Overpowered Civics 3.3*
508 comentários
Voidseeker 10 de mai. às 3:02 
Will you add Councilor Positions to the Civics?
kinexxona 23 nov. 2023 às 3:32 
What happened with updates?
guardian1368 23 out. 2023 às 5:01 
is there way to stop AI having this
guardian1368 7 set. 2023 às 4:12 
it works but is there way to stop AI getting it
Yes 25 jul. 2023 às 6:10 
mod still works fine yall
WatcherCCG 20 abr. 2023 às 4:20 
Still with us, Ed?
Wizard_ice 8 mar. 2023 às 8:04 
I've been using it recently, so yes this mod still works perfectly fine
Walker 26 fev. 2023 às 11:04 
does this still work?
-Z- 17 fev. 2023 às 5:45 
Hey, great mod. Could you please update it?
asdf 2 dez. 2022 às 3:08 
The AI not building buildings seems to be an incompatability problem with startech AI (and presumably starnet AI too since they're almost the same thing). With the unmodded AI it seems to more or less work, but it completely breaks startech AI.

After messing with it a bit I tried deleting the buildings folder and that 'seems' to fix the problem (I obviously haven't tested it very much though so I have no idea what other problems would come of it, but at any rate the problem seems to be related to some of the new buildings).
WatcherCCG 29 nov. 2022 às 18:38 
Welp, here we go again. New patch. Let's see what all got broke, aye?
Matt The Merciful 28 nov. 2022 às 16:45 
I seem to have a problem where when I use the Abhorrent Ascendancy my superior pops refuse to do any work on specialist level. But they refuse to work on ruler level as well which causes all of them to be demoted to worker level. Only to then collectively agree that they are too good for the status and go all the way back to ruler to wait to be demoted.
Edcrab  [autor] 17 out. 2022 às 1:26 
They shouldn't! But as a warning, don't try playing this with the new beta as I've seen a few unintended behaviours already and can't guarantee it won't happen, haha
slendergrant 16 out. 2022 às 21:36 
quick question before i install, can AI empires generated by stellaris have the godmode civic?
Beefpatty 9 jul. 2022 às 13:28 
Playing devil's advocate here. I'm currently running 101 mods, with this mod currently in my playlist and do not have an issue with the A.I. building planetary buildings and structures.

Just figured the more information you have, the better, so can narrow this down.

I am using Ariphaos Unofficial Patch and Merger of Rules for arguments sake. I also have this mod damn near at the bottom, above my modifier patches and fixes.

Hope this helps! Really love this mod and look forward to seeing your hard work!
Amadeus 3 jul. 2022 às 15:05 
Yes, my game use other mods but all conflicts were resolved in Irony. I did tests and it worked normal with the same collection of mods but without overpowered civics. Once I added overpowered civics mod the problem appeared again. It might be some incompatibility with other mods and not vanilla. I will try to recreate it in vanilla this weekend or maybe check what files are affected with Irony so you can have more info.
Edcrab  [autor] 3 jul. 2022 às 10:13 
Not sure if you'll see this but Amadeus/Lester, I can't for the life of me recreate the issue where the AI won't build planetary buildings. Were you using any other mods alongside it? If anyone else had this problem I'd really appreciate some insight in to how it comes about because they're quite happy to build things in my test games

It seems like a pretty major bug and I'd rather not push an update through that skips it!
Devidose 1 jul. 2022 às 20:54 
I truly despise the Stellaris launcher at times. Something has updated and now neither this nor the OPC backup work no matter where I place it in the mod queue. Could be a conflict from a recent update but it's not even the sole problem this mod or others face simply because the launcher design is that bad updates are sporadic at best or even just broken regardless of what the mod creators attempt to do.

Time to play whack a mole again...
ThatsSoWitty 30 jun. 2022 às 13:06 
Thank you so much for continuing to update this mod!
Edcrab  [autor] 29 jun. 2022 às 23:54 
Hi, yeah there's a lot of issues at present, sorry about the delays. I should finally have the chance to get stuff done on Sunday, although if I continue to have problems updating I may need to create (yet more) temporary spin off uploads until such a time as I can get the workshop to cooperate

To be fair I'm on a different PC these days and I think that's confused matters, but my usual methods of getting the Workshop to update instead of uploading separately aren't working
Amadeus 28 jun. 2022 às 19:50 
Confirming Lester's comment on the last page. This mod makes AI stop building planetary buildings in 3.4.4. I tested it and it is this mod for sure. Hopefully it will get fixed, love this thing!
The Fegelhaus 23 jun. 2022 às 18:01 
Arpeggio 20 jun. 2022 às 14:32 
damn, did the immortality of abhorrent ascendancy's high caste get removed?
天阳的搅拌机 10 jun. 2022 às 8:46 
@Devidose thank you. I can now use this mod as I like.
Devidose 7 jun. 2022 às 0:17 
I don't seem to be having [m]any issues with the mod so far in 3.4.

