All Faction Officers Revisited
ihKu47  [author] 18 Nov, 2023 @ 12:47am 

Iirc, it sort of worked for some units but not at all for others. I've also read other mod makers saying it makes things unstable, since Total War Warhammer titles aren't built to use those slots to begin with - they're relics from the previous historical titles the TWWs were built upon.
Spartan 14 Nov, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
Would it not be possible to move the officers to a different slot? Or does it not work that way
ihKu47  [author] 18 Jun, 2023 @ 8:05am 

Unfortunately it's not, as the officers and standard bearers occupy the same "slot".
Singis 18 Jun, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Is this mod compatible with the standard bearers mod?
ihKu47  [author] 5 Apr, 2023 @ 11:27pm 
@Randolph Sure, I will be happy to see it! :) I just ask that you give credit to the people that have contributed to the officer mods over the years, and let me know when you upload so I can link to your mod from this page :2016popsicle:
Randolph 5 Apr, 2023 @ 8:17am 
@ihKu47 Can I port this mod to Steam Workshop for release in Warhammer 3? :steamhappy:
m_ig_uelon 25 Jan, 2023 @ 10:28am 
i would gift you wh3 if you port this mod to wh3 hehe :P
ihKu47  [author] 18 Sep, 2022 @ 11:27pm 

I don't have Total War Warhammer 3 yet so I haven't been able to test it, but I understand the mod structures are fairly similar so it's worth a shot.
ScropinKing 18 Sep, 2022 @ 6:18am 
Can it be imported to total warhammer 3
Azade12 30 Mar, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
tysm :_))
ihKu47  [author] 30 Mar, 2022 @ 12:53am 

Nice! :steamhappy: I made a post on the Discussions section of the mod page with the step-by-step guide, check it out! I haven't written a lot of guides, and some stuff may seem obvious to me but not to you, so do leave a comment if some step of section is unclear and I will edit the post to make it clearer. If I'm not responding for whatever reason, other modding guides can also help you figure out what it was that I was trying to communite.

Have fun! :2016popsicle:
Azade12 29 Mar, 2022 @ 9:58pm 
@ihKu47 Heyo! I'm up!
ihKu47  [author] 29 Mar, 2022 @ 11:03am 

Hey! Unfortunately I don't have a compatible version for Radious. I don't play with Radious myself so making one would take more time than I am comfortable spending on it. But if you are interested in modding, I can give you instructions on how to make a compatibility submod yourself! It's simple, just time consuming.
Azade12 28 Mar, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
Hey :)), I am playing with Radious and I want to ask if you have a compatible version for them :). The current version reduces all the health for the units.
ihKu47  [author] 23 Jan, 2022 @ 10:38pm 

Yeah, I think that would make the issue more noticeable. If the officer has 1.25x the charge speed of their unit (which wouldn't have much effect at the very short charge distances most units have), 1.50x the charge speed already puts them far in the lead. I haven't really done anything with the Empire officers other than importing them in but it's possible their charge speed is slightly higher.
MetaMike 23 Jan, 2022 @ 9:48pm 
@ihKu7 there's a chance it's something I did too since I doulbed all the speed of units & scale to be compatible with a x2 scale mod. I'm thinking it might be the case that certain officers might be slightly faster than the certain faction units. Like Empire captains in Swordsmen units running ahead of squad, but in ranged units they behave normally.
ihKu47  [author] 23 Jan, 2022 @ 11:01am 

Usually no. I'm not really sure about the changes that carried over from the original All Faction Officers but when I've touched up on officers I have tended towards making them either the same speed as their unit or slightly slower so that they'd be about two to three lines in after a charge, depending on the flair of the faction (brutal factions prefer being front and center, more civilized factions less so). It's something I'll keep in mind if I touch up on the officers once again.
MetaMike 19 Jan, 2022 @ 6:28pm 
Are the officers supposed to charge in front of the rest of the group? For example when the unit first charges the captain might be 2 character lenghs charging in front of the squad.

