Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Usstan 27 Jun @ 12:46pm 
For those of you that have to recompile every time you get in the cockpit, try this:

Event Controller: Cockpit Occupied. Actions: Turn On and Turn Off PB with ExcavOS
mmaaat 22 Jun @ 4:45pm 
To change the cruise direction, change both lines:
"return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;"
to opposite directions.

_cruiseThrusters.FindBlocks(true, thruster => {
var facing = thruster.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward);
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Backward;
_cruiseReverseThrusters.FindBlocks(true, thruster => {
var facing = thruster.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward);
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;

Available directions:
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Backward;
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Left;
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Right;
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Up;
return facing == Base6Directions.Direction.Down
ElChanty 21 Jun @ 11:04pm 
we need commands to make it work fine...... and the website is off.
Vorg 7 Jun @ 6:12pm 
I'm adding a + to Basil. In a single player copy of Star Trek The Continuum 3.0, I also have to recompile every load. I'm also seeing a problem with one of the grids were for the weight it is saying NaN. That ship has 28 Elite small thruster in all directions. Other grids with differing numbers seem ok. I have repasted the grid and reloaded the script. Same thing. Kinda defeats the reason I loaded the script.
Houddy 10 Feb @ 8:40am 
thanks very nice!
Can you continue the work on the the Cruise mode please.
mauriciotheman66 2 Feb @ 10:23am 
I have problems entering the website for the guide could you send me the link pls
☆Basil☆ 13 Nov, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
am i the only one who has to recompile the script everytime i reload my save before it actually works?
MrFox 7 Nov, 2023 @ 7:45am 
DO NOT USE CRUSE! your ship wont go stright.. it goes sideways
Gifted Lion 4 Nov, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
Love this script! I use it all the time on all my mining rigs, however i was wondering if there was a way to use this with remote control blocks? The excavator im using uses a Remote Control to drive and whenever i switch to the remote the screens all switch to saying "No User" until i back out of the remote control. Obviously not the end of the world if not, but would help my immersion if it could!
Marc Cassin 3 Nov, 2023 @ 1:41am 
The mods works great (but as mentionned bellow it has to be recompile at every reload), but the cruise control is weird. After setting it off, thrusters in one direction (generaly forward or backward) are turned off and have to be turned on again manually.

Have anyone else encountered this behavior ?
Warlocc 20 Oct, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
503 error like other people have mentioned. Seems like whatever it's hosted on isn't totally reliable and has downtime often.
GThoro  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 11:35pm 
@Warlocc what do you mean by gone? It's up and running.
Warlocc 19 Oct, 2023 @ 10:58pm 
What are the commands for this? The instructions website is gone.
vik.martinchuk 17 Oct, 2023 @ 2:55am 
Awesome script! The only bug/feature that is annoying - after every load of the game this script on every miner needs to be recompiled once. Then it works flawlessly until next enter the game. No other script needs this, they work after loading with no attention. Not much of a problem, but a rather annoying.
Sound Board Man The 3rd 14 Oct, 2023 @ 5:13pm 
best script ever
KagedDaemon 13 Oct, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
anyone know if this works with HudLCD?
The Rizzler 28 Sep, 2023 @ 2:50pm 
Literally what I just grabbed 3 other script mods to do in a much better looking package... sign me up.
Unruly 24 Sep, 2023 @ 12:03pm 
the official manual page appears to be out of commish? I'm getting 503.
|FNN|Democratic Foxx 16 Sep, 2023 @ 9:16am 
@Heretic I have often found that I have to "refresh" the scripts occasionally. If you look at the script window when you're selecting the script, the button in the upper left looks like a circle. If you hit that it will refresh and show your scripts. Hope this helps.
mm10000 30 Aug, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
why the mod isn't showing up in my availble mod list i have subscrbe to the mod
Syphond 17 Aug, 2023 @ 9:17pm 
@heretic, Scripts go in a program block. They are not just loaded into the world.
Heretic 16 Jun, 2023 @ 8:22pm 
Hey, it seems like the script isn't being loaded or even found within the game. It's not in the games mod list and I can't find it in the in-game workshop (neither in STEAM Workshop or despite being subscribed to it both on STEAM and (as I really want to get this to work).

