Not Another Slot Mod [The Silence & The Fury Update]
tjimagineer 13 Dec, 2022 @ 6:58pm 
@Haerzog. I think all wood elf cities are at least 10 slots.
tjimagineer 11 Dec, 2022 @ 11:54am 
Does this change the Moot to a larger settlement?
Haerzog 8 Oct, 2022 @ 1:00pm 
Is Gryphon Wood supposed to be a 10-slot city?
Leohong 6 Apr, 2022 @ 6:59pm 
Hi, I am making more slots mod for warhammer 3, and i met some problems can u help me?
登陆不起啊 28 Mar, 2022 @ 7:26pm 
it seems doesn't work for me The Empire.
MagaJewKing 29 Jan, 2022 @ 8:00pm 
Slight bug report: Mousillon doesn't get the extra slots.
Waun 21 Jan, 2022 @ 3:42pm 
@Discovery Does it not give you the 14 slots or not unlock them? If you don't get them, that's the esf file and there is no easy fix. If it doesn't unlock them, you need to set the right values in "campaign_building_chain_slot_unlocks_tables". For woodelves that should be the Building Chain "wh_dlc05_wef_settlement_major_main". Though some settlements may have their own special name.

You can set "Active Slot Count" for each Level. You may have to add new rows yourself if some levels don't exist. Or just try to set level "-1" to 13 or higher. That should unlock all the slots right away. It didn't though for me.
Polstrong 12 Dec, 2021 @ 2:23pm 
i don't know why, the mod works half, all slots are seems to be unlocked, but on Kroq'Gar first city in mortal Empire, there are only 8 city slots (that's the number in vanilla)
Charlie 11 Dec, 2021 @ 12:50pm 
Skavenblight should have 13 for lore reasons
EzUNreal 6 Dec, 2021 @ 4:18pm 
@Rauri all slots mods by now are incompatible with sons of asuryan
Discovery 28 Oct, 2021 @ 9:45pm 
It doesn't seem to affect the wood elf great trees. I tested it with another race and it worked fine for them however, does anyone know a fix?
Rauri 12 Oct, 2021 @ 6:00pm 
Hmmm...this doesn't seem to be working with Imrik for me. Might be a conflict with another mod, but afaik the only other mod I have that messes with Imriks faction is sons of Asuryan, but the other elven factions are fine. Before anyone asks, I do have it in the correct load order
CaptainKampfkeks 6 Oct, 2021 @ 11:01am 
@Reg Yeah, if you want a bigger Mootland, you need another one.
Ter0n 6 Oct, 2021 @ 10:57am 
Mootland still seems to have 4 slots.
CaptainKampfkeks 30 Aug, 2021 @ 1:39am 
@Smoking Haha, yeah, happens to the best of us. Glad I could help. :D
Smoking_GNU 30 Aug, 2021 @ 1:06am 
@Captain well that solved the problem, i always forget about the load order in situations like these. Thanks for the tip :)
CaptainKampfkeks 29 Aug, 2021 @ 10:46am 
@Smoking Do you have this mod above Mixu's Unlocker in your mod order?
Smoking_GNU 29 Aug, 2021 @ 1:53am 
Interesting mod, but i'm having some trouble. Don't have any mods that edit startpos, i think, have Mixus Unlocker, but the mod doesn't add any new extra build slots in major settlements, it just opens the ones already available faster so settlements are all unlocked by LvL 3
Blyckert 24 Aug, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
When playing as Mixu's Mousillon this doesn't seem to work (for me).
cuntosaurus 20 Aug, 2021 @ 12:32pm 
Deli Paşa 16 Aug, 2021 @ 5:28am 
Much appreciated.
p0xus  [author] 15 Aug, 2021 @ 10:02pm 
@Deli - @Koka-KoJla was kind enough to generate a startpos for the patch, so that is now updated as well.
KoKa-KoJla  [author] 15 Aug, 2021 @ 7:47am 
@The Nega Druid, thanks for reporting. Mod is using mixus updates commands (with victory conditions) from github to be compatible with mixus unlocker and it seems like victory conditions from commands for Mortal Empire campaign is outdated (no Taurox, no Oxyotl). This will be investigated for solutions.
