ENDLESS™ Space 2

ENDLESS™ Space 2

Legacy/Outdated Balance Mod
电脑玩家小约翰 6 Aug, 2018 @ 8:38pm 
RemontyPawełPL 3 Aug, 2018 @ 9:03am 
will you change bohemtos?
`'Kuma  [author] 30 Jul, 2018 @ 5:45am 
Thought I'd let people know here in advance, on the 2nd (when Supremacy gets released), I'll be releasing a new mod that will be the continuation of this one, the reason being I made a ton of new changes that would break legacy saves and so instead of forcing people to abandon their saves, I'll leave this mod as legacy and start a new one where, hopefully, I don't make changes that would kill saves again.
`'Kuma  [author] 28 Jul, 2018 @ 2:48pm 
There's a only a few Trees, not one for each minor race, anyway the mod doesn't change that (I do agree it's regrettable).
TimmyTime 28 Jul, 2018 @ 2:41pm 
is it?? I could've sworn I remember minors having race specific skills. I put this game down for a while, so I may be remembering wrong
`'Kuma  [author] 28 Jul, 2018 @ 1:53am 
That's vanilla, not the mod. There's a third tree (technologic?) but minor factions only have those 3.
TimmyTime 27 Jul, 2018 @ 3:44pm 
I noticed a big problem with heroes, all of the minor faction heroes have either primitive or scavenger traits. breaks the flavor and immersion when half of the heroes share abilities. Not 100% sure if it's this mod but the only other mods I used were unrelated to heroes completely, excellent mod otherwise tho!
`'Kuma  [author] 21 Jul, 2018 @ 2:44am 
So, for the market prices, it seems to be a vanilla bug except in vanilla it doesn't happen as often because there's only a few heroes at a time at best, sadly with limited debug tools for the marketplace this is gonna be hard to fix, but I have hopes that some bugs I unearthed a few months ago should be fixed in the next public version and it might just fix this.

For the luxury and trade related law, it actually works, but doesn't have the intended effect for the Luxury deposit output (same issue with the strategic law from industrialists btw), I'll fix it whenever as this needs quite a few changes. The rest of the law is actually vanilla, and it doesn't work either way, I'll try to debug it and pass it to the devs or I'll change the effect, ty.

If you want to report more bugs you'd have more luck with the official amplitude discord (@`'Kuma there), I don't really use steam that much but I still accepted your invite.
Mulzaro 19 Jul, 2018 @ 7:45pm 
Hello, it's me again.

In the same session I spotted the luxury bug in your other mod I noticed some weird things going on with this one aswell.

The market hero prices seem to be really random. I even got one hero for 0 dust for some reason. This really breaks the game because it's way easier to hoard heroes and combined with the federation government type, you get almost infinite overcolonization limit.

The strategic resource prices seem to do similar things from time to time where the price is just way too low compared to the amount in the market.

Another thing I noticed was the luxury related pacifist law. It didn't seem to work at all. It didn't increase my dust income from trade at all nor my luxury income.

I added you as a Steam friend if you don't mind. I would love to give more bug feedback directly instead of flooding these comment sections when I spot something. :)
gavinfoxx 13 Jul, 2018 @ 7:45pm 
By Battle Mod, I mean Foraven's "BattleMod".
`'Kuma  [author] 13 Jul, 2018 @ 11:40am 
The easiest way to find out if a mod is compatible with another is to check the files they both modify, because unless one of the mod authors made changes to allow compatibility between the mods you're looking at, there's a high chance something will break one way or another.

