[WOTC] No More Stunlancer Knock Out
ausiedevil2004 9 Nov, 2022 @ 6:05am 
I just played a mission where I got swarmed by 2 pods and 2 reinforcement drops in 2 turns. 4 out of my 5 soldiers became unconscious due to stun lancers and the other one was binded by a viper. Needless to say this is now a necessary mod in my mod list
khumak 6 Apr, 2022 @ 11:56am 
Nice mod. I always found it annoying for such a relatively early game unit to have such an overpowered ability. Without this mod or something similar, I always had stun lancers as the absolute number 1 target that had to die before he gets a turn even if it meant leaving one of my guys flanked or activating an extra pod when I have no moves left. Without Rivival Protocol, getting knocked unconscious is almost as bad as death. In fact from the standpoint of completing that particular mission it's even worse than death since you have to waste time picking that soldier up and carrying them to the extraction point making a 2nd soldier completely unavailable for attacking anything. Stun is a much more balanced ability even if it lasts more than 1 turn.
XpanD 27 Aug, 2021 @ 7:38am 
Just finished a campaign with about 280 mods, this one included, and had no major issues! Thanks for putting this up.
Maprikan 29 Dec, 2020 @ 5:57am 
THANK YOU! Stun lancers suck in early game. Bad game design to allow one of only 4 troops to get knocked out for the entire mission by the enemy's first attack - especially considering how many other control abilities the enemy has and the amount of reinforcements they get in some missions.
Xtream_LameX 21 Apr, 2020 @ 12:14pm 
The pain of stun lancers rushing you and knocking out soldiers while sectoids mind rape the rest is no more.
nekoworkshop  [author] 18 Dec, 2017 @ 9:57am 
@大魔王 Sorry for the late response. https://imgur.com/a/li9VT
花兔 12 Dec, 2017 @ 12:22am 
Power Button 15 Sep, 2017 @ 12:53am 
one-turn KO is a disaster in beta-strike.
ADVENT Avenger 8 Sep, 2017 @ 8:47am 
Ive never seen it either but its there. I think the warlock has one too in the ini but that one is a a cap not a percentage so its not removeable
FreedomFighter 8 Sep, 2017 @ 6:46am 
Never fan of one hit KO. It feel cheap. Doesn't matter how good your armor or health, if it roll for KO, then you just get knock the frek out.
nekoworkshop  [author] 8 Sep, 2017 @ 6:42am 
@ADVENT Avenger I don't remember hunter using such skills. May you elaborate a bit?
ADVENT Avenger 7 Sep, 2017 @ 5:23pm 
Just found another one.


You need to put that to 0, its a Hunter ability on the Chosen in SoldierSkills.
ADVENT Avenger 7 Sep, 2017 @ 3:17pm 
I did the same thing, but i didnt rage as much.

(Covers up the hole in the wooden desk where my pencil got throught the plywood with a mouse mat)
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 2:58pm 
@ADVENT Avenger I made this right after two stun lancer KO two of my guys in a single turn then in the next mission another lancy KOed a resistance fighter then locked up the AI. You can call it a rage-mod if you want but I can see your point about the Berserker Queen. I know the one turn stun is a little weak but honestly I just want to nerf the lancer for a bit because they're just not fun to fight in beta strike.

btw I followed your workshop long ago for your small but interesting mechanics mods. Please keep up the good work!
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 2:50pm 
@Takamaru. No offense taken. I was sort of on edge after spending a week working with other modders to figure out how new stuff work and why some stuff don't work anymore, besides fixing my own mod. And now it comes the bitter realization that no matter how hard you try, people are going to hate your work for their own reasons, which is totally understandable but still depressing (sorry I can't find a better work) to me. I thought I was modding for my own fun but this still hits me harder than I imagined. On a brighter side, the new expansion brought some new blood into the modding community. I hope one day I can just open the workshop and see whatever I want in game is right there, instead of having to wait or make them from scratch myself which ends up like shit.
Kaldin 7 Sep, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
@nekoworkshop: One last thing on LW2: As I tried to say, I might as well be wrong about it. It's just an assumption, that - as you say(if I understand correctly) - might be completely wrong. It might just be that the other mods weren't done with compatibility in mind, because either they just wanted to get it done to move on to the actual LW2 or - as I said - due to time-constraints. Might as well be that LW2 has got way much effort in it, then I might think, because I'm basing my assumption on said stuff. Only thing I know for sure is, that I don't like some of the gameplay changes and that's my reason for not playing it. I mean, I'm sure that I used worse or more lazily coded mods, wether my assumptions are true or not. SRY for spamming this full with this, wasn't my intention. Also sry if I seemed somewhat aggressive. Again, to each their own, so have fun to you too. Love your mods. ^^"
ADVENT Avenger 7 Sep, 2017 @ 11:58am 
I made something like this before for vanilla. For completeness, you'll want to include the Berserker Queen KO effect since it's not disableable in the INI file. I also suggest you make the maximum result Stun duration higher than 1 round. 1 1/2 or 2 rounds maybe.
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 10:57am 
@Circle of Psi They can always knock out your soldier into unconscious since vanilla.