The Nega Druid 15 Aug, 2021 @ 7:06am 
Checking a bit, but when I ran a Taurox campaign his victory conditions weren't listed. Using this and Mixus, naturally. So just wanted to drop the info. Going to check some things and do some tests, but I think its probably a Starpos error. Will check my loadout, but definitely glad to see this updated.
Deli Paşa 12 Aug, 2021 @ 1:23pm 
Thank you sooo much. Would you kindly update the karaz-a-karak Patch as well?
p0xus  [author] 12 Aug, 2021 @ 10:49am 
Hey everyone - sorry for my absence - but the mod is now updated thanks to @Koka-KoJla (Lord Kolladan Stormrage).
CaptainKampfkeks 7 Aug, 2021 @ 12:51pm 
@ilikewater Check recent mods, there are some new slot mods compatible with Mixu's.
ilikewater 7 Aug, 2021 @ 12:49pm 
i feel like the modder is done with warhammer 2....i mean right now i see that he/she is online playing cyberpunk...not saying that is a bad thing but at least let people take your idea and fix it....give the permission to fix the mod
Karl Franz 2 Aug, 2021 @ 10:12pm 
星辰耀龙 1 Aug, 2021 @ 9:53am 
dude,update this last time for the warharmmer II......
KoKa-KoJla  [author] 1 Aug, 2021 @ 3:16am 
Alright, I was responsible for the latest update (Rakarth Patch) and I'm myself now waiting for Grimhammer II patch update but seeing you waiting for this mod update I'll try to contact author and possibly (if he's lazy/doesn't have mood/time) make another update
But I'd like to receive the reward in discord nitro classic gifts :D (sorry for being greedy)
cuntosaurus 28 Jul, 2021 @ 5:48pm 
10 dollars to anyone who updates this
Nomad 28 Jul, 2021 @ 1:30pm 
This mod is probably the best slot mod out there, and the only one that works with Mixu's Unlocker. I'd say someone else should update it, and if the OP does eventually, just take it down.
BiggusDickus 26 Jul, 2021 @ 11:58am 
update mod please
martybell34 24 Jul, 2021 @ 4:30am 
poxus would you allow anyone else to update it if they give you credit?
CrownUnlimit 21 Jul, 2021 @ 12:21pm 
From what I can tell, for the pre-S and F factions it does provide the additional building slots, but it removes the additional starting units for each faction. So no Tomb Scorpion for Arkhan, no Dragon Princes for Imrik, etc. Nevertheless, still an awesome mod, dude! Can't wait for the update!
Cryptotec88 21 Jul, 2021 @ 11:58am 
@martybell34 - Above. That said, this mod is a startpos mod and will not work with the Silence and Fury update until the mod creator updates it. If you roll back your WHII installation to the Rakarth update it will work then.
martybell34 20 Jul, 2021 @ 10:36pm 
again anybody plz does it go above or below mixu in the load order
greyknight88 20 Jul, 2021 @ 8:31am 
it do not work with bretonnian and norsca in mortal empire since silence and fury update. A fix please it is a very good mod
Nomad 20 Jul, 2021 @ 6:56am 
I've havent had any issues building every building chain with this mod. I feel this mod adds plenty.
Khairus 20 Jul, 2021 @ 1:00am 
Would you ever do a version with an increased amount of building slots ? like this mod, but since I struggle to fit everything in with the limited amount of Building slots, especially with the landmark mod, I find it limited in usefulness oo
StarCraftIII 19 Jul, 2021 @ 8:36pm 
Beg big guy to updateBeg big guy to update
king 18 Jul, 2021 @ 8:33pm 
update plz
Azathoth Core 18 Jul, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
This is a great mod - but alas it needs an update. Startpos mods always do after expansion/dlc.
M4rk501 18 Jul, 2021 @ 7:06am 
this need update...
martybell34 18 Jul, 2021 @ 6:28am 
does it need to go above or below mixu in the load order?
Karl Franz 17 Jul, 2021 @ 11:21am 
Partially works at the moment. Works for other Races but broken for Thorek and Oxylt. Makes sense since CA edited the Startpos. its usable for the time being until the modder edits the startpos again
greyknight88 16 Jul, 2021 @ 9:06am 
will it be updated? please
1569239595 15 Jul, 2021 @ 8:15pm 
update please
CaptainKampfkeks 15 Jul, 2021 @ 2:20am 
Can you guys just chill and give the modders actually time to assess the changes and to actually work on them? It's been less than a day, dang it.