Legendary Diversity (Dwarfs)
156 megjegyzés
999999999999 2022. dec. 25., 23:58 
can i use the words "Legendary Diversity (Tomb Kings)" in a wh3 mod?
Tablefullofawesome 2022. szept. 14., 8:40 
DO you have any intention of making these mods for WH3? THey are amazing and I rally want to use them there too!
Mortuaire 2022. szept. 4., 0:23 

i don't see if you say you will port them to the 3 or not

i really like your series of mods, hope to see you in the 3 ^^
To infinity and beyond 2021. okt. 28., 1:43 
RoyalLucario 2021. szept. 16., 16:09 
How do you recruit more of the units from grombrindal's new skill?
Ming Da Merciless 2021. aug. 29., 10:33 
Hokuto 2021. aug. 27., 2:22 
Heyo, great mod man! Really love the differences it brings to campaigns! Must have for me now! c:
I had one small issue, and forgive me if it's some other common bug I don't know of but I've never experienced it until I downloaded this mod-
When Grombrindal gets his improved missile weapon for cannons there appears to be no sound from the firing of the cannons, just the impact of the shell.
I've heard of this bug with Steam Tanks recently with the S&F update, but I unno. Just lettin' ya know! Don't even know if it's your mod or not, but still! Thank you again bud!
Arima Azek 2021. aug. 25., 7:23 
I have a suggestion for a grombrindalu trait, to replace the one you have now.
The white dwarf is very ancient and he has the veneration of both Grugni and Grimnir, because.. why not give him general buffs for melee infantry and shooters?
A cozy camper 2021. júl. 31., 17:51 
I'm gonna be honest with the skills he has i feel instead of miners it makes more sense for quarralers and grudge throwers due to his start and everything, that and the miners buff is just.. disappointing
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 24., 11:01 
@warriorandtoaster --- Sorry but I didn't have time to start and test in a new campaign. Since Thorek uses grombrindal's trait I just made sure his trait is triggered correctly. I don't understand how the override works and it would seem there is no certain way to know it beside actually trying it out. I will have to think of something else for him when I have more time to work on modding.
warriorandtoaster 2021. júl. 24., 4:19 
Well I managed to reach level 30 with Thorek now, and it looks like Proven Tools *will* override the modified projectile from the trait. Haven't checked if adding a rune to the Bolt Thrower overrides that in turn, but in any case, at least we know what happens in the previous case.
warriorandtoaster 2021. júl. 22., 22:11 
How does the T3 projectile upgrade for Thorek's Bolt Throwers interact with the new artillery runes and his Proven Tools (built-in Rune of Burning) skill? I assume one of them overrides the rest.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 21., 10:37 
@Stigro --- Ironbreakers do not need any buff. Grudge Thrower is a surprisingly good unit, it is at least as good as plagueclaw catapult if not better. It also has very good range in comparison to high tier dwarf arty pieces.

Quarrelers could use a buff. But I feel like it is over-used in the early game anyway and it will probably just make Miners with Blasting charges useless again.

@alexej --- Well I don't play with Mixu so... Also as pointed out in the description, I do consider these armies more powerful than a regular dwarf doomstack. (And honestly I don't think it makes them game breaking, the Dwarfs really suffer from high range/ mobility enemy armies. Doomstacks from WH2 races are much better and more versatile)
alexej 2021. júl. 21., 5:58 
I do love monster miners with this mod, Thoreks miners are with it far more superior to Kazadors (Mixu) though
Stigro 2021. júl. 20., 18:06 
I feel like it would have been better to lean into the Quarrelers/Ironbreakers/Grudge Throwers buffs that Thorek already provides. Though that might make them too strong considering how powerful those buffs are.
alexej 2021. júl. 20., 17:41 
@WRLegion yes it worked, got my trait on lvl 18
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 20., 12:41 
@alexej --- Try level up a few times more, does this problem persist?
alexej 2021. júl. 20., 11:19 
My Thorek Ironbrow lvl15 only has his standart trait, could be some conflict with hammer of grungni mod?
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 20., 10:50 
@brp_257 --- Miners are assigned to Thorek and Irondrakes are assigned to Ungrim, I kinda don't want to force a theme on it.

