

Vanilla Books Expanded
1 077 kommentarer
Dragonheart013 18. okt. kl. 1.59 
I know it probably won't come back, but I definitely miss the old system that you guys made for it, this new system is... more disappointing
FacuPlay525 17. okt. kl. 11.18 
I have FIVE new ideas of new type of books:
-Comics than requiere Art skill to be made and stacks mood boost, works really well in children
-School Books than boost learning need and growth for children in Biotech
-Religion booklet that increases the opinion of an ideology
-Instruccions notes than temporary give work boost to specific task like dismantle,smooth stone or harvesting, perfect for pawn with low level, after 24hs the effects dissapear
-Personal Diary than helps pawn to counter "bad thoughts" for example a "Eat without a table -3" switches to a "-1", its more efficient when bad thoughs like "dead colinist" and help pawn than overall struggle with their moods
Jane Dough 14. okt. kl. 22.36 
I want a printing press please
Puffin_Puncher 13. okt. kl. 9.51 
Will it be possible in the future to make books out of different kinds of leather? These options exist technically in the ideologies artifact selection but I think it would be cool to make books out of something other than cloth.
cristak 9. okt. kl. 0.41 
Nice adittion, now im looking for a mod that adds tall bookcases for like 30 - 50 books
Greven 9. okt. kl. 0.17 
I just want to say, I really enjoy the funny musing of the book titles and the description.
I hope there's a lot of variations
We can't combine skills can we?
radioastronomy 3. okt. kl. 5.44 
I would also like to know if the book titles can be edited. As the many of the auto generated titles give no indication of what type of book it is, crafting, construction, etc. Or even better would be something appended to the title in the same way the quality of the book is added. (masterwork), (excellent), etc. It would make it much easier when buying or selling books if it was easy to see the book types in the trading dialogue. It would also help with working out which type of book to set the writing table to produce if it was easy to see which types you already owned.
Karppa 26. sep. kl. 1.19 
Cloth is used instead of paper, which is a decent substitute without adding an extra step
King DaMuncha 25. sep. kl. 16.52 
How do I make paper? these expanded mods have no documentation on how to use them.
Karppa 25. sep. kl. 12.23 
No problem, @Iirly. I was kind of confused myself
Iirly 25. sep. kl. 11.33 
Having this exact problem @Karppa. If i hadn't seen your post i'd have never known to search for it to unlock it. Thank you!
Karppa 23. sep. kl. 5.09 
I don't see the Writing research option in the research tree; I have a bunch of other Expanded mods, so I think that Writing has been pushed off-screen or there is another related issue. I can still research it by using the search option which highlights it but I was pretty confused initially
🅾🅼🅸🅲🆁🅾🅽 21. sep. kl. 14.21 
Is there a way to get legendary grade books from pawns using the type writer? If so what would be chances and required skill level? Or other ways to improve quality of the resulting book?
Stellar 11. sep. kl. 21.03 
Something missing from unfinished books as you cant store them in storage, there is option unfinished book, but item is actually called unfinished textbook, which might be a reason!
420Baba 6. sep. kl. 19.12 
lol the dev mentality shows "Yes. I hope. I say yes but in reality I don’t know. Probably is tho, but I never even played with CE. What is CE?"
悲嬴欢阙 1. sep. kl. 6.41 
The newspaper which get by fishing through ''vanilla filshing expanded'' don't have name, can't be chosen, can't be picked by colonists.
hog_jockey 15. aug. kl. 4.27 
There is no research option for learning how to construct the writing tables.
VovOzaum 11. aug. kl. 21.46 
Before there were books in vanilla this mod had higher cap for quality. A legendary book used to allow for lvl 20. Now in vanilla its 16. Its hard to find good quality books. I wonder if this mod could allow us to adjust the lvl cap of books to whatever we want, or make it back to what it was in the old version.
Tom Jackal 8. aug. kl. 16.13 
I submitted a bug report through the official bug report form about writers tables not being buildable, no other mods enabled, fresh save. If that's not functioning correctly there's almost no reason to subscribe to the mod in the first place
Ebinomics 7. aug. kl. 15.32 
I've always been a fan of this mod in particular, but it took the vanilla books being introduced to really show me how preferable your old system was in comparison. My book descriptions have also gone from satisfying flavor text to... alleged author deaths and general loopiness.

As always, keep up the good work.
If possible, please, please reintroduce the old system sometime.
Church.exe 5. aug. kl. 0.22 
@brightsideguy I'm not sure what you're referring to in vanilla, but it would be cool to see interop with something like Life Lessons.
Kadamien 4. aug. kl. 20.44 
It's cool that you can see that the book your colonist wrote has his name in the description, but then the description is like
"According to several sources, a freak car crash killed ___ soon after this book's publication. The Unzek print-house shut down shortly after publication due to Candor raids. The pages are in a terrible condition [despite literally just being written]."
Nevloz 2. aug. kl. 17.27 
Id like to see a way to write novels added. Maybe it can be form of recreation. Whenever a pawn is bored he can go to a personal writing table and chip away at writing a novel, comic, or any other type of non-skill book.
Inventivealan 30. juli kl. 14.46 
YURI NATOR its located under the vanilla expanded tab at the bottom if you cant find it try typing into the search bar under research "writing"
brightsideguy 28. juli kl. 6.29 
Are there plans to add schematic-writing to this mod?

