STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

Ultimate Galactic Conquest Custom Edition (UGC CE) - No Consortium and More !
GamingWeasleYT 27 Jun @ 7:38am 
any sub mods?
chrisp847 25 Jun @ 5:13pm 
someone should add Zorii Bliss in the rebellion
*HoG* James 13 Jun @ 4:19am 
I did experience the AI (rebels) in a space battle attacking my space station to have dozens of units on the map but just attacking in small waves. Therefore its too easy to win. Any fix for that?
jason_leger481 9 May @ 7:47pm 
i want to play as the rebels and start at tech level 2, do i use C3PO and R2 D2 to upgarde my tech and get all heros?
Ravennaux 8 May @ 10:35am 
Does movement from system to system have any rules? Why can planets be invaded even when a sizable station and fleet are guarding the system? Have I missed something?
MiniGui98  [author] 23 Apr @ 11:01am 
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗: Is it corruption I smell? Hmmmm
Lol sorry but seriously, I do not plan on working a lot more on the mod, at least in the foreseable future.
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗 22 Apr @ 12:25pm 
I think you will change your mind, after all you who wouldn't want this to be the best campaign mod?

*hands 50 credits*
MiniGui98  [author] 22 Apr @ 10:19am 
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗: No, I do not currently plan on adding new content.
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗 22 Apr @ 7:57am 
Can I persuade you to add more units?

(Larger CIS unit variety, Sate Pestage, Expanded Imperial ship variety, New Republic Nebula-Class star destroyer, more heroes for both main factions.)
MiniGui98  [author] 21 Apr @ 11:51am 
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗 : No there is no such list sorry. A lot of people have been asking for this recently...
𝕮𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗 20 Apr @ 5:14am 
Is there a full list of features somewhere?
bernespawn 19 Apr @ 10:48pm 
maybe someona ask this but did you know how to make the super star destroyer not translucid?
N7 Adept 12 Apr @ 3:28pm 
Mini - I realize there's a bug section, whoops
Thank you for your timely response. Redownloading has solved the issue.
Bleacher 6 Apr @ 9:23pm 
my work around so far is to limit my self to only 2k credits per day XD
Bleacher 6 Apr @ 8:57pm 
Hello i love this mod so far I just wanna ask if there is a submod that adds upkeep for units ships buildings? like past 30 days im making 8k credits per day and feels just too ez with a massive army and fleet . Playing with empire 1 planet start Hard setting tech 1.But love the mod so far :D
MiniGui98  [author] 3 Apr @ 10:49am 
N7 Adept : Hey, I've tested the GC with the exact settings you had your issue on and I can build turrets just fine. Are you sure you had enough credits? :-)
If you still encounter issues, you could try unsubscribing and resubscribing to the mod, maybe Steam didn't download the last version for you.
MiniGui98  [author] 3 Apr @ 10:22am 
Knoxlington III : Well that's good to know. Thank you for your imput! :D Have fun!
Knoxlington III 2 Apr @ 8:40pm 
All good, thanks for replying! I went ahead and played it, it makes getting to some of the objective planets a pain but it's no different than playing a regular GC. I didn't experience any game-breaking bugs if anyone else is wondering. It's been a while since I've played the regular FOC campaign so I don't remember how the AI handles attacking you but the empire attacked me a few times on Mandalore and Nal Hutta but then never really attacked me again after that(on hard difficulty). All the missions worked as intended as well.
MiniGui98  [author] 2 Apr @ 1:14pm 
Knoxlington III : The story campaign may be broken. Most planets have been moved around so I'm not sure how it would turn out. I have a vague memory of adding hyperspace lanes to reconnect the planets together but I could be wrong.
Knoxlington III 1 Apr @ 1:37am 
Is the FOC campaign playabe with this mod? Will the extra planets/galaxy layout effect anything?
MiniGui98  [author] 31 Mar @ 8:19am 
N7 Adept: Thank you for the details. I will try on my end to see if I also have the issue and I will try to find a fix :-)
N7 Adept 30 Mar @ 4:02pm 
Thank you for the quick response!

I chose the Empire using "The Galaxy Awaits - 1 Planet Start", 10k credits, tech starts at 1, on Hard.

I take planets that are unguarded or weak. Eventually, I land on Byss with Veers and Palpatine. Any infantry, including the locals, can capture the turrets. I click on the icons of the vehicle turret, nothing happens.

I don't have any add-ons and I haven't messed with any of the (mod) files.

Let me know if you need anything else.
MiniGui98  [author] 30 Mar @ 2:28pm 
N7 Adept : Hey! Can you give me more details about this issue? Like, what faction and map you were playing on? This is supposed to be solved.
N7 Adept 30 Mar @ 11:40am 
Hello! I've been enjoying your mod for quite some time now. Recently I've discovered that I was oddly unable to build ground turrets, and from a quick search, saw that I wasn't the only one experiencing it.

Do you know any solutions, or have made progress towards, fixing this bug?
MiniGui98  [author] 8 Mar @ 9:01am 
Faxot : You can build Republic units on Rothana and the Lucrehulk on Ringo Vinda
Faxot 7 Mar @ 12:02pm 
Good morning. The mod is great. We can go to many planets in the Star Wars universe and it's great but what's more are the units integrated into the mod.

