Arma 3
Komodo 18 Jun @ 3:36pm 
PierreMGI  [author] 16 Jun @ 2:06pm 
@Ulfheküngen Fixed (player can't use detonate cord anymore, from vehicle (even if remote controlled).
PierreMGI  [author] 16 Jun @ 12:52pm 
@Ulfheküngen I'll see that.
Komodo 15 Jun @ 4:30am 
absolute best PeirreMGI, ty
Ulfheküngen 10 Feb @ 10:01am 
Strange problem, my group is currently testing this but when people who do NOT have flight sticks fly certain planes using Zeus remote control (crapshoot for plane and person and situation I apologize), the player's model will spam spawn det cords when chaffing. The most reliable model that does this is the T-50 RHS plane models. We think it might be part of the tracking to flares/smokes.
PierreMGI  [author] 28 Jan @ 12:07am 
@Zillas You can't. I wrote for the main mods/DLCs. You can try, others, at the end of the list. No guarantee.
Zillas 27 Jan @ 1:00am 
Just curious about how to go about adding modded civilians (outside what is already included) to the Civilian Life module.
Oatis 24 Jan @ 5:49am 
One of the Best Mods on the Workshop!
Oatis 19 Jan @ 4:43pm 
Tried the POW module out and it's awesome!
Love how you made it simple by using the right mouse zoom /focus.
I think I have scrapped most of the stuff I had before and am using nearly every module.
Love how aggressive the spawn attacks group are. Even synced with a boat and it was cool.
Wish I would have recorded my first test of it.
I had 5 Jeeps racing to me so I went on 2nd floor of a building. They were all so insane after me that they crashed into each other. And then 1 vehicle flew a 100 feet and landed on me.
I was grinning ear to ear.... And LMFAO!