Am I just being stupid or is the file (or something else) potentially broken?
☆Basil☆ 22 Apr, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
absolutely amazing script, i cant believe this is so hidden on the workshop.
Manshima 13 Apr, 2023 @ 5:28am 
Love this Script! Only error I have is the script starts running before the cockpit gets loaded in and I get an error saying there is no control block. I have to recompile the Program every time I load the game for every vehicle that uses this script. I posted on Reddit looking for a way to insert a delay, and someone posted this:

The functional code needs to start in the Main method and that gets called whenever the block is triggered.

There's also a Program method that acts as the constructor. I believe that fires when the world first loads and when the block is recompiled.

It sounds like you have functional logic in your Program method. That should only initialize fields and member objects. Move the functional logic to the Main method and see if that helps.
Jetzilla 7 Apr, 2023 @ 10:51am 
is there any way to use this with hudlcd
black_dragon1230 30 Dec, 2022 @ 6:28pm 
Having two issues with this script and the industrial cockpit. First is the utility screen I have the screen arrangement just like you have in the pic above but the font and graphics for the utility screen are oversized and mashed together. I did manage to look through the code and find the font and adjust it myself but letting you know its an issue. Other issue is the weight screen doesnt look like the one above. I just has a single ring of lines around it no bisected like in the pic above and in the center it just says cargo and 0.00% but does nothing.
PF_Cactus  [author] 30 Sep, 2022 @ 8:42am 
@elias oriley, gravity alignment is relative to the cockpit not the lifting thrusters. if you want to use the gravity alignment facing down use "set_gaa_pitch -90" on the command block instead. to push the nose down by 90 degrees

the lifting thrust group is only used to determine your max 'lifting' capacity on the thrust display.
elias oriley 30 Sep, 2022 @ 7:24am 
Hello hello, I got a little problem.
I got most of my thrust on the front at my drills and want to drill horizontal on the planet.
So I put all the backward thruster in one group called "YamaUp".
I put the following code into the custom data of the Prog Block:


But the gravityalignment is still forcing the ship to align like there is nothing in the custom data.
Thx for the help ;-)
KagedDaemon 7 Sep, 2022 @ 10:29pm 
Soo I have a bug, my ship when aet to cruise +10(etc) goes in reverse. But when set to -10 goes full throttle forward... What gives?
Escolano 23 Aug, 2022 @ 8:04pm 
for me is giving error in this mod
c-pid - #161crew 5 Aug, 2022 @ 4:01pm 
Is forking your script allowed? I think this could be a nice base for a similar script for welding ships.
Brianetta 3 Jun, 2022 @ 8:07am 
In a multiplayer server, the displays often don't show all the sprites. This is due to a sprite caching issue on servers. There is a work-around (and I've edited my copy of ExcavOS locally) which I'm happy to share if required.
Brianetta 23 May, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
Found that the cruise control was accelerating the ship sideways. Looks to me like _cruiseThrusters.FindBlocks() and _cruiseReverseThrusters.FindBlocks() are looking at the thrusters orientation incorrectly; when using code similar to that in the un-grouped section of _stopThrusters.FindBlocks() it all works properly.
Begrillo85-OD 10 May, 2022 @ 11:51am 
Hi guys... im super noob, someboy have done or know a video tutorial? trying to follow the simple guide on the site mentioned but i forgot something :(
Franziska 20 Apr, 2022 @ 6:09pm 
Love this script, just one question.
Is there an option to configure the text size, if you use bigger screens for example?
Use it with a big Screen rotated 90 degress, and it would be nice, if i could read it from further away
cupcake 16 Mar, 2022 @ 10:34am 
This is such a handy script, I'm going to make sure it goes on all my miners from now on. Thank you for making this!
Spaceman 10 Mar, 2022 @ 6:12am 
Hello, been using this for a while alongside a variety of other scripts just fine, but the latest update seems to now be conflicting with the retro braking script I use, whip's old one that is now maintained here

