

Machine Shipset
MorallyGray 7 Jun @ 6:13am 
I intend to change the ingame name for the DLC machine set, to synthetic. I was wondering tho, if the author intends to change the name of this mod?
lyndy 31 May @ 6:02pm 
Ok so I love this mod, prob my favorite shipset so far, and idk if im just stupid or smth but I see that the ships change colors and in my new save its just white, how do I set the color?
Cerodan 29 May @ 12:27pm 
Thanks Kali,
Your piece of code works perfectly.
This is good because patch mode has been removed from the Workshop.
Kali 27 May @ 4:35pm 
Heya was wondering if you could add this to the entities? in the update the heavy and hangar platforms got their entities split.

entity = {
name = "machine_01_military_station_section_hangar_entity"
pdxmesh = "machine_01_military_station_section_heavy_mesh"
scale = 1.0

game_data = {
emissive_recolor_crunch = 10.0
harozuken 17 May @ 9:02pm 
I would love to see the treatment you gave the megastructures in this mod to the vanilla shipsets. Just imagine the threatening look of a necroid matter decompressor, or an aquatic Mega Art Installation
tilarium 17 May @ 7:48am 
Obviously there is another mod in play. Try this. Disable all mods and load vanilla. If all is good, reactivate some mods, check it, and keep doing so until the problem happens. Now you know it’s in the last group of mods, so disable those, activate a some of them, check again and keep doing this until the problem happens, now you’ve narrowed it down even more. Keep going ubtil you find the problem.
raw666 17 May @ 7:26am 
@hicory slim
Are you sure its the only mod overriding the shipset?
Hickory Slim 15 May @ 5:04pm 
disabled, removed from playset, made a new playset, resubbed to all other mods, this is still overwriting the shipsets from the new dlc, how the hell do i get rid of this
AlfaLeader08 13 May @ 9:24am 
Please Update
Android Identity 13 May @ 3:19am 
Oh I didn't think of that! clever!
Wheelies On Wheels 10 May @ 9:09am 

Go to the preset empires made by PDX, the Lacertan "Techno Protectorate" uses the DLC version. Edit the empire to your hearts content and don't pick another shipset before saving it.

Wheelies On Wheels 10 May @ 8:54am 
Considering it has been years since the last update, does anyone know which files need manual alterations for the conflict with Machine Age's Machine ships to not happen?
Kuuro 7 May @ 9:57pm 
Pff still using it
MC Habsburg 7 May @ 2:02pm 
please give it a slight rename so it dont conflict with the new shipset
Android Identity 7 May @ 2:13am 
you know what, that's entirely fair. I've not even noticed until now because I'm so used to what they look like in game
YemenLemon 6 May @ 5:24pm 
can't even see what they look like with that horrendous bloom, good lord
Lamecius (lulu) 5 May @ 6:49am 
This shipset still going to be valid in machine age, cuz as Masters of Orion has shown us; why have one shipset for a race / species when you can have 2 <3
tilarium 4 May @ 2:19am 
Or, instead, we get the new shipset and keep this ship set. Obviously, it'll need a slight name change to avoid conflicts in game.
Justicar 3 May @ 4:35pm 
While the new Paradox ships look interesting, I still think this is the best Machine shipset that isn't an import from a this or that franchise. The could have gone a long way just to work something out with the creator, slapped a few heat dispersal panels on these and called it a day! Not that they need it, but I'm sure they would insist on some little tweak.
仙布仙貝味好嗦 25 Apr @ 6:13am 
Will it still be updated? The shrinking patch is invalid
Android Identity 29 Mar @ 5:40am 
I'll still keep using this shipset. It's got a unique aesthetic and fits some machine styles better than the clean, horizontal towers with heat sinks and solar panels.
sm.palmer1998 28 Mar @ 2:07pm 
I heard Paradox is going to include a machine shipset with the Machine Age DLC. What are you going to do with this mod coming forward?
tredavidson77 28 Mar @ 6:36am 
If this mod is ever updated it might need a bit of a name change.
Stranger-Come-Knocking 23 Mar @ 7:55pm 
small problem I discovered, the ships are really loud when you zoom in. My headphones work fine with the vanilla ship sets but when using this the sound pops and crackles like crazy whenever I zoom in. Anyone have this issue or have a fix?
droid_orat 22 Mar @ 1:57pm 
OK, how do I get it work in 3.11. I subscribed to the mod here but it does not show up in the game's launcher
Minamoto Musashi The Owl 15 Mar @ 6:26am 
Paradox should hire you for the Trailers :)
lyra_tcm 10 Mar @ 1:44pm 
this mod is integrated into nsc
Baka Racker 10 Mar @ 12:48pm 
Does it work with the NSC3 changes? I know the modder is part of the NSC crew, but don't want to assume.
High Lord Baron 29 Feb @ 2:58pm 
Is it just me or do the windows on some ships looks...weird? They seem so....low poly compared to the rest of the ship
Android Identity 7 Feb @ 6:49am 
The mod menu is full of shit, it works fine.
FlareFluffsune 7 Feb @ 6:10am 
works fine for me on 3.10.*
dakalloe 7 Feb @ 3:15am 
I had this mod, now it says its made for version 3.6? all the comments beneath say its usuable....i deleted it from my list try to subscribe again. but still no change.
dino 1 Feb @ 4:23pm 
is there any way to use just the shipset? no offense, but I don't really like how the new megastructures look
paulo 31 Jan @ 5:02am 
The habitats look like two rings inside each other. It's that how it should be or some sort of bug?
Holo Addict ♡ 20 Jan @ 8:26pm 
@Shotgun Solutions
It's a shipset mod. Unless Paradox has significantly altered how shipsets work, then it's still compatible with the latest version.
Xean 20 Jan @ 5:55pm 
Any chance at Gigastructures support?
Shotgun Solutions 12 Jan @ 2:10pm 
Can anyone confirm if this shipset is currently working for 3.10.xx?
FETTRANZEN 2 Jan @ 6:56pm 
does it work on 3.10?
Android Identity 21 Nov, 2023 @ 4:16am 
No DLC is necessary, you can use this shipset for any species you like. Some ship types are still locked behind DLC (the Titan + perdition beam defense platform and Colossus with Apocalypse, the Juggernaut with Federations), but you don't need those to play with this mod on.
Th98ioozuopos 20 Nov, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
Do I need any dlc's to use these ships?
StefanAoBzh 19 Nov, 2023 @ 9:18am 
Hi ! Can you update please =)
Tom 18 Nov, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Cami, teach me Stellaris?
raw666 17 Nov, 2023 @ 6:42am 
AI will not pick this if you do not create preset shipset.
Merellien 17 Oct, 2023 @ 5:44am 
love this mod, but lately mod doesn't show this shipset in the game
emoboyjk 15 Oct, 2023 @ 10:53am 
Will there ever be a patch so the ringworld isnt overridden by gigastructures and when is it going to be update
Zionus5 14 Oct, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
Will there ever be a patch so the ringworld isnt overridden by gigastructures?
tobywan013276 1 Oct, 2023 @ 6:32pm 
Is there a strike craft shipset? Every other shipset has a strike craft shipset?
Android Identity 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
Sophia Ferddinand 26 Sep, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
Still works with 3.9?
lyra_tcm 25 Sep, 2023 @ 2:48pm 
nsc already has this mod in it