 @ 2:42pm 
@Bromo Sapien
Bro, some people don't have the attention span to get everything, they try with a quick read, skip some things, and end up not getting the whole picture.

My main issue was that "the ark can be found via the portal in starter planets", but sandbox messes that up, and we literally can't get to the ark at all with that mod. THAT breaks a few things with other mods. It took me a while to figure out and I didn't want to go the console command route yet.
akfin 6 Dec, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
Bromo Sapien 6 Dec, 2023 @ 3:49am 
Ok. sorry ahead of time....
I'm it a mood because i have real questions that can't get answered....

Quick list because well clearly I had to....

1>>There should be two bookmarks. one for outpost one for ark.
Most likely you have a mod changing the bootship.

Anom tells us how to warp directly then bookmark the location.
This is about reading and its in your best interest if your going to use mods to learn to read everything the creator wrote about it before you rush forward.

Its disrespectful to ask for things you have been given already.
akfin 5 Dec, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
how do you get to the ark
Bromo Sapien 29 Nov, 2023 @ 6:09am 

Awesome! I am currently working to peal out of my master mods a shareable mod addon for Anom's Outpost to help "patch" such things as well as add some more mod interactions in it.
Azuli-Bluespots 29 Nov, 2023 @ 1:35am 
The "everything teleporter" helped me get there somehow, because we needed the arena quests from Nuru to make our custom weapons from RPG Growth.
Surprisingly, the portal at the end sent us to the Ark, but the quest didn't work at first because of many factors. But actually talking to Nuru (after the outpost was visited and everything was enabled) was enough to send us to the correct arena.
Bromo Sapien 27 Nov, 2023 @ 9:34pm 
DO you have a custom ship? do you have a scripted s.a.i.l? Do you have a mod that adds loot to your startup? MANY mods can cause this.

Look at your log. Do you see something like this?
[18:27:55.380] [Info] Universe flags set to (outpost_!gunsmith, outpost_mission1, outpost_scrapvendor, outpost_mission2, outpost_mission3, outpost_mission4, outpost_mission5, outpost_mission6, anomsOutpostOverhaul, outpost_hoardersanvil, outpost_enhancedstorage, outpost_techscientist1)

this is saying all these flags are true. i.e. quests complete.
"story progression" is linked with your ship traveling, unlocking morph Tech, Mech unlocking, and well the whole game. If Anom's Outpsost loaded. the building is not all wonky then this mod is not the cause. I find when this mod fails well the outpost is a mess.


try /admin then /warp instanceworld:monolith
bookmark it. you can get back.
SleepyNotDead 27 Nov, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
I'm not using any mods that's supposed to mess with story progression..
Azuli-Bluespots 27 Nov, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
Oh no.
How can I advance the state in there if I'm using a story disabler? I noticed in the logs that the outpost was being set to state/story6, and all previous states in order, something like that to artifically advance it. Does it work for the ark, or does it need to be advanced artificially as well?
Bromo Sapien 27 Nov, 2023 @ 8:52am 
Yes, They are in the New Ark Area.
Azuli-Bluespots 27 Nov, 2023 @ 6:05am 
Where can I find the story npcs with this? are they on the new ark area?
Bromo Sapien 27 Nov, 2023 @ 5:54am 

Note: Just because it Loads does NOT mean that Starbound is loaded correctly.
"Teleport Breaks" are most often to do with SHIP mods or SAIL mods. In my deep dive to make my 800+ mods play nice, I have found COUNTLESS instances of mods that are injecting into the BOOTUP of the SHIP, The SAIL or the STORY/MISSION questline code, and well...
Bork the teleports.

Many folks added to the code of the bookmarks they add are done in a way that overrides other edits to the bookmarks available.

This Mod is one of the good ones IMO. It is very tight, changes only what it needs to, and is a great anchor point to ensure compatibility. Just be sure to use ALL patches available for other Mods you are using.

You may also have some conflict going on with Optional Story, Skip Story, or other such mods.
There is a patch for Story DIsabler.