Would request if it was possible to edit the Novanexus modifier to "from Jobs" rather than "from Technicians" though. The other buildings are all "from Jobs" and it means the mod pairs better with anything that may add in jobs that produce the same resources but don't use the same types.
Renvira 4 jun. 2022 às 11:55 
Any luck with figuring out if something was wrong?
天阳的搅拌机 31 mai. 2022 às 9:10 
Excuse me? When will this mod be updated? This mod is so great that I can't leave it.:steamthumbsup:
Edcrab  [autor] 23 mai. 2022 às 15:03 
I wouldn't recommend playing with this until I get a chance to review everything!
天阳的搅拌机 23 mai. 2022 às 7:03 
Will this mod lead to abnormal AI behavior in the new version?
天阳的搅拌机 20 mai. 2022 às 12:39 
Can the mod still be used normally.:steamhappy:
HJerryW 16 mai. 2022 às 2:13 
Thank you very much for your consideration :-)
Edcrab  [autor] 15 mai. 2022 às 0:58 
Yeah I imagine this is busted! It could be another mod but it's just as likely that the changes to AI weight are messing things up too

I'll try 3.4/Overlord today but an OPC update might take a little while, especially because I hear there's a few bugs that might need hotfixed first.

HJerryW: Thanks for your input! I'll see about keeping PD/AA as-is. At the very least I'll make the old versions available as a spin-off mod, or maybe I should do the opposite and make an Overpowered Origins spin-off
Lester 14 mai. 2022 às 19:30 
It seems to cause the AI to stop constructing buildings in 3.4
I'm not sure if this is caused by incompatibility with other mods
HJerryW 13 mai. 2022 às 23:57 
Hello, thank you for this fantastic mod. May I humbly suggest that Psionic Destiny and Abhorrent Ascendancy remain available as civics? Thank you very much for expanding into origins and I'd definitely welcome the origin versions of Psionic Destiny and Abhorrent Ascendancy. But I feel these two civics help me a lot in my power-tri... uhhhh I mean role-play -- PD allows me to role-play as fanatic materialists that discovered psionics by chance, viewing it merely as a means to greater efficiency, and the Shroud just a resource to be claimed and exploited; AA basically functions like Syncretic Evolution while allowing you to pick another origin like Ocean Paradise or maybe a megastructure start from Gigastructural Engineering. It is ultimately your mod and I respect you design choices :-) I simply want to suggest that Psionic Destiny and Abhorrent Ascendancy origins be added instead of replacing the civics, so users can still use them at their own risk. Have a nice day!
N*rd 13 mai. 2022 às 4:22 
Any experiences with 3.4 ?
Edcrab  [autor] 19 abr. 2022 às 4:19 
At some point Psionic Destiny needs reworked (possibly becoming an Origin, or a civic that can only be used with Overlord's new shroud Origin) and the same can be said for Abhorrent Ascendancy, as civics that spawn or alter pops bring a whole lot of compatibility issues with them. In short I'll open up this mod to Origins as well as civics

I'm also (gasp) considering allowing negative modifiers on civics now. Previously this was verboten as it flew in the face of the whole OP idea, but in terms of making empires more flavourful I think the odd limitation can add to the experience rather than detract from it

With that in mind: added Endbringer Cult, a strong civic that other Empires hate you for (except Fanatic Purifiers for some reason) as you'll eventually get the option to take the End of the Cycle covenant on demand. I've no idea if the AI can use this functionality correctly but all the same, be wary of giving it to AI empires
Edcrab  [autor] 1 abr. 2022 às 2:07 
If you want to edit it for your own use, feel free, you can do whatever you want with the files. But thanks for asking first

If you want to upload your own sub-mod to the workshop that's fine too, as long as you link back to the original
天阳的搅拌机 31 mar. 2022 às 20:57 
Can I modify the mod file to the gain it brings?Because I want to get a stronger effect
xXUnsanctionedXx 27 mar. 2022 às 17:17 
Dude thats awesomeeee. sick mod. ur da best
Edcrab  [autor] 27 mar. 2022 às 7:53 
No, the AI can only select these civics if you the player hijack them and force them to
xXUnsanctionedXx 27 mar. 2022 às 7:49 
Can the Ai choose these civics after they are generated?
Edcrab  [autor] 23 mar. 2022 às 1:58 
Small bugfix patch, hopefully no issues but there's always the OPC Spare branch if the launcher doesn't cooperate
Edcrab  [autor] 22 mar. 2022 às 7:37 
It's probably a missing icon or thumbnail, but I'll be sure to update OPC Spare when I push through the next update for the base mod
Brant-Flir 22 mar. 2022 às 5:42 
I noticed this mod is about .100 MB larger than the OPC Spare. Is there missing data in the spare?
Edcrab  [autor] 18 mar. 2022 às 4:02 
Sorry can't help you there, that's not one of mine
Shadow 18 mar. 2022 às 3:37 
Has the mod: ReallyOverpowered Civics been deleted?
Crazy Old Texan 8 mar. 2022 às 16:44 
Thanks for the time and effort you put into your mods.
WatcherCCG 8 mar. 2022 às 6:14 
Cheers, Ed.
Edcrab  [autor] 8 mar. 2022 às 5:49 
I think I've got the food edicts working now, although I'll probably need to tweak the values to make sure they're affordable. If anyone's aware of any other big issues they noticed feel free to chime in but I've got the mod to the stage that (so far) I can play a game using both OPC and Exigency without encountering any crashes. Can't speak for what'll happen if you combine them with other mods, but hopefully they'll be stable! In short, while not everything works as intended at least it won't take you back to your desktop

I've also finally added the arcology buildings for energy and alloys/consumer goods, but their bonuses are placeholders and are likely to change.

So I'll update shortly but it won't fix everything in one fell swoop. Please be aware that every time I push an update via the Workshop a bunch of people have issues getting it to work, so I'll likely update the "spare" uploads too so that there's separate installs for anyone still having problems
󠀡󠀡 2 mar. 2022 às 20:42 
All good author keep doing your thing, I was gonna report that this was causing a crash for some reason but thats probably because paradox broke shit again