Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

Immersive Campaign: Roman Cities Restoration
Sakanade  [author] 25 Apr @ 11:20pm 
@demjo2: you need to upgrade your buildings to max tier. As in the description.
demjo2 31 Mar @ 6:23am 
i get only aqueducts and huge stone walls in cities,i dont have colloseum,pantheons and similar..dont know why
Amaranthen 25 Jan @ 6:03pm 
Love it! Thank you.
Sakanade  [author] 21 Nov, 2023 @ 8:36am 
Yes, mod still works and is compatible with any campaign mods that do not already edit or change the campaign map city models for the Roman Factions
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 20 Nov, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
Is this compatible with Age of Justinian and 919 AD AOC?
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 20 Nov, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Is this mod still working?
CadianCastellan 7 Sep, 2023 @ 6:57am 
So it’s… actually central religion building? Like the Pagan counterpart of Patriarchal See? Shrine of Jupiter of something like that, I haven’t played vanilla Attila in a while.
So if I’m Christian, I’d still only get a Latin Church right? That is… fine, I suppose. Good luck with everything, all the gods bless ya XD
Sakanade  [author] 7 Sep, 2023 @ 6:38am 
@CadianCastellan: it's been a while since this mod, but I believe the pantheon model is used for the holy see Christian building tree, meant to be built in the special building slots.

I decided against making all pagan temples the pantheon model because it would take up too much space across all cities and make them all look the same. Hope this helps.
CadianCastellan 7 Sep, 2023 @ 6:24am 
I even poked inside the .pack file, but still can’t discern exactly which building it is. It looks quite marvelous.
CadianCastellan 7 Sep, 2023 @ 6:20am 
Hi, love the mod, but question: what’s that lil’ marble-domed building in the Rome preview picture? To my knowledge that would be the Pantheon? But when I build that in game it shows as vanilla Greek-styled temple. Help pls, perhaps make a list of the buildings you have modified, so that we can get a better idea how everything looks like. THX
sinan 24 Aug, 2023 @ 12:10am 
Can you take the walls from this mod and add to the Eastern Roman Factions in 1212? Can you make that submod?
Sakanade  [author] 9 Jun, 2023 @ 9:25am 
@Cold Stones Steven: It could override the cities in that campaign (not conflict), because Age of Charlemagne uses the West Roman empire cities on the campaign map - unfortunately would not be something I could mod or change
Cold Stoned Steven 8 Jun, 2023 @ 8:09pm 
Does this mod cause any issues when playing Age of Charlemagne DLC or is it ok?
Smaug 19 Mar, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
Excellent mod.
Mayer 18 Apr, 2022 @ 2:13am 
I don't know what CA was thinking, WRE cities were an eyesore.
Sakanade  [author] 14 Feb, 2022 @ 9:02am 
@Hecleas: I think so, this mod makes changes to Latin and Byzantine culture, if Ancient empires left those untouched, it will work.
Hecleas 13 Feb, 2022 @ 5:41pm 
It's good for Ancient Empires?
Imperator275 25 Jan, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
Amazing, thanks a lot for your mods :)
Stix_09 11 Jan, 2022 @ 8:56pm 
The font in the picture is above....

QUOTE (from above description :steamthis:):

"I play this mod with FotE and the Thrones of Britannia UI Overhaul ."

I also play with that UI mod , as its such an improvement on the vanilla Atilla UI
( )