Now I'm ready to get this on a server.
PierreMGI  [author] 17 Jan @ 8:31pm 
@Mcgogan Lives The module's text is an example for illustrating the variable applies to a group (here _grp, but this is a local variable example, so not defined if you didn't before in a script). If you want to apply the code for an edited group, you can write this setVariable ["specGrpForResp","death" ]; in init field of the composition (click on group icon, not on a unit).
Oatis 10 Jan @ 7:59am 
Amazing stuff, having a good time with these.
Keep them coming.
CoobaWagen 6 Jan @ 12:36pm 
Great mod. The respawn vehicle module is really handy. Thanks for making this.
PierreMGI  [author] 13 Dec, 2023 @ 1:11am 
Ah OK. _grp setVariable ["specGrpForResp","death" ]; is just an example for people scripting a group defined by a local variable _grp . You can't write that in init field (no local variable not defined). But you can write: this setVariable ["specGrpForResp","death" ]; in init field of GROUP (composition), not a unit.
If you are spawning group(s) by Zeus, I suggest you the second example with event handler "groupCreated" but that needs some basic knowledge for scripting (condition you want). Have fun.
Mcgogan Lives 13 Dec, 2023 @ 12:48am 
PierreMGI I copied out the example variable shown in the 'A.I can Respawn' Module Info - grp_setVariable['specGrpForResp','death'] into the init box of the unit I wanted to respawn (I changed 'death' to 'start' due to preference). Immediately a message appeared saying 'Init: Missing ;'
After that I tried the example variable featured in the guide - _grp setVariable ["specGrpForResp","death" ]; and while there was no 'Init: Missing ;' message this time around, I performed a quick test in Zeus in which I killed the unit I wanted to respawn. After waiting for the Respawn Delay timer to finish, the unit did not appear.
I freely admit I'm clueless as to how Scripting works in Arma. A quick summary of what script to copy, and into what text box is really all I'm after. In any case, thank you for replying. :steamthumbsup:
PierreMGI  [author] 12 Dec, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
@Mcgogan All features are tested multiple times , so what did you wrote?
Mcgogan Lives 12 Dec, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
How do I use the A.I can respawn module to only respawn specific groups? I have tried using the example variable written in the module itself, but it's incorrect.
gordontrek 12 Dec, 2023 @ 10:16am 
Love these modules. I have a question about the Car Traffic module- I notice that it has an option to choose the side of the traffic (east, west, civilian, etc) but not options for specific factions (NATO, CSAT, or specific variants like pacific/woodland). Is there a way to script this in via the "extra code" box or some other method?
PierreMGI  [author] 18 Nov, 2023 @ 4:40am 
@Bl4ckwo0f Tested with SOG tanks, that works. With some SOG APCs like M113 serie, you need to action "use gun" for making work (after each time you fall back to driver seat). I don't have crash problem. Perhaps an interaction with another mod or some issue with another mod. Difficult to say. I'll probably add a possibility for blacklisting some vehicle types.
Bl4ckwo0lf 17 Nov, 2023 @ 7:50am 
I love the solo tank plugin, but it causes issues with vehicles that have multiple gunner positions, as you can't switch to the second postion. When I let go of the mouse for 10 seconds an switch to the use the "artillery computer" (M113 Mortar from SOG) the game even crashes. Is there a way to make the script toggleable for players to avoid this ?
noumenalism 9 Nov, 2023 @ 5:33am 
@PierreMGI Thanks for the calcification, Pierre!
PierreMGI  [author] 9 Nov, 2023 @ 2:56am 
@noumenalism I recommend to read the embedded/linked documentation. Anyway, you just have to name (or pick automatic name) of the vehicle and add this name to MGI_BLACKLISTVEHRESPAWN , which is a variable for that. Example:
where you want.
NOTE: the init field of vehicle will never be reproduced in this module. Too tricky for multiple reasons, especially in MP. It's my choice and the reason why I chose to keep appearance, loadouts, crew, waypoints, even action added (addAction) or Arsenal, by added options.
noumenalism 6 Nov, 2023 @ 8:57pm 
@PierreMGI Hey Pierre. I hope all is well! I just wanted to ask if it would be possible to blacklist a specific vehicle from the "Respawn Vehicles" module? I am looking for a code I can place in the init of the vehicle, if that's possible! :D
CHASCA0000000000 4 Nov, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Well, that is true, although, I was thinking since Bon's stuff had a problem with fatigue regarding Spyder's mod having a loadout manager module, maybe it might be on Bon's end when it comes down too it. Personally I don't know .sqf stuff, I'm not a writer/scripter myself, I had to ask Gunter severloh (Guy that made the video on YT about Bon's script) about the MGI advanced modules having this medic/AI in general healing eachother issue, because it's not a problem to heal them yourself as a leader, but if they're all labeled as something that can heal ONE ANOTHER then that's when they just straight up die..
PierreMGI  [author] 4 Nov, 2023 @ 8:53am 
@Chasca Difficult to guess where the issue comes from. You could choose between Heal & Revive and AI respawn.
CHASCA0000000000 3 Nov, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
So just for context, I'm using ALIVE and MGI's Car traffic for civilian ambiance, for a Zeus based scenario, and a recruitment script that goes by "Bon's infantry Recruitment Redux" for some reason the recruited AI "Medic" will die upon one of the other teamates unconscious state, I am using the "Heal and Revive" module, aswell as the AI Respawn one, I don't know a fix, nor a cause (thats a lie I sort of do) but really don't, any help?
KATIPO 30 Oct, 2023 @ 3:03am 
Thank you, what a brilliant set of modifications.
IIIXJokerXIII 21 Oct, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
@PierreMGI Great mod! Think you for the work. I found a bug on some maps if you halo drop you lose your backpack and keep the parachute. Chernarus2020 or Fallujah are 2. I had a look at your code for a quick fix as it's not your mod but some maps have a cliping issue. In file fn_HALO.sqf lines 132 & 215 after uiSleep 0.5; replace this code if (!isNull _whs) then {//isNil {//detach _whs;_unit action ["AddBag",objectParent _bpk, _bpktype];//};uiSleep 3;deleteVehicle _whs;}; with this code for a quick fix if you like and it will fix the bug. Working Code--> if (!isNull _whs) then {while {!(backpackCargo _whs isEqualTo [])} do {_whs setPos (_plyr modelToWorld [0,0,0]); removeBackpackGlobal _plyr; _plyr action ['AddBag', _whs, typeOf firstBackpack _whs]; uiSleep 1;};deleteVehicle _whs;};
[REDACTED] Fox 18 Oct, 2023 @ 2:54pm 
I've noticed a glitch that sometimes occurs with the Revive System. Sometimes, once an AI has revived me, my character will still be stuck in the "downed" animation, and I am unable to move.
DOODLES 17 Oct, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
How do I get SP respawn to work? I place it down and go through its properties but then when I die it ends the mission
SlammanDan 9 Oct, 2023 @ 9:15am 
In Arma Vanilla I would have to instruct each one of them to heal themselves or others manually, they do not heal each other automatically. I usually run your Mod and someone else's Mod to get them fully healed on their own
PierreMGI  [author] 7 Oct, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
@SlammanDan This feature already exists in Arma Vanilla, for medics if I'm right. Need some tests.
SlammanDan 6 Oct, 2023 @ 6:27am 
PierreMGI. I love this set of Modules. On the Heal and Revive, any way of having the ai heal each other if they are just injured not down. Maybe after everything calms down battle wise?
Thank you!!!
PierreMGI  [author] 3 Oct, 2023 @ 9:09am 
@vikingThor Thanks for report.
If you read the documentation, there is a limited items supporting intel for nuke code, and laptop is not allowed.
On the other hand, I missed the fact some items are not vehicles... So I will fix this point.
At this time, you need to use a "Intel_File1_F","Intel_File2_F","Land_Document_01_F","Land_File1_F","Land_FilePhotos_F","Land_File2_F","Land_File_research_F"...
You should have a "take intel" working for nuke on these objects.
Laptops will be added next update (probably)
VikingThor 3 Oct, 2023 @ 7:29am 
hi what am i doing wrong, I place the nuke module link the device and a laptop, nothing happens, im sure I have missed something ie a second module or some init parameters but any help would be great. being dim im sure
PierreMGI  [author] 25 Sep, 2023 @ 9:32am 
@LordCreach thanks for using modules. The respawn vehicles one will respawn all WEST vehicles by default (option ticked). So you need to untick this option for respawning linked vehicles only. If you tick a side, all vehicles of this side can respawn, independently from linked vehicles if any. NOTE: empty vehicles are also enabled for respawning by default.
Check you don't have extra same module(s) also. I hope this help.
LordCreach 24 Sep, 2023 @ 10:18pm 
I am unsure if it is a bug or user error, but when attempting to use the Vehicle Respawn Module all vehicles are respawning, regardless if I have the "Respawn Ai ... Vehicles" box checked or not.