@Ming Da Merciless --- Thank you.
Ming Da Merciless 2021. júl. 18., 0:15 
Your mods are awesome, can't wait for the new update!
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 17., 10:35 
@brp_257 --- Currently Belegar already buffs Rangers, and I really like the idea of recon units calling in artillery support. (I know it's not lore friendly, but this is less ridiculous than invading the realm of chaos so I don't care). Ironbreakers and Heros are good units that do not require any buff. You will use them in your generic armies anyway. But thank you for your suggestion anyway.

My current plan for grombrindal is an army of longbeards, cannons and flamecannons. There is really no theme here but these are kinda the only units left that still require a buff.
brp_257 2021. júl. 17., 4:57 
I know im not one to speak or suggest things, im sure you have your own ideas, but i would play on the idea that grombrindal is supposed to be showing up to turn the tide of battle, rangers play into that idea nicely, of appearing from nowhere, or grombrindal could be even more unique and give bonuses to Heroes. personally i'd like to see Ironbreaker buffs but its not very loreful
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 14., 10:40 
@NordicSailor --- I think I will give Thorek White Dwarf's current trait. Bolt throwers were invented very early on and Mining is very traditional for the dwarfs. Add longbeards would be possible, but I don't see how they will improve the army itself.
NordicSailor 2021. júl. 11., 8:13 
Having longbeards be a thing in thoreks army would fit quite well I think seeing as the longbeards are about the old ways.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. júl. 6., 10:14 
@nick.georgiev1990 --- Thorek will probably just use White Dwarf's trait. Then I will redo Grombrindal's trait.
Bionix 2021. júl. 4., 15:52 
Excited to see what you come up with for Thorek. Bolt Throwers / Grudge Throwers / Quarrellers seem to be his theme since he's a traditionalist. Or maybe making his Runesmiths even more OP.
TorgueUser 2021. jún. 8., 15:40 
To be fair if the enemy gets close you've already done something wrong
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. jún. 8., 11:07 
@TorgueUser --- All dwarf units are decent if not good in melee. Too bad it is probably the only thing going for them right now....
TorgueUser 2021. jún. 7., 0:56 
I was wondering like "why is there no melee unit buff for Belegar?"
TorgueUser 2021. jún. 7., 0:55 
I just realised that rangers can be used as melee units ._.
Supermag24 2021. máj. 9., 17:57 
yea hopefully CA makes the slayer engineers happen!!
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. máj. 8., 10:16 
@Supermag24 --- I didn't know Ungrim had his own ranger crew. I did know that there are "Slayer Engineers" and I think I might add Irondrakes to his army. But we will see when I start working on an update for this mod.
Supermag24 2021. máj. 6., 14:18 
yea it was just an idea. At least it will make the standard infantry on par with everyone else, and bugmans and rangers are a bit faster so they be better. I never got why CA just made ungrim the slayer faction when in the lore Ungrim ran with tons of rangers. so i guess technically ungrim should be buffing those guys anyway. Even had his own unique crew. Rordak's rangers.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. máj. 6., 13:56 
@Supermag24 --- Probably not a bad idea, but I don't think any other unit than Slayers can make use of the speed buff? Since they are probably still slower than other races anyway.
Supermag24 2021. máj. 6., 12:52 
Ok WRLegion i have another idea. What if part of Ungrim's trait affected his army instead of just slayers. If you made the +speed part affect his whole army, it'd make it to where slayer spam wasnt the only viable option. And it wouldnt be OP since dwarfs are slow AF to begin with.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 19., 10:55 
@天胡 --- This mod is already "Compatible" with SFO. If you are talking about balance issue, I have no idea how to balance these units for SFO, so unless someone who plays SFO help me with that, I cannot make a "balance patch" for it.

YIN 2021. márc. 19., 7:10 
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 16., 6:22 
@Supermag24 --- Comparing to the other lords, his trait is lacking. But currently I have my hands full with a Skaven update and a dark elf update. I will probably revisit his trait later and give the normal slayers a new ability and revert the CA nerf to "Journey's End".

