Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Lyceum - Early Science Building
rkenyonl 24 Feb @ 11:31pm 
it adds like 2, you nerd
tryonedustbiter 10 Dec, 2022 @ 8:48pm 
IMO this is adding too much science. It should be at most half of the current levels. Otherwise the game becomes too easy even on Diety. This should also get deactivated once Library or University is discovered (i.e. no longer adding to science). Afterall, once modern Universities were built, nobody used a Lyceum anymore.

Especially if you like playing a "wide" game (lots of cities).
i.mopman 6 Apr, 2022 @ 7:14pm 
Great mod , makes the start much more manageable.
H.Humpel 2 Jan, 2022 @ 8:00am 
Hi Linguaphile,
your mod has been translated into German and the translation is now part of the Civilization VI Mods - German translations mod pack.
We would be more than happy if you could refer to the language translation in your mod description.
D34DLY 22 Apr, 2021 @ 10:17pm 
With the edits by TheSelfRevengingDeed, this mod works nice. (I didn't try it without the edits, that may work as well.)

The Lyceum provides +2 Science and has the same build cost as the monument. It also gets damaged when a city is taken, similar to the monument. The AI seems to like to build these, as it should.
Tusks The Axew 7 Dec, 2020 @ 1:58am 
So, i seem to have found a very specific issue.

I just tested a game where i only had this mod on and played as Rome with Secret Societies on, and after joining the Voidsingers, Rome no longer got their free "monuments" (Old God Obelisks, in this case). Rome still gets free monuments in Secret Societies if they don't join the Voidsingers, and still get Old God Obelisks for free without any mods on, but it seems the moment they do join them with Lyceums enabled, they don't get Old God Obelisks for free anymore. So something about this mod is breaking Rome's free Old God Obelisks; any way you'd be able to fix it?

If it helps, i have both Rise And Fall and Gathering Storm and i was playing on the Gathering Storm ruleset, i had both Heroes And Legends and Secret Societies turned on, and i have all DLCs installed and enabled, but no other mod aside from the Lyceum mod.
Edelherz 11 Sep, 2020 @ 11:15am 
hey check the below comment
TheSelfRevengingDeed 19 Jun, 2020 @ 5:59pm 
Found and fixed the issue locally a while ago, finally posting here.

LOC_BUILDING_LYCEUM was being referred to twice in Lyceum_Text.xml and neither entries were being used in Lyceum_Gameplay.xml

replacing these specific lines will fix the bug noted by @Levas/Alis


<!-- The name of the building. -->
<Row Tag="LOC_BUILDING_LYCEUM_NAME" Language="en_US">
<!-- The description of the building, used in various places. -->
<Text>Provides +1 [ICON_Science] Science.</Text>


Linguaphile  [author] 20 May, 2020 @ 12:19pm 
Hey, guys! I was new to modding when I uploaded this (still am), and I couldn't get any obvious confirmation that it went through. This is why there was a duplicate (which I've just deleted). I attempted the upload multiple times, and two of them were apparently successful, even though I couldn't tell at the time. I gave up for a while until I happened to check and find my mod along with these comments.

Anyway, to confirm a few things, yes, you can build both a Lyceum and a Monument in the same city. Yes, the Lyceum is available to AI players, and I can verify that they do use it. No, there is no 3D model. Including one is beyond my skills, but also, as has already been noted, the lyceum wasn't it's own physical place historically, so in this case at least, it's actually a bit more realistic that way.

Levas, thanks for reporting that "little bug," though unless it affects gameplay or renders the mod unusable, I can't say fixing it will be a high priority for me.
Nizou 1 Apr, 2020 @ 10:04am 
And more infos in Modding.log :
[916807.150] Error parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/289070/1871766085/Lyceum_Text.xml
[916807.150] Warning: LocalizedText - Error Loading XML.
Nizou 1 Apr, 2020 @ 10:04am 
It would be cool if it was an alternative of the Monument, to choose either Culture yields in your first city or Science yield. Otherwise, cool mod ! Got a little bug in Database.log :
[916807.150] [Localization] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: LocalizedText.Language, LocalizedText.Tag
[916807.150] [Localization]: While executing - 'insert into LocalizedText('Tag', 'Language', 'Text') values (?, ?, ?);'
[916807.150] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into LocalizedText('Tag', 'Language', 'Text') with values (LOC_BUILDING_LYCEUM, en_US, A lyceum is a gathering place for philosophers to lecture and debate., ).
[916807.150] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while updating table LocalizedText from file Lyceum_Text.xml.
[916807.150] [Localization] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: LocalizedText.Language, LocalizedText.Tag
Freyja 31 Oct, 2019 @ 8:12pm 
Does this apply to AI players as well or just humans?
demerson 13 Oct, 2019 @ 4:18pm 
No building model as far as I can see.
Alejandro 2 Oct, 2019 @ 1:49pm 
does this have in game graphics like the monument?
chri-lar 2 Oct, 2019 @ 5:40am 
Given that Aristotles Lyceum wasnt a "building", but more of a place or grove it would not fit to give it housing i think.
SuperPinkyMan 30 Sep, 2019 @ 5:48pm 
No you can get both.
Parker Posey's Mouth 30 Sep, 2019 @ 11:54am 
Is this an either/or kind of building? Like this OR a monument?
Sagittis 27 Sep, 2019 @ 7:24pm 
I think that giving it a housing unit would be a better fit in the early game, it fits the building better and helps with balancing.
see two 27 Sep, 2019 @ 12:39pm 
just giving loyalty would be a bit too op. Maybe it would give housing instead? So, when city is at 8/9 you get the debuff to growing, but when it reaches 9/9 you get one extra, making it a 9/10, so you don't get that big of a debuff.
Nizou 26 Sep, 2019 @ 10:11am 
The Monument adds also +1 loyalty instead of culture if the city hasn't full loyalty. Is it going to be the same here ?
Edelherz 25 Sep, 2019 @ 11:01am 
Sounds cool, could you make something similar for money too