[WOTC] Enemy Within MEC Weapons
117 comentários
Iridar  [autor] 10 abr. 2023 às 13:09 
Load an Avenger save.
ProjectXa3 10 abr. 2023 às 9:28 
Any way to force generation of the mod's weapons when you've already unlocked and bought all vanilla SPARK weapons?
Iridar  [autor] 13 mar. 2023 às 20:56 
No idea, WIO isn't my mod.
Kinsect 13 mar. 2023 às 17:04 
Say Iridar? does this work alongside the weapon and Items overhaul mod?
Iridar  [autor] 25 out. 2022 às 18:13 
The intended effect is for the mentioned weapons not to shred armor.
Lux Manifestus 25 out. 2022 às 10:40 
Could you elucidate how the negative shred stats work for the weapons in game, please? What is the affect?
BTAxis 25 ago. 2021 às 10:37 
I tried out a Heavy Chaingun, but it turns out it gives enemies +1 armor with every hit. Is anyone else seeing this? I can't think of any reason why it would do so.
Iridar  [autor] 3 jun. 2021 às 20:02 
You could also reskin weapons or tweak the stats.
VVizard 3 jun. 2021 às 13:35 
@Iridar I took a look at them and they look awesome, but aren't exactly what I am going for. What I meant was that I want vanilla weapon reskins that look like portable naval guns or whatever. I like the vanilla balance of SPARK weapons but I want them to look more devastating rather than actually be more devastating.
Iridar  [autor] 3 jun. 2021 às 10:04 
Have you seen SPARK Arsenal and SPARK Launchers Redux? Combined they add quite a lot of what's normally called heavy ordnance.
VVizard 3 jun. 2021 às 9:00 
Massive thank you to whoever's idea it was to make it so easy to change the weapons into purely cosmetics! I like the vanilla SPARKs well enough, so all I really want for them is more visual variety. Maybe someday my dream of high ordinance SPARK weapons, like portable naval guns or anything from Brigador, will be realized.
VoidLight 3 out. 2020 às 17:21 
oh, I guess because some of the custom sparks classes don't have that ability so that is why the weapon ends up adding armor.
Iridar  [autor] 3 out. 2020 às 17:17 
This happens if the unit using the weapon doesn't have the Shredder ability.
VoidLight 3 out. 2020 às 17:14 
Odd how some of theses add armor to enemies you shoot rather than shred it. I suppose it is because of the negative shred values, it is easily fixed though.
Dies Irae 9 jun. 2020 às 11:31 
Okay i have that mod will take a look
Thank you
Iridar  [autor] 9 jun. 2020 às 11:02 
@Dies Irea
I don't know if this mod will be affected or not. You can use Weapon Skin Replacer to make anything single build, but it'll take a bit of effort to understand.
Dies Irae 9 jun. 2020 às 10:00 
I am using Shiremct's weapon overhaul to have items as single build. will that affect these weapons as well. If not can i make it be single item purchase?
Ralph Raptor 4 mai. 2020 às 20:02 
Thanks for this improved Sparks fire power!
NERVsky 11 nov. 2019 às 20:08 



I cannot get the weapon Where is wrong?
KimKast 10 nov. 2019 às 17:27 
korean translation you added seems broken.. can you fix its incoding type to UTF-16 LE please?
Assault Unicorn 7 nov. 2019 às 8:03 
Iridar  [autor] 7 nov. 2019 às 7:12 
Locate configuration files for this mod and set Pierce to 0 on all weapons that have it below zero.
Assault Unicorn 7 nov. 2019 às 6:46 
I've encountered a weird glitch where firing the Heavy Chaingun causes an enemy to generate one point of armor, as if the enemy had the Damage Control perk or something. It's been like that with Berserkers and Faceless. I am using other mods like A Better Advent and Metal Over Flesh, but they were not giving me this armor bug until recently. Could you tell whether you encountered similar armor points weirdness lately?
Iridar  [autor] 12 out. 2019 às 22:54 
What? If you're asking about making these weapons use the same stats as vanilla spark weapons, you can do it through configuration files of this mod.
Sor-Phi 12 out. 2019 às 22:25 
Excuse me. Do you think to make the this mod Vanilla SKIN?
stephanovichthegreat 5 set. 2019 às 10:59 
Holy shit yes! I love this :D
Polarwolf 27 ago. 2019 às 19:15 
love this mod, so I made a file about Traditional Chinese Translation.
hope you do not mind .
EvilPolygons 27 ago. 2019 às 10:46 
Iridar  [autor] 27 ago. 2019 às 10:43 
EvilPolygons 27 ago. 2019 às 10:26 
Will these weapons work with the MEC Troopers mod by RealityMachina?
FERnKmaster 13 jul. 2019 às 20:23 
Thanks. Keep up the good work
Iridar  [autor] 13 jul. 2019 às 20:01 
The weapons are the same, they just switch between being using the same stats as the original SPARK weapons, or the custom from the .ini.