Basically, with excav running, the 'flip' is very stop-and-start. I have cruise control and grav level turned off, because this is something I use in space. I have been going through both scripts to find what could be causing it but alas, my coding skills are amateur at best. In order to use them both together, I have to have excav turned off in flight. Which is mostly fine because again, using it in space, and don't really need it while in transit. That being said, it means adding an on/off toggle for excav in my quickbars, taking up valuable space that it shouldn't have to.
The Stranger 9 Mar, 2022 @ 8:46pm 
dunno i use it and i start drifting into the air, maybe cause i use with gaa also?
Kaito 9 Mar, 2022 @ 7:30pm 
Does cruise mode work vertically?
TATAKAE 4 Mar, 2022 @ 7:03am 
Hey mate! nice scrypt you got there and it works great.
I've got 1 or 2 ideas for possible features (allthough im not sure it's possible)
1) Activate/play a sound block when low on fuel/battery
2) the Lift/Thrust screen is cool but only very useful in gravity, maybe you could add 2 seperate modes that shows the cargo/lift as seperate circles
The Stranger 3 Mar, 2022 @ 7:56am 
is it an external site?
GThoro  [author] 3 Mar, 2022 @ 1:27am 
@The Stranger all is here in a better structured form and it's way easier for me to maintain it.
The Stranger 2 Mar, 2022 @ 7:36pm 
ohh boy can we have all tht info back?
Schmetterling 19 Feb, 2022 @ 11:37pm 
Also, replace the Uranium fuel icon in the reactor indicator on the "Utility screen" with, for example, a radiation sign. Keen have changed this icon in recent updates.
Is it possible to disable the display of the image on the screen of the PB itself? Sometimes, it is advisable to use the PB block itself as a screen.
Schmetterling 19 Feb, 2022 @ 11:37pm 
И еще, замените иконку Уранового топлива в индикаторе реактора на экране "Utility screen" на, например, знак радиации. Keen изменили эту иконку в последних обновлениях.
Можно ли отключить вывод картинки на экран самого ПБ? Иногда, целесообразно использовать сам блок ПБ в качестве экрана.
Schmetterling 19 Feb, 2022 @ 11:37pm 
Unfortunately, there is no mention of this argument and its properties in the description. Is it possible to add a mode to the script, in which there will be a hard control of the horizon, as in the Autolevel script. Sometimes it is very necessary.
How can I increase the size of icons and fonts on the Cargo screen? Information with becomes difficult to read if you display information on an external small screen.
Schmetterling 19 Feb, 2022 @ 11:37pm 
К сожалению, в описании нет упоминания о данном аргументе и его свойствах. Возможно ли добавить в скрипт режим, при котором будет жесткий контроль горизонта, как и в скрипте Autolevel. Иногда это очень нужно.
Как можно увеличить размер иконок и шрифта на экране "Cargo screen"? Информация с становится плохо читаема, если выводить информацию на внешний малый экран.
PF_Cactus  [author] 12 Feb, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
@Schmetterling this script actually has a alignment lock built in. and once GThoro gets around to actually updating the page info, it actually has settings to be used at different angles too. so you can use it to orient your ship at different elevations relative to the surface.

You can turn the alignment on/off using by running `toggle_gaa` on the computer

and you can change the pitch with `set_gaa_pitch` which supports either direct numbers or addition/subtraction.

so you can have a "set_gaa_pitch 0" to level yourself out and have "set_gaa_pitch +5" to do incremental changes between 90 to -90
Schmetterling 12 Feb, 2022 @ 2:25am 
Awesome script! Everything I needed to know about the state of the digger is implemented here. Previously, I had to install three scripts - AutomaticLCD2, AutoLevel and PAM. And this is the minimum. And now there will be only two. Respect and good luck to the author.
@Kaito, were you looking for an alignment blocking script? Bad search! The workshop has an AutoLevel script, simple as a brick.
Schmetterling 12 Feb, 2022 @ 2:25am 
Шикарный скрипт! Всё, что мне нужно было знать о состоянии копателя - тут реализовано. Раньше мне приходилось ставить три скрипта - AutomaticLCD2, AutoLevel и PAM. И это минимум. А теперь будет только два. Респект и Удачи Автору.
@Kaito , вы искали скрипт блокировки выравнивания? Плохо искали! В мастерской есть скрипт AutoLevel, простой как кирпич.