Fall of the eagles (FOTE) is also an excellent mod for Atilla.
Sakanade  [author] 12 Nov, 2020 @ 6:57pm 
Jmjacob2016 - yep this is fully save game compatible
jmjacob2016 10 Nov, 2020 @ 9:59am 
Hey looks amazing! is this save-game compatible?
vavrinko(SK) 8 Sep, 2020 @ 12:35am 
Sakanade  [author] 7 Sep, 2020 @ 12:19pm 
@Shin: I believe the font was Classical Font for Attila
@Vavrink(SK): Yes, this is not tied to static cities, this is a fix for the entire WRE culture group, and will be compatible with any and all mods that add/remove cities etc.
vavrinko(SK) 7 Sep, 2020 @ 1:20am 
Is this compatible with Regional settlements: colonization?
Rz 9 Jun, 2020 @ 1:49pm 
Which font mod is used in the screenshot?
Killinspecialist 21 Apr, 2020 @ 8:31am 
there is mods for fixing the voice files im sure one day someone can change the battle map buildings or just import them from rome 2
Sakanade  [author] 20 Apr, 2020 @ 5:48pm 
Your below request to change the battlemap settlements based on religion is beyond my scope. Battlemap settlements are tied to in-game culture, which is the foundation for each faction. In-game west rome is the latin culture, and it is built with only churches - this is why in AoC you still see Saxons in England with Wodan statues on the battlemap.
It is also the reason they deleted a number of roman voice files, as in AoC these were popping up "How can I serve Rome", and instead of properly patching these, CA just deleted them from the game wholesale.
Any time something in game inconveniences CA, they choose to delete it - they have been removing pieces of everyone's game in the data files since at least Shogun 2.
Killinspecialist 27 Mar, 2020 @ 3:02am 
@Ihavemanybullets this would be cool especially if you could have different versions for different religions
Ihavemanybullets 26 Mar, 2020 @ 9:17pm 
I'd like to see a version of this for the settlements on the battle map during campaigns personally, especially if there were some way to make it so that if you restored the old roman polytheist faith you would have restored temples on the settlement maps during battles rather then christian churches.
Babur 21 Feb, 2020 @ 9:58am 
For some reason i'm not seeing any differences, is it outdated or am I doing something wrong here. I dont have any mod active that relates to yours in any way.
Endo 20 Feb, 2020 @ 9:26am 
Thank you so much for this mod, you have no idea for how long i wanted this :)
napoli 18 Jan, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
Great Thank you
Sakanade  [author] 13 Jan, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
Off the top of my head: I'm running the following Mods:
1) FotE
2) ToB UI Overhaul
3) Updated Army Banners
4) Authentic Roman Names
5) Immersion: Roman Unit Cards <-- Look on my workshop
6) Fixed Lighting (rolls back the lighting on the campaign map to launch state)
7) Real Water/Fixed Water

I specialise in subtle enhancement mods that only slightly tweak the vanilla experience.
✠ Heinöken ✠ 13 Jan, 2020 @ 5:26am 
I would too like to know what mods are you using in those pics, it looks pretty good
Killinspecialist 8 Jan, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
thx ill give it a look
hellm100 8 Jan, 2020 @ 4:47am 
@Killinspecialist I advise you to see the PUR modification - Potestas Ultima Ratio for Rome II. She replaced the excellent DEI for me. The quality of units and mechanics is very good. But alas, this is not on Steam.
Killinspecialist 7 Jan, 2020 @ 5:40pm 
@DarkRite play it but with DEI its a must
DarkRite 7 Jan, 2020 @ 1:30pm 
And another thing, Rome 2 isn't that good, sure Attila's not really any better. But I dislike the imbalance and broken nature of how some of the things in Rome 2 work, namely the politics system, sure it's detailed but it's got some major flaws design wise. And then there's the auto-resolve which is probably the most broken in Rome 2, among other things. It's probably not all bad, given I dropped it after trying it at release, some things could've drastically changed, but I have my doubts. And regardless I'm not that likely to play it, I only occasionally play Attila nowadays, and when I do it's with a f**kton of mods.
DarkRite 7 Jan, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
Even still Rome itself even after being sacked, didn't instantly lose it's splendor. Point being is that Rome should look a lot nicer than what it does on the campaign map. The textures are too muddled for my liking. Also why does everyone seem to think that everything was always dirty back then? Like peasants, or castles, damn it the knowledge is in historical texts, just look for proper sources. Slight rant aside, I don't quite like the tone you took, the mod author's isn't much better, but first shot comes from you so it's more excusable. That said it's a minor thing, this mod, if you really think it's pointless than that's your opinion, I and others seem to disagree. Such is life, but it's better to take a more calm or proactive approach, which you did not.
DarkRite 7 Jan, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
@AcAsh1209, While not as knowledgeable on the time period as I am on the proper middle ages, or feudal era Japan, I'm still well-read on it. The point the mod author was making (at least from what I can tell) is that Rome's textures looked like dirt, mud, and not at all like the way Rome should have looked. Sure we can assume dirt and grime but at that time Rome stood as an advanced empire, a bastion of security for the everyday citizen. Even in it's decline it still held onto these things, even if just by a bit.To say that Rome's military couldn't keep up is a misconception also. As while it's true that much of Rome's fighting power diminished, the greatest threat to it wasn't the barbarians at the gates, but those within it's own walls. Corruption, and infighting lead to much of the military decline. If Rome didn't have to fight seemingly endless amounts of barbarians on top of this, than Rome would have stood for at least a while longer.
Captain Hersir 29 Dec, 2019 @ 3:22pm 
@ Sakanade, just going through the newer mods but