This is where I have a big question: I saw Rebel Alliance units when I played the Empire, which had spaceships from the Clone Wars (Republic, CSI) and I would like to know how recruit them by playing rebels because I can't get them and I find that a shame.

A detailed article on mod units for each faction wouldn't be a bad idea.
Athelien 28 Feb @ 7:59pm 
Love this mod, would request some adjustments though. I tried out the GC Unexplored Regions (the first small one from the top down) The starting locations for the Rebels and Empire are too close and I ended up blocking off the empire from expanding by simply taking my first planet so it did not feel competitive. Maybe have at least 3 starting planets each since AI cannot seem to get any momentum without that. Also found quite a few typos and text that needed grammar checked, the planet Iridonia especially. Overall great job I love the diversity and the planets are well made.
MiniGui98  [author] 26 Feb @ 10:27am 
Batariel : No, autoresolving against the AI is automatic in multiplayer for various reasons. Also, the AI does not move on the GC map while playing in multiplayer. I don't remember if it produces units though, but I don't think so.
Batariel 26 Feb @ 9:41am 
Is it possible to turn off Auto Resolve when playing MP ? Also is AI doing anything while in MP ?
MiniGui98  [author] 13 Feb @ 4:52am 
JackArt: Hey, thank you for signalling this! This is a know bug that I have managed to mitigate but unfortunately it still happens at times. This happens when you do a corruption mission on a planet that isn't controlled by the rebels or the empire by the way. Can you tell me which GC map you were playing on exactly ? (UGC CE or LAGFEST and which map name), just to collect more data about this.

I'm afraid I can't do much more than just damage control about this bug as fixing it would really require a deep dive into the corruption mission scripts and since the main scope of UGC CE is the Rebel and the Empire I just don't have the courage to do that.
JackArt 12 Feb @ 4:00pm 
Hello, when using the Zann Consortium faction, when doing some action where a main character intervenes where he has to be on earth to do something, the screen turns black and without sound, is there anything that can be done?
MiniGui98  [author] 11 Jan @ 7:48am 
♠ FallenSoul [O.S.S] : The music comes from various sources ranging from Star Wars movies, series, games and fan-made tracks. However, none are made by myself. I "arranged" some of the tracks (cut, releveled, ...) so they would fit better but non are my original creation.
♠ FallenSoul [O.S.S] 10 Jan @ 3:54pm 
@MiniGui98 So is custom music stuff you made?
MiniGui98  [author] 30 Dec, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
Well in that case it seems I also disabled it in Lagfest... if you want to re-enable it you can go in the XML files of the mod and try to give the consortium faction an AI again in the galactic conquest settings. There probably are tutorials to do this kind of things.
MiniGui98  [author] 30 Dec, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
Make sure you have the level 5 space station
nichalas 22 Dec, 2023 @ 6:13pm 
found i could on fondor but not sullust
nichalas 21 Dec, 2023 @ 6:49pm 
where can the rebels build home one i have the tech for it but cant find it have sullust so far and most of the south west map on 1 start gc
alexusher_92 14 Dec, 2023 @ 10:22am 
It seems that Consortium is doing absolutely nothing both in lagfest with many, as well as with only one planet start. Is there a way to enable them to play for AI?
alexusher_92 14 Dec, 2023 @ 8:51am 
Ah, i will check that out. Thank you :)
MiniGui98  [author] 14 Dec, 2023 @ 7:33am 
alexusher_92, Evalun : The Consortium is enabled if you play the LAGFEST maps.
Evalun 14 Dec, 2023 @ 1:24am 
can you make this mod with consortium please?
alexusher_92 13 Dec, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
I love the amount of maps and planets for GC. However, i wish i could have Zann as AI enemy as well. Is there a way to enable that faction for galactic conquest as AI?
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht 6 Dec, 2023 @ 2:30am 
MiniGui98 I wrote the Bug in „Report Bugs here“
MiniGui98  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht: I actually don't know if making a 3 way galactic conquest where you can fight against the AI is possible...

As for saving the game, what is the issue you have exactly? You should be able to save conquests, but maybe not skirmishes in multiplayer.
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht 3 Dec, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
But we can't save the game :/
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht 3 Dec, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
Yeah but when we in same team the battels are automatic. Would be very cool when you can play together the battels against KI. But no problem so we play against xD
MiniGui98  [author] 3 Dec, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht: You can play a skirmish battle with a friend and an AI, but not GC. And you will be marked as enemies (but I think you can put yourselve in the same team?)
[MX] Maximilian Kinderknecht 3 Dec, 2023 @ 11:26am 
Is there an option to play with a friend against KI? This would be nice
수은제 | Mercurial 1 Dec, 2023 @ 11:25pm 
Thank you! Perfect timing! Was just looking for a mod exactly like this! Improving on the base game :steamthumbsup:
MiniGui98  [author] 30 Nov, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
Neugablonzer Gangster: Well first of all, performance and stability are great because I haven't added much to the game. The spirit of the mod is to stick as close as vanilla as possible while expanding on a few aspects. I'm also aware that the AI is struggling a bit but this is really hard to improve with the current time I have available.