(The deescription for this is worded such that my assumption is if it is unchecked, the vehicles on that side should NOT spawn unless they are explicitly synced to the module).

Furthermore, I have set all of the respawn position fields under those to "starting position", yet sometimes the vehicles are spawning at their death positions.

Please correct me if I am wrong but I would assume the functionality of this module (based on the documentation) should only respawn the vehicles that are synced to it and it should ignore all other vehicles...but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Any help would be appreciated. I realize this is probably just user error. Thank you!
PierreMGI  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 9:17pm 
Hi Marcus. Difficult to say. Heal & revive works for SP or MP. Not compatible with other heal mods like ACE. I didn't make change on this module. So check your mods, parameters, nbr of modules (just one here). Invincibility is very temporary (during falling in unconsciousness) . At this stage, not sure I will change something. Have fun anyway!
Marcus 🔰 21 Sep, 2023 @ 1:39pm 
Hey, I'm using your mod (and it's great, thank you very much :cozyspaceengineersc:) and I noticed that the "Heal and Revive" module necessarily puts all units into unconsciousness mode (or maybe I screwed up somewhere) and once in this state, they also pass into invincibility.
I think it would be nice to have a percentage setting to adjust the transition to unconsciousness.
And also that the units are always vulnerable to damage.
Your opinion ?
PierreMGI  [author] 16 Sep, 2023 @ 9:38am 
@ the big dog, the code is rather old. If I remember, I made AI driver getting out for healing wounded. So, the gunner should stay (or disembark along with the medikit/FAK requests).
Prioritizing get out is not so easy.
The Big Dog 15 Sep, 2023 @ 8:07pm 
Hey Pierre,