You don't need to do anything, just setting


should be enough.
FERnKmaster 13 jul. 2019 às 19:47 
If i activate this mod and have it running before starting a new campaign, but mid-campaign I alter the ini settings so that the EW weapons become statistically the same as the stock weapons, do I have to do anything else? I just did this and the game won't give me the cosmetic/alternate EW weapons (they give me the ones that don't shred armor and have independent stats)
Slayer0fKings  [autor] 3 jul. 2019 às 13:28 
@iridar cause the first weapons to disappear was the MEC weapons then everything else shortly after, I was able to fix it though it seemed the most recent updates to a bunch of weapon mods reset their appearance as well as yours I hadn't played in a few months so that was that.
Iridar  [autor] 3 jul. 2019 às 11:18 
Why do you think it's caused by this mod?
Slayer0fKings  [autor] 3 jul. 2019 às 10:52 
Hey Iridar the newest update destroyed my save and now all my weapons are gone and I can't rebuild them...not just MEC weapons all weapons.
Flamingcheesepie 21 jun. 2019 às 11:00 
Yeah, so tier 2 base weapon showed up fine after purchasing the upgrade even though tier 1 didn't. I have no idea why lol.
lordabizi 18 jun. 2019 às 3:54 
By the way, now it reappeared, but when I equip the chaingun, the autocannon disappears. If I leave mission loadout, and do unequip all, then I can find the auto cannon again. Wierd.
lordabizi 17 jun. 2019 às 21:56 
I'm also using Mechatronic Warfare, but it's wierd because in the past these didn't interfere, I think (or I might be misremembering and I just used the new rifles willingly at that point, and didn't try to use the vanilla one, so didn't notice it was missing... but I think they WERE there after all).
Flamingcheesepie 17 jun. 2019 às 14:24 
Presumably this mod interferes with some other mod, or the other way around? When I removed this mod, the base weapon reappeared after a few runs, but then it disappeared again as soon as this was resubbed, which continues to make no sense. I guess it's some conflict with another mod that only displays one spark weapon? I'm testing Mechatronic Warfare and Spark Buffs to see if they're the culprits.
Iridar  [autor] 15 jun. 2019 às 13:16 
If you read comments below, other people have similar problems with this mod, and I don't really know why. All I can do is just repeat the fact: this mod doesn't remove weapons, nor does it do anything to existing spark weapons.
lordabizi 15 jun. 2019 às 11:41 
I gave my spark the chain gun because I had a lost mission and wanted the shotgun aim table, but now I can't switch back to the standard heavy auto cannon. It just doesn't exist in the inventory anymore. What could be the reason for that, or what would be a reasonable way to fix it?
Iridar  [autor] 6 jun. 2019 às 9:34 
Those options just change which stats are used by the EW MEC weapons.
I don't know else to say this. This mod does not remove weapons, nor does it make any changes to existing Spark weapons.
DommyMothy 28 mai. 2019 às 21:39 

Oh dear god, I just realized why mutons I found had 6+ armor for some reason. Thank you for the fix!
Iridar  [autor] 28 abr. 2019 às 14:46 
Np, would help if I could.
YOUR FAMOUS GAY DAD 28 abr. 2019 às 14:45 
Must be on my end. Apologies! Big fan of the work otherwise.
Iridar  [autor] 28 abr. 2019 às 14:45 
This mod doesn't remove weapons.
YOUR FAMOUS GAY DAD 28 abr. 2019 às 14:42 
Sorry, as in, the vanilla weapons disappear / are unavailable to pick.
Iridar  [autor] 28 abr. 2019 às 14:42 
What do you mean "unable to swap"? Like, you can't unequip this? Can you post a screenshot?
YOUR FAMOUS GAY DAD 28 abr. 2019 às 14:41 
Bug report: unable to swap back to the vanilla weapons. Using Mechtronic Warfare.