first of, i have no reason to downlaud it (yet) as right now i am playing the M1212 mod campaign, and i don't know if it would have an effect anyway

but, YOU ARE RIGHT, Rome remained a strong and well defended city through it's history, it's lowest point was probably the period after the gothic war there, it was noted that all of Italy had lost most of it's population or at least a very significant portion due to the chaotic and violent situation after the fall of the WRE, but even through all of it, rome was not abandoned, it remained and remains a very significant city (however repeated sackings saw much of it's splendour and wealth removed or destroyed leaving only a shadow of it's former glory behind, but again it did not revert to a village or get abandoned as many provincial cities tended to do, it remained a populous city (yet no longer a city of over a million as it was at it's heigth)

emprah 29 Dec, 2019 @ 3:11pm 
Hey, what mods are you using alongside this? Your game looks fantastic
Sakanade  [author] 27 Dec, 2019 @ 9:01am 
As a modder of course I am open to constructive criticism, however your comment and feedback was basically "Hur I dont like this mod I think it should never have been made, go play Rome 2 lel". You can see how this adds nothing of value to me as a modder. So no, you do not have the right to comment or criticise if it adds nothing of value, so shut your mouth and move on.
Currently in Vanilla the WRE cities are the same as the Barbarian ones, you need to take a look at the 1st screenshot, there are straw huts in the middle of the city.
WRE moved the capital to Ravenna in to have access to the ERE's Navy and Military Supplies that could quickly be transported through sea. Rome was still a massive fortress, as proven by Belisarius during the Gothic Wars.
I am not going to comment on any of the rest of your rant as they are completely brainless arguments against this mod adding no substance to this discussion other than "I don't like the fact this mod exists so I'm going to complain".
iHOGZ 27 Dec, 2019 @ 6:38am 
well first i can comment and criticize if i want. and you as a modder need to be open to criticism. and i didnt sub. the city is not overbuilt with mud straw huts that is just an over exaggeration.and if you go into Rome in the Attila game it is not overbuilt with straw mud huts but is very latin but the roofs are dirty giving it a brownish tint. that is not a barb city but a somewhat dirty city. and what does banning pants in the city in 407ad prove? but just 3yrs later Rome was sacked by the visigoths. and then lets look at this... rome had population of what? 800k-1m+ and to say it was spot clean? Rome in modern time has a huge problem in cleaniness. also we know rome couldnt even keep up militarily and was being washed down by barbarians same with citizens.
Sakanade  [author] 23 Dec, 2019 @ 7:12pm 
@AcAsH1209: I don't see the point in your comment, if you want to complain then don't subscribe and move on - clearly the mod is not meant for you.
Rome during this period in 395AD was not sacked, still had the Aurelian Walls (which stand to this day), which look nothing like the vanilla barbarian rammed earth walls. To put in plain; Rome in 395AD was unsacked and unplundered for almost a 1,000 years - The campaign map depiction CA put for Rome had the city overbuilt with mud straw huts, which is completely a-historical as the praefect of Rome would never have allowed such a thing, even going to the point of proclaiming an edict in 407AD banning the wearing of pants in the city in order to keep it "pure" Roman.
Killinspecialist 23 Dec, 2019 @ 5:19am 
not rlly at least not to this extent especially if we are saving it
iHOGZ 23 Dec, 2019 @ 4:19am 
i dont see the point in this. if you want clean rome then should play rome 2. but rome in attila and this time period is not the same beautiful latin rome we know of and from rome 2. they designed rome like this on purpose because it looks how it was. Rome was sacked many times and wasnt even the capital of the wre. so the hate on the "brownness" is just hate because this is how it looked.
Avocadolf 21 Dec, 2019 @ 4:20pm 
Ok. At least you said it very "polite".
Sakanade  [author] 20 Dec, 2019 @ 3:31pm 
I don't do requests, so no I will not.
Avocadolf 18 Dec, 2019 @ 10:19pm 
i really like your work. You are talented enough to improve another design fault of vanilla game.
Can you reskin the dirty rubbish roofs of the western roman empire?

It would look divine if the imperial capital Rome can shine again through a great texture mod made by you ;)

Here we have the "clean" roofs of Rome 2 (unfortunately in low resolution)

Here are the dirty rubbish roofs of Total War Attila