But I probably wont let him enjoy the benefits of this trait. It is not the purpose of this mod to buff lords, this mod should be buffing weaker units and incentivize players to use them. Being a LL by itself already making ppl using him and he is not a bad melee fighter either.
Supermag24 2021. márc. 16., 5:21 
So ive been playing with this on Ungrim and its nice, but still kind of meh compared to the others. Could you make all the things that apply to the slayers apply to Ungrim too? He is a slayer bro.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 4., 23:24 
@Ramayana --- There is a mod called "legendary confederation" which allows you to have all LLs in your recruitment pool from turn 1, I think that might be the problem.

It worked for Alastar in my HE Campaign, but then again I cannot tell at which Level Tyrion recruited Alastar since I was playing as Eltharion.

I am glad you like the mods.
Ramayana 2021. márc. 4., 14:37 
@WRLegion not sure what you mean by legendary confederation. As far as I could tell it worked properly for Ungrim and Belegar. They both had their full traits when I confederated them. The only other LL from the races you have modded I can think of that could have the same issue as Grombrindal would be Alastar. And I happen to be playing a HE campaign next so I will let you know if I run into any issues there. These mods are great though, between your mods and Mixus LLs they have breathed new life into the game for me because I had the same problem with all my campaigns feeling stale in the end using the same armies over and over.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 4., 14:01 
@Ramayana --- Well, I am just bugged that there is a known bug.

Also I think what you have pointed out here explains why other people occasionally had their traits triggered at wrong levels. (Maybe they were using "legendary confederation"? Other wise it wouldn't make any sense to me since Alith Anar should be on the campaign map at turn 1 with level 1.) So it is probably not as small as it seems.

I think I have an idea but I will have to test it before pushing the update.
Ramayana 2021. márc. 4., 13:47 
@WRLegion it seems like pretty small bug honestly, it really only applies to LLs that are recruited after the game starts and after another LL has already hit 30, because I suspect that had I recruited Grombrindal before I hit level 30 with Thorgrim it would've given him the full trait when I did get Thorgrim to 30 no matter what level Grombrindal was recruited at. And since I assume most people dont spend 40 turns sacking the same settlement over and over to power level Thorgrim before getting Grombrindal, it shouldn't be a big problem.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 4., 13:14 
@Ramayana --- Thank you, this was very helpful, yet in the moment I have no clue as for how I can fix it. :(
Ramayana 2021. márc. 4., 12:39 
@WRLegion yup after playing some more, I got the second rank of Grombrindals trait at 26, so I think it was actually 16 the first time around, which makes sense if I recruited him at 7. It assumes starting at level 1, so you need 9 levels to get the first trait, 10 for second, 10 for the 3rd, so I assume I will get the 3rd rank of the trait on him at level 36.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 4., 10:25 
@Ramayana --- The anti-grind mechanic shuts itself down after the first time it is triggered, this is done to improve performance. So I don't think Belegar triggered the trait.

Hmm, Grombrindal was recruited at level 7 and got trait around level 17, that leaves 10 lvl ups between and I think that is the reason, so lord recruit rank can mess things up. Thanks for the info, I will see what I can do.
Ramayana 2021. márc. 4., 7:27 
@WRLegion after playing the campaign some more I can give you more info. So basically I hardcore leveled Thorgrim, he was over level 30 before I got any of the other legendary lords. When I confederated Belegar he was like lvl 15ish and had the full trait unlocked due to the anti-grind mechanic you built in. When I finally recruited Grombrindal he was level 7 I assumed he'd have the full trait as well, he did not. I figured ok maybe it all kicks in at level 10, it did not, rank 1 didn't even show up at level 10. What ended up happening was when Belegar hit level 30, Grombrindals rank 1 trait showed up, Grombrindal was like level 16 or 17 at the time. I confederated Ungrim around level 25ish and he had the trait fully unlocked as expected. So long story short, the anti-grind mechanic you built in seems to be a little buggy with Grombrindal. Cool mod though, I have really enjoyed it.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. márc. 3., 23:43 
@Ramayana --- What do you mean by not working? Is the Trait not triggering or a specific effect not applying? Do you use any mod that overhauls Grombrindal or gives Lords extra Exp?
Ramayana 2021. márc. 3., 16:27 
Playing a dwarf campaign now, seems like it's not working for Grombrindal, worked for Thorgrim and Belegar, haven't confederated Ungrim yet so can't sya if its working for him.
WRLegion  [készítő] 2021. febr. 25., 10:14 
@Boogieman --- I am currently working on Wood Elves.