I'm imagining them being unlocked based on backstory (aka the electrical engineer writing down notes on how to do electricity).
Zakatlan-Euskaldunen Enjoyer 16. juli kl. 7.31 
Question, can you make the titles of books custom? Like if a colonist makes a book, you yourself can rename the book and edit the description, is that a thing in the mod?
Yuri Nator 12. juli kl. 14.16 
You can spawn a writing table through the dev commands. Had this mod for multiple games never seen a writing table, doesnt appear in research or any production menu. Possibly a mod conflict but Idk. Thought maybe it was something I had to get from a trader but never saw a single one on any trader.

Finally just looked through dev commands to see if I could find it and it was under "spawn thing" -> "VBE-writing table" or something like that. Saw a lot of other people having this same problem so figure id share my work around lol amazing mod once you get a table.
AbsolutelyNotSteveJobs 10. juli kl. 1.56 
possibility to add a reading table akin to research table where people prioritizes reading schematics or skill books? Recreation based reading in vanilla is really counterproductive when it comes to skill training or reading schematics to learn tech.
MajorityOfTheInternet 9. juli kl. 0.27 
Why are there no ways to write novels?
Oskar Potocki  [skaper] 2. juli kl. 3.38 
Our book reading system no longer exists, the books are vanilla now. This mod only adds a way to write books.
Agent Washington 1. juli kl. 21.35 
With the addition of books in vanilla, was the skill levels changed? I swore that legendary books could teach up to level 20.
grubber21 29. juni kl. 19.48 
Does Inspiration increase the quality of the book? I feel like that might be a bit weird, considering how long the crating would take.
CoolEtto 25. juni kl. 19.36 
CE comparable?
Jet 24. juni kl. 17.23 
since the mod adds a library room role does it work in the same way it does for hospital/dining room with a temporary mood buff per use?
kBaylife 23. juni kl. 12.19 
it would be amazing if I could create schematics with the mod. I'm trying a no research books only run, and it's really hard to find all those books on traders 😅
Crimson Hamster 22. juni kl. 7.58 
Is there plans to make it so pawns can write novels and schematics
Oskar Potocki  [skaper] 18. juni kl. 2.43 
In the mod description:
Since Books are now a thing in the base game, it wasn't easy to decide what to do with this mod. Fortunately, books can't be written by the player in the base game, so it was a simple decision: This mod will now allow you to construct writing bench and typewriter bench, and will then allow your colonists to write different types of books, same way it worked before.

You can also write newspapers for a quick and simple recreation bonus for your colonists.

I hope you will appreciate this mod as much as I enjoyed making it!
Punch 17. juni kl. 19.26 
I'd love to hear how it interacts with 1.5 books too.
Amanoa 16. juni kl. 16.47 
I cannot research the writers desk, it is no showing.
Local Snorlax 15. juni kl. 15.17 
So, how's this interact with 1.5 books now?
Deathstar 6. juni kl. 13.53 
Also getting reports of this error when building bookcases:

Tried to register the same load ID twice: null, pathRelToParent=/sourcePrecept, parent=BookcaseSmall858292
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch2 (string)
Verse.LoadIDsWantedBank:RegisterLoadIDReadFromXml (string,System.Type,string,Verse.IExposable)
Verse.LoadIDsWantedBank:RegisterLoadIDReadFromXml (string,System.Type,string)
Verse.Scribe_References:Look<RimWorld.Precept_ThingStyle> (RimWorld.Precept_ThingStyle&,string,bool)
RimWorld.CompStyleable:PostExposeData ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch2 (Verse.ThingWithComps)
Verse.Building:ExposeData ()
Jewelroo 6. juni kl. 7.43 
1.5, I have a bookcase but cannot find the writer/s bench. It is not showing up in the Production tab
Twilight 29. mai kl. 3.05 
Hello! Coming from 1.4 with my savegame, are my books still ther in 1.5? I have quite a lot and i am worried that i will lose them. If so, is there a way fix them? Regards.
sly~<3 27. mai kl. 10.34 
I'm doing a tribal start with a custom race that's incapable of research. Can't find a writing table in Production or Furniture build tabs, it's not in Complex Furniture, and after visiting about 30 towns and villages I haven't seen anyone selling one. It would be nice if there's some way to get it without the second tech tree tab.
Amko [He/Him] 26. mai kl. 20.51 
Newspapers dont seem to "expire" when kept on a bookcase.
Haineko 21. mai kl. 15.43 
Anyone else ever get: "Tried to register the same load ID twice: null, pathRelToParent=/sourcePrecept, parent=Bookcase"? Happens any time I build a bookcase
Adoris_FadAiRao 19. mai kl. 3.02 
is it possible to add color to the skill books?
YaBoiTem 14. mai kl. 23.21 
any plans to add a fiction book craft? feel like living out on the rim would inspire some pretty good stories
V vix 13. mai kl. 6.38 
Is it just me or can modded books not be put on bookshelves?
Oskar Potocki  [skaper] 6. mai kl. 8.43 
No because the old ones were for specific skill while the DLC ones can have up to 3 different skills in them.