In the case of LV and Rebalanced planet tiers they probably are for now, but will soon become uncompatible as I add more files and features for this mod. The G2G balance mod isn't active so activating it won't do anything, and I don't know what battle mod you're talking about (there's a bunch on the workshop...) but I plan on changing some stuff too, so probably won't be after I commit my changes.
gavinfoxx 13 Jul, 2018 @ 8:18am 
So what are some of the mods which do similar things which this mod is NOT compatible with? I would like to adjust my load order, and I think you might have some good ideas. Here's some examples which I think possibly it might not be compatible with, but I'd like confirmation. You've mentioned Vodyani Rework and Politics Rework already. How about the G2G Balance Mod? Battle Mod? What are some other mods which work well with this -- I'm curious of your thought about things like Rebalanced Planet Tiers, Later Victories, Hyper-Productive Population, Cloning Facilities, etc. What do you think of Gene Splicing Cost Reduced? I think that mod is a bit cheaty, but there has to be a less insane way to do something similar, right?
`'Kuma  [author] 12 Jul, 2018 @ 6:50pm 
No, it's not compatible, and I really don't like it either, I don't think it makes any sense (they actually have a use for Food unlike riftborn in-lore) nor would it benefit the faction. I plan on reworking their food curve to remove the -50% food penalty and make their food improvements more worth (and them easier to farm as Horatio) but the otherwise lower food output is very much intended by design and I don't plan on changing it.
bpiggrem 12 Jul, 2018 @ 3:03pm 
With the Vodyani changes you've made (which I like), is this mod compatible with the Vodyani Rework mod? If not, any way to work with that designer to get permission to incorporate his changes with your particularly spot-on scaling of Ark essence cost to prevent early stagnation? His most significant relevant improvement IMHO is the complete replacement of food techs and pop requirements with essence. Both of your concepts make sense and should co-exist!
`'Kuma  [author] 9 Jul, 2018 @ 1:55pm 
I also hate how he reused neutral laws when he ran out of idea for some parties. Anyway, feel free to try this one out and see what you like or dislike compared to PR, this mod also aims to rebalance way more things than just politics.

@alex_n : I don't think they're that overpowered with the current formula, I was especially trying to help the AI but if more people feel like you I could certainly make the curve a lot steeper. Imho their main current imbalance comes from their food output, which I'm currently in the process of changing along with the planet tree and terraformation.
`'Kuma  [author] 9 Jul, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
@Mulzaro : Noted, I forgot to add the file corresponding to that DLC, so the minor factions you get from the Vaulters quest are also still with vanilla thresholds, it could be an easy fix for me but I'm in the middle of making some bigger changes so it'll have to wait (and it's not really game breaking).

@gavinfoxx : They do similar things with politics, except I think mine goes further with the new effects, I also hated how a lot of laws in Aitarus' mod would benefit way too much from activating them one or a few turns, so I added ramping up effects (also to vanilla effects that would also benefit from microing). We also have different opinions on what the Pacifists should be, imho they are about hitting your opponent with other means than weapons while he took another approach, I wouldn't say one is strictly better than the other, but I like mine a lot better of course.
Mulzaro 9 Jul, 2018 @ 9:00am 
Sisters of Mercy collection bonuses still have the old tresholds. Awesome mod by the way.
gavinfoxx 7 Jul, 2018 @ 2:53pm 
Have you heard of the Politics Rework mod? It seems to do similar things. What's the pro's and cons of this mod vs Politics Rework?
norph 7 Jul, 2018 @ 1:15pm 
Nice, but too rapid expansion of the Unfallen make them overpowered.
Abscessed 5 Jul, 2018 @ 5:04pm 
There should be a content icon on the main loading screen, In that folder there is a mods button im sure. Excited to try this balance mod :D thanks
[SWE]-=ChRiZzE=- 5 Jul, 2018 @ 12:56pm 
I just bought the game, can I subscribe to this mod and enable/disable it through menu? Or how does it work?
Akida1248 4 Jul, 2018 @ 7:45pm 
Awesome sounds good ill have at it and let you know if I see any hiccups. Thanks for the response.
`'Kuma  [author] 2 Jul, 2018 @ 3:31am 
Thanks for the bug report, it would seem I introduced that bug after fixing another one while working on the portals and didn't catch it, anyway should be fixed now and you should be able to finish your game.

I also didn't forget to uncomment the no buyout tag on the portals this time, so this is fixed too.
Akida1248 1 Jul, 2018 @ 3:50pm 
So did some testing today and it appears this breaks portals for Vaulters. YOu can build them but the icon never shows and the ships will not path to the other systems with portals. Def just had to end a 100 turn game when I realized it.... Good comprehensive mod other than that tho