@Meethos Antilles The other guy is right. This does not effect the daze effect from the Chosen.
Meethos Antilles 7 Sep, 2017 @ 10:30am 
@Speed is Life Son: Cool, thanks.
Not a Bard 7 Sep, 2017 @ 10:22am 
Thanks for this. It's annoying getting a random "this soldier is basically bleeding out, except you don't have to use a medpack".

I totally agree that LW2 made great steps in pushing tactical play. The base game seems to push enemies that are more heavily "random" in effect.
Lactation Consultant 7 Sep, 2017 @ 10:17am 
@Meethos Antilles

Just the Stun Lancer effect, as the Chosen knockout is something else entirely.
Meethos Antilles 7 Sep, 2017 @ 9:36am 
Quick Question: Does this affect the Chosen knockout effect or is it specific to the stunlancer advent unit? Thanks.
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 8:43am 
@Takamaru "Just saying that I'm believing that a lot of people hold them in too high regards in comparison to some other modders of this community."

This reminds me of a famous modders claiming fans of LW2 being rabid and those who said LW2 get the reception they don't deserve. People can have their opinion based on what they see and what they believe they have seen so I'm not going to try to change your mind, even if these accusations sound absurd to me. Have fun actually playing the game.
Kaldin 7 Sep, 2017 @ 8:30am 
@neokworkshop: Not saying no effort or anything like that. Of course their's effort in making large mods like that. Just saying that I'm believing that a lot of people hold them in too high regards in comparison to some other modders of this community. However, the jobs for the Leader-thingy and the Toolbox were half-assed, since they took the easiest possible routes(overrides), instead of screen-listeners or other things, that appearently tend to be more "bug-friendly", through. If they were also under time-constraints for working on them since they were paid for making those, then I'd get it(heck, that'd be more than typical for 2K after all), but we won't ever know since they're under a NDA-contract with them, iIrc? Always sucks to have arguments like that when we CAN'T know all the facts. I didn't mean to downplay the effort in a major overhaul like LW2 either. Only saying that it MIGHT be lower IN COMPARISON, then some people might believe/think.
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 8:14am 
@Takamaru "Also, seeing how low the effort to make their other mods compatible with anything was, I doubt they put in as much effort as some other modders around here do for LW2 either"

This is one of the most disheartening and depressing statement I have read as a modder who does programming for a living. You can criticize JohnnyLump's design choice in game play but please, if you want to accuse Amineri and tracktwo for half-arsing their job, at least show the proof. The source code is out there, look into them to see how "little" effort they have put into there.
Kaldin 7 Sep, 2017 @ 8:05am 
@Tal'Raziid: That kind of effort, sure. Through MIGHT(not saying it is!) not as much, as some other modders do. And also, with the compatibility, I wasn't referring to LW2, since, as you already say it is an overhaul/highlander, but I'm talking about their mods before it(Toolbox and Leader), both of which - again, iIrc - could have been made more compatible with just using methods that look for that, instead of overrides. Especially the Toolbox...where all but the better squad-select-screen for larger squads existed before it with mods that didn't have incompatibilities with other mods...
Tal'Raziid 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:47am 
@Yamino Takamaru
I'm 96% certain they put in a helluva lot fo effort, considering that LW2 is an overhaul. Now, to pounce on the complaints of compatibility; once again, they made an overhaul. Overhaul mods are notorious for not being compatible with this or that mod that everyone loves, in any game. Second, they do not have to make their mods compatible if the team doesn't have the time, since im sure they have lives too.
Kaldin 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:35am 
@nekoworkshop: Free mod for the user, but they got paid by Firaxis to make it, don't forget that. Also, seeing how low the effort to make their other mods compatible with anything was, I doubt they put in as much effort as some other modders around here do for LW2 either, but that might also be a wrong assumption and only apply to their other mods. Either way, to each their own.
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:17am 
@macelharen Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out to see if there is more to do but for now this mod does exactly what I want it to do and I want to keep it simple and granular.

I can respect Beagle's opinion though it's still...sad to see him not getting into LW2. I wouldn't say their approach on the strategy layer is inherently bad because it's confusing and tiresome. People need to be reminded that this *free* mod is not balanced for everyone and it's totally OK to say you don't like it and move on to something else, just like you can play more user friendly games other than Aurora 4x, Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm DDA.
macelharen 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:06am 
i shit on LW2 because...BeagleRush. lol
macelharen 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:05am 
there's a more nuanced alterative, from pre-wotc. might want to check out Advent Avenger 's mod for inspiration on iterations of this mod. =)
nekoworkshop  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 7:05am 
A random thought:

One reason I miss LW2 (and I didn't realize this until I went back to non-LW2 WoTC play) is that they put in more shootty enemies (sentry, gunner, scout, vanguard...) while reduced the spawn weight of the obnoxious enemies like stun lancer and codices ( well there are more codices now in LW1.5 but still...). People can shit on LW2 for all kinds of reasons but to me it sill offers the most enjoyable tactical play.