Noticed with the healing module. It'll call AI out of gunner slots in vehicles. Would it be possible to have this changed to prioritise Disembarked units first rather than any unit ?
Marcus 🔰 28 Aug, 2023 @ 12:00am 
ouais , super , c'est bon ça fonctionne ( un souci de ma part avec la formatage effectivement ) merci tout plein :cozyspaceengineersc:
PierreMGI  [author] 26 Aug, 2023 @ 6:51am 
_vehs = _this select {getText (configFile / 'CfgVehicles' >> _x / 'author') == 'Grave'}; _vehs;
_vehs = _this select {getText (configFile / "CfgVehicles" / _x / 'faction') == 'Marcus_OPFOR_enhanced' }; _vehs;

devrait fonctionner. If faut utiliser des guillemets simples (apostrophe) car ce code est intégré dans une chaîne texte elle-même compilée.
>> ou / cela n'a pas d'importance.
Enfin, il faut être sûr que le mod est pris en compte, c'est-à-dire décocher tout sauf "autres mods" en bas de liste. Et attendre le spawn... ou le message comme quoi rien ne spawn (rare).
Marcus 🔰 26 Aug, 2023 @ 1:32am 
ha mais attend , me fait chi** à t'écrire en anglais , mais you speak french je crois :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

_vehs = _this select {getText (configFile / 'cfgVehicles' / _x / 'author') == Grave}; _vehs;
_vehs = _this select {getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "_x" >> "author") == "Grave"}; _vehs;
_vehs = _this select {getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "_x" >> "faction") == "Marcus_OPFOR_enhanced"}; _vehs;

j'ai tenter de changer un peu tout par la suite pour tester , mais sans succès :steamsad:
PierreMGI  [author] 25 Aug, 2023 @ 9:59pm 
@Marcus What is your extra code?
Marcus 🔰 25 Aug, 2023 @ 9:24am 
hello, with the Traffic module, I can't make it appear only from the name of the author or the name of the faction in the "extra code" :steamsad:
help :sehello:
PierreMGI  [author] 23 Aug, 2023 @ 11:47pm 
@theGreatestDerp As mentionned in doc (pdf in addon):
As soon as you move the mouse, you’re pointing the turret while driving. In 3rd person, if you release
the mouse for 10 sec., the view comes back to driver (as you are). Stay on gunner in 1st person.

So, if I understand your question, just wait 10 seconds without moving the mouse.
TheGreatestDerp 23 Aug, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
One Man Tank : Are drivers stuck forever in gunner sight once they press right click or is there a way to go 3rd person after right clicking to have the gunsight? To make driving easier after you done your firing.
CAREEREVIL 10 Aug, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
thanks for the update
PierreMGI  [author] 26 Jul, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
@Siro Formerly, I didn't respawn vehicle with player(s) aboard. Issues with locality or else. I'm trying to fix that. So, actually working on some modules for making them compatible with the new DLC (Spearhead 1944), I'll issue an update. Probably I'll respawn an empty vehicle (without any crew) each time a player is aboard (driver or else).
Bicho Papão 26 Jul, 2023 @ 9:51am 
Hi! Thank you for this modules. I only have one question. whenever i die in a vehicle, i respawn but the game creates a new AI unit inside the vehicle i was driving. What am i doing wrong?