Only noticible on melee units & mostly an issue with Tomb Kings or Chaos melee infantry for some reason.
ihKu47  [author] 13 Jan, 2022 @ 11:47am 
@Dairak Logrus

I haven't looked into them. If they change unit stats, it's likely not compatible. If you do try them you can report your findings, I'll think of a good way to write the info up for others!
Dairak Logrus 13 Jan, 2022 @ 9:51am 
work with Dead's Empire General Variant Pack and captains?
Jon 15 Dec, 2021 @ 9:05am 
Awesome! :steamthumbsup:
ihKu47  [author] 15 Dec, 2021 @ 12:31am 

Most officers have a little bit of more health than the rest of their unit. Officers typically stand in the front line, so without the health boost they'd be dead pretty soon and you wouldn't really get to enjoy them swinging about, as Sebidee and Adopotate reasoned in their All Faction Officers mod. The officers sometimes carry a different weapon than the rest of their unit and have the animation to match, so while their damage dealing stats are the same as the rest of the unit the animations play a part in how effective or ineffective they are. Overall though, it should all balance itself out more or less.
Jon 14 Dec, 2021 @ 8:24pm 
Are the officers a little stronger than a regular unit?
ihKu47  [author] 1 Dec, 2021 @ 1:11pm 

Glad you like it! Unfortunately yes, there is a conflict. To get them to work together, someone would need to create a submod similar to the submod for SFO II. It would be pretty simple but somewhat time consuming. If you or someone else is interested I could point you in the right direction! :2016popsicle:
SPARTAN CORP 1 Dec, 2021 @ 6:10am 
Thank you for your mod

Larger Unit Sizes

seems to be a conflict with this mod. Is that right?
IroncladLion 24 Nov, 2021 @ 12:18am 
Mod is awesome, adds a lot of flavor to each unit :steamthis:
ihKu47  [author] 30 Sep, 2021 @ 1:06pm 
@Dairak Logrus
I haven't tried it with them but the new units unfortunately won't get officers, they would need a compatibility submod for that. If the mods alter the units that have officers, it's likely that either there's no officers or there's officers but with vanilla stats.
Dairak Logrus 30 Sep, 2021 @ 1:00pm 
and work with Dead's Expanded Variants and spooky de variants?
Dairak Logrus 30 Sep, 2021 @ 12:54pm 
ihKu47 thx man)
ihKu47  [author] 30 Sep, 2021 @ 12:25pm 
@Dairak Logrus

It shouldn't affect the balance or the hitbox. The table where the officers are situated in the game files also tells the game some of the unit's battle stats, so after each update those battle stats have to be updated for the mod as well to maintain current balance of the game. I updated the mod since the last game update, so game balance is not altered in that regard.

If we get really specific, the individual officers are a factor that isn't present in the vanilla game. Their stats have been designed to be in line with the unit they serve in so as not to affect balance. Some have slightly higher hp than the other models in their unit, and some have the same hp but slightly slower charge speed than the rest of the unit so they will be positioned in the middle after a charge, so they (usually) don't die off too soon after making contact with an enemy unit. But the numbers are so close to the vanilla values that I tagged the mod as graphical when I first uploaded it.
Dairak Logrus 29 Sep, 2021 @ 11:27am 
new units have their own stats? does it affect the balance and hitbox of units?
ihKu47  [author] 27 Sep, 2021 @ 7:41am 
Thanks! @Einherjars_Honor :2016popsicle:

Maybe one day! For now I don't have the time for it but that may change in the future. :lunar2019piginablanket:
GenuinelyEric 26 Sep, 2021 @ 9:28pm 
Damn, it's not this mod that's giving the Tomb Guard units those weird damn capes... Good. This mod is fantastic, I was hoping it wasn't this one. Keep up the good work!
GLaDOS_cz 21 Sep, 2021 @ 5:11am 
Oh please, do it as one mod with those in one unit!
ihKu47  [author] 20 Sep, 2021 @ 11:02am 
@Mr. Tarzan
Thanks again! Cataph is a treasure to the WH2 modding community, I'm always learning more from them :lunar2019piginablanket: This did give some further insight into what was causing the issues when we tried to make it work, maybe moving the standard bearers to musicians might work.
Mr. Tarzan 20 Sep, 2021 @ 9:48am 
Yes, moved standard bearers to standard bearer column and also set their officer type to standard bearer while keeping officers in the officer column.
Though from some chatting on the modding discord I got from Cataph:

"Officers and Musicians work with some limits. Musicians may not use missile weapons (working cases TBD). Standard Bearers will crash depending on sides, just don't use them. These entities can have their own distinct variants, entities, animations, both weapons. Avoid adding battle entity hp because it causes a multiplicative bug after campaign battles. They will not use missile weapons unless the land unit can. officer related ability usage keys are currently unlikely to work. Keep in mind officers as a whole are legacy code hanging on for dear life and are inherently not supported for WH2 outside of chariot/character stuff."
ihKu47  [author] 20 Sep, 2021 @ 9:42am 
@Mr. Tarzan
It works now, thanks! Super interesting, I'm not sure if these were the units that we were having issues with or not, could be something in the game files has changed to make them work smoother together. Will look into it, thanks for letting me know! :lunar2019piginablanket:

Oh, I should also ask: Did you get them to be together by setting the Standard Bearers into the Standard Bearer etc. bracket? (Edited to remove my misunderstanding)
Mr. Tarzan 20 Sep, 2021 @ 8:47am 
Should work, try gain
ihKu47  [author] 20 Sep, 2021 @ 8:44am 
@Mr. Tarzan
The link doesn't open correctly for me, the imgur page is just stuck loading. Maybe it's somehow tied to your account / not public?
Mr. Tarzan 20 Sep, 2021 @ 8:26am 
Just did a quick test, and it's defintively possible to have both a standard bearer and an officer:
Dr Charko 17 Sep, 2021 @ 5:46am 
Well if you do, I would definetely be interested. This is a great mod.
ihKu47  [author] 3 Aug, 2021 @ 1:20am 
@The Emperor's Chosen
Unfortunately I don't think there's a way, as both officers and the standard bearers occupy the same bracket in the tables in the game files. To get both it seems you would need to create a new mod that would take the assets from both, and reslot the entities of one into a new bracket (or a subbracket, not sure how to think of it). With what I've seen, there's some issues with it that likely stem from the Warhammer titles having now been built for years without thinking about including officers or other "extra" entities, but if those minor bugs can be overcome it would be great to see a combination mod like that on the workshop :lunar2019piginablanket: If I have the time, energy and inspiration in the future, I might give it another go as well!
ihKu47  [author] 3 Aug, 2021 @ 1:09am 
@Gordon @♋ Қurø
Thank you! I really should have caught that but I was too fixated on the Skaven :cleandino:
The Emperor's Chosen 2 Aug, 2021 @ 11:36pm 
Hello, I think this is conflicting with Battle Standard Banners by replacing the officers with the banner bearers. Is it possible to to make these two compatible so you get both?
♋ Nami ~ Қurø 2 Aug, 2021 @ 9:59am 
Yes, thank you!
Sorry I wasnt playing with my game in English, I didnt know the right translation.
GLaDOS_cz 2 Aug, 2021 @ 9:51am 
He means Hunter Marshal Empire Expedition
ihKu47  [author] 2 Aug, 2021 @ 12:18am 
@♋ Қurø
I have to double check on the Skaven later on, their officers are mostly imported from the previous Officers mod so off the top of my head I don't recall if their artillery or Skaven slave slingers had officers.

By master hunter faction, do you mean Clan Eshin?
♋ Nami ~ Қurø 1 Aug, 2021 @ 7:06pm 
Now I see skaven officers for melee troops, artillery or ranged units dont appear.
For master hunter faction only a few troops have it. Or they had others positions too?
For Wood Elfs appears normal.
ihKu47  [author] 1 Aug, 2021 @ 12:35am 
Thanks for playtesting! The Skaven officers should be towards the back (as they'd rather see their underlings die than themselves) but if they can't be found there, it means the changes Radious makes overwrite the changes this mod makes. Even if the High Elves have their officers, I'd be concerned for changes to intended battle balance if Radious makes such changes for them.
♋ Nami ~ Қurø 31 Jul, 2021 @ 2:01pm 
I played 2 battles skavens vs high elfs..
It seems that almost all units for high elfs appears one unit with an different outflit that appear to be the ''officer' of this unit but I didnt see any diffrence for skavens yet with radious