I think it was Optional Story that I had these type teleport bookmark problems with.
AnomNom  [author] 24 Nov, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
The only changes made to the teleport system are some very minor modifications that make missions bring you back to the right teleporters in the right location. There's nothing that should be breaking in regards to it, even with other mods. Post your issue with a copy of your log (after you've triggered the issue) in the Bug / Incompatibility Reports discussion thread so I can actually see what's not working. The mod is "actually finished," and having conflicts with other mods doesn't indicate that it's in an unfinished state.
AnomNom  [author] 24 Nov, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
That isn't this mod. Starbound's outpost progression is tied to a set of universe flags, which are stored directly with the universe files. There is only one Starbound universe, no matter how many players you make, which means the universe is shared between player characters, new and old. If you don't wipe your universe folder when creating a new character, those same universe flags will still be there, meaning progression on the outpost will be carried over. It's a limitation of the system used to make the outpost change as story missions are complete.
Azuli-Bluespots 24 Nov, 2023 @ 1:31am 
Are you sure you're not using something to unlock that. the Odissey to Cygnus modlist has one mod that unlocks everything on it because... there is no vanilla main story to progress in there.
☥¤§ÑîGHTMÃRɧ¤☥ 23 Nov, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
this mods teleport system is breaking with my collection so I'm gonna wait until it's actually finished b4 installing.
SleepyNotDead 23 Nov, 2023 @ 9:44pm 
I don't know if this mod is even causing it, but for some reason story progression is kind of broken..
on a new game, both the ark ruins and outpost have all the story progression locked quests, NPCs, vendors become open from the start.
No idea of this mod is related or not, i dont know what would even cause this..
Azuli-Bluespots 23 Nov, 2023 @ 8:15am 
It does work, but I ran into some weird issues, not sure why. Probably modlist is too big or this doesn't like Sandbox.
☥¤§ÑîGHTMÃRɧ¤☥ 21 Nov, 2023 @ 11:28pm 
god i hope this works...XD
Shino 28 Oct, 2023 @ 7:04pm 
@AnomNom ok that fixed it. Sorry for the inconvenience, I though I had the patches sub but I did not. The teleporter was not set from the ark though and still had to manually warp to outpost using command, but in a new game there is no issue with it. Setting up the 2 shop teleported worked afterwards. Sorry again.
Shino 28 Oct, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
@AnomNom I will install them tomorrow and see if it works then. I will you know.
AnomNom  [author] 28 Oct, 2023 @ 11:49am 
the entire problem is that you have several mods that add shops to the outpost - The Bookstore and Enhanced Storage being the ones featured in the screenshot - but you didn't obtain the patches that are linked in the description.
Shino 28 Oct, 2023 @ 2:55am 
@AnomNom Ok so I reproduced with both with and without the mod. HEre are the steps:
With mod:
- start the game on the ship.
- beam to Ark cause outpost bookmark not present on ship
- try to beam to outpot from ark
- not working and character is not beamed
- using command /outpost
- outpost loading
Find the log here:
Find the screenshot of where character is beamed here:

Without mod:
- start on the ship
- try to beam to ark (not working as the player save is corrupted by the mod being removed)
- use command /outpost
- beamed to outpost
- vanilla outpost generated
- find the 2 stop shop
- bookmark location
- beam to ship
- beam back to outpost using bookmark successful
Find the log here:

let me know if you need anything else.
Shino 27 Oct, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
I will send the log file to you tomorrow as it is midnight here and I go to bed. I will go to the ark, try to teleport, use the command and go there. Hopefully it tells you enough. I will add a screenshot too. Hopefully you can fix it. Let me know if you need anything else. I will send all I can. Also, I Bay add, it was not added as bookmark either. Idk what happened tbh. I hope you can find the issue cause I prefer the outpost as you made it.
AnomNom  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 3:14pm 
@Shino yes. i got that. i still can't do start looking into the issue if you don't provide me with an image of how the 2stop is broken, as well as your log file. i also need your log file, specifically after you've tried to teleport to the outpost, to figure out why the teleport failed.
Shino 27 Oct, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
@AnomNom 2stop is invisible and does not appear at all. The place is empty. The teleporter from the ark to the outpost does not work. It "teleport" you back to the Ark. Only way to reach the outpost is by the command. Removing that mod and only this one fixed both issues. Also, other players below in comments mentioned same issues. With the teleporter not working and the ship not appearing making the scanning quest not being able to complete.
AnomNom  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
@Shino the outpost can be reached by using the ark ruins teleporter. It is specifically programmed into that teleporter to always have an option to go to the outpost. it should also be automatically added as a bookmark.

as for the 2stop teleshop, it would only fail to appear if a mod changed the boundaries of the sprite (i don't know of a single one that does this) or a mod replaced the tile it was on (in which case i need to know which one could be doing that). can i get a screenshot of the broken 2stop?
Shino 27 Oct, 2023 @ 5:09am 
In a new game, this mod remove the teleport to the outpost. Only way to go there is to use command /outpost. Also, 2 stop teleshop never appears. it is invisible, not closed. Latest steam version as of today.
Billy M.T. 22 Sep, 2023 @ 6:22am 
Would it be possible to make a "patch" of sorts for Adventurer's Addons?

In better detail, this mod adds a bunch of RNG-spawned stashes and treasures everywhere on world generation. The treasures in particular can be sold at a premium to a vendor specific to that mod... A vendor that does not have a fixed location, and is expected to be placed as furniture, as part of a player-made settlement.

So I was wondering if it'd be possible to put Sonokawa, the vendor / loot smuggler in question, somewhere in this mod's outpost, if it wouldn't be much trouble?
Tincho 7 Sep, 2023 @ 7:16pm 
i cant find the npc that sells the outpost guard items, i dont know if its a bug or not
Mabra 6 Sep, 2023 @ 3:18am 
Amazing mod but it feels weird to have the ark be in a separate map.
Marzipan 20 Aug, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
I had a similar problem to the previous post, I wasn't using FU though, non of the scannable objects counted towards the quest in addition to booting up the gate to go to the ruins initially didn't count towards that quest either. The main thing I think is that im playing with GIC
cannon9009 1 Aug, 2023 @ 8:13pm 
i can't finish the tutorial quest for the dark cavern in F.U. because it teleports me directly to the ark ruins. i try to talk to esther and nothing happens. i also can't use the teleporter at the gate and the teleporter a little ways ahead doesn't have the outpost as a bookmark. had to use "/completequest" which scratched my pride a bit :steamsad:
Circe 31 Jul, 2023 @ 12:05am 
I am just floored by how much better the new outpost feels. It actually feels like a place now!